How Anon met Conner by anonymous

It's time bros

be (You), shitposting at night
you need to get a new keyboard, maybe a new monitor too
you consider buying it online, but nah. It's easier to just go to a store
there's a bestbuy near your apartment, maybe you should see what they have
the next morning, you decide to go to bestbuy
it's a nice saturday morning, and you decide to get the shopping out of the way so you can get back to your weekend; maybe go get some food too, there's good stuff nearby
you threw on some jeans, shoes, and t-shirt. Perfect for a sunny day
as you enter bestbuy, you're met with their store wide AC
feels good man
now... where the hell are their computer parts?
guess you'll wander around a bit
you search around for a bit and finally find the keyboards, monitor, everything for computers
as you look closer at the different parts, you hear monotone behind you: "Hello, how can I help you sir?"
turning to meet the voice, you see a blue/grey anthro wolf guy, he has a nametag reading "Conner". He has a neutral expression and it looks like he'd
rather be ANYWHERE other than here
'Oh... hello.' you respond; dreading the incoming sales pitch from this guy 'Uh, I'm fine, just looking for a new keyboard."
"Ah, yes right over here sir" he gestures to the keyboards
'Thanks, I've been looking for a new keyboard for my gaming setup.'
"Oh?" he looks a bit intrigued, "What do you play?"
shit. Feels like first day at school.
'Uh..' you begin, 'RPGs, shooter games, fighting gam-'
his ears perk a bit up, "Fighting games?"
'Yeah, like guilty gear. You a fan of fighting games?' he looks a bit more enthusiastic "Awesome! Who's your main? What floor are you? Do you.." he continues
you talk with him for a while on the game, then move to other games, and eventually to anime and shows.
it's really easy to talk to him, and after a bit you totally forget why you came here in the first place
'Oh, I'm Conner by the way.' he pauses, then takes a quick look at his name tag. 'B-But I gu-guess you knew that... heh...' he awkwardly mutters
'so THAT's what it feels like to spill your spaghetti', you think
'Anon, nice to meet you Conner.' you give a smile
"Sorry, I uh, totally forgot you were looking for a keyboard, uh" he quickly looks at his watch, "i-it's uh, near my lunch break. Sorry..."
you really enjoy talking to him, you know you've only known him for like, 10 minutes, but you can really talk to him
'No problem. Hey actually, I was going to get lunch too. I know a really good japanese place around here that's only a short walk, if you uh, wanna join me?'
"Oh!" he looks a bit taken aback, then thinks it over for a moment, "Uh, sure! Yeah, that sounds good. I forgot to bring a lunch anyway. Where's it at?"
you and Conner walk a bit to the aformentioned resturant, sitting at a booth to continue your conversation
you both talk about your hobbies, what you're doing for work, that sort of thing
it's really nice, having someone who likes what you like, it's been a while since you can talk about this stuff face to face instead of online
a midi of some generic pop romance song starts playing, and Conner quickly reaches into his pocket and looks at his phone, giving a slight sigh as he rests his head in his hands
"Shit, sorry Anon give me a second..." he gets up and walks outside
about 15 minutes pass, and you're beginning to this this dude just ditched you
what the fuck. last time you talk to people...
you're almost about to call for the check and leave, but Conner returns back
he walks in a bit more quickly, and you can see a slight scowl as he does
he sits back in the booth making a louder sigh, "Sorry, that was my... girlfriend Isabelle."
'Oh, no problem dude. Something up?' He shakes his head "No, no, she just wanted to check in on me. That's all." after he says that, he looks a bit down feel something is wrong, and you don't know why, but you really want to find out what's wrong.
why are you feeling this way about an almost complete stranger? You don't do this with other anthros or people!
'Hey, uh, is everything okay man? You look a bit down.' you ask the question flat out.
Conner quickly looks back at you, quickly responding "Me? Oh man I'm fine! What made you think that??" he gives a big smile
it's fake, you've seen enough to see that he's trying to smile after what he just heard
you want to know more, but probably shouldn't pry any deeper than that
'Oh, okay dude! Just checking.'
"Yeah, I'm just tired know how it is."
