As you (police officer Anon) were enjoying the last day of your winter vacation in Andavsno, you received a phone call. Your boss, asked you if he could shorten your vacation for a day and send you to a three hour flight to a nearby country for an investigation. After a bit of reluctance and promises of compensation, you agreed, spent a few hours packing up your things and then went to the airport, using your human and police privileges to make the experience as comfortable as possible.
Abroad the plane, you were granted the human class cabin and spent the next three hours watching a movie with a stewardess, a white furred catgirl, the most notable event being a bump during landing that caused you to miss the cumshot aimed for her mouth, striking her in the eye and leaving a white streak across her black furred face. You held her back a bit longer as you re-clothed yourself and then watched her hurriedly try to clean and re-dress into her uniform as the speaker called her up.
As you disembarked from the airplane, your luggage carried by your half dressed catgirl with a visible cumshot on her face, you approached the lone police officer standing next to a large black car.
“Officer A.?” The tall charizard girl in a police uniform asks as she extends her arm to you. You grab it and give the woman a stern handshake as you observe her. She is obviously not a pure blooded charizard.

“Indeed. Miss…?” You ask, shaking her hand and eyeing her face. Her features are too soft. Perhaps her father was a human?
“Semiha.” She answers as she picks up the luggage from the catgirl with ease and carries it to the trunk, gently lowering it into it. You can tell that she is quite strong, like all large anthros.
You observe her in silence as she walks over to the co-drivers door and opens it for you. You give her an appreciative nod and take your seat. A moment later, she is in her seat aswell and is starting the car.
“So, officer Anon, you’re here for the girl’s stolen phone?” Semiha asks.
“Yes.” You say, remembering some of the names you had red some 5 or 6 hours ago. “A girl named Elodie had her phone stolen and some of her nude photos were posted on the internet. The local anthro police chief, Ravil, had immediately contacted his human superiors because all criminal matters concerning humans require human officers to resolve. Did I mix anything up?”
“No sir.” Semiha says. “If you don’t have any objections, since it’s already late in the day, past 7pm, I will take you to officer Sili, as he ordered me.”
"Sili?" You ask.
"The assistant, second in command.

"Shouldn't you be taking me to Ravil?" You ask the charizard girl.
"Well, he has... uh... resigned?" Semiha answers. "Not technically, but practically."
You tilt your head, waiting for her to elaborate.
"He has signed a collaring paper and declared the state as his recipient." Semiha says. "Well, not just for himself, for his wife and children too. I heard he was very distraught over the fact that something happened to Elodie."
"Did he know her?" You ask.
"Not that I know. Well, personally. All the cops know all the humans. Kulmsoo has about half a million anthros in it, but only about two dozen humans, so we all know all the humans. And Ravil's been a cop for a while, so he really took the failiure to heart." Semiha says.
"So what's with the not technically part of the sentence?" You ask.
"He didn't sign a resignation." Semiha says somewhat sheepishly. "So Sili want's to both introduce himself, as is custom, and get you to legalize him as the replacement for Ravil, since he was the second in command before."

"Alright, take me to Sili." You say to Semiha. She nods and continues driving. "So, tell me about Sili." You tell the charizard girl.
"Alright." She begins. "A hybrid male. Half blaziken, half gardevoir, been in the police for a while, two decades. Maybe two and a half. From some city quite far to the east. Came here originally as a part of the force transfer, when we had the xeno riots, proved good enough and climbed the ranks."
You vaguely recall the xeno riots as some unrest around these parts regarding the introduction of aliens and the traditional anthros feeling threathened. The sangheili and the turians being pretty sought after and caused a dip in the demand for the more traditional anthros, but the riots had mostly died down by the time you grew to the age where it bothered you.
"Anything else of interest about him?" You ask.
"Well, it's not mine to know, but gossip spreads around..." Semiha says. "Some say he has a dozen wives and over fifty offspring."
You blink a bit.
"I'm not sure it's true, but everyone's saying it." Semiha says in her defence.

"Everyone but him?"

"No, he just doesn't talk about his family or personal life. He's very professional and keeps his private affairs detached from his professional ones." Semiha says.
You nod. "Has there been any other crimes or misbehaving anthros towards humans in the past?"
"Well, no, other than the xeno riots, but then again, that was what, fifteen years ago and even then primarily directed against aliens, not against humans." Semiha says, then spends a moment thinking. "I guess there's been that one case of online harassing a few weeks back, but that was an anthro girl that really liked a human guy, I'm sure you wouldn't count that as a serious crime. If you do, then yes, we have a few of those cases each year."

"Tell me a bit about yourself." You say to Semiha.
"Yes sir. I'm an officer in the local police force, brought in from far down south in my youth and raised with the local garrison, but transferred to the police force." Semiha starts. "And sir, if I may ask of you something. I-I'd like to work with you." You easily notice her orange cheeks flush to a red colour.

Well, she is blushing, so quite closely if you let her.

Any particular reason? How.. closely is she looking to work with us?

"Sure, give me your phone. I'll call you when I need you." You tell Semiha.
She takes a moment to process your reply "Thank you sir!" She says. You pull out your phone and write it down as she recites it.

Its roughly at that time that you arrive at Sili's home. A fine mansion towering over a finely maintained live fence. Semiha honks in front of it and in a few moments the gate opens. She drives you into Sili's property, past the fine gardens and the outdoor areas. She parks the car in front of the house where Sili, the gardevoir-blaziken hybrid is standing. Semiha exits the car and opens your door, letting you exit.
"Mister Anon, a pleasure to meet you." Semiha says as he extends his red colored hand. If the dual ravages of a hard job and advancing age hadn't struck this anthro, you probably've mistaken him for a female.
"The pleasure is all mine, officer Sili." You reply, firmly shaking the soft hand.
"Please come. I've had a dinner prepared for you and I'm sure you won't find it lacking." He says as he points towards his garden. You start walking down the nicely paved path and overhear him speak to Semiha "You're free to go, I'll have my own driver deliver Anon to his housing."

You hear Semiha say "Yes sir." As you continue with Sili.
Your walk through the gardens is a pleasant evening activity after the long flight and drive and the pleasant evening wind just adds to the atmosphere. As you arrive to the large table the sun is starting to set on the horizon and is casting a charming crimson shade over the sky. You observe the large wooden table under a pagoda and seat yourself at the table at one of the two free seats, Sili coming in next to you.
"I hope you don't mind that my wives will be joining us for the meal." Sili says motioning at the females around the table. A quick headcount reveals 17 women, not 12 as Semiha suggested, most of them pokemon.
You nod affirmingly at the 17 women wearing skimpy lingerie.
"A drink sir?" You hear a female voice call out to you and you turn your head around to observe a naked female anthro, obviously an offspring of Sili, with a Lopunny sitting 3 seats to your left.
You nod affirmingly and the anthro leans over, her hips gently touching your shoulder as she pours wine into your cup.
"So mister, how was your trip?" A bunnygirl sitting next to you asks you as she leans against your shoulder.

"You have quite a harem here." You say to Sili.
"Indeed I do. Like any of them?" Sili asks, almost throwing you off guard, but you mask your confusion with a swing from the wine glass the lopunny hybrid girl has poured you.
"Took you a while to get them?" You ask, shifting the topic.
"I never stopped getting them." He says, then points at a catgirl at the other end of the table. "First one. I got her when I was 18." Then he points at a lucario girl two seats to his right. "I got this one this year. And I have a few that aren't here. Pregnant."
You nod at the mans antics and tastes in women. Despite the advancing age of some of the women, they all look attractive. Then you turn your attention at the lopunny girl and raise your glass for a refill. "Your daughter looks good."
Sili nods as if complimented and then snaps his fingers "Nazim." The lopunny girl turns her attention to her father, nods and then sits on your leg, with whats, to the best of your understanding, a genuine smile. Within seconds however, a different anthro girl arrives and picks up the wine bottle Nazim had placed on the table, this time a daughter Sili had had with a Lucario, one of the two sitting around the table.
You start chatting up a lucario sitting to your left, Sili to your right, Nazim in your lap as you slowly empty your wine glass. Soon enough a small parade of Sili's daughters enters, each holding a fine ceramic plate with a fine dish on it. The naked girls fill out the table with fine meals, with a finely prepared and spiced chicken being placed in front of you.
In about a hour and a half you have managed to get intoxicated enough to the point where you though it was acceptable to slip your hand inbetween the lucario's thighs and then to make her lick up your fingers. To your surprise, Sili didn't seem to respond, while Nazim, the lopunny, looked more jealous than anything.

