It sighed. A very mortal action for what it was supposed to be, yet one it grew used to after so many eons inside the void. It was until a pair of eyes stared at the throne it was bound to. A guest after so long.

A mortal had entered that place after an eternity. “Hello, dear guest. Being here by lonesome got boring many ages ago. I have no name, but if you require an endearing term, feel free to call me the Idiot.”

The mortal stared at the vacant throne, confused. “I guess I should greet you with a proper form.”

“Is this what you mortals find amicable?”


“I hope so, I’m not good at those plays.” The idiot formed a body over the throne as the mortal stared back at it. “Welcome to my humble abode, the haughty prison of the Ancients, and my everlasting chains. The Welkin.”

The mortal was confused. “Confusion is nothing to be ashamed of. It means you have much to grow.” It assured the mortal who stared at them confused. “This is my prison and what I call home now. The Ancients, or what you may know as Primordials, the Spirit of Nature or Gods trapped me here. You are my first company in a long while.”

It was hard to gauge the mortal’s condition. A million images overlapped and vanished over it, a paradoxical sight that only it could see. The mortal looked around a little afraid of the dark void that surrounded the throne, the forgotten halls of the Ancients.

It mused. It has spoken much yet, but the mortal had spoken naught. It was unfair. “I already presented myself and my home. Now you should tell me your name and from where you came.”





“I have never met your species before. What are you? Truth be told, I barely saw any mortals beyond your crowds.”

Human species (free): Inconspicuous human. The zenith of the medium, the perfect of the average. Nothing new, nothing old. Only a human.


Near Human (Costs X): You are of a species close to humans but with a differential. Maybe you are a little stronger or have stronger potential for magic. Maybe different organ patterns.


Far from human (Costs X): Your species are more bestial in nature, less humanoid, and more monster. An exotic creature you are.


Monstruous (Costs X): You are a beast rather than a humanoid, or so close to being completely bestial that it hardly matters the distinction.


Eldritch (Costs X): A type of fae, or an ancient creature. Maybe you were recently spawned.


Race Modifiers:

Attributes: The physique your species possesses. You may purchase higher tiers of attributes to indicate you are a cut above the average specimen. By paying an attribute twice on the same tier you apply it to your whole species.
Tier 0: Human species have all of their attributes Tier 0


Strength: Baseline Human
Endurance: Baseline human
Speed: Baseline human


Oneiros Potential: The capacity to use the inner power to control “Oneiros”, the power from within that allows one to interact with the world around them. It unlocks the potential to manipulate said energy within oneself (Default locked)
The Greatest Irony of All… Is that they couldn’t see why of their downfall. (Unlocks The Ancient’s option)

Tier 1: Near-Human gains 1 attribute on this tier, Far From Human gains one attribute on this tier

Strength: You can easily toss a car or break through solid walls with little effort or damage done to yourself.
Endurance: Your endurance is enough to make you go through severe wounds and damage by human standards like having a car far on top of you. Your stamina increases accordingly, able to sustain yourself through marathons with ease.
Speed: You are absurdly fast by human standards, able to outrun a cheetah by a good margin, beware of your stamina.

Tier 2: Near-Human gains 1 physical attribute on this tier for their whole species. Far from human gains 2 tier 2 attributes for their whole species. Monstrous gain 1 attribute on this tier. Eldritch gains Strange Biology and Fragment of Yore for free.


Strength: Your power is greater than it seems, able to rupture the land and cause powerful earth-shattering quakes through a city, able to demolish city blocks by your lonesome.
Endurance: You are very resilient, capable of withstanding blows of bombs meant to annihilate towns off the map, and with stamina and energy to supply you for months on end without food or sustenance.
Speed: You stand at the peak of speed, so fast you can go closer to the speed of sound at your maximum speed.
Regeneration: You possess great regeneration, it can heal severed limbs and even major organs in a few weeks to months if you can survive said wounds for long enough.
Strange Biology: Your biology differs from humans, maybe you can produce flames from your mouth, or you can unleash lightning from your body.
Blasphemous Cheat: You are capable of storing leftover physical energy, be it stamina, fat, or other materials you use to fuel yourself, for long periods, maybe indefinitely. You can burn this energy slowly for a little push in physical power, or all at once for an explosive burst of power.
Shapeshift: The power to change one’s appearance at will. It cannot provide things like regeneration, but you can change your body to close and knit wounds, making them less severe and more manageable. Remember you respect your mass. If you grow far bigger than you are, your body will be stretched thin, and if you choose a form smaller than you are, it will compress until you can’t move.


Fragment of Yore: A fragment of other times. It is the same capacity as some Elders had. It is the power to absorb elements of the earth around you and add them to yourself. Grafting one of the elements from earth, fire, air, or water in you… or maybe, something more.
Greater Oneiros: It is the power to utilize Oneiros to a greater degree than most. Your inner Oneiros has more energy output and strength naturally.
Outrageous Storage: It is the power that allows one to store one of the five elements within oneself, as well as Oneiros, making one capable of storing and unleashing their additional Oneiros with elements. They cannot store other’s Oneiros and elements, however. Just what is found in nature and the Oneiros they produce.

Tier 3: Monstrous gain one attribute of this tier for free. Eldritch gain Creature of the Spirits or Typhon for free


God of War: You possess an overwhelming strength able to rupture the earth and bring forth earthquakes and quickstart volcanos near your location into eruption, or stop said earthquakes and eruptions from happening with your strength alone.
Deity of Antiquity: A resistance comparable to a venerable and unchangeable mountain. A defense capable of withstanding a meteor impact directly above your head, and stamina big enough to run from one side of the world to the other with energy to spare.
Spirit of the Wind: You are extremely fast, your speed can cause ruptures and shockwaves across the air, crossing countries in a few minutes is a child work for you.
Fighting Spirit: It is the power to survive greater injuries or survive when you should have been dead. Losing half of your body, your brain and head included is not enough to hinder your capacity to fight, nothing short of complete annihilation of your body can stop you from fighting back completely. Has great synergy with Endurance bonuses.
A mind with no dreams: Contrary to most creatures, you are almost incapable of externalizing Oneirors and making it interact with the outside world, but because of said incapacity, you can utilize your Oneiros to soak damage for you until it is spent, or you can burn it all at once for a greater boost of strength.


Creature of the Spirits: Your species is deeply intoned with the powers of Oneiros in a more silly way. Able to muster it with ease making all sorts of illusions and trickery that can fool the hearts of men and women alike, more in tone with the spirits of legends like Yokais and demons than a normal being.
Typhon: Innately you can channel Oneiros outwardly with greater ease than most things. Able to conjure thunderstorms or great rain, a meteor, or catastrophic earthquakes, besides any Oneiros abilities you have.
Elemental (Requires Fragment of Yore): A step above grafting or even using the elements of the planet around you, you can incarnate yourself completely as a creature of elements, but not only the four traditional. You can be a creature of lightning, or the metaphorical element of the moon and the sun.

Special: Can only be bought once, do not apply to the species.

Fatalis: An inherent power from an old beast. It is the power to tap into something’s primal instincts and achieve a sense of primordial anger, contrary to the anger borne of someone’s mind and spirit, it is a bestial deep-seated rage, an instinct. It turns the user from a mere creature to a monster, metaphorical or literal, enhancing their innate powers to a great degree, almost making them like a beast of mythology.
Ancient Blood (requires “The Greatest Irony of All”): The heritage of the ancients lies in you. Most interesting. Even as a Half-breed, their accursed existence still lives on. Ha. They would squirm and burst into blood feasts upon seeing you.
The Heritage of a New Age: It is the same kind of power wielded by the elders before their untimely demise. It has more to it than it seems.
Enhances all magic powers to some degree. Unlocks a special purchase.

“I see. You came from the planet of the Ancients too. A made-up universe crafted from the carcass of the Elders. Hm? You were not aware of how the Ancients made your world?” Information about the origins of their time should be scarce, then.

As an outsider, it was hard to gauge what the mortal knew or did not know. “It makes sense. I guess I should introduce you to a small lesson in the history of your universe.” How long did it reminisce on those thoughts?

The thoughts of what the ancients did? %lightblue%“Long ago, before your species could even conceive the thought of it existing, there were the Elders. Less of a species and more like unique creatures that littered the universe. They were different from what you expect.”

“They could be as large as a raging supernova, or smaller than an atom. They were not a species as I said, but creatures outside of comprehension on a good day. Despite their otherworldly powers and skills, they could not avoid some primal laws of this universe. In a better phrasing, they lacked the skill to cheat them.”

“They could be killed and ended despite their uniqueness and reality-bending powers. Let’s say there was a war in the times before your universe against a great enemy, and one of the Elders first conceived the thoughts of a weapon. The first kill on his hands and the first weapons at his command.”

The mortal continued to stare, a little lost on where the lesson would end. “That war killed most Elders able to fight, and the most intelligent, leaving only balls of gas, and dust grains dumb as ash in its wake, it was when the Ancients first arose.”

“The ancients were painfully smart. They made constructs beyond what anything could conceive at that time, and because of that, they thought of themselves higher than the Elders, and that they should control the universe.”

It was above the act of laughing, and above the petty vindication of what it has to say, but the emotion, the sentiment was there, it chuckled. “They go ass mad when they realize it was impossible to know the universe they had. They screamed and exclaimed it was their birthright to control existence itself. So what they did do to rectify that?”

All tragedies have their comedy. They genocided all Elders they could and chained all the ones they could not kill. The elders did not obey all of reality’s laws and thus were prime material for their object. They turned the universe into cinders and made a new one with the corpses of the elders. THIS current universe.”

It could not stop laughing. When the greatest irony hit them, the Ancients were unable to proceed. “Let’s play a game, shall we? I answer one of your questions and doubts, and you answer mine until you eventually get repelled from this place.”

The mortal nodded awkwardly. Perfect! Now give me a history lesson, a lesson about your life.”

Your history

Select Three options:



Your story is not finished. It is full of potential and wonders left to be explored. What your path holds is a mystery.

Take one perk for free


You have led a lonely life, maybe by choice or you had no other option left. You are mentally sturdier than most.

You are less affected by isolation and insanity-inducing effects, having achieved a sense of inner peace.


Your life may be short, or you have lived far past what you rightfully should, either way, your life has been filled and spent in combat, real combat. You may lack skill and finesse, but you make up for it with instinct and intent to kill, taking the shortest path to cause your enemy’s death

You cannot be stopped or become fearful or afraid in combat, your eyes will always see the shortest path to end a fight, permanently or not.


You always had a knack for fights, or you were trained by some wise old mentor. Either way, you have developed great skill and mastery for fights in your life. You have the real skill, trained for long lengths of time.
Even if you lack the skill real combat gives, you can put up a good fight.

You have great skill in the art of fighting, able to study with ease your opponents’ fighting style. Gain one weapon item for free.


The world has much to show you, even if it is but a fraction of what it once was, and you know it. This is why you keep walking, to see more of this wonderful earth.

Gain one free. You have a perfect sense of direction and can read any map you come across, even if they are ancient. You have the skills of a survivalist.


While there are merits to exploring the world, you prefer the cityscape and what it brings. You can navigate the concrete jungles with ease and hop from building to building with great parkour skills and know the layout of the city like the palm of your hand.

Gain one free. You know all sorts of places and people living inside your main city or know how to get to know their equivalents in other places fairly quickly. You know how to go through the city and live unbothered.


You have been trained by a master of the Oneiros. You have been trained by a master, or multiple, at the arts of shaping and using your inner energy beyond what your innate racial powers may be. You have got the training to use Oneiros properly.

Gain Mage-Level Oneiros specialization and a better understanding of Oneiros.


You used your life well to understand the secrets this world holds, having a veritable library, both mental and physical, holding many secrets of the world and its stories.

Gain one. You know forgotten cultures and wisdom lost by the passage of time, able to decipher and translate ancient knowledge. You have a unique library or are part of one who wields lost grimoires and ancient tablets.


You have befriended someone in the middle of combat. You two may not know each other’s name, or what is the will behind their weapons or ideals, but when you two meet on a battlefield it is all but sure you will get each other’s back and fight in perfect union.

