How to create and emulate Amiibos

What you'll need:


  1. Place Amiigo.nro inside of the /switch/ folder on your SD card.
  2. Open the homebrew menu by selecting the album icon in your home menu.
  3. Launch Amiigo.
  4. Select the Amiigo Store tab.
  5. From there, select the franchise that your Amiibo stems from, and select your desired Amiibo.
  6. Your Amiibo will now be in the My Amiibo tab.
  7. Press the home button to exit Amiigo, and launch your desired game.
  8. Once your game is ready to accept Amiibos, press the home button.
  9. Access the homebrew menu again by selecting the album icon in your home menu.
  10. Launch Amiigo.
  11. Activate your created Amiibo in the My Amiibo tab by highlighting it and pressing (A).
  12. Press the home button to exit Amiigo, and go back into your game.
  13. Your Amiibo will get activated now.
    • You can create Amiibos while your game is running.

Creating Amiibos Offline

You can create Amiibos while your device is offline however, you will have to connect your device to the internet in order to update the Amiibo database that contains new Amiibos.

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Pub: 28 Oct 2022 13:54 UTC
Edit: 25 Jan 2023 10:07 UTC
Views: 18856