At one point, at about 11 in the evening, as fatigue starts to set in and you start loosing interest in fingering Nazim and pinching the lucario's nipples, you hear Sili whisper into your ear. "Hey, we need to discuss something."

You nod, turn to the lucario, give her one final pinch, tell her she's a good girl and then attempt to stand up after the lopunny hybrid gets up and somehow keeps her balance while holding on to the table. You barely catch the chair and the table before falling. Sili snaps his fingers and you see a daughter of his, this time a naked blaziken leaning female hybrid walks up to you and wraps your arm around her shoulder, while her own hand goes around your waist. You glance at Sili, who seem to be doing that much better, however, unlike you, he is leaning on one of his sons, one that seems to be a half-mouse. The half mouse, much like his father, is very feminine, to the point that the only things betraying him is the lack of breasts, as his groin is concealed by a mini skirt.
As the two of you move just past earshot and approach a plastic table with a few papers on it.
"Before I forget. We need to take care of a few things." Sili says. "You need a home of your own while you're here." He says as he leans back against a tree. "I think Ravil's home will do fine. A nice home in the city centre. Costs way more than mine. And Ravil and his family included. What do you say?"

Sili pushes a paper in front of you. "Just so I don't get sued for neglecting my duties."
You nod and sign the paper that Sili puts in front of you.
Sili motions something and you see his son, the half mouse get on his knees and elbows and Sili sit on his sons back. "Now, you will also need at least someone to help you maintain the property, the home is quite large and it would be shame for it to accumulate dust and for you to spend time preparing your own meals and tending to Ravil's family."
You nod, this seems logical.
"I'd loan you Nazim, my daughter and if you want Iris, the lucario you were fingering. If you think you need more maids, just tell me."
You are surprised by his willingness to lend you both his daughter and his wife.

"Yeah, get me both of them." You say. "Oh and Semiha. She expressed interest in working with me. Can you arrange for her to work for me directly?"
Sili thinks for a few moments. "Maybe, but I'd need you to affirm me as the police cheif of the city." He says, then shuffles through his papers, writes something on one of them and then places two papers in front of you. "If you could please sign here and here."

Yes, yes you do. However, he does not have that much power currently.
You sign the papers he placed in front of you. He thanks you and asks you if you want to go back to the party. You shake your head. "Too much alcohol, I don't want too strong of a hangover tomorrow morning." You say. "Also, congratulations on your promotion."
You don't remember too much of your trip to Ravil's home, mostly because of how drunk you were and you suspect you fell asleep in the car.
The next thing you remember is a slight pain in your head as a ray of sun enters your room. You groan and shuffle around, but feel something soft and furry next to yourself. Your initial thought sends you to either Nazim or Iris, but you quickly disregard the idea as you feel just how long and soft the fur is. At first you resist the idea, but eventually the interest makes you open your eyes to see whom exactly you slept next to.
Next to you lies a hogtied mammal of some sort. Of some sort because you can't really see the head as it's fully covered in a latex hood, the only openings on it being two for the nostrils. You push yourself off the bed and stumble through the room, slowly realizing you're naked. Wandering through the rooms you enter what looks like a living room and seat yourself on the couch.
"Master." Nazim says as she see's you. "Maid Iris is preparing a breakfast."

You nod. It takes you a few more minutes to rouse yourself from the exhaustion. Soon enough Iris brings you a large plate with eggs and bacon. You slowly eat it as you observe your surroundings. Sili wasn't joking when he said this was a high end place. The furniture is top tier, the television is massive, the whole wall is covered in glass windows looking into a large backyard with a further view onto the sea. And on one of the tables sits a contraption with a trio of dildoes and a completely latex covered female in it.
Approaching the machine out of interest, you notice a small control tablet and picking it up you see a list of names:


You click the first name, Ravil, the former police chief. A number of options pop up (noise ping, edge, anal dildo, choke...) and you click through them, but to your disappointment nothing happens. You then click on the next name. Aula. You click on the name and see a different set of options that appears. A checkmark for mouth, anus and vagina. You click on each of them before proceeding down the list and you are presented with a number of options: ruined, edging, torture, stretcher, quiet... In a sadistic moment, you click edging and watch as the machine comes alive and the three dildoes start fucking the latex enclosed figure that desperately wriggles and shifts its weights in its metal constraints. It is quite an interesting sight and you quickly click through the rest of the options, taking note of the different depths and speeds of thrusting. You decide to leave her on edge for the moment while you go through the rest of the names, which have disappointingly similar options, mainly: choke, shock and noise ping. However, the noise ping helps you locate the three people in question. The bound female anthro in your bedroom was Inju, while Murat and Adil's pings lead you to a room near the entrance to the house, where you find the two male anthros, both bound up to a single pole and both bitchsuited to the level of their mother, the only openings on their latex bodysuits being two small holes for the nostrils, a hole for the dildo gag currently making a bulge in each of their throats, a hole for their penises, both wearing chastity cages and a hole for the anus, in both cases plugged with a massive dildo.

"Oh my." Nazim says as she see's the two bitchsuited anthros. "Thats pretty strict even for a collared anthro." She says. Not caring for her comments, you switch to her name on the tablet and give her a quick zap, which makes her yelp. "Forgive me master." She says as she glances at you. "Would you like me and Iris to take them for walks?"
You nod, not caring much for walking the two tied up anthros. You do note how Adil is significantly more muscular than Murat.
After that, your exploration of the home doesn't take you too long. The house has the ground floor and a basement, with a grand total of 4 bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, three toilets and two bathrooms. In one of the toilets, you find a urinal, which strikes you as somewhat odd and a plate in the floor held with four screws. Despite your best efforts, you fail to find a screwdriver. You also check the fridge and discover that you're practically out of food.
You make mental notes to yourself to buy some food today and that you don't know where Ravil is.

You take your phone and call Semiha, telling her that you're expecting her here for work. She tells you that she'll be there at soon as possible. While waiting for her:

You check the urinal and it seems pretty normal for a urinal, with the only exception being a "press when cleaning" button on it. It's also the only urinal in the house and located really close to the living room and the entrance to the house. You unzip your pants and piss down it. Nothing unusual happens.

The basement search does not net you any tools and messing around with Ravil's commands and using pings you still fail to find him. However, your messing with Aula's dildo is very productive as with a bit of slider fiddling, you get it to the point where every thrust into her mouth visibly bulges her throat and you watch in sadistic amusement as she tries arching her back to pull herself away from it.

When Iris informs you that Semiha is outside, Aula's and Ravil's machines are turned on. You tell Iris to invite Semiha inside. As she walks into the living room, her attention is obviously directed at Aula. You clear your throat and she turns her attention back at you.
"Officer Anon. I'm sorry for making you wait." She says, genuinely apologetic. "I've received the orders from Sili just this morning."
You wave at her dismissively. "Tell me what has been done so far?"
"So far... we've contacted the site and asked them to take the images down." She says, pauses and then continues "Well, someone in the police department has. Elodie has not called us to contact us. Maybe she is unaware of the whole situation and noone has contacted her to my knowledge."
"That's all?" You ask.
"Well, that and the site owners have provided us the location from which the image was uploaded."
You wait for Semiha to continue, and she stutters as if embarrassed "I think it was from the university she studies at."