You and another individual share a bond deeper than blood. When in a fight, you two can fight like one as if able to perfectly predict and read the thoughts of your partner, multiplying by many folds your fighting power


You have a friend, you have more than a friend. Maybe more than even a brother or a sister!
There is a person in your life that knows you like the palm of your hand, and you know them like that as well. You two always know the location of each other, and how the other feels even if they are not present or by your side, as if your very souls were linked by a red string of fate.

You and another individual always know the location of each other. You may once per day loan one of your powers to each other.


 (Requires Ancient Bloodline)

You have the bloodline of the ancients, one of their last scions, how pitiful. How pitiful!

Gain access to Elven Tech at half price, Unlocks Eyes of Laplace for purchase, and the Ancient’s Magic for half price.
-Despite your endurance, you are very frail and sickly, as if the universe itself is rejecting you.


You were on the verge of death, but a passing warrior decided to help you. He cured your wounds at a great cost, using a legendary elixir to bring you from the sweet embrace of death. You never saw them again, gone with their last show of kindness.

The elixir changed you. You can burn Oneiros, not just use it as fuel, but outright burn its existence away for devastating attacks. Your attacks can feed on Oneiros and even use the power of others to weaken their attacks.


You are amongst the top 10% of the world in terms of accumulated wealth, you have so much wealth that if the economy collapsed overnight, you would stand as a rich person by barter.

You are filthy rich. Gain X points to spend on items.


The blood of kings and queens runs through your veins. You have a claim to the throne of a country and all that it entails. Including a squad of knights to your back and call.

Gain the Perk “A Kingdom” on tier 2 for free. You are Royalty, with all the drawbacks and problems it gives and takes.


You command or are on the higher echelons of a powerful organization, be it military or economically powerful, making you someone with the ability to make great choices and be heard by authorities. Always.

Gain the perk “A Kingdom” on tier 1. You can choose one option on tier 3 for free. Your organization may have a lesser version of your specialties and equipment, be it a knockoff version of them, or just a faithful emulation in spirit.


Stand proud, you were in or still are in a party of heroes. In the distant or near past, you and your party were able to defeat a monster or situation, capable of placing the entire world in peril. Even today your name echoes in all halls of fame around the world.

Gain one perk or Terrible Shard equipment for free. You may have one combat specialty on tier 3.
-All sorts of problems will come your way, as the universe itself recognizes you as a “hero”, you cannot escape danger or have a peaceful life


You have an uncanny ability to make friends anywhere you go, from accidental meetings to meeting a distant relative. You seem to know people well enough for them to consider you a friend or are just your way with words or your appearance. It is hard to tell.

You are naturally charismatic, able to go around people’s quirks and personalities. You have a way with words and a know-how to get on the good side of someone.



You are at the end of the twilight. Your prime has long since passed and you are on your last legs. The world has turned and you saw it be shaped. What begs the question is: has it been worth the journey?

Gain one perk, and one combat specialty at level 3.
You are running on flumes, death is near as fit for a relic of the past.






Combat Specialty 1: You possess a great deal of control over your strength, able to apply great strength in your blows, despite your size and actual strength by using momentum or other methods to enhance your blows. It does not make up for actual raw power, however. You merely know how to best use your strengths and ability to cause more damage.

Bull Fight: Sometimes what is needed to be strong is not just the power you put in your back, but how much violence and aggressiveness you put into it. Your attacks are deadlier as you put more strain on your body for more strength, becoming faster and stronger at the expense of greater bodily straining and ferocity.

Killer Instinct: Sometimes you should let your brain assume the role of copilot and let your subconsciousness take the reigns. The less you are in control, the faster your body reacts, able to perceive blows with more ease, and move accordingly either to dodge, block, or counter-attack, your attacks acting on instinct to kill as your body fights by itself.

Blood seeker: The more damaged you are, the stronger you are. As long as you keep fighting, wounds will hardly matter in your path for lust for blood. You will become stronger the more damaged you become, and the more you cause pain to others, but it has to be done in the heat of combat and throws of passion. Beware, once the combat is over and adrenaline ends, all your wounds will crash down on you.


Combat Specialty 2: Your understanding of power grows by leaps and bounds. Even with a lithe and frail frame, you know how to express your little strength in a way that matters: for utter annihilation and destruction. Able to channel your strength in a more powerful form, condensing and multiplying with your attacks, akin to a supernatural art, and it may be one.

Rupture Point: Normally, it would be a technique of skill, but who needs skill when all you have is brute strength? Your blows carry explosive power able to cause explosions and rupture things from outside-in with sheer power, your strength channeled like a piston or pile-driver to cause so much havoc that your blows cause internal damage as easily as it does to the outside.
Power Control: Sometimes, using all of your strength at once is a big mistake, you should know how to control yourself despite your power. You can control at will the output of your strength and attacks, able to start a punch as light as a feather and then change its strength and speed mid-swing until it is slow and heavy like a demolition ball, it also allows you to go beyond your physical limitations and extract 100% of your bodily power, ripping it from inside for more strength in combat, even if short-lived.

The Red Beast: A foe you cannot perceive or predict is like a catastrophe, brutal and swift as the raging currents of a river. When you fight seriously, your demeanor changes to approach a demonic creature of legend, unable to predicted, and with movies as swiftly and destructive as a natural disaster, making attempts to read your patterns and demeanor moot.


Combat Specialty 3: The pinnacle of the pinnacle, the strength to stand above all others. A tempestuous strength that breaks the bounds of what should be possible. Attacks that rupture the air and cause shockwaves to ripple like a wave in the ocean. If you are small and weak… how do you output so much physical strength?

Emotion Eater: The world is your enemy. You can accumulate grudges against those who wronged you, your rage against the world or individuals who inhabit it, and all sorts of miseries that befall you.
You accumulate them like a collection of marbles. Once you feel it is the time for it, you can unleash all those grudges like a tidal wave.
Your powers will escalate based on how many grudges you accumulated. Beware that accumulating too much spite and hatred can rip you apart before you can even face your enemy…

I Punch: Who needs fancy things like special moves, Oneiros, or any of those things? You have a body, and it is a temple. Your fists can reach what normally cannot be reached, such as punching a ghost in the face or being able to redirect and endure Oneiros attacks barehanded and with only your body. This effect extends to any equipment you have in hand.



MURAMASA: There are no such things as barriers too small to break, or any mountain too big to crush. You possess the power of destruction in your hands, capable of destroying most defenses and outpowering most attacks. It is your right to destruction, and you can bring destruction to everything in nature. It is in your blood, in your being.




Combat Specialty 1: You possess refined control over your skills and yourself, able to gauge the need for strength and ability to approach a situation or a fight. Your attacks are controlled and with few gaps to exploit as you wait for the enemy to make a mistake for you to capitalize on, a fighting style that prefers grace and beauty over raw power.

To cut a leaf as it falls: You have great precision in your eyes, your moves coldly calculated and anticipated, able to cut through a leaf as it falls, or clip the wings of a fly with a sing movement. Your moves are made with great precision like a scalpel, exploiting weak points and minor flaws that would pass amiss in someone else’s eyes.

Perfect Efficiency: A big problem for most fighters is that they will lose stamina the more the fight draws out, and the more they keep on fighting. Gladly you know a work around it. You possess an ability to gauge the minimum input needed for your maximum output, maximizing your stamina and ability to stay on the fight longer with better action and conservation than most.

The balance: The perfect number is two, the perfect duality. Darkness and Light, Death and Life, and you know it. You have balanced your own duality, your attacks always carry an aura of evil if you are good, or an aura of good if you are evil, that will make an action happen twice within the same movement.


Combat Specialty 2: You have achieved the desired result of skills many would die for. Your movements flow effortlessly and your attacks are hard to predict and deal with. Cutting through a vault’s door with a dried and frail wooden branch is child’s play, or the dexterity to burst the sensible parts of a safe with focused pressure of your hands are all viable applications of your skill.

Rupture Point: Normally, it would be a technique of power, but who needs power when all you have is pure skill? You can sense the weak points inside something, and attack them to cause a violent reaction to break it from the inside out, making it easy to damage a tough foe on the outside, but soft on the inside. It has diminishing returns against foes who are tough inside and outside.

Devoted: As long as you dedicate yourself to a single pursuit of combat, be it the sublimation of your body and martial skills, the sword, the dao, the spear, or the nail clipper, as long as you never trade it for anything else, you will notice exponential returns to your combat skills and mastery over a weapon. (Incompatible with Master of Arms)

Master of Arms: Maybe the answer for combat is not devoting yourself to a single weapon, but multiple. You have a knack for turning everything you touch into a weapon somehow, as long as your mind can conceive it as a viable weapon, you can think of something.
You are not a true devotee master of a specific weapon, but can get the hang of any weapon you touch (with few exceptions like hand-made weapons for specific individuals, or sapient weapons) in a few minutes, using them with the best efficiency you can achieve (Incompatible with Devoted).

Zen: A mind full of doubts hinders the skill as much as a shaky hand and unsteady posture does. You have learned the art of vacating your mind from thoughts. Your attacks are devoid of intent and thoughts behind them, pure as crystalline water, making those who rely on intent and bloodlust be thrown off balance when facing you, as well as giving you mental defense against mind attacks.


Combat Specialty 3: The peak performance of a fighter, those who mastered their craft to its fullest and achieved a point where nothing more can be achieved out of it. You can cut through a swallow taking flight and even split a lightning in two with your skill alone, you have achieved the pinnacle of your ability and mastery over your fighting style.

Ultimate Blue: Not all outcomes are observable as the ancients may have thought… but it does not mean you cannot peak through what is before your eyes. You can analyze your opponent’s skills down to their core, and their fighting patterns like a supercomputer. Down to the beating of their heart and their involuntary movements. You can see people as walking targets with weak spots, waiting to be attacked and defeated.



MASAMUNE: You have grown beyond the boundary. Your attacks can traverse through buildings, mountains, people, and rivers to target a flying leaf far away, but only the leaf will be cut by your skill. So refined is the skill that you can touch through space for attacks so fast they look like rays of light and teleport.




Combat Specialty 1: While most see a straight line, you will see a bunch of knots, and instead of untying them into a straight line, you will tie them up again in a bigger mess. You apply this mentality to combat, adapting on the fly to your and our enemy's plans and powers, slightly tweaking your abilities to fit the situation at hand. It is a small tweak, but it can mean the difference between your death and your survival.

The Green Fool: Everyone loves it when something is fun, you love fun more than most. You can change your powers or capacities at will to do something you normally should not be able to. The only limitation is that it needs to be “genuinely fun” and “unharmful” but there are workarounds to those concepts. It requires to be fun for someone else, not you. As long as this condition is fulfilled, you can go insane with your powers for “jokes ” practical or not.

Mathematical Mind: Not in a literal sense, but it is scary the same. Your mind can run multiple scenarios in parallel to each other and act based on what you deem the “best” outcome for you. Of course, it may not always happen, but you can trust your brain and self to try and act on behalf of the best outcome you have seen.

A sense of Comedy: While others may rip their enemy limb by limb, or finish a fight bloody fast, you know how to extend a fight the maximum you can. Bring your enemy closer and closer to passing out with clever usage of your abilities, tricks, and death by a thousand cuts. You may not be stronger than your enemy, but you know to bring the fight down to your level after stalling for long enough.


Combat Specialty 2: What is the fun of having powers, if you do not use them to their fullest extent? Sometimes it is not how well you use them, but HOW you use them. You know how to use your abilities in lateral ways better than most. Using electricity to play with supercharged ambients to cause a magnetic field and toy around with gravity for a limited time, or using fire and air to generate plasma, even if you may not be able to control it.

A fake still is a type of truth: Copycats are heavily frowned upon, and you stand as one of the prime culprits for this hate. You cannot copy powers per se, but if a certain power or ability is right up your alley, you can make a bootleg copy of it and apply it to combat with your basic knowledge and understanding of your powers alone.

Innovation is the name of the game: While others can combine their powers and abilities to suit their necessities, or create new powers based on need, you are freaky good at this. With little to no outwardly input you can figure out new techniques on your own or create new ones on the fly if you have a spark of inspiration to guide you. You are ingenious and witty at the creation of new techniques to suit your needs.

The eyes of a snake: Some battles cannot be won with wit, there are battles where brute strength or skill are not enough. These are the battles you have prepared yourself for. If you lack the power, use the enemy’s strength against them. You have an uncanny ability to counter or exploit gaps in attacks, using your enemies’ mistakes and faults against them more than anyone else would, from counters to redirecting the attack against them.


