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Due to rentry being somewhat unstable recently, as well as lack of options for others to potentially contribute to these documents, any future updates to this document will be made here:

Legendary (Epic Games Launcher Alternative) for Hitman 3 (aka Hitman WoA)

Do you hate how Epic Games Launcher hogs disk space/ RAM, and having to wait for the Epic Games Launcher to boot up?

You can technically play Hitman 3 without going through the Epic Game Launcher, by using Legendary:

Install Steps (For Windows Users, idk about Linux):

Go to, download legendary.exe

Open Command Prompt, type cd <where you installed legendary> Ex: cd C:\Users\Legion\Onedrive\Documents to enter the directory where legendary.exe was installed.

For the rest of the instructions, I will assume you are in the directory where you installed legendary.exe, in Windows Command Prompt.

(If you choose to use Windows Powershell, just replace any command starting in legendary and replace it with ./legendary)

Now that you are in the directory where you installed Legendary: type into Windows Command Prompt legendary auth

Now login to your Epic Games account (window should open in your browser)

Go back to Command Prompt after logging in.

Type into Command Prompt: legendary list-games - Locate the "App name" by Hitman 3, it should be Eider.

If you already have Hitman 3 installed on your PC:

Type legendary import-game Eider "<where you installed Hitman 3 previously>"

Ex: legendary import-game Eider "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\HITMAN3" (add double quotes around install location, since Program Files will cause an error otherwise since there is a space between Program and Files)

If you do not already have Hitman 3 installed on your PC:

Then type legendary install Eider. You may have to also repeat this step for the other HITMAN 3 DLC, refer to the above step for how to find the "App names" of each DLC.

Launch Game

After you have either installed or imported Hitman 3, type legendary launch Eider to launch the game.
Use legendary launch Eider -SKIP_LAUNCHER to bypass the Hitman 3 launcher screen.

Launch Game Without Version Check

For running older versions of the game (not updated to latest patch): Add --skip-version-check argument

Launch Game Offline

Type legendary launch Eider -SKIP_LAUNCHER --offline into command prompt

Updating Hitman 3

  • legendary list-installed --check-updates to sync Legendary after updating Hitman 3 via Epic Games.
  • legendary install Eider --update-only to update Hitman 3 directly through Legendary
  • legendary sync-saves to sync cloud saves before launch.
  • legendary verify-game Eider to verify game files (if you have corrupted any files after installing mods etc, getting crashes constantly, etc)
  • legendary repair Eider (if verifying game files revealed errors)

Updating Legendary

To update legendary.exe (not strictly necessary), just revisit and download the newest version. The terminal will inform you of when there is a new update.

Batch Files

Paste this into a document and save it as a .bat file (Windows).
Then navigate to the directory from which you saved the .bat file in terminal, and run it.
Ex: type leg.bat in terminal.

It will allow you to open the game with one command in the command prompt.

IMPORTANT: Replace line 1 with the file path of wherever you have installed legendary.exe

cd "C:\Users\<username>\OneDrive\Documents"
legendary.exe launch Eider -SKIP_LAUNCHER

Alternative batch file if you have Peacock

IMPORTANT: Replace line 1 and line 3 with the file paths of where you installed legendary.exe and Peacock, respectively.

Rename Start Server.cmd to StartServer.cmd

Note: the file path in line 3 must refer to the folder in which peacockpatcher.exe and StartServer.cmd are located.

cd "C:\Users\<username>OneDrive\Documents"
legendary.exe launch Eider -SKIP_LAUNCHER
cd "C:\Users\<username>\OneDrive\Documents\peacockcurrent"
start "" "Start Server.cmd"
start PeacockPatcher.exe

General Advice

Similar video tutorial:
Read up on the documentation here as well!
This guide is a condensed version of what I considered important for Hitman 3 players, but the Github documentation is more complete.

Pub: 20 Nov 2021 21:35 UTC
Edit: 07 Jul 2024 21:49 UTC
Views: 2522