Userscripts for FoolFuuka Archives


what it's called what it does
Desu X Infinite scrolling, hover preview for media, and a nice gallery.
SpookyX Adds a lot of shit, basically 4chanX lite for the archives.
4chan Archive Image Downloader Adds a button to download every picture in a thread, with the original filenames.
useneet Adds a button on /wsg/ and /gif/ files to search for them on Usenet (scroll down for instructions)
Inline Quote Links Adds inline quote links to
Image onMouseHover arch.b4k Lets you preview images by hovering over them on
Desu Flaggotry Shows /mlp/ board flags in Desuarchive.

Janny/mod actions

what it's called what it does
Janny calc Shows deletion times. If the time is red then the post was (probably) not deleted by the poster. Unofficial V2 with times in days, hours, minutes, seconds.
4bans @ archives Shows public ban data on deleted posts, via 4bans.
Pub: 24 Jan 2024 19:32 UTC
Edit: 23 Jun 2024 23:16 UTC
Views: 3432