Combat Specialty 3: You have reached the limit, your mind should have been fried with the sheer quantity of thoughts and asinine synapses that run through it, but you are still alive (somehow). You can extract the maximum of your powers, going as far as to use mental gymnastics to extend the limits of your abilities, and what they can do. There are a few limits you cannot cross.

Everchanging Nature: The nature of the universe, and so are you. You can choose to live through your powers if your body is ever destroyed, or regain your powers through your body should they be taken from you. The truth is that you are a pest hard to kill, who can live without a body and reincarnate eventually, your powers carrying on your will like a crux until they are destroyed, or someone can utterly crush your soul.



Seven Branched Blade: As others fail to realize the true potential of themselves and their powers, you have achieved it completely. There are few limits you cannot go through with enough mental gymnastics of why your power should be able to do that and this, expanding your possible library of skills and abilities by a whole horizon. However, you should be aware of one thing. Your powers should be able to do that, even if they can only reach it by mental gymnastics. If it is impossible for them to ever achieve that level, you won’t be able to reach it anyway, no matter how you try to justify it.




HYPNOS MONARCHS - the strongest of Oneirosmancers, those who stand in a grade of their own inside the oneiros society.
THE ARCHDREAMERS - Those who stand at the helm of the Oneirosweavers, those who control the Society of Dreams, the organization most Oneirosweavers are part of.
DREAMERS - The most predominant political power in the Society of Dreams, and the ones that have the most positions in their council. Powerful, but lacking the sheer personal power of an Archdreamer.
MAGES - The bulk of the Society of Dreams, and the most numerous of Oneirosweavers.
APPRENTICES - The lowest of the lowest rank inside the Society of Dreams, they represent those who never managed to awaken a greater affinity to Oneiros or use it properly or the newly initiated weavers.


Oneiros are not judged only by their power but by their specializations.


The Red Weavers: They are weavers known for their battle prowess, usage of fire-related spells, and rounded abilities outside of Oneirosweaving.

Crimson Weavers: They are a branch of Red Weavers, but devoted to the art of destruction and battle, known as arsonists and battle maniacs everywhere they go.

The Red Mage - Not a rank of the red per se, but for some reason is rounded alongside them. The Mages differ from the grade in question, it is a specialization to denote Weavers who dedicated themselves to the pursuit of generalization, able to substitute almost all other specializations to some degree in a formation. Jack of all trades, master of few.

The Ruby Weavers: One of the oddities amongst the rank of the Reds. They work with the sealing and smiting of evil forces, making them clash often against Black Mages and the more immoral Independant Weavers.


The Orange Weavers: They are weavers known for their defensive powers and manipulation of geological elements, as well as the power to enhance their bodies and equipment with great strength and endurance. They act as front liners in battle, and rescuers and help prevent natural disasters.

THE DRUID WEAVERS - Weavers who study the earth and nature itself, more than the average Orange Weaver. They learned how to manipulate plant life and induce transformation in it. Because of their connection, they learned how to use Oneiros to give themselves animal and plant traits temporarily, some go as far as to fuse with plants and the earth.

The Star Weavers - The strangest, and most unlikely branch to ever exist, but they are part of the Orangies. They study the movement of the skies and stars relative to the planet and draw their powers from the fleeting nascent stars on the skies, one of the few Weavers who draw powers from an outside source despite the Oneiros.


The Blue Weavers: Blue Weavers study the spirits but on a moral ground contrary to the Black Weavers. On the side of the study of the spirits and the spiritual world, Weavers are known as greater users of sealing arts and barriers, the metaphysical defense for the Orange’s physical prowess.

The Sapphire Wavers - Weavers of the Blue who have a greater passion for barriers and sealing, devoting their lives to creating the best barrier spells and grimoires they can. Many aim to one day sacrifice their lives to make a great seal to hold back an ancient evil…

The Fox Fire Weavers - Another subspecialization of the blue, those who decided to devote themselves to the study of spirits. Their main usage is to summon fragments of great Oneiros Weavers through their leftover Oneiros on grimoires and cherished gear, and seek guidance or use them in combat, with their consensus. They also are specialists in dealing with otherworldly and “supernatural” threats.


The Green Weavers: Green Weavers are odd specialists, most of them are elementals who are not able to use fire and thunder, or earth and its variants. Green Weavers tend to not have a theme or reason as to why they are green, they just vibe with Green Weaving, they are masters of oddities and insane things.

The Healing Battalion - Because of their oddity, the Greens have a monopoly over healing weavers. Although there can be other types of heal or even using elements and stretches to make it happen, the dedicated healers for the most part are of the Green. The range of wounds and damage they can heal varies by the ability of the Weaver.

The Buff Army - Yes, it is their name, and they are proud of it. Like the Healing Battalion, they are oddities who use their Oneiros abilities to enhance the combat prowess of others, or themselves, playing by the same rules of the Healing Battalion.


The Purple Weavers: Purple Weavers are admired and frowned upon on the same level, known for their amorality and seclucionism. Purple Weavers do not use the Oneiros to operate magic, but rather to create equipment and technologies without any regard for its side effects or impacts. The creation of Oneiros technology and actual technology differs. They are not the most academically inclined bunch outside of Oneiros' studies.

Dark Purple Weavers: They focus on the creation of innovative equipment, it does not mean they are useful or powerful, just that they were new and haven’t been done before, which can lead to many accidents after further testing.

Slayers: They are the creators of weapons. Once upon a time, the Purple made twelve weapons that devastated the world. The purple slew them and drew them in. Slayers are the reason the Purple is tolerated. They can create abominations, but once an abomination is born, they are the first to face it in battle. Either to test their weapons, turn the abomination into a target and test subject, or to just slay it.


The Black Weavers: The Black Weavers are barely tolerated. They disregard any attempt at morality to pursue their wants and desires, which most of the time are less than desirable by others. They are the inventors of curses and use spirituality in the same vein of the blue, but they twist and corrupt Oneiros’ of the deceased to suit their needs and wants.

The Rotting Weavers: The weavers are known for their usage of curses and maledictions to deal with their problems, studying how to spread pain, misery, and Oneiros-based diseases, they love pain, they love misery, and they love seeing others suffer for their mistakes and actions.

The Reapers: They are the harbingers of misery and death, using the Oneiros’ of the deceased to summon them as dead minions or shoving them into flesh effigies to fight their battle for them, masters of the soul and the manipulation of spirits. They and The Fox Fire Weavers have been at war since their conception.
The reason they are tolerated is that the Dream Society prefers this evil at arm's length than at the edge of the world, doing knows what. They are granted a certain level of freedom as long as they tone down their experimentation and malice. This has been the deal since the start of eternity. An uneasy peace.

The Society of Dreams:

The Society of Dreams is as old as Oneiros itself, its origins were forgotten even by its current masters. Society is a nice name to it, but they have no headquarters to speak of. Only their Paths have “headquarters”.
The Society of Dreams is more akin to a set of guidelines every Oneirosweaver abides and obeys to a degree. It ranges from how to train and spot apprentices, to how some Oneirosweaving should be used.
However, some Oneirosweavers band together to make their cities, while the “Organization” itself is decentralized. Some Oneirosweavers take apprentices from these cities, while others enjoy a nomad life and take apprentices as they go.

What is Oneiros?

Oneiros is the primal energy of all living things, it has been there since the beginning of time and will be there until it ends. It is like a “small universe” inside your own brain that supplies you with energy and power.
Everyone has it to some degree, period, but not all races use it to the same degree. Some races have innate usage of them and never develop into Oneiros weaving, using their innate power for everything.
Oneiros Weaving is using the energy from within, of this “small universe” to affect the outer reality, bringing effects to the “real world”. While some races have innate usage of Oneiros, few can compare to a mature and experienced Weaver on its craft.
While natural talent plays a part, most can be taught to change the properties of their Oneiros by training rather than relying solely on innate nature and talents.

Oneiros Weaving Grade: The higher levels require the previous ones to be purchased. You cannot buy any option in this section without having paid for a Grade first.

Apprentice (COSTS X): You are just at the start of your journey as a Weaver, or maybe you never rose above it. Your ability to weave is the most basic, limited to small tricks like making fireballs and relying entirely on your racial abilities to carry you. 1Mage (COST X): You are one of the cornerstones of the Society of Dreams. Your ability to weave Oneiros is the average expected. If you could make fireballs before, you can now control their intensity, heat, and spread, turning it from a fireball to a blowtorch.

Dreamer (COST X): You are veritable by the standards of the Society of Dreams. What you can achieve with weaving alone is quite vague since it is driven by your innate powers, training, and bodily abilities, but at the bare minimum, you could rain fire on a town with ease or carpet bomb a location with magic. If you are a healer you could make a healing zone around a town, cure a terminal disease, make a barrier around said town, etc.

Archdreamer (COST X): You stand as the pinnacle of what should be achieved by the greatest of the greatest Weavers. Your power can affect whole countries and their populations, as you stand in the same power as those who control the Society of Dreams.
Hypnos Monarch (COST X, Requires “The Ultimate” perk, cannot take any Combat Specialty of Tier 3): You are the pinnacle of the power of any Oneirosweaver. You are one of the few sages who achieved the absolute power of Oneiros, a powerhouse capable of standing on its own category based on yourself alone.

General: Unless specified otherwise, you pay for the tier of the ability you are buying.

Oneiros Production (FREE): Oneiros is like a simulated universe that generates energy inside someone, but the energy it produces is not infinite, and some people have bigger input and output of Oneiros than others.
For free you have the average of your grade. If you are an Apprentice or Mage, by paying X you can double your Oneiros pool. If you are a Dreamer or Archdreamer, you pay X instead. Hypnos Monarchs pay X.

Spell Casting 1 (FREE): Oneiros is just the raw conductor one uses to achieve the desired effect. Spellcasting shows how refined is your control over Oneiros and how to use it in a more refined form, a basic skill taught to even the Apprentices.
It allows the creation of Grimmoires, but the most widespread usage of Spell Casting is to make instantaneous effects, or channel Oneiros in elaborate chants and rituals to fire stronger versions of the desired effect.
Contrary to using raw Oneiros and transmuting its properties, Spell Casting also allows for refined control over its effects
Tier 2 (Cost X, requires Dreamer rank): Because it is basic doesn’t mean it cannot be improved further. Most dreamers by the time they reach the rank have created their own brand and style of using spells, maybe it is a family tradition, or streamlined from a big and successful settlement of the Society of Dreams, but they have something going on beyond the basics. From multi-casting dozens of spells, channeling the strength of a dozen spells into one, lateral spell casting while they fight, or an elaborate ritualistic chant they can use for an ultimate trump card spell.
Tier 2.5 (COST X, Requires Dreamer, cannot have any tier of Oneiros Production besides the free one): This is an art most Weavers never achieved in their lifetime, and all but The Hypno Monarch of the Amber does not know how to use. It is an art only achievable by those with normal or small reserves of Oneiros for the fact they can “observe all of it” rather than “gaze the abyss”.
A power capable of processing Oneiros and information at ludicrous speeds, able to fire dozens of volleys of spells in a few seconds with unmatched casting speed. It is a mind and Oneiros refined to the point it can draw more power from Spells than using raw Oneiros, it is a sacrifice of raw power for the maximum finesse and mastery over the craft.

Oneiros’ Nature (COST X): While Oneiros by default are neutral, some people have their Oneiros colored and unique since their birth. Maybe your Oneiros has the fire element or electricity imbued into it, or it is electricity-based, or something more basic and direct like it is thorny.

Direct Control (COST X): The usage of Oneiros, at least its traditional usage, is to change its property after projecting it in reality, turning it into a fireball, or changing its properties. You have a more primal and primitive usage of it. As everyone did in the good olden times, you can directly use your Oneiros straight from the tap, unleashing it from outside your body like a raging river of chaotic energy that you can mold and transform.

Materialization (COST X): Oneiros naturally cannot be taken in a “physical form”, it requires control, knowledge, and comprehension of it to make “physical forms” with it, but you innately know how to do it, making you invaluable to those of the Orange and the Purple. Engineers all over the world also want you.


Destruction (COST X): The most basic teaching given to a Weaver of the Red is that everything can be broken down if you strike it down with fire or enough energy. Their first commandment and teaching are about how to use Oneiros and change their properties into a destructive format, usually flames.