"So how old is Elodie?" You ask as you start walking towards the exit with Semiha following you.
"She's 19." Semiha says.
"Her university?" You ask, continuing the obvious questions.
"Business. One of the better ones in Kulmsoo." Semiha says, once again racing in front of you to open the co-drivers seat for you. You don't find this quirk of hers irritating, it's mostly childish, but it has its charm.
The ride to the university is uneventful, mostly you asking questions that Semiha is able to give either general or vague answers to. Elodie, from what little you're able to gleam from Semiha is an exchange student that came here this last year and has not done anything particularly notable or special since. Of average height, a slim build and waist long light brown hair.
As you arrive and step out you are given a good sight of the university building. It is an large brutalist building, with bare stone surfaces and plenty of in-cut windows shielded from the elements by their strong concrete overhangs. You really can't say you like it aesthetically. But you do note the large number of people going in and out of the building and you do note how many gazes are following you.
As you enter the building an collie girl in a guard uniform steps up.
"Sir, miss." She says as she shifts her attention from you to Semiha and then back to you. "How may I help you?"

Who's they?

Ah, that would be Elodie and the person uploading the pictures. Assuming the up loader is a student in the university where the images originated from.

I need to talk to your administration.

Someone from IT needs to show what account was used to upload the photos.We could also try to verify the person from camera recordings if it was a public computer.

Ah, that would be Elodie and the person uploading the pictures. Assuming the up loader is a student in the university where the images originated from.

"No idea sir." She says, then in a attempt to be snarky, which she immediately regrets, she adds "That's what we're trying to find out."

"Officer Anon." You say to the collie girl. "I need to talk to the university staff and we need access to all the security footage from yesterday. There has been illegal material uploaded from the university wifi."
The female nods. "I'll call them down immediately." The collie girl says. "As for the security footage, I can do that. I'll copy it all over and get it to you."
You nod and turn to Semiha "Go with her." Semiha nods and she and the collie girl walk off towards the guard booth at the entrance to the university.
You wait for a few minutes until a male lopunny hurriedly walks over to you. He is obviously old, at least in his forties, maybe even fifties, yet he shares the general feminine looks of his race, the broad hips, the narrow shoulders and, what is for his race an impressive musculature, which comes off as a slightly wiry build.
"Mister Anon, I'm sorry for making you wait!" The lopunny says, breathing hard from the exertion (and possibly stress).
You nod. "You are?"
"Chancellor Tiiu." The lopunny says.
"Can we talk somewhere more private?" You ask him.
"Of course." He says, obviously nervous and turns to start walking.
You place your hand on his shoulder and speak again. "Actually, take me to your IT staff."
A short walk later, you find yourself in the university IT department.
"Mister Tiiu, some very illegal material was uploaded from the universities wifi network." You begin. "I expect you will help us to the best of your capabilities."

"Of course." He says. "Anything I can do."
"At about 10:00 some explicit material has been uploaded. Can you find the sender?" You ask and watch as the staff starts going through the logs. Eventually someone says they found a phone connecting to an anonymous imageboard at about 10:53
"A phone?" You ask skeptically.
"Well, some students have connected to the university network despite our efforts." Tiiu says.
You wait for a few moments until you hear buzzing from your phone. An message from Semiha reading:
"The guard says there is no security footage from yesterday. She says it must have been deleted. What do I do?"

You clear your throat and speak in a domineering voice "Check if the phone had connected to the campus WiFi before!"
Then you turn and place your hand on Tiiu's shoulder. "Let's let them work in peace." You say as you drag him outside. You glance and see that the hallway is clear, then ask him in hushed tones "Who had access to the security recordings? Who could've deleted them?"
Tiiu thinks. "Only the security staff." He says after a few moments.
You roll your eyes and continue. "You'll give me a list of everyone who could've deleted the recordings from today and yesterday."
He nods.
"And you'll tell me what do you know about Elodie." You say.
"I can give you her grades. Thats about as much as I know." He says as if justifying himself.
"Can you list me off the classes, professors and classmates she might have come into contact with?"
"Yes, I can look that up."

You choose to not tell Semiha what to do, letting her stay with the collie girl as you choose to follow Tiiu. Walking into his office you find it an rather average looking, if rather large room, filled with wooden furnature and with a doe-girl that you see shift a grey coat in a panicked jerk the moment she sees you step in. As you walk around, you spot picture of Tiiu with a gardevoir, who you persume to be his wife, and a gardevoir-lopunny hybrid whom you persume to be his daughter. You also nearly trip over two bitchsuited anthros, kept in much the same state as Adil and Murat in the home you were staying in.

"Foxes?" You ask.
Tiiu nods. "Two students caught having intercourse in the bathroom."
You nod.
"I'm not anywhere close to rich enough to have one of them, let alone two."
"So the university practice is to do this to them?" You ask.
Tiiu spends a few moments thinking, but the secretary speaks. "We rent them out, to help fund the university. The same way the local police does."
"And people pay for them?" You ask.
"They are an item of extreme prestige. You expect any high class individual to have at least one of these. It's a local tradition dating back some three hundred years, when a human king conquered the duke of the city and did the same to him and his entire family." The secretary says. "Some anthros make their living by doing this. Just rent themselves out for a few weeks or months."
You glance at Tiiu, but seeing he is still hurriedly looking through the list, you decide to continue the convo with the secretary. "And how long will these two be in the suits?"
The secretary leans out of her chair and you glance how she is probably naked under the coat as she reads the tags on the two foxes. "A year each. Repeat offenders get longer sentences, but this is the first time these two got caught. Odd thing is they're twins and are both caged."
You hear the sound of paper being shuffled and turn to see Tiiu writing something. He hands you a paper with a list of names.
"Epp, the one currently on duty and Tea are the only people who could've deleted the footage." Tiiu says. "And Tea had said yesterday as she was leaving her shift that she is feeling very sick and is taking sick leave."
You nod. "And her professors?"
"Professor Ghali is the one who held her classes yesterday." Tiiu says.

You nod, then quickly whip out your phone and type a messge to Semiha "Arrest Epp." Then you turn your attention to Tiiu "First could you provide me with Tea's place of residence and phone number?"
Tiu takes a few minutes to check, then hands you the address and number on a paper.
"Next, where is professor Ghali?" You continue.
"He should be here. I'll take you to his office." Tiiu says. You nod and set off after him.
A few minutes of walking later, you are enter what you first think is an excessively large office, until you see the creature in the corner of the office. An wyvern, closer to three meters than two, sitting behind his desk with a turian male sitting next to him writing something. You take an moment to observe the duo. The wyvern, Ghali, half naked and dressed in half transparent harem cloths. She is covered in tan yellow scales and judging by her scale, is ancinet, at least a few centuries old. Yet, unlike the semi feral wyverns of the wilderness, she is very thoroughly domesticated, judging by her undeveloped upper body and wings, tied in what you can only describe as an armbinder for wings, the weak upper body and the thick thighs, hips and ass, developed from decades spent sitting. A glance at her exposed stomach, bulging from something in it tells you she is not a free anthro and is probably owned by someone.
Next to her sits a turian, by the head structure, you can guess a male, but the physique does not show the great warrior race, rather a thoroughly defeated and broken one. His pale white plates stand out in the dark brown of the wood furnature, while one piece skirt does little to make him more masculine.
"Professor Ghali, assisstant Arvi?" Tiiu begins. "Officer Anon is here to inquire about yesterday."
"How can I be of help?" Ghali says, shifting uncomfortably on her chair. You get a distinct impression that the discomfort is a physical one.
"Could you inform me of your classes yesterday for Miss Elodie?" You begin.

