Lil peep,
lil tracy,
why everybody hatin' on us lately ?
Heartdecay System's Url's
Trading open ouijabrock on disc
Bold = not giving away
crossed = iffy on giving
normal = giving away
dedicated to them = NOT giving away !!
dont bother asking for us core or
gbc url's im not giving them away
if looking for jake webber urls look
here all r free .. pls take them
5teen urls
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GOTBOICLIQUE thirty4 urls gothboiclique ✘ gothboi ✘ urfavedress ✘ hell-boy ✘ -teenromance ✘ lil-jeep ✘ emonite ✘ trap-goose ✘ goth-angel ✘ let-me-bleed -giveuthemoon ✘ gothboiscrazy ✘ -feelz ✘ schemaposse ✘ crazyboutyou ✘ kissmyspine ✘ cut-me-when-i-lie ✘ buzzin ✘ hairdye ✘ castle-walls ✘ gbc ✘ moshpitgod ✘ soujiwitch ✘ souIjawitch ✘ IiIpeep ✘ emotionalsacrifice ✘ wiccaphase ✘ tillmysoultakes ✘ yungkarma ✘ tracyminaj ✘ lil-nosebleed ✘ blondeboyfantasy ✘ PR1NC355 ✘ hands-on-me
eleven urls
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three urls
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US CORE eight urls irIghouI ✘ hathos ✘ kittyclique ✘ cutieclique ✘ junkie ✘ junkiedad ✘ dirtnaps ✘ dirtydog
RESERVED + TO BE USED seven urls heroinfather ✘ percaholic ✘ planchette ✘ conjuringhouse ✘ timeabuser
six urls
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twenty1 urls
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seven urls
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sixty urls
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GREEK MYTHOLOGY seven urls iokheaira ✘ laphria ✘ songofapollo ✘ kyanopeplos ✘ -sappho ✘ erinyswrath ✘ -kerberos
fifty6 urls
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last updated; 19th sep peep & tracy theme