Will of the Red (COST X): The reds are fairly prideful of their capacities and roundness, and this fuels them. Those who were taught by the red at any given time know how to channel their emotions, the hot, tempestuous, and intense ones into Oneiros, producing energy as they feel hyped up or pressured. The trait of the Red is their pride and stubbornness, which in turn will become fuel for their Oneiros.

The Weakest Link (COST X): You cannot expect to live as a Red if you do not know how to lead your life, and you can only know how to lead it with knowledge. The Red prides itself on its well-roundedness and generalist approach.
Even as a Red, you may know something of the blue, a spell out of the Orange, the mannerism of the Purple, or the wickedness of the Black. You are a very versatile fighter; while you cannot pride yourself on mastery of all your knowledge, your versatility is undeniable.

Hardship and Trials (COST X): The Red devote themselves to battle as much as their pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and the perfection of their weaving. Because some Oneiros may lack the combat specialties and racial boons to catch up in a fair and square battle, the Red teaches their apprentices the art of mage-combat, a style that relies on facing a stronger foe and capitalizing on their strength and superiority to buy time and avoid attacks while casting spells or channeling Oneiros.

Fiery Annihilation (COST X, requires Destruction): The Red is known for their passion like the fire, but in truth, they have a passion for breaking things despite their Honor-bound codes and hermit wisdom. They do not only love fire but the act of breaking something, they can transmute their fire into lightning or death blasts of pure heat. They have a penchant for destruction. You have caught on to it as well, bolstering the knowledge of how to turn your Oneiros into an even deadlier form.

The Smiting Hand (COST X, Red Exclusive, if taken you cannot buy Black Path abilities): While there are religions that worship the land, giant kaiju, and godlike figures, this is the only section that borderline worships their Path to a religious degree. They believe in the Red as one believes in a god. Red is a guiding figure, Res is wisdom and power, it is the reason for their lives. Their belief in the Red when cast into a new apprentice can birth a real power in the heart of the faithful: The power to smite.
They are the only Path who have innately the power to purge curses and evil from the land when one of their faithful reaches a threshold in their fate, able to channel Red as a purging light or flame to cleanse the unclean in holy fire and damnation, as well as bless those around them.

Into the Throws of Passion (COST X): One thing is to use emotions to fuel your Oneiros, another thing is to bring Oneiros to your emotions. It is an advanced application of the same concept behind using your emotions to draw power, but it is used in reverse. By using this a Red Path Weaver can protect their mind from corrupting influences and shield against mind control for a time, using Oneiros to bolster their psyche and mind, also increasing their performance in battle with a positive feedback loop.

The Red Heat (COST X): Those who go on a path of passion are the happiest ones. They shall be the happiest ones. On everything they do, even if it is in a fight. This is true for you, you are the Happiest One. In a battle your thoughts will become faster, your spells will become deadlier, and will your power output ascend. The only condition is that the battle must be exciting, and push yourself to the limit.

The tale of the Red Beast (COST X): “Once upon a time, once the Gods had left this sinful Earth for good, and only their scions remained, a Black Beast was born from the carcass of the dead Gods, and it ravaged the Earth, but a brash hero raised to meet its challenge, and slain the beast”.
The Red’s purpose is to slay the unholy and what is evil, like the Hero who killed an ancient beast of Legend. Against unnatural foes who go against the course of nature, you will feel your Oneiros flaring red and making you stand up again, mending your wounds as long as you fervor and Oneiros last, until the unnatural abomination is slain, or you have died trying to slay it.


Protection (COST X): One of the core tenets of the Orange is their overwhelmingly good defense and powerful body-enhancing techniques, teaching how to shape and change Oneiros for people to learn to control Earth and reinforce their bodies. You are no exception, having been taught the basics of Orange.

Will of the Orange (COST X): The weavers who chose to trial the path of the Orange, or at least were taught by one of their weavers, are known for their stoicism and pose. Orange Weavers keep their emotions tightly in check and do not let them go out, keeping a cool head. The spellcasting and weaving of the Orange are known as slow, but it is almost impossible to break their concentration and ability to use Oneiros even if they lie broken and dying as long as their stoicism and calm are not broken.

The Heaviest Link (COST X): The Orange mostly stick to themselves rather than branching out to others, they take care of Earth and its properties as some of them are dedicated to studying the skies above. The Orange preaches and teaches about the properties the Earth gives, how to change it, and shape it to what it needs to stop floods and natural catastrophes from the land.
They do not have a balanced knowledge of the world but are wise and keen on their field of work. An Orange Weaver knows how to change the dirt into an armored material or soft mud, how to turn feeble and crumbling rocks into robust boulders, they know the most about what they protect, life itself.

Heavy Metal (COST X, Requires “Dreamer” Rank): Dirt, sand, and rocks are but a small fragment of what Earth truly is. You have understood that.
While most only change the properties of something, like making it soft or harder, fusing rock and sand to make robust grout, you have grown beyond it.
You have learned limited transmutation and can change dirt to metal or copper, and even make steel with enough knowledge. While powerful, it is not as encompassing as Transmutation, being a more action-oriented version of it.

Transmutation (COST X, Requires “Dreamer” Rank): All comes from Earth, thus all is Earth. Flawed but strong reasoning. It is the thought process behind the power of transmutation. It is not applicable on the field or in the heat of the moment, requiring preparation and a suitable place for experiments.
Transmutation works by changing the properties of an object to another, like turning mud to wood, or wood to silver or gold. It is a high application of Oneiros, instead of making something with it,
Transmutation changes the properties of objects that already exist to become new ones or reinforce what already exists.
Like using mineral water to enhance its properties with alchemy and infusion with ores and other “earthly” objects to make a healing potion. It is powerful, but can only be done in laboratories and with many formulas to track down what you are doing.

Colossus Figure (COST X): A trademark of Orange Weavers is their powerful bodies and physique despite devoting themselves to the Oneiros pursuit, you are no exception. However, you have taken this to a new level.
Like most figure-obsessed Weavers you have trained your Oneiros to reinforce and seep in your muscles, making you stronger and more resilient, even more than a weaver of the Orange is expected to.
Tier 2 (COST X, REQUIRES the “Heaviest Link”): Even amongst your fellow Orange Weavers, you have taken your physique to an extreme. With Your knowledge of the Earth and your body, you have achieved the ability to imbue your body with the properties of Earth, making it stronger, harder, or softer as you need to, to better take hits, or make your studier. You apply the knowledge of the Earth to yourself to make your physique reach a new level.
Tier 3 (COST X, “Requires Heavy Metal”): You achieved the pinnacle of what a physique should be, imbuing your body with the properties of metal and other materials to make it reach a new level, turning your skin into metal or carbon, making it become a soft yet dense material to soften the blows you take, making you a physical power-house.

Nature Understanding (COST X): Maybe the Orange is not only for minerals and what comes from them, maybe it is something more. Amidst stoicism and controlled posture shall come kindness and understanding, you have achieved that. The power to talk to the Earth, a power to talk and understand plant life and influence wildlife.
By infusing your Oneiros on nature, you can control the growth and properties of plant life, as well as urge the local fauna to come to your help.

Ad Astra per Aspera (COST X): The power of stars, or better yet, the study of the nascent little bright points in the skies relative to the position of the Planet. A relatively new field of study for the Paths. Those of the Orange who study how the celestial bodies interact and the energy they release.
It is not sure how it is possible to do it, but those who dedicate themselves to the study of the stars have managed to “turn” themselves to the “rhythm” of stars, able to channel their celestial energy unto themselves, effectively able to add the “power of stars” to their weaving and even directly channel it.

Bountiful as the Earth (COST X, Orange Exclusive): Orange is self-assured of their capacities and bullheaded in following what they think is “ideal” or “moral” in their eyes, sometimes leading with clashing against their fellow weavers of the Orange, yet it is the intended path of the Orange.
To be an Orange Weaver is to become like Earth itself, unmovable, sturdy, and reliable, yet know when to back down and crumble to rise again as a new you, as a better and bigger you.
Orange makes it part of not only their motto but their weaving, able to cancel spells and weaving of Oneiros at will, only to restart it at a later moment, which the enemy is not aware of, or not paying attention to.


Understanding (COST X): Despite apathy and overall disinterest over others, they have tasks to accomplish and missions to fulfill. The weavers of the Blue first shall understand themselves and their actions before proceeding. By understanding themselves, they can learn to understand the world.
The Blue focus on the discoverer of yourself and how it changes the world around you, they use such thought to “separate” things by sections, weaving their Oneiros to form barriers made of Oneiros of itself, almost akin to controlling Oneiros directly on reality, the only difference is their embodiment of it as “protection”, or barrier.
“By walling parts of yourself, you can study them separately and understand who you are. Once you start to dissect the world as parts and cogs, you will understand it easily.” - Angelica, the Blue Monarch

Will of the Blue (COST X): The Path of the Blue has a unique way to see the world, and even themselves.
Their core tenet is that one must disembody oneself in parts and comprehend those fragments to understand what is the whole, and then do the same with the outside world.
Other Oneirosweavers can have complexity in their abilities, but the Weavers of the Blue threat weaving like a complex clockwork machine with too many intricate parts.
Their weaving and spells are needlessly complex, but it makes each “singular” part able to “think” and “act” on its own, allowing more complex spells and usage of Oneiros, and setting arbitrary conditions to their spells and weaving.

The Furthest Link (COST X): Even amongst the most distant Weavers, the Blue stands at the furthest point, only banding together with those outside their path when needed, otherwise they are more than happy to be with themselves and themselves alone.
They tend to be aloof and distant, and they are alright with this. This is why they live, to understand themselves and others, and everyone else but themselves falls into the “world”, thus their study can be postponed.
They are very knowledgeable but ultimately are aloof. A Blue Weaver knows much about the history of the world and themselves, and this influences their weaving with greater precision and clarity on what they should do and their next part, applying their amassed knowledge where it counts.

Barriermaiden (COST X): The core concept of the blue is their ability to weave Oneiros into magical barriers, far different from the physical defenses of the Orange since it is close to “raw Oneiros usage” than changing its property, it is akin to giving it a trait.
You are a cut above the other Blues, having more knowledge of how to make complex barriers and their intricacies.
You can imbue your Oneiros itself with the “Barrier”, protecting your insides and soul from attacks, effectively making your insides harder than your outside, or even let out your Oneiros to form an armor around you naturally without as much exertion on your reverses.
Your barriers are also stronger and can take on more traits than others, as well as being able to be shaped into more complex forms with ease.

Sealing Fate (COST X): The Blue, much to every Purple’s chagrin, is the one Path that hoards almost all sealing knowledge and grimoires known to all races, and you have joined them in this endeavor. You have learned or were taught the ability to create seals, a type of weaving that operates on a similar principle to the barriers.
Instead of “protecting”, it uses the tenet of the Blue of “separating” parts and keeping them still, nullifying or blocking them from usage, because of this it is easier to seal physical objects away from sight, and keep them in a pocket space inside a seal or the Oneiros of its user.
However, nullifying metaphorical things, powers, or what is too powerful is a hard task.
%darkblue%Tier 2 (COST X, Requires Dreamer)%blue%: You have achieved greater control over the usage of Seals, able to grasp with more ease more complicated concepts such as sealing part of someone’s Oneiros, or even blocking them from using a spell or ability temporarily.

All Objects in the World (COST X): While both Orange and Blue study the world, they study different aspects of it and go on roundabouts way about it. The Blue studies its history and knowledge while on an everlasting journey of self-discovery.
In the end, perception is what defines what makes a good Blue Weaver from a great Blue Weaver, it is what one can perceive and see, what one can protect and isolate, and what one can feel.
You have the sense and perception to feel the world around you in a way few others can. From hearing the voices of objects to the souls of the living and seeing Oneiros directly, you can perceive the world in a wide array of patterns, which can in turn make your weaving more precise in its execution and usage.