Conner looks his phone again "Shit, it's getting close to the end of my break."
he looks around for a bit, as if debating something in his head
"Hey, uh if you're not busy later today, I got this new setup at my girlfriend's place, dunno if you're busy later today or not but, y'know I could uh, 'school you' heh..."
he looks like he barely just managed to get that out before cringing
...wait did he just ask you to come to his (and his gf's) place?
shit, uh...
Conner is awaiting a response
he looks a bit worried by your delay in response
'Sure! S-Sounds fun!'
Conner smiles back
"Cool! Cool, here's my address. I'm off at 5 today, so I'll see you then."
you exchange phone numbers and Conner texts you the address; guess you're doing this
you say goodbye to Conner and offer to cover the bill as he quickly hurries back to bestbuy
what was that all about with you?
why are you so interested in talking to this guy?
you don't know why, but you want to see him again, something about him makes you... happy?'s probably nothing. It's just a new real life friend. Nothing more.
time to head home
...god damnit you forgot the keyboard.

as you insult the random mongolian basket weaver website user based on their favorite game, you look at the time
around 4:15, you should probably get going
figting traffic, you finally reach Conner's apartment
it's a pretty mediocre complex, called "The Home"
someone thought they were really clever with that one
you walk up the steps to Conner's apartment
let's see... 302...
this is the place. You knock on the door
'Hey, it's Anon!'
you wait for the door to open, and as it slightly opens, you see Conner on the other side
he's wearing a charcoal black shirt and red shorts
"Hey, glad you could make it!" he gives a little smile
he opens the door fully, and you step in
wow, this place is not really what you expected.
you see a bunch of tiny plants in pots, paintings of modern art, and... oh god is that a live laugh love piece on the wall?
yep... hanging right over the TV facing the couch
uh, shit say something nice you dumbass!
'Hey, uh, n-nice decor man! I love to live laugh and love too!'
Conner gives a laugh, seeming a lot more relaxed now that he's not working
"Yeah, that sign is a fucking eyesore, isn't it? Isabelle thought it up."
thank god, he didnt put that up.
'Yeah that shit makes me do the opposite of all 3 words.' you say deadpan
Conner chuckles
"Oh, you want a beer?" he asks. You nod, getting some cheap lager
you pop open the can and drink a few sips
'So, show me your setup dude.'
Conner shows you his consoles, controllers, fight sticks, the works
fucking console ple- no it's fine, he's nice.
you sit on the couch next to him and get your controller
'Now, you know how to play right? Or am I going easy on you?'
he looks to you "Man who do you think I am? I'll wipe the floor with you."
'Dude, I'm surprised the living laughing loving guy knows what a fight stick is.' you taunt
you start playing against him
he's actually pretty good, you're both scoring rounds and matches
Conner offers you another beer, but you're okay. It's not really that good to be honest.
Conner seems to be able to down a lot of them without any issue, but as time goes on you notice him acting a bit more drowsy
he's dropping his combos a lot more often now, you offer to take a break
Conner is just holding his head back, stretching
'So, how'd you and Isabelle meet?' you ask
"Highschool, known her since highschool." he says
'That's nice, so you've known her a while then huh?' Conner lowers his head back to look at you, he has a scowl "...yeah." after which he returns his head back to its resting place
'Bet she's really nice, what does she do?'
"She's an interior designer, responsible for..."he waves his arms around "this mess..."
bit awkward now
'Oh uh, that's cool! I bet you tw-' you begin, but Conner cuts you off
"She's always trying to improve something..."
okay... REALLY awkward now
'Hey, is-' you start, but are once again interrupted again
this time not by Conner, but by the sound of keys entering a lock
"Conny! I'm hom-" a female voice says
an anthro tan fox with glasses enters the hallway and looks at you and Conner on the couch
"Who's this?" she asks in a tone of part confusion and annoyance
"This is Anon," he puts his paw on your shoulder "met him today, he's cool."
"Ah, okay! Hi Anon!" she looks to you and introduces herself in a cheerful voice "I'm Isabelle, nice to meet you!"
