The Electric Tree, I thought. I looked around until I saw the most likely candidate: a tree bustling with yellow flashes around its base, and I realized as I approached that those flashes came not from electricity, but were rather Jolteons darting every which way.
As I approached the Tree situated between the Tree which has a waterfall running behind it to its left and the Tree that appeared nearly dead save for a few glowing leaves to its right, the air began to feel electric.
I looked up and breathed in. The air smelled of ozone and, as I looked at the leaves of the Tree, I realized that they weren’t actually yellow leaves, but instead flashes of electricity. The Electric Tree seems to act like some sort of tesla coil, and the ends of the branches are where the electricity escapes, giving the impression of leaves.
As I approached, one of the Jolteons broke off from a large chase and ran towards me rapidly, barely stopping in time to avoid a collision.
“Hi! So you wanna be a Jolteon huh? Wow! That’s great! Since we’re so great! We know electric moves and we’re fast and life is never boring!” she says rapidly.
“I’m, uh, considering it. I do like the idea of knowing electric-type moves,” I say.
“Yeah! No Eevee is faster than us OR stronger than us! We have only one weakness, so if you’re an explorer then you have little to fear!”
“Do you not have tails?”
The Jolteon barely seemed aware of this. “Oh!” she exclaimed, turning around quickly trying to look at her own hind, making her run in circles faster and faster before suddenly stopping.
“We have tails! They’re just little nubs!” She turned around and started wagging. Although I got a face-full of Jolteon hind, I could indeed make out they did indeed have little nub tails.
Hmm, though I don’t know how much of my human self I intend on leaving behind, one thing I do like as an Eevee is the tail, and I intend to keep it. On the other hand, I thought, the idea of controlling something as badass as lightning is definitely appealing, and thunder wave would be a great asset in supporting my team. Food for thought.
I said my thanks and the Jolteon yipped happily before joining back in the chase. Also an excuse to play around 24/7, maybe losing a tail is worth it. I returned to the Center Stone and asked myself what Tree I should visit next.