Engravers (COST X): A grimmoire is less indicative of what it should do than it seems, while to most non-weavers a grimmoire is a “true grimmoire”, this is not the case because there is only one True Grimmoire, and it torn into pieces.
Rather the Grimmoires made by Oneirosweavers are objects, often books, filled with their Oneiros and spells. Since Oneiros represent a person, those grimoires often carry a shard of their maker's personality and will.
However, not all Weavers know how to make a grimoire, and thus they call a GEngravers to help them in the process known as “engraving”, which is the process of placing one’s Oneiros and writing their spells in a physical form in the book’s pages.
After the engraving is done, a Grimoire is made, the better the quality of the pages, and the engraving to the caligraphy, the better the quality of the grimoire.
You are excellent in all it counts to produce a grimoire. Everyone can try and engrave, but few do because of poor skills and lack of understanding, making Engravers well respected.
Each page of a grimoire acts as a battery and a library of spells, making the usage of grimoires an additional Oneiros to its owner and a backup to their spells. One can use the grimoire of other people to varying degrees of efficacy with no problems if they get hold of it.

Onmyodo (COST X, Requires all Objects in the World): You can perceive what the ignorant call the spirits of the deceased, meanwhile you know its true meaning: the leftover Oneiros of those who passed out that refuse to dissipate. Sometimes they are benign and just have a few unfilled businesses, meanwhile other times they are full of hatred and grudges.
Those leftover Oneiros cannot be perceived normally and are only sensed by most Weavers, but you know better and can do better. Since you perceive them, you can deal directly with these Oneiros, dissipating or purifying them by using your own Oneiros to isolate and destroy the source of their Oneiros, effectively killing their fuel.
Because of this interaction with Oneiros, you can also extract the full potential of a grimoire.

An answer to the Ultimate Blue (COST X, BLUE EXCLUSIVE, REQUIRES): “Once upon a time when a warrior that could see all patterns, he cleaved through the land and brought an era of carnage and tyranny under his rule. Then a vengeful weaver devised a way to kill him: Block all of his blows, and crush his body against the earth itself.”
It is the greatest achievement of the Blue Path, the power to use automatic defenses to protect yourself. You have a powerful subconscious that will always shield your body from attacks unconsciously, any attack at all towards your being will be repelled, from sword attacks to knives in the back and arrows shot from miles away, from making a pocket of safe air around you when surrounded by deadly gas, only the most subtle and imperceptible ways of assassination can be caught you off guard, and even then it not a guaranteed kill.


Enjoyment (COST X): The Green is the path made for those who could not fit the bill of any other Path and did not want to be a rogue or independent weaver, this is true for you as well.
The only principle the Green holds is one of unity and caring for each other's back for they are a make-up family. They lack the overwhelming power of the Purple and Black, this is why they should care about themselves and their comrades first and foremost.
They teach how to shape and control the Oneiros for “other” effects, like how the Blue makes barriers and seals. This can include healing, the enhancement of one’s characteristics, or elemental manipulations not covered by the Red and the Orange.

Will of the Green (COST X): Is live and let live. The Green love their freedom and uniqueness more than anything, this is why they band together and watch after each other’s back. The Green has no tradition or beliefs besides doing what you think is right, and living your best life without hurting your fellow Green Weavers.
The Green has no compulsion with anything else. As long as you are having fun, and doing your best, your spells will be stronger, and will your weaving become more precise, it also will affect your allies, making them more focused and stronger in battle.

Shapeshifting Link (COST X): The Green is the strangest and most unexpected Path since they have no ancient tradition or culture besides living as free as they want to be. It makes dealing with them hard and stressful to not since they cannot expect two Greens to have the same demeanor and knowledge about things.
As a Green, you have all sorts of trivia and side knowledge that many would consider garbage, but it can come in clutch one day. As a Green, you also have a knack for seeing things like a puzzle and taking roundabout ways of solving them. Great lateral thinking and problem-solving skills.

Healing Touch (COST X): The Green is famous for hoarding the knowledge of how to weave Oneiros into healing wounds and disease on their own, the only ones to have hoarded this knowledge after so many wars caused the technique to be lost elsewhere, you have been passed the knowledge of how to operate Oneiros as a healing power, changing its attribute to “Heal” much like Blue changes it to “protect”.

Soul Touch (COST X, Requires “All Objects in the World” and “Healing Touch”): You have achieved something rare, even for the standards of the Green. You have the power to heal one’s soul and the wounds that are inflicted on it, making you one of the handful of soul healers in the entire world.

Caring is Protecting (COST X): One of the more iconic techniques of the Green Path is how they can enhance someone’s strengths and cover their weakness. The theory behind the usage of “buffs” as one may call them is changing the attribute of the Oneiros to another one.
Change it to strength to enhance someone’s physical power, or endurance for their resilience, or speed for them to go fast. The theory behind it and “healing” and “protection” are almost the same, however, both “healing” and “protection” have studies and theories that allow them to be used easily and stable.
Buffs however can be used on the fly and the attributes change at whim, making them temporary at best, ephemeral at worst, and needing great timing to be used effectively. You can do much more with a wider and richer knowledge and weaving.
Tier 2 (COST X): However, caring for your loved ones and comrades is always welcome. You have mastered the usage of buffs, able to make them last for longer periods, and even enhance the amplification they give to someone.

Unorthodox Approach (COST X, Requires Enjoyment): Maybe because there are no other paths to teach elemental avenues outside of Earth and its variations, and all kinds of Destruction, the job of teaching other elemental natures falls over them,m but they take it in stride.
From teaching water to become Ice, or Ice to become Steam, the Green got the skills and the hoarded (and stolen) knowledge of how to teach about other elemental natures and how one can evolve them in a similar vein to the Annihilation of the Red.

The Fable of the Green Fool (COST X): “Once upon a time, there was a Green Fool and his sidekick. The Green Fool did all sorts of atrocities and evil doings because his little sick friend found them fun.
Until the Witch of the East found their actions distasteful and went to find and punish them, however, the fool was too smart and always escaped the Wich
Until one day the Witch made a plan, a lure with bright red shoes, and the fool got mesmerized by them and went to steal the object. The Witch with an axe killed the Fool’s sidekick, and proceeded to end the Fool.”
Sometimes some enemies can outsmart and toy with you. To defeat them you need to be better and think of a way to defeat their plans and wit. Your lateral thinking is unmatched as you can devise plans to deal with most enemies on the fly, and the more complex, gimmicky, and wider the mental gymnastics, the better will be your plans to match them once for once.
“It is always good to take down those who think of themselves as too smart~” - Monarch of the Green

Dream Fantasy (COST X, Green Exclusive): Oneiros is but the power to cause the unreal to become real and change and toy with reality to a degree, at least it is what the Green believes, how much of it is believable or true is up to debate.
The weavers of the Green have an uncanny ability to cause Oneiros to act in the most unpredictable ways around them, making things go awry or in their favor, almost as if luck is real.
As long as they keep true to the teachings of the Green, they can expect at least a little “luck” in their endeavors and life, only the bleakest and most dire situations can make it simply not work, but it is as the saying goes: “Nothing ventured nothing gained”.


Duty (COST X): The Purple Path stands on its own. It does its own things and never changes for anything or anyone else. Until dreams become breadcrumbs in the infinite void, and reality crumbles to naught, they will stand as they always did.
You know how to operate and create Oneiros objects and machines. It differs greatly from engineering and conventional science.
A Oneiros-made machine acts on the “context” and meaning given to it rather than a scientific convention or knowledge, making each machine unique and different from the others in usage and meaning.

Our Will (COST X): The Purple ignores the outside world for they are not important until a creature capable of wreaking havoc across the entire globe appears, then it will be THEIR problem to resolve it. Weavers of the Purple regard spellcasting as suboptimal and weak compared to their machines, so they prefer to use the reliability of a grimoire or equipment than spells, their knowledge of how to extract 100% of a Oneiros machine unmatched.

The Anchor Point (COST X): When calamity hits, the Purple is the first to act for a reason. The Purple wield an unsurmountable amount of knowledge held tightly in their grasp. They know the most about the world’s threats what lurks in the darkness and beyond the light, and how they should be dealt with.
As a part of the Purple, you know an awful lot about monsters, creatures, and how to deal with them, your mind broken, melted, and reforged into the perfect member of the Purple long ago, made to kill what assails the planet with a machine’s perfection.

Praised be the Machine (COST X): Making Oneiros Machines is not simple, needing as much ability to be “good”, much like an Engraver, however, you stood above the ranks of mediocrity. Your skills allow you to make complex machines, your imagination and weaving put into physical form to create machinery whose every cog and bolt has a meaning besides being “void” or “part of the whole.

Nimue (COST X): While the majority of the Purple focuses entirely on making machines you are one of the few who doesn’t, following a different path, You specialized in making “Enchanted Objects”, they were like Oneiros Machines but far simpler in purpose, simple tools.
However, they can be “enchanted”, placing more Oneiros inside of them in a process similar to engraving to create “Oneiros Object”, or “Enchanted Objects” which have supernatural properties. It can be applied to normal objects, but the efficacy will vary and depend on the object’s quality and compatibility with Oneiros.

Daedalus Complex (COST X): The best Purple not only need the skills to back themselves up, but great creativity to weave objects into reality and attribute them quality and power for them to work and have special properties.
Oneiros machines are made for a purpose and weaved with attributes to fulfill said purpose rather than having a “standardized production”. You have the mind to think of complex and utterly insane ideas and find a way to apply them in your Oneiros, able to produce all kinds of insane machines and maybe even some tools with your creativity intact, making you a wild card even for the standards of the Purple.
Your machines are also a cut above the grade of most machinery of the Purple.

Facing Demise (COST X, Requires Dreamer, Purple Exclusive): Death is a constancy few can run away from, and chaos is inevitable, it is something the Purple understood long ago. In the face of demise or overwhelming odds you stand calm, aim, and fight to the death. Your spirit is unbroken and unbowed until the day you die.
Your mind has adapted to fight losing battles and strives to end them, weaving equipment and weapons in the span of a second to even the tides of the battle, even if you lack a combat specialty, you have honed your instincts and battle posture to be able to fight and react even if your body and skills are subpar.

Godsworn (COST X): The Highest Binding Vow of the Purple, and something no one but the one who makes the vow knows the content of. You are allowed the highest degree of freedom inside the Purple: The knowledge, technique, and wisdom to not only create objects but living beings and grant sapience and conscience onto objects and even those living beings you create. It is not granted based on skill or power, the actual requirements are unknown.

The Twelve Labors (COST X, Purple Exclusive): “Once upon a time, wizards had mane twelve weapons to destroy the greatest evil and blind the eyes of God, but those weapons went out of control for God was already blinded for a long time. Then, the Wizards took it upon themselves to end the Twelve Weapons on their own, uncaring about the sacrifices.”
Somehow you have gained, or been granted, the right to wield one of the twelve god-slaying powers the Purple has under its possessions, the power to bring down god-shattering stars or God themselves. However, it is a fraction of one of the Twelve Labors, not the weapon at its full potential, yet even if it same fraction, a shard of greatness, it is still part of something meant to bring down the very gods.

Black: All Black Path abilities require at least Mage grade

One Percent (COST X): The Black does what it wants to. If they want someone dead, that person will be killed in a gruesome way. You have been taught the way of the Black. You have the starting knowledge of how to use curses and weave Oneiros in darker, twisted ways…

Desecration (COST X): There is no such thing as “camaraderie”, all alliances are made to further each other’s goals, and then dump or use the other party when it is no longer convenient.
As long as you seek after your will, and objectives without care or remorse, you will find your spells never weakening or losing their strength.

The Strongest Link (COST X): The only thing that matters is power, and power is what moves the world. Everything else is meaningless.
All traditions and cultures are meaningless in the face of your objectives. DO. WHAT. YOU. WANT. Always, never stop or let anyone say otherwise. The only knowledge you need is of yourself, and how to further your goals and wants. You know how to go after what you seek, always, no matter the cost.

Misery and Hauntings (COST X): The bread and butter of the Black Path is the creation of curses. Contrary to other types of weaving, it twists the Oneiros into a harmful energy, a cursed power who only meant to cause hurt and demise.
Curses have their attributes twisted and try to cause as much harm as possible, curse spells can act as slow poisons, causing pain and misery slowly on a target, or be like a fast-spreading swarm of locusts crawling inside someone, even being able to be used in a more… refined state to cause a myriad of hurt and excruciation over a target, sometimes even the land.