'Nice to meet you too, Isabelle!' you try to match her enthusiasm
Isabelle looks at Conner, still drowsy on the couch, then to the beer cans on the table
'I, uh really like your apartment!' you say, trying to keep things casual 'Conner said you were an interior design-'
Conner interrupts you, and points to the live laugh love sign "More like lives in the trash!" he gives a slight chuckle before going back to being drunk at this point
Isabelle looks at Conner, hiding the ire behind her glare
you really need to bail out of this, you're in TOTALLY uncharted waters right now. Time for a classic excuse:
'Uh! Isabelle, could you please tell me where your bathroom is?'
she points to a door down a hall, still staring at Conner
fuck fuck fuck get out of there
you make it into the bathroom and quickly do your business, but you can hear a few words on the other side in a hushed tone:
"What the FUCK is wrong....we TALKED about this! need to stop acting like this!... STOP THIS!"
another tone of voice, one more familiar, responds:
"Why?... you just want to FIX me huh?... why do you always do this to me?... ACTING?! you think I'm ACTING?!?"
shit, this is like nightmare scenerio
you hear the first voice say "You know I love you right?...just want what's best...I know you can be better..."
the familiar voice doesn't say anything
the first voice continues "Get rid of this human....let's spend time love me, right?..."
as you open the door, you see Isabelle in Conner's face, but noticing you she reverts back to her calm and composed self
"Conner, sweety, I'm going to make dinner, okay?" she smiles at Conner
you look down at Conner, who's holding a pillow like a stuffed animal, he only nods up at Isabelle
you could have been wrong, but you could have sworn his eyes were a bit red
"...hey... Anon uh, I'll see you later okay? We're going to... go on a date"
this whole thing smells of bullshit
you look at Isabelle, but she's in the kitchen getting some food out of a pantry
looking back at Conner, you see he hasn't broken eye contact with you
'Yeah, okay no problem.' you say the next part a bit quieter 'Hey if you want to talk, you got my number okay?'
he doesn't respond
you get your shoes on and leave
"Oh, you're leaving Anon?" Isabelle notices as you walk towards the end of the hallway.
'Yeah, got something I got to do.' you turn back with a slight smile 'It was nice to meet you!' you lie.
"Okay, byee!~" she gives a big smile as you turn back to the door
god, what the hell was that about?

back to shitposting
haha, that feed and seed store is pretty fucking funny man
your phone buzzes
probably just an app notification, you get so many it's unreal
you go on youtube trying to find something to do to pass the night hours of your saturday fucking nothing, who'da guess?
your phone starts ringing
who the fuck is calling?'s Conner
you raise the phone to your ear, 'Hello?'
you can barely hear anything on the other end of the line
are those... sniffles?
'Hello? Conner?'
"h-hey..." he says
'What's up? You okay?'
"not really... Isabelle... sh-she..."
you wait for him to finish, but he never does
'She what?'
you can hear him choke out the words "She kicked me out! Sh-She!"
he's trying to hold himself together, but it's not working
"c-can you...please... please please I don't have anywhere else to go!... I-I..."
shit man, this is painful to listen to
'Conner, hey, you need somewhere to sleep?'
"yeah... I don't have enough money on me for a hotel, most of mt money went to rent...h-hey you don't have to-"
you interrupt him 'No no, it's fine. I'll text you my address and apartment number.'
"thanks man... I really..." he sniffs again "really appreciate it man..."
'Sure thing. I'll see you in a bit. Bye.'
you end the call and send him your adress, just as you do so you realize you should probably clean up around here...
one pro cleaning montage later, you hear a knock at the door
looking through the peephole, you see Conner, still in his shirt and shorts, though with flip-flops on
you open the door and see him better now, he's been crying for a bit, and he has his head down
it's hard for you to hide your troubled look at this, poor guy...
'Hey man, come on in.'
Conner walks over to your couch and sits down, holding his head
you sit next to him
'Hey... what's wrong man...I know you were lying today when you said everything was okay.'
he doesn't answer, you shouldn't have asked him that you don't know how-
"She... she's never loved me..."
you wait for him to continue
"When I first met her in highschool, everything was fine... w-we were homecoming king and queen for fucks sake! But when I got older and we got out of highschool..."
"I changed... I was more serious about shit, like my grades, that stuff. She hated it, I could tell."
"It was always, 'Conner you need to smile more!' or 'Conner you shouldn't do that, you should do /THIS/ or, 'Conner, no one will like you if you do that!'"
