Full Guide About What Sites Are Safe/Not Safe To Download Content

Do you wonder... Who is the best repacker? Is X Site Unsafe? This is the guide for you!

Safe Repackers List:

FitGirl Repacks (https://fitgirl-repacks.site) Very good & small Repacks, Good for people with slow internet speeds.
Masquerade Repacks (In KaOsKrew) My go-to Repacker. (Joined KaOsKrew)
KaOsKrew Repacks (https://kaoskrew.org)
DODI Repacks (https://dodi-repacks.site) Weak & fast Repacks, Good for people with good internet speeds.
SPiKY Repacks (Find on GamesDrive, Torrminatorr, cs.rin.ru).
ElAmigos Repacks (Official: https://elamigos.site, Unofficial: https://elamigos-games.com)
M4ckD0ge Repacks (https://m4ckd0ge-repacks.me) Another very nice Repacker.
Chovka Repacks (https://repack.info)
CPG Repacks (https://cpgrepacks.site) Focuses on Anime games.
Darck Repacks (https://darckrepacks.com)
Gnarly Repacks (https://gnarly-repacks.site) Focuses on emulator games.
Kapital Sin Repacks (https://kapitalsin.com)
Tiny Repacks (https://tiny-repacks.win)
BlackBox Repacks (http://blackboxrepack.com)
ScOOter Repacks (https://scooter-repacks.site) Inactive
Rekulous Repacks (https://discord.gg/srwRj2g2ER) Founder of r/SoftwarePirates.
Xatab Repacks (https://b.otxataba.net, https://e12.xatab-repack.com) Inactive, :sob:
R.G. Mechanics Repacks (Can be found on trackers like tapochek.net & 1337x.to)
anadius repacks (Can be found on 1337x.to, cs.rin.ru & The Pirate Bay)
ARTEMiS/LiGHT Repacks - (Can be found on cs.rin.ru) Inactive

Safe DDL Site List:

Steam Underground (https://cs.rin.ru) Best site to check whether a game is cracked, discuss pirated games, clean steam files & get Scene Crack-Onlys.
GamesDrive (https://gamesdrive.net / https://discord.gg/M3j6vExJSA) Amazing site to download Scene Releases & Repacks, one of the best pirated-games discord communities in my opinion.
Torrminatorr (https://forum.torrminatorr.com) Another very good forum with Scene Releases & Repacks
Crackhub (https://crackhub.site) Another very good site to get Scene Releases & FitGirl Repacks.
GOG-Games (https://gog-games.com) Currently best site to get copies of games from GOG.com
GameCopyWorld (https://gamecopyworld.com/) Nice site to get some game trainers & Cracks.
Ovagames (https://ovagames.com) Good site to get Scene Releases
Online-fix (https://online-fix.me) Amazing site to play cracked games with your friends, as well as a nice way to get AIO Updates for cracked games.
The Ambassador (https://ambassadorddl.site/) Very nice site for content including PC Games, TV Shows, Movies & more.

Safe Torrent Site List:

1337x (https://1337x.to) Has many games, software, movies and more.
RARBG (https://rarbg.to) Best tracker for movies, has games & more as well.
RuTor (https://rutor.info) Has many repacks & more.
RuTracker (https://rutracker.org) Best public tracker right now, has software, games, movies, and more (You have to be registered)
Rustorka (http://rustorka.com) Many games & music. (You have to be registered)
Tapochek (https://tapochek.net) Has R.G. Mechanics, FitGirl Repacks & more (You have to be registered)

Unsafe Site List:

igg-games.com / pcgamestorrents.com / gamestorrent.co The main reasons why igg-games is not recommended is due to their history of shady behavior, such as including their own form of DRM into their .dll files.
BBRepacks - Fake BlackBox Repacks, contain malware.
OceanOfGames - High malware risk.
xGIROx - repacks contain bitcoin miners.
Seyter - repacks contain bitcoin miners.
cracked-games.org - Malware Risk.
crackingpatching - Malware Risk.
Steamunlocked - Slow downloads, malicious link redirects & uploads stolen releases from other unsafe sites.
The Pirate Bay - Malware Risk.
Kickass Torrents - Malware Risk.
Any website using the name of a Scene group (such as CODEX, CPY, SKIDROW, HOODLUM, RELOADED, SiMPLEX, DARKSiDERS, PLAZA, etc.). Scene groups do not have public websites. If you find a site using the name of a scene group, they are impersonators. (2 notable exceptions are https://skidrowrepacks.com, and https://skidrowcodex.net, which are fine to use, though they are still impostor sites).

Credits: Our Discord Server, it has more guides about piracy & cracked software.
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Pub: 26 Aug 2021 16:49 UTC
Edit: 07 Apr 2024 15:35 UTC
Views: 24364