Misery and Death (COST X): Sometimes curses are not enough to deal with the job, and sometimes they feel lacking, this is where this comes in. You have developed a taste for a unique type of darkness and hurt, the blight and agony only diseases can bring.
You weave your Oneiros like a chief making a feast, placing all kinds of rancid diseases and hurt on it, only to unleash it like a swarm of locusts carrying all kinds of nasty diseases you had cooked. Because it works as a disease, most people who do not have great resistance to Oneiros or a powerful resilience will find themselves weak and in agony until they die, or get the help of a Green Weaver, because it is both a disease and a spell.

An Open Mind (COST X): Those who keep their minds open are delightfully pleasant to break, rob them of their näivete, and tarnish their innocence. Your words and actions can be laced with Oneiros, making you more charismatic and persuasive as long as you keep your Oneiros up to fuel those effects.
Those in your vicinity can have their minds affected by your effects, you can toy with their mind, memories, and feelings, and wreak havoc on those who resist your charges with powerful hallucinations and illusions. While willpower can greatly weaken your powers and get someone out of your control, it is not enough to break completely your illusions.

The Sacred of the Dead (COST X): While the blues pride themselves on their cooperation with the dead and their leftover Oneiros, the Black sees the dead as nothing but their slaves, the same for their grimoires.
You have the power to enslave, corrupt, and twist leftover Oneiros into darker, stronger versions of themselves for the trade-off of more instability and lack of self-control, but as one of the Black, it is not a big problem as long as they are in line.
You do not need to perceive the dead as the blue does, using a direct and more brutal method of infecting their leftover Oneiros with yours and taking direct control, or breaking them. However, the body and powerful Oneiros of the leaving shield them from your attacks, having a hard time hitting and damaging them.

Negativity (COST X): While most shy away from being hated or falling into infamy, you enjoy it. Far more than you should. You can feast on negative emotions and even store them inside you, gnawing at negative emotions harvested from others to fuel.
You have an upper limit on how your body can store negative energy before breaking down, but it is not an issue as long as you release it out regularly.
You can use this negative energy to enhance greatly your spells, or even enhance the potency of your Oneiros, granting a myriad of strengthening effects. It cannot heal you, sadly.

Soul Eater (COST X, Purple Exclusive): “Once upon a time, a great Tyrant rose and sacrificed the souls of his Kingdom, devouring their energy to grant him all might power. However, he was not satisfied and continued to raise kingdoms to the ground. This enraged a coven of Mighty Warriors, who took him down.”
Like the Tyrant of Legend, you have acquired through dark rituals and malignant actions the power to eat souls and fuel your power. By eating souls you increase your Oneiros slightly, and the only limitation is that it shall be a soul of the living.
How your powers and spells interact with your power to directly eat souls is a mystery.

Path Specialization: You can only choose up to two Path Specializations.

Not only do you have the abilities of a path, but you should also be a specialist.

Boost = 2x the base; Greatly Boost = 4x the base. Enhance = 1,5x the base

The Six Pure Path Specialization however boosts their Path-associated perks by 5x

Red Path Weaver (COST X, Requires the three Perks of the Red Path and any other Red Path ability): As a true weaver of the Red, you are a well-balanced weaver with skills and knowledge of how to use Oneiros with mastery and wisdom, a well-rounded weaver like all Red shall be. (Boost all Red Path Perks)

Orange Path Weaver (COST X, Requires the three Perks of the Orange Path and any other Red Orange Perk): As a weaver of the Orange you are the pinnacle of what the Orange Weavers should strive to be. With a great and potent body and a vast knowledge of how to mold and change the earth to the best of your abilities. (Boost all Orange Path Perks)

Blue Path Weaver (COST X, Requires the three Perks of the Blue Path and any other Blue Path Perk): As an examplar member of the Blue, you are reserved and knowledgable about all matters in the world, having great mastery and controlled skillfulness over your abilities and weaving. With a grace akin to a dancer or a swan. (Boost all Blue Path Perks)

Green Path Weaver (COST X, Requires the three Perks of the Green Path and any other Red Green Perk): The Green Path is made of weirdos and those with unique skills… so being a master of it is not much of a benchmark as the other Paths, but it still is an achievement. (Boost all Green Path Perks)

Purple Path Weaver (COST X, Requires the three Perks of the Purple Path and any other Purple Perk): Purple is amongst the hardest Paths to master and achieves greatness in it because of the constant competition and thirst to do better, perform better, and chase after greatness, but you managed to achieve this level. Stand proud. (Boost all Purple Path Perks)

Black Path Weaver (COST X, Requires the first three Perks of the Black Path and any other Black Perk): While many weavers join the Black Path, few can call themselves master of it, and you are amongst the cursed few who achieved greatness in such wretched path. (Boost all Black Path Perks)

CRIMSON WEAVERS (COST X, Require “Destruction”, “Fiery Annihilation” and “Into the Throws of Passion/The Red Heat”): You are amongst the most destructive Red Weavers, those who walk the walk of the Crimson Path, your capacity to think, devise and evoke destruction is unmatched as is your desire for arson and a little “spice” in your life. (Boost all Destructive Abilities and Spells, your offensive power is enhanced)

THE RED MAGE (COST X, Require All first and third Perk of every Path, plus any other perk in all Paths): You are what is called a “Red Mage”, despite the name, it has nothing to do with the Red Path or the Mage grade. You are a Jack of All Trades, Master of Few. Your overall knowledge is almost unmatched and so is your ability to cover almost any role in any formation or fill any job that does not require great specialization.
(Boosts slightly all of your Oneirosweaving abilities, you have great skill over what you have)

THE RUBY WEAVERS (COST X, Require “Barrier Maiden”, “Sealing Fate” and “The Smiting Hand”): The Ruby Weavers are almost cult-like in how religiously they seek out and try to destroy the Black Path and its ploys, most of the time joining with the Blue and Fox Fire Weavers. You have achieved great expertise in the usage of seals despite not being a Blue Weaver, as well as the power to Smite Evil effectively.
(Boost “The Smiting Hand” strength and allow you to allocate the Attribute “Holy” to your Oneiros and Spells, enhance the usage of barriers and seals slightly).

THE DRUID WEAVERS (COST X, Requires “Colossus Figure Tier 2”, “Nature Understanding” and “Will of the Orange”: Contrary to most Orange Weavers, the Druid Weavers are very open with their emotions and feelings, often talking with nature and wild animals, as well as boasting great charisma. They may fuse with the Earth itself to move around or seek nature for aid.
(Greatly Boosts “Nature Understanding”: It allows one to make more complex and powerful plants, as well as become part plant yourself, which boosts your healing and strength, Allows one to fuse with the Earth to travel fast from place to place, or hide within the Earth for faster healing and cure wounds/disease)

THE STAR WEAVERS (COST X, Requires “Ad Astra Per Aspera”): You are amongst the rare Star Weavers, the true ones with great understanding and mastery over their craft. You know of the positions of stars and the movement of the Earth before the cosmos.
(Boosts Ad Astra per Aspera: You are now able to channel greater amounts of cosmic energy, able to replace your Oneiros-based spells on Star-Based ones, harder to block and with far greater output)

THE SAPPHIRE WAVERS (COST X, Requires “Barrier Maiden” and “Sealing Fate”): Those of the Blue who dedicated themselves more than the normal towards the usage of Barrier and Seals to an unhealthy degree (Greatly Boosts “Barrier Maiden” and “Sealing Fate”, you can now sacrifice your own life force and soul to greatly multiply the strength of your barriers and seals)

THE FOX FIRE WEAVERS (COST X Requires “Destruction”, “Sealing Fate”, “Onmyodo”):
You are amongst the greatest users of Onmyodo inside the Blue, a true Fox Fire Weaver. Like how the Black can corrupt and bring forth poor parodies of the Oneiros of the deceased, you can talk and entertain the Oneiros of them and bring them forth in combat in their true glory rather than tarnished minions, with greater control and stability.
You can wield flames capable of great damage to the soul and Oneiros of an enemy
(Boosts “Sealing Fate” and “Onmyodo”, you can attack the souls of your enemies as well as summon the Oneiros of the dead who agreed to help you)

THE WHAT WEAVER? (COST X, Requires? and having the Green Path as your main Path): Maybe you are a cut above the rest, or maybe you are too exotic. Either way, there is no way to classify what Path is yours, maybe you are the first of a kind, or just too unique to group with the others (Boost two Oneiros Perks of yours)

DARK PURPLE WEAVERS (COST X, Requires “Praised be the Machine”, “Daedalus Complex”): You are one of the tops of line producers within the purple, even if you are there only by your frightening speed at producing new objects and machinery (Greatly boosts the speed to which you can produce new gear)

SLAYERS (COST X, Requires “Facing Demise”, “The Twelve Labors”): When evil beyond comprehension is born, you are amongst the first to face it. You will be on the frontlines against this threat no matter how many times it comes back to life (Boosts all Combat prowess, including Combat Specialty)

THE ROTTING WEAVERS (COST X, Requires “Misery and Death”, “Negativity”: The Weavers known to spread the vilest and destructive diseases on where they pass, sworn enemies of the Orange.
(Boosts “Misery and Death” and “Negativity”, your diseases are more virulent, deadly, and spread faster, and your negativity tank has more space to store negativity)

THE REAPERS (COST X, Requires “The Sacred of the Dead”, “Negativity”, “Misery and Hauntings”): The most feared members of the Black, the Reapers, those who bring back the dead in a twisted parody of themselves to fight once again for an evil cause…
(Boosts “The Sacred of the Dead” and “Negativity”, you can now combine multiple Oneiros of the dead to form undead amalgamations or force feed Oneiros to said deads to enhance their power)

The Phoenix Cult (COST X, Requires “Healing Touch”, “Colossus Figure”, “Destruction”): A strange cult even within the Red, to whom they are affiliated. It is a cult that focuses on the destruction of the body and its rebirth, rebirthing in flames. They have unnaturally fast regeneration based on their Oneiros, consuming it to heal the blood in flames, and if their pool is big enough, it can even reborn them from death in the form of a baby.
(Enhances Destruction destructive power, you can quickly heal any wound dealt on your body using Oneiros, the Oneiros consumed is proportional to the damage, enhances your physical strength. You can turn yourself into an embodiment of “physical” flames)

The Molten Fist Sect (COST X, Requires “Colossus Figure Tier 3”, “Fiery Destruction”, “Hardship and Trials”): While there are more “orthodox” ways of leading a Path, it does not apply to those guys. They are physique aficionados who want to take their physique to another level. This is why they seek combat and trials to make their bodies and themselves stronger.
Oh, they are also always on fire, whole parts of their bodies replaced by molten but surprisingly sturdy and stable metal, making their punches heavy as a meteor and as fiery as one too.
They also band together and act as one big traveling Dojo.
(Boosts Colossus Figure Tier 3 and Fiery Destruction”. Greatly enhances resilience and strength. You can turn whole sections of your body into molten metal without repercussions or usage from Oneiros)

1, 2, 3 BOOM! (COST X, Requires “Destruction”, “Understanding” and “Protection”): While the Crimson Path is bad, those guys are almost as bad. They are in love with the act of making explosions, dedicating their lives to making the “best explosives in this entire world”, and using their knowledge to blow things up indiscriminately.
(Greatly Boosts the act of making explosions)

Gaia Cult (COST X, Requires “Nature Understanding”, “Heaviest Link”, “Heavy Metal”):
Sometimes the belief that something is alive is completely accurate. Much like a Druid, you can communicate with the Earth but in a different way. You do not call for plants or animals but the minerals from underground. Mother Earth comes to your help forming giant golems of stone, dirt, and other minerals, sometimes even made of minerals unable to be found anywhere in the world.
(Greatly Boost Nature Understanding and Heaviest Link. You can call forth giant golems of stone and minerals able to shrug off most physical and Oneiros damage, as well as move the Earth with ease to form protections around you. Those golems are sapient and can come in any moment you are in danger. Mother Earth watches over you)

Wrath of Nature Cult (COST X, Requires “Misery and Death”, “Nature Understanding”, “Heaviest Link”): Sometimes Nature is too forgiving, sometimes it cares too much about the unworthy, and you as one who understands nature is the rightful hand who punishes those heathens. You can produce deadly natural poisons and toxins, different from the diseases, those focus on causing death, and only then as it is fit for a poison and/or toxin, to purge the Earth from the unworthy who hurt it,
(Greatly Boosts “Misery and Death”. You can no longer make any disease, however, you can now make all sorts of natural toxins and poisons, as well as grow plants that spread said toxins)