"this one time, she made me bail out on a job interview, just because the work wasn't close to her! Just because it's not what SHE WANTS!" he growls at the end
'Why didn't you break it off? It sounds like you weren't happy with her either.' he to you
"I..I couldn't...I-"
'What do you mean? You don't have to stay with her if you didn't like her!' you interrupt
"No! You- you wouldn't get it!" he blurts out
'What the hell does that mean? What wouldn't I get?' you respond 'I think I can ge-'
"I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING BE ALONE ANYMORE!" he screams at you, showing his teeth
"I! SCARED of being alone! Okay?! You happy?! I don't want to be ALONE, and MISERABLE ANYMORE!" he continues
"She KICKED ME OUT because she HATES me! Told me to not come back until I'm fucking NORMAL again. What does THAT mean huh? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!" he's yelling for an answer
he deflates a bit, "S-sorry! I didn't mean to piss you off, I.." he hold his head again "oh god i'm fucking it up i'm fucking it up i'm fucking it u-"
'Conner. Hey.' you say, firmly but calmly
he looks up at you, cowering a bit as if you're about to retaliate
... you don't know what to honestly say after something like this, sure you're no stranger to being lonely, but you've always dealt with it on your own
it's a bit different seeing someone who's not used to it encounter it. You can relate on how he feels right now.
Isolated, depressed, hopeless. Words that seem all too famliar.
Conner looks at you, waiting for you to respond. You know just what to do.
You bring him in for a hug.
he's a bit shocked as you lean in, but eventually he returns the hug
you can feel him gripping you tighter, as if you're the only anchor keeping him from floating away
you break the hug and look at him
you smile as you say, 'Conner, I don't think there's anything wrong with you, okay? You're a good guy, friendly, kind, smart, and not bad looking too.'
'I think you've been trapped with Isabelle because you felt you didn't have any other options, but I promise you, there are.'
Conner slowly responds, "I'm... I'm not that great..."
you shake your head, 'That's just not true. I've met lots of people, and usually get a good read on who I talk to.' you smile again, placing your hand on his shoulder
'You're a good guy, Conner. Never forget that, because I don't think you hear it enough.' Conner looks mesmorized as you speak
you look at your phone
fuckin' app notifications...
you turn back to Conner just to see him lunge forward and plant his lips on yours
Conner breaks the kiss and looks at you before recoiling back
"Uh! Sorry! S-Sorry!" he stammers as his face turns more and more red
you're feeling pretty red in the face too, honestly.
'T-That's... uh... didn't expect that...' you mutter
"You were just..." he struggles to find the words "making me feel something for the first time in a while...I..."
'You... you want to feel it again?' you nervously ask
'I've uh... never done the whole kissing thing but uh...' Conner looks at you
"S-Sure... here... let me show you..." he returns to your face and plants his lips on yours
you meet his, and bring him into another hug as you experience a proper kiss
breaking apart, you both look at each other nervously
'I..I-uh.. no homo? heh...' you studder
"Y-Yeah...hah..." he responds
"Oh, uh, look at the time. I'm really tired, we should go to sleep."
you look at your phone and back at Conner 'N-No I couldn't do that... I got a big bed, we can probably share it.'
he just nods as he gets up and follows you to your bedroom
damn this is lewd
Conner gets in your bed as you flip the lights off
you go to join him but stub your toe, then eventually join him
this is... not something you thought you'd experience today
you've never really had a gf, and never thought you'd go for a guy
... he's not your boyfriend retard, he's just a guy going through a rough spot with his gf. Fucking calm down.
"...hey..." you hear on the other side of the bed
Conner turns on his side to face you
'yeah?' you wait for an answer "...hey I know a lot happened today, but uh, I..."
Conner groans as he continues "I... I like you. L-Like.. y'know..." after a pause he says it: "..I love you.."
'I, uh...' you start
you think back on everything that happened
the ups, the downs, spending the day with him
throughout it all, you were always happy to be with him, be it at bestbuy, gettig food, or even in bed together... especially bed together...
'Conner... I'm not good at this romance stuff, but I kinda like you too dude. I want to...I want to do things with you.'
you turn on your side facing him, "I love you too." you smile
"that sounds like fun, ma- Anon..." he returns your smile
you bring him close as you both fall asleep, uncertain of the future,
but happy you're going to spend it together.

Hope you enjoyed frens, if not, please forget everything I just typed.

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Pub: 11 May 2022 10:42 UTC
Views: 1139