"Of course," She says, then turns to Arvi "Could you provide the inspector with the student list for yesterday?"
Arvi nods and gets up to start sorting through the papers, while Ghali turns back to you "I held classes for forty five minutes, had a fifteen minute break, repeated that and then let Arvi hold a forty five minute class for them."
You nod "What did you do then?"
"Me and Arvi remained here to prepare the next exam." Ghali says, shifting over to point to a computer with her head. You realize that the bulge in her stomach is causing the discomfort.
At roughly this moment, Arvi arrives and hands you the paper with a list of names. "These were the students that were present at the start of the lecture."
You glance at Tiiu who says "I can get you their addresses and phone numbers."
You nod, take a photo of the list and let Tiiu go.

"Do you normally masturbate in class in front of your students, or did you just felt frisky today?"
You feel both Ghali and Arvi stop.
"As a 237 year old slave, I don't choose my bondage. I stay dressed as I've been ordered by the long dead duke of Kulmsoo when he donated me to the university." Ghali says, keeping her anger under check.
You see Arvi is angrily squeezing the edge of the table.
"If you would free me from having two three foot long dildoes in me, I'd be beyond helpful and I'd be very thankful to you." Ghali continues, her voice a excellent example of self control. Arvi on the other hand is fuming. You think that you could get him to do something he might regret if you keep insulting Ghali.
"Anything else inspector? Do you wish to berate me for not being able to fly with my bound wings?"

You take a few paces towards her and pet her stomach. "So it's a question of loyalty to a dead duke." You say. "Once the information is delivered and the case is solved, I might order that the dildoes in you might be replaced with smaller ones."
Ghali does not change her flat expression, while Arvi seems to calm a bit. After a few moments of awkward silence, Tiiu arrives and hands you a paper listing the names of the students, then their addresses and phone numbers.
"Sir... two of the students on that list are the... two students you saw in my office." Tiiu says. "I've had my secretary deliver them to your coworker in the guard booth."
You nod, appreciating the slight favor he did to you.
"If you want, I can collect the rest of the students and call the police when I have them all." Tiiu says.

You then turn to Ghali and speak to her. "How long have you carried the dildoes in yourself and what could you do for us?"
"I carry them for about 23 and a half hours each day and have done so for... 198 years so far." She says then turns to Arvi. "Could you wait outside?"
Arvi nods and exits the office. Before you can comment Ghali continues, uncaring for the fact Tiiu is in the office. "I can do whatever you need me to, except fly. I'd need months, maybe years of practice before I could fly." There is a underlying current of hostility in her voice, but its well concealed in her professional demeanor.
You nod then ask her "Why did the duke order you to wear your current harness?"
"As a punishment. I had a husband back then and he resisted the human conquests. As far as I know he's still stuck in a museum." You catch some shakiness in her voice.
"Do you like the fact you're wearing dildoes?" You ask her.
"No." She says plainly.
"Would you like them to be smaller or not?"
"I'd love it if I didn't have to wear them, but smaller is good too."
You nod and turn the conversation "What was the relation between Elodie and the rest of the students?"
"Much like it would be between her and them if she was just an average student. There was a lot of asskissing directed towards her since she is a human, but it was surprisingly equal. Of course, noone tried to hit on her and I noticed her messing with a lot of the students, but it was a very normal thing."
You nod at her and get up and stride towards the door.

Before exiting you turn to Tiiu "Get me everyone from that list other than Elodie."
"Please be gentle with him inspector." You hear Ghali say as you reach for the handle.
As you exit and close the door behind yourself, you see Arvi standing, leaning on the wall the opposite side of the hallway, his arms crossed and an murderous glare in his eyes. Completely detracting from that is his general state, the skinny and weak feminine body, the pale bodyplates and the fact that you spy writing on the upper thighs that his black skirt fails to cover.
When he see's you, he opens his mouth to speak, but controls himself, you prepare to say something to him, but before you can, he drops down to his knees and drops his arms and chest to the floor. "My apologies." He says in a strained voice. "Please forgive me."

"Are we going to have a problem?" You ask him.
"No sir." Arvi says, his voice now cracking.
"Whats the source of this protectiveness?" You continue in a stern voice.
"She's like family to me sir." He continues.
You wait for him to elaborate.
"She's my adoptive mother." Arvi says.
You think for a few moments and decide that this is not excuse enough, you'll punish and humiliate him, at least symbolically.
"You'll crawl in my presence." You tell him as you walk to the door and open it. Arvi understands and crawls into the office.

You walk up to Arvi and gently grab him by the neck.
"Apologize to her for reflecting so poorly on her. Go on."
You hear Arvi swallow and then speak "I'm sorry Ghali." His voice is strained and comes out as little more than a whisper.
"Once again, but better this time." You say.
"I'm sorry miss Ghali." He says yet again. He's on the edge of tears.
"Someone as disciplined and obedient as miss Ghali and you can't apologize properly to her." You say to him, softly squeezing his neck and raising his gaze.
He breaks down sobbing. You take a glance at Ghali's cold gaze and speak "Chastity on university grounds."
"He's already in permanent chastity." Ghali replies. "And not even a cage, like the mammals get, but a slit plug, held in by piercings."
Before you can comment, Ghali orders to Arvi "Present yourself to mister Anon so he can see your state." You think about interrupting but let it happen when you see the discomfort in the turian's expression. Ghali does not budge in her stern gaze at him. A moment later, you see the turian place himself on the desk, presenting his groin towards you and roll up his skirt, revealing a large buttplug in his ass and a pair of metal bar piercings preventing a large silicone plug in his urethra from leaving.
"You're punished enough." You say to the turian as you leave.
As you are walking down, you check your phone and find it's already nearing 2 pm. You feel your stomach growl in hunger. Eventually you make your way out of the university and approach the parked car. You take your seat in the co-drivers position after Semiha opens the door for you and note Epp in the back seat, her arms bound with a ziptie behind her back.
"Did she resist."
Semiha shakes her head. "Turned around immediately and presented her hands." After a minute, she asks "You hungry?"

"Start driving to my place." You say. "And stop at some store where I can get us something for the maids to prepare."
Semiha nods and turns the car on. As Semiha is driving, you turn to Epp "So, miss, when do you work?"
Epp replies "Today from 6am to 2pm, yesterday i worked from 2pm to 10pm."
You note that down and continue your questioning. "What can you tell me about Tea?"
"Tigergirl, sporty, tall, long legs, proportional body, probably a human parent or grandparent, since she has long brown hair and humanlike arms." Epp says, then stops.
"Anything else?" You ask.
Epp shakes her head. "Different shifts, we didn't meet much."
You nod and spend the drive chatting with Semiha. As you approach your home, she stops a few buildings short and in front of a store. You thank her and leave for the shop, telling her to park the car. A short search in the shop nets you everything you needed for your meal and you walk out to the cashier. As you do, you hear an "Eek!" and turn to the cashier, a yellow furred domestic cat. "A human!" She shouts, primarily to herself.
You start placing your items on the register, but are interrupted by the catgirl "Sir, can i take a photo with you? And can i get an autograph from you?"

"A fan of us? When was the last time you met one?" Use our phone to take one and ask her number so we can send it to her. Ask her name so we know who should we address the autograph to.
Not stopping for longer just so that we can get our dick sucked. We can have Semiha do that and more anytime.

