i saw themPan Coffin boo

Pan me he ‧ she | French ‧ Black my body is in that 19
Genderfluid Bisexual Aromantic
adhd Anger issues
professional ghost hunter

Other facts

- when Pan was alive he would smoke and that started in sophomore year - Pan met the group in Elementary and has been friends with them all since then - Pan had an older sibling ,but died while pan was in elementary school by being murdered by their parents and pan was sent to an adoption center that was in the area and left after turning 18 - Pan has anger issues and when she is angry he will go to her room and throw knifes at his walls. There are many holes in pan's rooms


Pub: 04 May 2023 20:13 UTC
Edit: 05 May 2023 18:10 UTC
Views: 390