The Grass Tree, I thought. I looked around and saw, between the Dark Tree and the Fairy Tree was an ordinary looking tree. *Well, I guess I thought as I sauntered towards it. Although it appeared unassuming initially, I was met with a fresh spring air that wafted away from the Grass Tree.
I could see that the land immediately surrounding it seemed especially vibrant and green, and the din of birds above sounded somewhat louder. Suddenly, as I walked and stepped on a mossy root of the Tree of Grass, I was hit with an epiphany. I could feel myself more in tune with the natural world around me, feel the sun basking against my body and the grass beneath my paws.
Every breath of air was almost magical, and when I opened my eyes the world seemed a little bit greener, a little brighter.
I further approached the Tree, surprised at what I had initially not considered a potential evolution, and pressed my head against it, feeling the surging life energy flowing through it. I looked up and saw that the leaves, though green like that of any other tree, each seemed to have a story to tell, intricately interwoven in their design.
“Hey, dude,” said a voice from behind me, and upon turning around I saw it belonged to a Leafeon who seemed like she was extremely calm, “interested in becoming a Leafeon?”
“To be honest, I hadn’t seriously considered it before, but being here I- I-”
“Yeah, being one with nature is, like, totally rad. You can feel the life flowing through everything. Judging by your badge, you’re an explorer, so I can just say that Leafeons are able to sustain themselves very well. And whenever you’re traveling, you’ll always feel right at home.”
Astonishing, I would’ve never thought I’d feel this way to being a grass-type, and though I don’t feel extremely connected to the Tree of Grass, there’s no doubt in my mind that I couldn’t change that with time. I looked around and saw Pirth talking very passionately with a group of Leafeons who all ushered him away.
“Uh, what’s going on over there?” I asked the Leafeon.
She just looked lazily and said, “I dunno what they’re saying to that Deerling, but I know that among all the Trees, ours is the most connected with other species of the same type. They'll take good care of him.”
What a relief. I nodded and said my thanks. I walked away and, disappointingly, felt a little bit of the nature of the world I had been experiencing leaving me. That was something I never expected, I thought as I returned to the Center Stone, where I then asked myself what Tree I should visit next.