"A fan of us? When was the last time you met one?"
"Never! That's why I'm so excited." She replies and screams in excitement as you pull out your phone and take a photo of the two of you. You spot it a little too late that she jerks down her shirt, showing her boobs in the photo. You decide not to inquire and ask her phone number and name.
"Agnes!" She says as she tells you her phone number. You use the opportunity to ask her about the goods, but she says you don't need to pay.
You quite quickly leave the shop and get to your home after a brisk walk. Inside, you find Semiha preparing the table, while Iris is preparing the kitchen. Epp is patiently sitting on the couch and somewhat worriedly looking at Aula, still contorting unpleasantly with each thrust. On the one hand, you consider turning it off and perhaps letting Aula out of her predicament, since, unlike most anthros that end up in positions like hers, she didn't do anything wrong. On the other, her husband did sign her off for this, so you have no reason to not continue to have her squirm in her metal restraints and latex suit.
"Nazim?" You ask.
"Out, master, walking Adil and Murat." Iris replies. "They should be home soon."
You lay back on the couch and wait for the meal as the two women work and one watches the discomfort of another one. Before the meal is done, Nazim returns, pulling the two anthros behind her. When she spots you, Nazim turns towards you and bows, before continuing her job. As the two anthros are pulled ahead of you, you notice the size of the dildoes in their asses, probably as big as their calves. And you can tell Epp definitely notices aswell, she is by now nervously shifting her weight.
Soon enough the meal arrives and you and Semiha start eating. You notice one of the maids feeding Epp, while the last one is standing at attention.
Soon enough the meal is done and you are left with some free time:

You reach for the touchscreen controller and increase the rate of thrusts, keeping attention to turn it off after she comes. You forget about it as you turn your attention to Epp.
Using a kitchen knife you undo her ziptie and resume talking to her.
"You went to home after your shift yesterday?" You ask her.
"Yeah, I was dead tired. You wouldn't think that not doing almost anything for 8 hours exhausts you, but it really does." She replies.
"So do you have anyone who could vouch for you being home? Or any proof?" You ask her.
She thinks for a few moments, then says "No, I don't think so. The third shift guard saw me leave when she came to the job. And she saw me come when she was leaving."
You nod.
"The illegal material was uploaded between sometime between 10am and 11am. Where were you then?"
Epp shifts uncomfortably. "Doing the sidejob." She says, somewhat uncomfortably. "I can have people vouch for me that morning, but I'd rather not talk about it." After she see's the look on your face, she starts justifying herself "It's all legal."

"So who was the third shift guard?" You ask Epp.
She thinks a bit, then says "Someone from the police. I can't remember the name."
You glance at Semiha, who replies "We can check in the police station."
You shrug, then go "You'll have to talk about your sidegig."
Epp exhales, then speaks "So you know how like, almost every anthro male in Kulmsoo is caged?" She begins.
You did not know of this, but don't reveal it and instead nod.
"Well, sometimes, they need to ... you know..." She says.
You nod, full well knowing what she's saying. She's pegging male anthro's for money.
"And who was it at the morning when the material got uploaded."
You see the hesitation in her, but she speaks "Tiiu. I was pegging Tiiu."

You make a note to verify Epp's story later and head to the car, Semiha and Epp behind you. Semiha, as usual, runs ahead of you to open the door for you. A drive and a elevator ride later, you find yourself in front of an dormitory room. You knock on the door and a few moments later, a huge anthro, some variant of deathclaw hybrid, opens it. A quick glance slightly downwards reveals that the hybrid is male and is kept in the same sort of chastity as Arvi, the turian. The deathclaw hybrid scans the two of you, before stepping back and pulling the door open, while announcing to his master "Elodie, a human and a police officer are here to see you."
After you step in, you see the deathclaw close the door behind the two of you and ask you "Can I serve you in any way?"
You wave him away and watch him kneel on the floor next to the door, sitting on a rather large dildo, placing its hands on its knees and sticking its tongue out. Despite his impressive musculature, you can tell that he has been getting treatments and therapies for his entire life to make him obedient and to change his build, and it shows. In the few moments you have, you glance around the room and spot a bitchsuited anthro, again, much in the way Adil and Murat, or the two foxes were.
"Hello!" Elodie says as she walks into the room.
"Hello." You say, greeting her.
"Hello miss Elodie." Semiha says after you.

"Can I help you?" You hear Elodie ask. She seems a bit too happy for someone who had her nudes leaked yesterday.
"Miss Elodie, did you lose your phone by any chance?" You ask her.
You see her stop for a moment, then search her pockets. A few moments later, she is searching her jackets and is checking her table. She returns to you and says "Yes, it seems so."
"Do you have any idea how or when did you loose it?" You ask her.
She thinks for a few moments. "I had it yesterday before the classes. But I didn't check since."
"Before the classes? Can you specify more?" Semiha asks, now making notes.
"I had it before the first class, for certain. I don't remember using it after that." She says. "Why? I lost a phone, it's no big deal right?"
At that point you realize she doesn't know.

Tell her her nudes were leaked

Her face first changes into one of shock, then into disbelief, then finally, into laughter.
"You actually got me." She says.
"I'm not joking." You say.
"Show it." She replies, her voice slightly shaken.
"I don't have them on hand." You say, at which Elodie smirks, tho it's more of a coping mechanism at this point.
Semiha reaches for her phone. A few moments later she hands her phone to Elodie. You spend the next few minutes consoling Elodie as she is breaking down crying. Eventually, when you calm her somewhat, you leave her room.

"Where to now?" You hear Semiha ask you.

Your drive to the campus leaves you disappointed as you only find the doe secretary, who informs you Tiiu has left for his home. She immediately gives you Tiiu's address and asks you if she can help you in any other way. She also informs you that most of the students from the list have been directed to the police station and that the few missing ones will be getting phone calls today.

She has changed her clothes from your last meeting, previously she just wore a coat with, as far as you suspect, nothing underneath. This time, she's at least wearing a sweater and pants.
You bid her farwell and take a car trip to Tiiu. You knock on the doors of his apartment and are greeted by an middle aged Gardevoir, Tiiu's wife, you guess by the photo you saw on the desk. "Hello mister?"
"Anon." You reply. "May we come in?"
"Of course." She replies. You have to admit that she is truly striking, even in the casual dress she has. You can tell she has large breasts and the broad hips really compliment her look. And perhaps the most alluring aspect about her, the something that allured you about Ghali, is present in her aswell, the obedience and the dislike of her life.
You step inside and find Tiiu, now no longer dressed in a suit and jeans, but a minishorts and a short tshirt that tightly hugs his upper chest, revealing nipple piercings, and his daughter, the half lopunny half gardevoir girl in her early 20's, wearing jeans and a hoodie, both sitting at a small round table and eating lunch.
"Officer A-anon?" Tiiu stutters as he see's you. "I-i wasn't expecting you."

"Could I talk to you for a moment?" You say to Tiiu.
He nods and walks towards you. The gardevoir milf steps aside to let him pass, but she's more interested in you. You close the doors and ask him "Epp said that she spent the morning yesterday with you. Is-"
You see a wet streak on his groin travel down to the edge of his thighs, from where it starts dripping onto his thighs. You choose to ignore this. "-it true?"
He nodds. "P-please don't tell my wife." he mutters.
You check your clock, it's about 6pm.

"She spoke the truth then?"
"Y-yes sir." He stammers.
"How long has Epp worked for the campus?"
"A few years sir."
"You're making a mess on the floor." You tell him as you turn around and turn around to leave. As you do, you hear him drop to his knees in his puddle of piss.

Wonder what other clients Epp has and if she's embarrassed enough about her work that she could be blackmailed over it.

It's dubious if you'd need to blackmail her for anything. She's apprehended by the police and in reasonable suspicion. You could be as harsh as you want to her with no real backlash.

Did we find out when the records were deleted? Soon after the upload?

Nope, whoever did it did it thoroughly.

Also did we leave the machine going full speed on the decor anthro back in our house?

Not full speed, you need to go waaay faster to go full speed, but you left it at "rough fast pounding" speed.

It takes Semiha a while, but she does deliver you to your home. You can tell she is pretty tired aswell. As you step out of the car she tells you she should deliver Epp and the two foxboys in the trunk to the police station and leaves you. You wave her goodbye and enter the home, this time being greeted by Nazim, who bows deeply to you.
"Master." She greets you "Would you like me to prepare a dinner for you?"
You nod, close the door behind yourself and walk to the living room, finding the machine still pounding Aula. You feel it might be a bit too much and you think you should probably turn the machine off, at least before you head to bed. But then again, you wonder how far you could push her.
Your pondering is broken by Iris, who stops, bows towards you and continues on her path towards the bitch-pen with a whip in her hand.
"Who's that for?" You ask.
Iris immediately stops, bows again and replies. "It's for Adil, master. He was disobedient and tried humping a pillow."
You nod.

