Oceanic Realms

Vitubia Oceanic Realms

With names

Vitubia Oceanic Realms Named

Each of the areas under the same name are likely to have the same marine species of animals. E.g., The cod that can be caught off the coats of /who/ and /vrt/ are of the same species.

Realms of similar types can have analogous marine animals, but likely of different species from each other. E.g., A tuna equivalent can exist in both Temperate Northern Kizuna Oceanic Realm and Temperate Neutral-Niji Oceanic Realm, but it is very likely that the species of tuna is different.

Arctic and Southern Ocean Realms

Primary producers are phytoplankton. No large photosynthesizers.
Seasonal, nutrient levels depend on season, meaning that creatures here are likely migratory, and travel to the Temperate or even Tropical realms during the dark season.

Temperate Realms

Primary producer is kelp and multicellular algae. You can find kelp forests.

Tropical Realms

Primary producer are corals (in a symbiotic relationship with single cellular algae).
Slightly poorer in nutrients compared to the Temperate Realms.

Open Ocean

Comparable to deserts. Little to no life, except in the arctic areas where floating phytoplankton can thrive.

Pub: 20 Apr 2023 22:01 UTC
Edit: 20 Apr 2023 22:16 UTC
Views: 109