Catastrophe Sect (COST X, Requires “Protection”, “Heavy Metal” and “Desecration”): While most of the Orange focuses on keeping nature safe, there are those who join in to learn to destroy it, and they are dealt with quickly when their true intentions are discovered, but sometimes some of them manage to run away and survive.
They use this power to cause Earthquakes and break fake volcanos from the ground to unleash streams of lava to burn up a town or city. Those survivors from the wrath of the Orange call themselves the “Catastrophe Sect”
(Boost the destructive power of your spells, making them fit to cause natural disasters and catastrophes)

Sanctuary Path (COST X, Requires “Protection”, “Sealing Fate” and “Barriermaiden”): A path deeply intertwined with the Blue and Sapphire Path. While the Sapphire goes out on journeys to find an evil worth sealing, the Sanctuary focuses on protecting single areas, or making the area around themselves into “Sanctums”. Fortified places with both the Earth and many barriers and seals as protection.
As Sapphires and the average Bluea are excellent at singling out specific targets, Sanctuary Weavers are best suited to deal with whole sizes and protect fortresses.
(Enhances “Sealing Fate” and “Barriermaiden”. You can design whole areas as “sanctums”< placing a myriad of spells there and infusing those places with your Oneiros, making them more resistant against attacks and the passage of time, and greatly weakening evil forces. Alternatively, you can always design the area around you as a Sanctum, but it will be severely weaker than a stationary building)

The Emerald Path (COST X, Requires “Caring is Protecting”, “Engraving”, “Protection”): Not all those who follow the doctrine of the blue are apathetic or aloof. You are amongst the rare few who have a heart of gold, maybe because you learned something or two with the green, or because you are just that way.
You can make barriers around gemstones in a process similar to engraving, a rare power. Those gemstones can become artifacts with many properties based on your knowledge, however, the most common use of such gemstones is to make jewelry. The jewelry and gemstones you make can have many properties such as enhancing one’s strength, defense, or speed slightly, not as good as a true “buff”, but they can make the difference between life and death.
Those of the Emerald Path walk the land, giving gemstones and jewelry to people who need it or are in dire situations to make their lives easier and better. They live a righteous path of goodwill.
(Boosts “Caring is Protecting”, “Engraving” and “Protection”. You can make gemstones and jewelry that can hold the effects of buffs, debuffs, or any other properties you know how to apply. However, they work in a fraction of the usage of buffs, debuffs, and others)

Book Merchant (COST X, Requires “Hardship and Trials”, “Engravers”, “Our Will”): As one of the Blue, the hunger for knowledge and wisdom got the better of you, which is both a blessing and a curse. You have a raging affection for books and their usage in combat, having mastered the grimoire combat as well as their production. Using many grimoires at the same time is not a problem for you.
(Greatly enhanced the efficacy of grimoires and their Oneiros storage)

The Great Knight Order (COST X, Requires “Hardship and Trials”, “Caring is Protecting”, “Barrier Maiden”): Sometimes hope and determination are infectious and you know them well. You are part of the Great Knight Order which seeks to emulate the figures of legends. Acting as peacekeepers and fending off injustice and Tyranny. You as part of the order possess great determination and the Oneirosweaving to back you up, resisting all kinds of attacks with your physical prowess, as well as casting buffs on yourself and your allies to keep them up, using barriers to protect and shield the innocents and the wounded.
(Boosts “Hardship and Trials”, “Caring is Protecting”, “Barrier Maiden”)

Makhine Kult (COST X, Requires “Praised be the Machine”, “Colossus Figure” and “Heavy Metal”): The flesh is weak but it can be replaced with its betters. Those who think like that are not few amongst the ranks of the Purple, and because of that, they enjoy a fine practice of replacing their weak, disgusting flesh with strong, reliable, and powerful Oneiros machinery, becoming more and more like walking Oneiros machines than people. It makes them more resilient, enhances their Oneiros reserves, and allows them to modify and better themselves with greater ease. However, everyone who joins the Makhine Kult shall replace all instances where they use C in writing with K for some reason…
(Boosts “Daedalus Complex, you can replace your body parts with better Oneiros tech at will. The machines that compose you are stronger and better than others who sought other ways to become a cyborg)

Sword Maker (COST X, Requires “Nimue”, “Caring is Protecting”, “Engraving”): A refined art forgotten, art for a more civilized time. You are amongst the few “Great sword makers” left in the world, anyone can make a sword, but few can make swords like you do. Dedicated to the dying art and to follow in the footsteps of the Godfathers of Sword making, your blades have an ethereal feeling to them, a powerful otherworldly aura around them. Their blades are everlasting sharp nigh unbreakable and can shoot powerful lasers, and it is only the tip of the iceberg. With the right materials, maybe you can even make a Terrible Blade.
(Greatly enhances Nimue and Engraving. As long as it is a “sword” in the loosest term possible, it is greatly enhanced once you finish making it and engraving spells/Oneiros on it)

The Mecha Makers (COST X, Requires “Daedalus Complex”, “Praised be the Machine”, “Duty”): As old as the Purple is their fixation on making giant, unnecessary humongous machines to dunk out against giant species, going out of their way to gather like a swarm of ants and produce a giant robot to fight against giant species the moment one is spotted. You are amongst the finest makers of their giant robots, able to plan and help produce, or if you have such capacity, even make whole mechas at your back and call.
Your passion for such fights is unmatched as is the spark of your Mechas, going to their 120% to win such fights even if it costs their “lives”.
You can also make power armors, but why make one when you can make a mecha?

Avesta of Black and White (REQUIRES “ONMYODO”, “SACRED OF THE DEAD”, “SOUL TOUCH”): The feud between the Black and the Blue is almost senseless to you, you who have walked this path for a long, long time. Instead of going into the dark or the faint blue light, you have chosen your path. You do not ask for permission to use the Oneiros of the deceased, nor do you violate them, but you bring them up in a form almost similar to the one they had before dying and lead them to decide.
If they want to go, they go, but if they want to stay, they follow you in a mockery of a living form, ethereal but as whole as they can be. You lack the offensive powers and strength of the Fox Spirits Weavers and Reapers, but you get the best of both words.
Your undead companions are as stable and sane as the Fox Spirits Weaver’s friends, and almost as strong as an average Reaper’s minion. You may lack power, but you walk in good company.
(Enhances “Onmyodo”, “Sacred of the Dead” and “Soul Touch”)

Spooky Scary (COST X, Requires Having Died, “Sacred of the Dead”, and “Colossus Figure”): You have died… and came back to life? How? It is not normal, but somehow you have returned, truly returned as one of the Dead. A true Undead and not just a leftover Oneiros… how has it happened?
(You are greatly resilient to blows can withstand most physical attacks with ease, and never get tired. You cannot enjoy the luxuries of the living, and the Green can greatly harm you with their healing, you are more exposed to soul attacks, however, only attacks directly to your soul can kill you. Mental tricks do not work on you either. It is easier to affect your Oneiros)

Perks: Unless stated otherwise, all perks can only be bought ONCE. You only pay for the highest tier of a perk unless stated otherwise.


You have an enhanced perception of the physical world, able to perceive things happening around you with more clarity and precision, making your reflexes better and sharper.
TIER 2: Your reflexes are greatly enhanced, as you can see the wingbeats of a fly from hundreds of feet away, and can pin its wings mid-fly if you have the skill and a needle to throw at it.
TIER 3: You can hear a grain of dust fall from miles away from you, as you can see the fly of a hummingbird a country away if nothing blocks your vision, your reflexes are as fast as the sound waves.


You are beautiful, impossibly so. You are bound to attract the sight and admiration of people as you walk, your appearance full of charisma even if your personality is trash. You are beautiful.
TIER 2: Your beauty is… something more. Things tend to go the way you want, and you find yourself more lucky than others as if you had a secret admirer helping you through your life.
TIER 3: You are impossibly beautiful. The universe itself is aware of that and tries to preserve your beauty. You will find bad things moving out of your way more often than not, and that blows naturally “move” out of the way to preserve your beauty.
Only the strongest attacks and wills can pierce through your “defenses”


While those pesky Oneirosweavers can have their machine bodies made of voodoo tech, those who reject their foul sorcery achieve their own way of becoming one with machines. You are among one of them.
TIER 2: Your enhancements are of a better quality, and able to channel the Valentia fuel within your body, bringing more power and energy to your cyborg parts.
TIER 3: You stand among the select few who have enhancements equal or superior to the purple, using the power of science and Valentia to achieve such a level your body is more like a weapon of destruction.
(More purchases denote multiple skills in different fields)


For a long time, the Oneirosweaving bastards controlled the entire world because there was no one to fully oppose their powers. It lasted until the technology was made outside the usage of Oneiros. You possess the knowledge, and ability, to to produce and design such technology.
You possess the intelligence and practical ability to be an inventor or a scientist in any field
TIER 2: You possess a great genius, a once-in-a-lifetime genius able to revolutionize yours and future generations.
TIER 3: Your genius has achieved a greater level, a once-in-a-lifetime inventor, scientist, or maybe both, in the molds of Da Vinci and Tesla.


Valentia is a strange mineral found within the world after millennia of control of the Oneirosweavers. A special mineral that releases copious amounts of energy and can be used to fuel machines outside the Oneiros-made ones, which sparked a worldwide revolution.
You are amongst the few who know exactly how to conduct and use Valentia with precision, drawing 100% of its capacities, and making any machine go up to 150% of its normal output without problems.
When Valentia was first discovered, it was a strange mineral that came out of nowhere and released energy on people. Then they used this strange golden gem-like mineral to produce simple gear and discovered it could release energy outside of the Oneiros-based one.


You possess a heritage out of this world, or in better terms, your bloodline is out of this universe. You are not a full-fledged creature, or maybe you are half-blooded, but your essence, yourself does not belong to the universe made by the ancients, rather being a creature akin to the Elders of Yore.
You are the Kabal proof that the universe is healing, and the flow of nature is coming back to what it should, and should always have been.
You possess a unique innate power unrelated to Oneiros, Valentia, or even the universe made by the ancients, a type of power that normally shouldn’t exist under the gaze of Laplace.
“Sadly, their almighty machine has gone blind. How pitiful.”


Your strength increases with how angry you are until you reach the limit of your potential where you will be twice as strong as before.
TIER 2: The limit of your anger has increased by fourfold, but you are twice as quick to anger. When at the zenith of your wrath your strength increases fourfold, and you earn the capacity to damage what normally shouldn’t be damaged barehanded like ghosts of leftover Oneiros.
TIER 3: There are no alterations to how strong you become, but at the limit of your anger, you will find yourself able to push through your limits and break free from things that go beyond the physical world. You can overpower seals and punch through force fields bare-handed.


Your skill increases based on how calm you are. If you are the zenith of your calm and relaxation, you will be twice as skillful and dexterous.
TIER 2: You are twice as hard to bother and anger in combat, always keeping your head cool and your mind free of intrusive thoughts. If you achieve a Zen-like state of calm and relaxation, you will find yourself four times better in your skills and abilities than you would be otherwise.
TIER 3: There are no alterations to how your abilities increase with your calm, but once in a Zen state, you can perceive things that others cannot, and interact with them with ease as if they were really there, like “walking by seals”, or “slipping through a force field”.


The power of constant evolution, and what broke Laplace’s back. The first immutable law of the universe.
You possess an uncanny ability to temporarily access a higher form in combat. It does not change you physically yet, but you become stronger, as does your power.
TIER 2: Your power has achieved a greater level.
Your metamorphosis now can be shown in your body as it becomes more powerful than before, it can be something subtle as a change of hair color or a more animalistic appearance, but it shows how you have changed for a stronger form. It can only last a few minutes but still… with enough training, you may have it for longer.
TIER 3: A near-legendary form, you can only maintain it for a few moments at most before collapsing and going back to your previous form, but in these few moments you have an explosive growth in strength and power.