Iris nods "Yes master, I'll do that after I whip him sufficiently."
As she turns to leave, you speak to her again "Have you seen or heard Ravil?"
"No master." She says, turning again to you.
"Carry on then." You say as you get up and head to the toilet. You take a leak at the urinal and once again check the plate. You could just ask your neighbours or maybe the catgirl in that store to get you one.
You shake your head. Later. You pull out your phone and type a message to Semiha "Come over, let's have some fun tonight."
You share quite a few drinks and a pleasant dinner with Semiha and are once again surprised by how good of a service Nazim and Iris provide to you two, they seem to have been trained by Sili for this, which casts a bit of doubt on him, but you add it as simply another thing to think about.
After the dinner, you enjoy a nice game of pool and some drunken foreplay with Semiha, until you eventually find your way back to the living room, where Semiha asks you to borrow the tablet. You give in to her pleading eyes as she descends down on you and you hand it to her. To your surprise she turns the thrusts up and whispers to you "I want you to do that to me."

The next morning finds you waking up on your bed, Semiha's massive body wrapped around you and providing you with a pleasant warmth, with Inju unceremonially shoved to the bottom of the bed. As you wake up you notice Semiha's fully awake. You give her a questioning look.
"I didn't want to wake you up." She says justifying herself. You also notice she's been hogtied, probably by Iris or Nazim on your orders yesterday, you cough loudly and the next moment one of the maids, Iris, appears and on your orders unties Semiha. As you enter the living room in search of some of your and Semiha's clothes you realize that Semiha's increased thrusts have been going on the whole night. You finally feel bad enough (and worried that you might actually harm Aula) to turn them off. She keeps convulsing for a few more moments until she realizes the thrusts have stopped, at which point she relaxes.
Nazim spots you and immediately invites you to breakfast. As soon as Semiha is untied, you invite her aswell. Semiha is obviously uncomfortable with being naked and is flushing deep shades of red, but does not speak out or complain in any way.

As you finish breakfast Semiha asks you for a bit of time to find her clothes.

You pull on some of your clothes and take a casual walk to the first neighbouring house. You note the rather large size and assume it's made for an larger species. Your suspicions are confirmed after you ring the bell as an huge anthro opens the door. You take an step back, partially out of instinct and partially just so you can look the anthro in the eye without craning your neck so far back. The anthro immediately drops to his knees and places his hands on his knees and you observe him for a moment.
Kneeling in front of you is some truly impressive example of anthro hybridization, standing at over three meters tall and kneeling at roughly your height, the avian-feline mammal with predominantly blue fur, with a white belly and white and blue stripes and accents over its body speaks: "Yes master-human? How may I be of use?"
You observe the feline ears, hands and digitigrade legs, combined with a black beak, all of which give an unique look. Then as you descend down to the stomach you see a belly bulge, probably from a large dildo, then going further down to the groin you see a slit-plug, much like you saw for Arvi or for Elodie's deathclaw, except in this case not held in by piercings.
"Do you have a screwdriver by any chance?" You ask the hybrid.
"I do master." He says, gets up and leaves, swinging his hips with each step. A few minutes later he returns with a toolbox in his hand.
"Do you mind helping me?" You ask him.

A satisfied smile from him tells you your question was stupid. He eagerly follows you into your home and toilet, where you point to the plate under the urinal. After a few screws are removed, he lifts the plate you reckon would be impossible for you and reveals Ravil, completely immobilized with a few thick leather straps, blindfolded, with a funnel from the urinal running into his mouth and a pair of inflatable baloons in his nostrils.
What strikes you as odd regarding Ravil is just how muscular he is. As the hybrid grunts with effort and completely shifts the plate aside you see how he too is locked in a chastity cage, but this one seems of a different make, looking like an inverted one, rather than the standard flat cage. The next thing you spot is heavy pounding of the fuckmachine going into Ravil's ass, way harder than you ever set the one for Aula. You almost immediately remember you haven't turned Ravil's machine off since you first discovered the control tablet, a day and a half ago.
"Lucky guy." You hear the anthro mutter to himself.

A bit of messing around shows you that you can easily re-assign fuckmachines to different members of the family.
With that, you decide to start moving about the members.
The role of the urinal is taken by Inju, the daughter (formerly the bed fucktoy).
The bed fucktoy is Aula, the mother (formerly the fuckmachine exibition in the living room).
Murat, the twink son is strapped into the fuckmachine in the living room.
Adil, the manly son and Ravil, the dad are the bitches.
You tell Iris and Nazim to keep the fuckmachines going but to vary the rates every half an hour to an hour.
As you finish the shuffling and the hybrid finishes re-screwing the plate you turn to him.
"Say, what's your name?"
"Mila, master." The hybrid says, once again kneeling to be at eye level with you. Somehow this only emphasizes his size.
"Mila, do you live alone?" You ask the big anthro.
He shakes his head. "My wife, four sons and two daughters are with me."
"Are they like you?" You ask.
"Yes, they are the same hybrid breed master." Mila replies.
As you are going over the odds of such a unique hybrid breed being your neighbor, Semiha stumbles into your the room.
"Could you give us a moment?" Semiha says to Mila, who nods and gets up to leave. "I can't find anything more." Semiha tells you and motions to herself. You very quickly notice that the only piece of clothing on her is a thin dark blue jacket reaching down to her upper thighs. The jacket is pretty revealing of Semiha's cleavage and you can even see the outlines of her nipples through the jacket.

Semiha thanks you and runs out to her car. Just as you are about to leave your house with Mila, you see Nazim walk up to you holding Semiha's unfound clothes.
"Do I dispose of them master?"

"Good job." You say as you run your hand down the side of her face. You practically feel Nazim melting under your touch.
You turn around and walk to Mila's home. When you enter it Mila shouts and invites everyone to the living room. To say it was a interesting sight to see the lineup of these anthros is an understatement, 3 massive females and 5 males, the only visible difference in the genitalia, the males having their slit-plugs and buttplugs and the females having their holes easily accessible, and the perfectly shaped breasts on the females contrasting from the flat chests of the males.
"What can we do for you master?" Mila asked as he laid on the floor, crossing his legs behind his head and tucking his arms behind his back, mimicking the poses of the rest of his family as they all presented themselves to you in a line.

After you're done with a round on the women, you ask "So, what's the family business?"
Mila replies "Office workers and government stipends if we breed within the hybrid line."
You nod and think it would be worth it rewarding whoever thought of paying desirable hybrids to breed with eachother.
"So, what else do the stipends get you?" You ask Mila as you decide to have a second round on his wife.
"We're allowed to not wear chastity cages or plugs and we aren't required to pay additional taxes if we aren't feminine." He says.
You look at him quizzically.
"We still do it. Anthro girls get fucked by human men and anthro boys want to be anthro girls."
You see why these hybrids specifically got picked for the stipends. As you think that, your dick slips out and you ejaculate over Mila's wife. Within seconds he and one of his sons start licking her clean.
As you return to your home you let the two maids lick you clean as you toy with the fuckmachine, soon coming to the conclusion that it is way more interesting to angle the dildo that would've went into a females pussy into the asshole than having it pointlessly thrust into the air. You turn the machine on and watch as Murat, the twink son of Ravil and Aula is penetrated with one dildo into his mouth and two into his asshole. While you don't care for men, watching this is way more amusing than Aula as he squirms way more. During the 10 minutes you spend waiting for Semiha after tuning the machine you observe Murat "ejaculate" 5 times.
You enter the car with Semiha and listen to her thank you for letting her dress herself properly.
"Sir, where do we go?" She asks.

