Ash's Favorite Medias / Characters

  • I claim to be the number 1 fans of these certain media and characters, no you don't like them more than me, so don't try to compete with me thanks!

Media One Piece, ‎ Gintama, ‎ Eyeshield 21, ‎ Pokémon, ‎ One-Punch Man, ‎ Mob Psycho 100, ‎ Nanbaka, ‎ Tokyo Revengers, ‎ Last Game, ‎ Sakura, Saku, ‎ Soul Eater, ‎ Undead Unluck, ‎ Attack on Titan ˳

Characters Mizo Middle 5, ‎ Hakkai, ‎ Chifuyu, ‎ Teruki, ‎ Shigeo, ‎ Monta, ‎ Sakuraba, ‎ Saitama, ‎ King, ‎ Child Emperor, ‎ Okita, ‎ Kondou, ‎ Gintoki, ‎ Shinpachi, ‎ Hijikata, ‎ Kagura, ‎ Draken, ‎ Hina, ‎ Mitsuya, ‎Agon, ‎ Hiruma, ‎ Shin, ‎ Shien, ‎ Katsura, ‎ Yamazaki, ‎ Asahi, ‎ Sugawara, ‎MEIKO, ‎ Zhongli, ‎ Fubuki, ‎ Kakashi, ‎ Reigen, ‎ Serizawa, ‎ Tome, ‎ Sabo, ‎ Sanji, ‎ Usopp, ‎ Chopper, ‎ Luffy, ‎ Ace, ‎ Uta, ‎ Law, ‎ Leorio, ‎ Cilan, ‎ Iris, ‎ Misty, ‎ Dawn, ‎ Brock, ‎ Ash, ‎ N, ‎ Red, ‎ Blue/Green, ‎ Tsukasa, ‎ Nico, ‎ Samon, ‎ Uno, ‎ Jyugo, ‎ Rock, ‎ Yamato, ‎ Hajime, ‎ Seitarou, ‎ Venti, ‎ Iaian, ‎ Okama Itachi, ‎ Amai Mask, ‎ Flashy Flash, ‎ Genos, ‎ Zombieman, ‎ Metal Bat, ‎ Ritsu, ‎ PomPomPurin, ‎ PandApple, ‎ Chiikawa, ‎ Panther, ‎ Kurita, ‎ Reiner, ‎ Levi, ‎ Armin, ‎ Mikasa, ‎ Erwin, ‎ Hange, ‎ Jean, ‎ Connie, ‎ Sasha, ‎ Annie, ‎ Bertholdt, ‎ Pieck, ‎ Porco, ‎ Rock Lee ˳

Misc Ado, ‎ Will Stetson, ‎ Eve, ‎ JPOP, ‎ Hamsters, ‎ The colors blue, pink, white, black, and grey, ‎ Sweets, ‎ Injera ˳

Pub: 30 Sep 2022 13:20 UTC
Edit: 26 Feb 2025 19:16 UTC
Views: 983
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