Since times immemorial, all things except for the Ancients had a “sublimation” point, their reason for being for their entire existence. You are no different.
An Apogean is an ability or skill that denotes the “Ultimate power” of an existence, what defines it. It is taxing on both the soul and body, and can only be used once. While all have one, few can access it. Consider yourself lucky.
TIER 2: Your Apogean has one special quality, be it power, the speed in which it is cast, or something more esoteric that differentiates it from the others.
TIER 3: It is the maximum power of an Apogean, many of which can only be used once in a few years or even decades, but the power is unmatched, but it may take too long to unleash it if its attribute is not speed, but if it is power… few can resist a direct blast.


The more the merrier. This is a saying you live and kill for. When you are surrounded by enemies, your strength peaks and you feel the most alive, the more they are, the stronger you are in return. Up to twice your base strength.
TIER 2: Now things start to heat up. You continue to grow in strength based on how many foes you are facing, but the more damaged you are and the more you fight, the faster you grow stronger. Up to thrice your strength.
TIER 3: You are a demon in combat. The more you kill and are surrounded, the stronger you become until there is nothing more to kill. All damage done to you just serves to make you more bloodthirsty and stronger. Up to five times your strength.
Only able-bodied fighters count for this.


A true fight is between two individuals and two individuals only, anything more is savagery and barbarism. You as a refined and distinguished warrior live by this rule. Against one opponent your focus is unmatched, and so is your concentration. Up to twice your base skill and combat prowess.
TIER 2: You are a duelist and live for the duel like the warriors of yore approved. As long as you fight against an enemy, your capacity to analyze and study his fighting style and tactics and act accordingly with great skill. Up to thrice your base combat prowess.
TIER 3: You have achieved an almost legendary level of duelist skills, your mind honed and perfected for single combat to an unnatural degree. Up to five times your base combat prowess.
Only able-bodied fighters count for this.


You have a species of ghostly creature after you, or a type of tulpa you are linked to. You can control that creature, it is not as strong as you, but it holds a diminished level of the same abilities you have, around a fourth of what you can do. It is like a twisted reflection.
TIER 2: That creature… is strange. It is a full-fledged “beast” linked to you. it is not a twisted reflection but something else entirely. It may fight you for the right to see who is in control of who.
TIER 3: That creature somehow is… strong as you, if not stronger, and it most certainly is not happy at being in the backseat between you two.


Oneirosweaving is as old as time, and Valentia has the power to bring up a new age in the world, but they are not the only powers to exist. Once upon a time when the first one after the Ancients rose from the dust, he had made the Sorcery, a power similar to the Oneirosweaving of the Ancients, but far more powerful in potency and output, a bright flame so bright it blinded and went beyond the Demon of Laplace. Somehow you had earned or acquired this power of legend, the True Sorcerery, the true Magic.
It acts as Oneirosweaving but without anything as close to “needing energy”, however, there is no one to teach you how to use this power, such a rarity it is to even exist in the first place, as of now you are a novice in its usage, but even if it is limited, it can hurt things that come from the star or beyond, and maybe more insidious enemies.


You are light on your feet, able to move without making any sound at all, and practically undetectable by normal people unless they have the means and tools to track someone down like a detective, and even then it will be hard.
TIER 2: Your stealth capacities are something of rumors and urban legends, you are stealthy and witty as a spy, a gentleman thief in ability able to get inside places without being noticed, and then go out as you want or see fit. You have this aura of mystery and darkness that shrouds you from the view and perception of others, needing great concentration to perceive you.
TIER 3: You have at all times a powerful aura of mystery and unknown around you, your presence extremely hidden and only noticeable by the most perceptive beings who pierce through your veil of unknown.


You are an heir to a powerful organization, kingdom, or company, or maybe you are their leader. For now, it is just a small organization, but it can grow in the future and by your actions.
TIER 2: You are the heir or leader of a greater organization. It is not a superpower with tendrils all over the world, but it is not small enough to be dismissed by others, hoarding a fair amount of power.
TIER 3: You are the heir or leader of one of the powerhouses of the world, an organization so big it is impossible to be ignored even if someone tried.


You are someone who knows the right moment to barge in a situation and the best moment to jump off the ship. You have a thick skin and the ability to adapt to most situations the world throws at you, maybe it is by analysis, or maybe it is your instincts at play.
TIER 2: You have an uncanny ability to adapt to the world and situations around it. It is not adaptation in the biological sense, but you are hard to get rid of. If you were thrown into a desert without any resources, you would find a way to survive, and maybe even make your way back the civilization.
It is also applicable in combat, with you having a knack for understanding and playing by the flow of your enemy.
TIER 3: The only limitation to yourself are your skills and knowledge, you can adapt to almost all situations life can throw at you, only the truly improbable can catch you off guard, and not for long. With more knowledge and skills, comes more versatility to your adaptation.


Maybe you grew up surrounded by information, or maybe you have always been a fast learner. Either way, you have a great ability to learn and absorb information faster than others, and not only absorb it, but understand said information.
TIER 2: You are uncannily quick at how quickly you go through and comprehend information, almost reaching a superhuman degree of comprehension of what you learn, and the rate at which you learn said information.
You also comprehend how to apply said information you learned.
TIER 3: You are more like a machine than a person in the rate you process information, able to go through hundreds of books in a sitting and understand the information contained within them.
You also get a clear vision of how to use them.


Oneiros exists within (almost) everyone, and those who use it are named Weavers, but not all Oneiros abilities necessarily need Weaving capacity.
You have an innate power, the power to open your heart and change the world around you to reflect how your Oneiros is, the universe within it. At first, it is just a small area where you are stronger, that area accompanies you and feeds on your Oneiros to be maintained.
TIER 2: Your inner universe has grown stronger, stronger to supplant the world around you, temporarily changing the terrain around you into that of your inner universe. You are stronger inside that area, but it no longer accompanies you, in trade, you are far much stronger inside it and can control its properties. The consumption of Oneiros is increased
TIER 3: The absolute limit of an inner universe. it surrounds a large area yourself, and it grows stronger and makes you far much stronger than you have any right to be. However, the Oneiros' consumption of it is massive.


While rare, some can manipulate their Oneiros on an intimate level few can do so. It is called “Soul Sublimination”, which is adding your soul to an object, or intertwining it temporarily with a person, empowering them with the “Meaning of your Oneiros”. Making them slightly stronger, but it must be with an object or person you are close to. Instead of consuming your Oneiros, it is taxing in both the mind and the body.
TIER 2: The strength of your Soul Sublimation is increased, almost becoming a fusion of your soul with the target of the Sublimation, almost a fusion if it is a person or has its own Oneiros. The strength is greater, and so are the capacities of your Sublimination while it lasts. Although powerful, it is also very tiring to the body.
TIER 3: You have reached the maximum output of a Sublimation, able to perfectly fuse an object with your soul, unleashing the full power of it through a medium, or person. Remember to use it well, because the rate that it tires you out is far greater than the previous ones.


You are an aberration in the universe’s eyes. A creature that should be purged. At this level you are just a minor slight, so expect things to go wrong for you, and for luck to never be on your side.
TIER 2: You are more than just a slight in the universe’s eyes, but a thing that needs to be exterminated as soon as possible. Expect warriors and weavers from all walks of life to contact you for your due demise for one reason or another. However, with more atrocities you commit and by showing the universe you are “evil”, you grow stronger.
TIER 3: You are something the universe desperately tries to get rid of. It will use all tricks it has to end you, but in compensation, you grow absurdly stronger with atrocities and evil deeds you commit, proving to the universe are a monster. Keep an eye open, your demise may happen at any moment.


While most are regarded with indifference by the universe, you are someone so ugly it has taken a dislike to you. While things can go wrong, you will always find some silver lining as long as you keep proving to the universe you are not that “bad”.
TIER 2: Things are bad for you, the universe is convinced you are a creature due to extermination. How to avoid it doing its best to kill you? Prove you are not a monster. By doing good deeds and fighting against the universe's perception of you, you will get some leeway against its distaste towards you. By fighting against its perception, you will find that in your darkest hours things will start to align in your favor, your weapon may endure more and do more damage, or you discover your food stock hasn’t truly ended a day ago.
TIER 3: As long as you never give in to the monster within and the perception of the universe, you will have the strength to challenge the very fate itself for your life.



Added the Perks: "Adaptable", "Knowledgable", "An Open Heart", "Soul Sublimation", "True Monster", "Hard Mode"


Added the perks: "Eidolon", "True Sorcery", "Silent Cries", "Kingdom"


Added Perks: "World Awareness", "The Righteousness of Beauty", "True Machina", "Deus Ex Machina", "Valentia Compatibility", "The Thing from the Stars", "Wrath", "Patience", "Metamorphosis", "Apogean"
Added Perks sections


Added all Path Specializations. Too many to put here, Holy shit.
Black Path Oneiros Perks added: "One Percent", "Desecration", "The Strongest Link", "Misery and Hauntings", "Misery and Death", "An Open Mind", "The Sacred of the Dead", "Negativity", "Soul Eater"
Purple Path Oneiros Perks added: "Duty", "Our Will", "The Anchor Point", "Praised be the Machine", "Nimue", "Daedalus Complex", "Facing Demise", "Godsworn", "The Twelve Labors"


Green Path Oneiros Perks added: "Enjoyment", "Will of the Green", "The Shpaeshifting Link", "Healing Touch", "Soul Touch", "Caring is Protecting", "Unorthodox Approach", "The Fable of the Green Fool", "Dream Fantasy"
Blue Path Oneiros Perks added: "Understanding", "Will of the Blue", "The Furthest Link","Barrier Maiden", "Sealing Fate", "All Objects in the World", "Engravers", "Onmyodo", "An answer to the Ultimate Blue"


Orange Path Oneiros Perks added: "Protection", "Will of the Orange", "The Heaviest Link", "Heavy Metal", "Transmutation", "Colossus Figure", "Nature Understanding", "Ad Astra per Aspera", "Bountiful Earth".
Red Path Oneiros Perks added: "Destruction", "Will of the Red", "The Weakest Link", "Hardship and Trials", "Fiery Annihilation", "The Smiting Hand", "Into the Throws of Passion", "The Red Heat", "The Tale of the Red Beast".
Path Specific Oneiros Perks added
General Oneiros Perks added
Oneiros Weaving Added


Black specialization added
Purple specialization added
Green specialization added
Blue specialization added
Orange specialization added
Red specialization added
Oneiros Weaving specializations added
Oneiros explanations added


Tier 4 Combat Specialty (Trickery): Seven Branched Blade
Tier 3 Combat Specialty (Trickery): "Combat Specialty 3", "Everchanging Nature"
Tier 2 Combat Specialty (Trickery): "Combat Specialty 2", "A fake still is a type of truth", "Innovation is the name of the game", "Eyes of the Snake"
Tier 1 Combat Specialty (Trickery): "Combat Specialty 1", "The Green Fool", "Mathematical Mind", "A sense of Comedy"
Added "Combat Specialty (Trickery) and its Tiers.
Tier 4 Combat Specialty (Finesse): "MASAMUNE"
Tier 3 Combat Specialty (Finesse): "Combat Specialty 3", "The Ultimate Blue"
Tier 2 Combat Specialty (Finesse): "Combat Specialty 2", "Rupture Point", "Devoted", "Master of Arms", "Zen"
Tier 1 Combat Specialty (Finesse): "Combat Specialty 1", "To cut a leaf as it falls", "Perfect Effiency", "The Balance"
Added "Combat Specialty (Finesse) and its Tiers.
Tier 4 Combat Specialty (Strength): "MURAMASA"
Tier 3 Combat Specialty (Strength): "Combat Specialty 3", "Emotion Eater", "I Punch"
Tier 2 Combat Specialty (Strength): "Combat Specialty 2", "Rupture Point", "Power Control", "The Red Beast"
Tier 1 Combat Specialty (Strength): "Combat Specialty 1", "Bull Fight", "Killer Instinct", "Blood Seeker".
Added "Combat Specialty (Strength)" and its Tiers.
Added "Friends Along the Way", "The End of the Path" to "Your History" section


Added Wealthy, Blood of Royalty, Birds of a Feather, and Undefeated Heroes in "Your History"
Added "Your History" section up to Gesture of Kindness and Piety
Added two more tiers to the attributes (Tier 1 and 3), Tier 1 physical became tier 0


First update, added the first two tiers of Attributes
First draft. Only had options up to the Racials

Pub: 14 Jan 2024 22:00 UTC
Edit: 26 Jan 2024 22:43 UTC
Views: 533