A car drive to the same dormitory, knocking on the same door, the same small deathclaw (still huge compared to you) that still and Elodie, now dressed way more casually and way less energetic.
"Good day." You greet her. "Are you alright?"
"I'll be fine." She says as she sinks her head between her knees. "Who'd do something like this to me?"
Semiha gently nudges you with her elbow.
"So, could you help us?" You ask Elodie.
She nods.
"Where did you keep your phone?" You ask her.
"In my backpack."
"Did it have any security measures?"
"No, it was always unlocked."
You nod. "Do you have anyone who you suspect? Any anthros who didn't like you or any who liked you too much?"
She shakes her head. "I can't think of anyone."
"When were you away from your backpack?"
"Every break. I went outside both during the first and the second break. And I wasn't paying particular attention to it even during the classes." She says. Seeing the uncertainty on your face she tries to give context. "We only had 3 classes that day, two under miss Ghali, the third under Arvi."
You nod.
"Anything else?" Elodie asks, her voice more tired than anything.

"Anything special about your phone?" You ask her.
She shakes her head.
"Any other students that were particularly tech savvy?"
She starts shaking her head, but then stops. "Brita's really smart, so maybe her. Oh and the quarians, Made and Aili."
Semiha writes the names down.
"Did any students leave during classes?"
Elodie thinks for a few moments. "Karlina, Priit, Tiit, Innar I think. Maybe Made. I'm not sure about him."
You thank her for her help and leave. You notice how she stays on her bed while the deathclaw gets up off it's dildo to close the door. You don't doubt he'll return to sitting on it after he closes it.
"Let's check with Ghali and Arvi."
Semiha nods. A short car drive later, you make your way to her office. Knocking on it, you find no response. One of the bypassing students, a girly husky-boy approaches you, but does not initiate conversation.
Semiha breaks the ice "Yes?"
"Are you looking for Ghali?" He asks.
Semiha nods.
"If you want I can check where she is." The husky says. A few minutes later, he has guided you and Semiha to a classroom.
As you enter it, you find Ghali sitting behind the table and Arvi drawing some graphs on the board to a massive crowd of at least a few hundred students. He seems quite into it and does not notice you entering, or even after walking onto the stage. When he practically bumps into you, he turns around, furious, thinking you are a student, but upon recognizing you, a look of sheer horror flashes before he immediately puts himself on the floor. A few moments of him anxiously shifting on the floor later, he pulls off his one piece of clothing, a flowery skirt, and throws it on the floor next to him. As you start to walk past him, he obviously panics and turns his rear towards you (and the class) and spreads his cheeks and showing the large dildo in his ass.

"Mister Anon?" Ghali says as you step past Arvi.
"Professor." You reply. From the corner of your eye you notice a few students taking photos of Arvi.
"Could we talk in private for a few moments?"
"Of course." She says and pushes herself up off the chair. Her discomfort is obvious, but she does her best to hide it. As you are stepping past Arvi, you notice Ghali, with one of her legs first pulls Arvi's ass up higher, then pushes his chest further down. "I think you'll stay in this pose until I return, won't you assistant?"
Arvi mumbles something, but you don't hear it as the laughter of the students drowns it out.
"Come on, give them a show, don't stop until you make a mess." Ghali replies and continues walking along with you. By the time you exit, Arvi has started pulling the buttplug out and then thrusting it in, much to the amusement of the students, a good chunk of whom are recording it.
As you exit the classroom and close the door, you ask Ghali if she remembers any students leaving.
"I really couldn't tell you. I have hundreds of regular students and while my memory is good, I just don't keep track of some things."
You nod and then ask her about any students having IT skills, to which she more or less repeats her answer.

"Tell me professor, when did your lectures start?"
"About 8am. Maybe a few minutes later."
"And the brakes? How tightly do you hold to the 15 minute brakes?"
"Pretty tightly. Maybe they start a few minutes earlier or later and maybe they end a few minutes earlier or later, but its pretty accurate."
You nod and thank her, then enter the classroom and walk on the stage and place one of your legs on Arvi's back and tell him to pause.
"The assistant professor earnt this punishment for being uncooperative. And I wish to note that all crime is eventually punished, with cooperative criminals receiving more lenient punishments." You pause for a moment, then continue. "Take your professor Ghali as an rolemodel and you will go far in life."
You exit the university and head for the car, followed by Semiha. A car ride later, you end up at the address Tea lives at. A small and relatively cheap apartment judging by how many flats there are on each floor. You knock on the door, but hear no reply. The doorbell also does not give you any response.
"She said she was leaving on sick leave." Semiha says. "Want me to call the hospital and see if they have her?"
You nod. A short phone conversation and Semiha shakes her head.

After a few minutes of Semiha lockpicking and you informing the police department about Tea's state as the prime suspect, you hear the lock turn. You finish the conversation and start the search with Semiha. A few hours of searching later and you fail to find anything out of the ordinary. No weapons, no drugs, no plans, etc. But what strikes you as odd is how much of the stuff you'd assume would be necessary is just left lying around. Snack bars, spare underwear, good outdoors shoes, money and documents...
Eventually a different group of police officers arrive at the scene and inform you that they can take over rummaging through Tea's apartment. You share contact numbers with the truly herculean looking bunny-boy and leave, disappointed about the lack of anything conclusive. A checkup call with the police department ends with you being given a rundown of what the department learnt about her. Primarily that she served in the military for a year, saw no combat, is a fit tigergirl, is aged 20, has no boyfriend and has parents and three brothers, all tigers, in a different city half a continent over. The police department asks if they should contact the police in that city to have them interrogate the family.
As you are thinking about this, you feel a pang of hunger.

Your orders to the other police department are relayed. Semiha drives you to the police department, stops along the way and gets you some fast food and after a bit of driving parks her car at the police department.
As you enter the large, multistory building with a fine yellow plastered outside and the red rimmed windows you are greeted by various police officers, all of whom either nod or bow towards you.
One thing that you notice is a higher ratio of actually masculine males in the police compared to the outside of it. Where in the common public you would only spot maybe 1 masculine male out of a few hundred individuals, in here you seem to spot them way more often, perhaps 1 out of every twenty. You also note that the females are also heavily over-represented, particularly fit and muscular females.
"Can I help you sir?" An girly argonian male working behind the counter asks.
"I'm here for the interrogation of the students related to the Elodie case." You tell to him.
He nods, gives you a room number and offers to lead you. Semiha informs him that she will lead you. As you are going along, you spot Sili, who looks very glad to see you here.
"Anon!" He says as he happily approaches you.
You respectfully nod at him (or as respectfully as one can respect someone who gives their wife and daughter to a different man) and shake hands.
"I need your expertise on a fringe case." He says. You nod and follow him. A few minutes later, you are standing in front of a cell with a odd looking hybrid on the other side.
The hybrid, a naked, furless creature, with a almost entirely human body, limbs and head, stands with his arms bound behind him. The only things you would call unusual for a human are just how feminine he is, the cat ears on the top of his head, a lush feline tail, the feline eyes, fangs and somewhat different nails.

"Sir, is this a human to you?" Sili asks you.
"What's the context?" You ask.
"I'm sure you're aware that anthros in here, unless able to provide a very specific document that only humans can make, must wear chastity." Sili says.
You nod.
"Well, you're also aware that a anthro being bred by a human creates a hybrid. When it happens a lot of times, like it happened here, they can get very humanlike. I think this one is either 1/16th or 1/32 anthro genetically. He's approaching human." Sili says. "And when he got summoned to the chastity ministry he refused to get caged, saying how he's basically human and how he should not be getting caged. Made a real fuss and resisted forcefully."
"And now you want my judgement?" You ask.
"Yeah. Because if he's a human I'll be bitchsuiting a few of my people and their families and gifting them all to him. And if he's not a human, I'll be bitchsuiting him and selling him. He'll be in latex for at least twenty years."
You approach the bars and observe him again.
Going from the bottom up, you notice how his toes are definitely slightly unusual, how his legs are a bit too long and slim, how his thighs and waist are a bit too large. The genitalia is human and large, the waist is narrow and the shoulder and arms are delicate and narrow. The chest is flat, the neck is human. The head is girly, the pink hair chin length, the eyes having the feline pupils and purple coloring. You can tell the human ancestors of this thing were of both white and east asian heritage. His feline ears stand at the top of his head, covered in pink fur.
"Turn around." You say. He obeys. His ass is heart shaped and plump, but is partially concealed by his pink furred tail.

"Suit him up." You say. "And get him to me. I'm taking ownership of him."

You make your way to the block of holding cells where the your suspects are being held. It is truly nothing special, just a row of cells and a few anthro guards observing the prisoner. The guard respectfully nods at you as you enter and hands you a paper sheet with a list of names:

Kusta, 3/4 wolf, 1/4 human, male, 20, not caged, first male child from a family that received privilege's due to their service to humans
Elvi, 3/4 wolf, 1/4 human, male, 19, (Kusta's younger brother), caged, in a bitchsuit
Karl, 1/2 horse, 1/2 bull, male, 18, caged despite being the first male child from a family that received privilege's due to their service to humans
Brita, renamon, female, 19
Helju, 1/2 fox, 1/2 human, female 19
Priit, fox, male, 21, caged, purple fur, bitchsuited
Tiit, fox, male, 21, caged, purple fur, bitchsuited, Priit's twin brother
Innar, 1/2 deer, 1/2 horse, male, caged
Made, quarian, male, 18, caged
Aili, quarian, female, 18, Made's sister

You also note that Epp is sitting on a chair in a hallway and reading a book.

The blindfolded students are brought into a interrogation room together and seated on chairs in a semicircle around you. "Hands on your knees." A guard growls at them as he seats them. As he finishes seating the suspects, he walks back away from them.
"Does anyone know what castration is?" You ask as you position yourself in the center of the room.
Noone answers. You pull your belt out and grab the buckle and the end of it, then using it as a whip you smack it at your prime suspect, the male quarian. He cries out in pain.
"Removal of testicles!" He screams.
"Exactly. Now what is nullification?" You ask, raising your belt.
"The removal of the whole genital." The female quarian says.
"Exactly." You say. "Now, did anyone access Elodie's phone without her permission?"
Noone answers.
"If you did and don't admit now, nullification awaits."
You pause and wait.
"If you admit, you wont be castrated or nullified. You have fifteen minutes to admit."
Noone comes forwards.
"Leave him." You say to the guard as you point to the male quarian.
After the rest of the suspects are taken out, the male quarian is the only one left in the chamber. You note his girly body, the nipple piercings, the chastity cage and the fully transparent bodysuit.
"Made?" You ask.
The quarian nods.
"Did you attend all the classes on Tuesday? Including Arvi's class?"
"Yes sir." He says, voice still strained with pain.
You pause for a few moments.
"Elodie said she wasn't sure you were there during the last class."
"I was, I swear!" He says.
"Prove it." You say.
"You can ask anyone! I was there, ask my sister!" Made says, stress already getting to him. You can tell he's on the edge of tears.
At that point Semiha decides to play the good cop.
"So, tell us what you were doing during the breaks." She says.
"Buying drugs." Made says. "Painkillers."
Not illegal as far as you know.

"Why?" You ask.
"I needed them for my job." Made says, at this point sobbing.
"So what are you working as?" Semiha asks in a surprisingly pleasant and soothing voice.
"I let people do a bunch of stuff to me for money." Made says. "It's recorded and sold. They even had to delay the start because I was late. They cut my pay and made me work overtime."

You glance at Semiha, who shrugs.

"At 10:52, did you see anyone near Elodie's desk?" You ask.
"I think I was in the toilet at that time, taking the painkillers." He answers.
"Is the job you are partaking in legal?" You asks.
"Yes sir. Anthros still don't like us. So I take what jobs I can get." Made answers.
"And why do you need this job?" You ask again.
"Well... our parents got collared for littering. We haven't had contact with them for over a year and I decided it's better me than Aili working." He says.
Semiha nods and places a re-assuring hand on his shoulder. You motion with your head and Semiha places a bag over Made's head. The two of you exit the room for a few words.
"So you think he's honest?" You ask.
Semiha shrugs. "He's definitely afraid. Shaking." She says. "Might be withdrawal."
"And his job cut his pay why again?" You ask.
"Because he couldn't make it in time after the lectures." Semiha says.
You think a bit until Semiha asks you "Wanna grill him a bit more or do you want to go after someone else?"
A third voice enters the conversation as a muscular rottweiler in a well fitting uniform enters. "Want us to test him for drugs?" He pauses, then hurriedly adds "Sir."
Semiha turns her gaze towards the newcomer, who casually says "It's a human involved case, if it was me, it would be whippings and fuckmachines."

"Test him for drugs and keep him in here." You tell the rottweiler.
"Yes sir." He says. "No torture?"
"I'm sure it would be amusing to watch, but it won't get us any closer to finding the criminals we're looking for. Penalizing them for being around a crime is not something we should be doing." You reply.
"Yes sir." He says with surprising hostility.
"Bring in Aili." You ignore him for now. You might deal with him later.

You wave for him to get on with his work.

A few minutes later, Made is back in his cell, while his sister, Aili is brought in.
"Aili, were you present for the classes held by professor Ghali?" You begin.
"Yes sir."
"All of them?"
"Yes sir."
"And what did you do on the first break?"
"I stayed inside. With Brita, the twins and Innar I think." She says. "Well, it's more like me and Britta talked a bit, while the boys talked about wrestling or something."
"And the second break?"
"I went outside with Elodie and Helju. I think Elodie had her pet along."
"And what happened after the classes?"
"I went home along with Elodie and her pet. She asked me to pull it along so I did. Usually she had her servant pull the pet along, but she wasn't there on that day."

"So, about the servant." You start.
"A zoroark, Goya I think. Elodie usually has her around to take notes, or to carry her stuff or to pull her pet along."
"And she wasn't present this time?" Semiha asks.

"Anything happening around Elodie's desk during the first break? Did anyone go for Elodie's purse or backpack?" You ask.
"I don't know." Aili answers.
Semiha places her hand on her hip and looks at Aili with a suspicious gaze.
"I swear, I was too focused on the..." You see her instinctively move her legs together and place her hands to cover her breasts and groin. You can tell she is displeased with her transparent suit.
You give her a second to phrase her statement. "Elodie was playing with me and a ruler."
You roll your eyes and knock on the one way mirror. A few moments later, the rottweiler appears.
"Sir?" He asks.
"Take her away." You say.
"To the machines?" He asks again.
"To her cell." You reply.
He gives you a glare before grabbing the quarian girl and pulling her away.

As you two are in the chamber alone, Semiha speaks. "I don't remember a zoroark in Semiha's apartment. Do you?"
You shake your head. "We'll think of it this evening."

"Who do we bring in?" Says the rottweiler, his voice harsh.
"Kusta." You reply, thinking about how the rottweiler is getting on your nerves.
The rottweiler walks out and returns with the wolfboy.

Kusta is dressed in pretty casual clothes, a tight T-shirt that is stretching against his musculature and loose sweatpants.
"Tell me, were you present for all the classes held by professor Ghali?"
He nods. "All of them."
"What were you doing during the first break?"
You catch him flinch slightly. "I was - uh - feeling sick."
Semiha taps the side of your shoe with her tail. She's signaling something to you.
"So what did you do?" You ask.
"I went to the toilet in case I felt like vomiting." Kusta replies. His eyes are darting between the two of you.
"And you remained in the toilet?" Semiha asks.
"Until the start of the next class."
"And then?" You ask.
"I contained it and went to the toilet on the next break aswell."
A tap by Semiha's tail tells you she thinks this is bullshit.
"Alright, what happened after the classes?" You ask.
"I went home."
"A minute." Semiha tells you as she pulls you outside of the room. As you close the door she starts "He's hiding something."
The rottweiler is looking at you, his arms crossed.

A short convo with Semiha and the rottweiler later, you open the door and lean inside.
"For your sake, I hope you're hiding something that has nothing to do with the investigation."
As you pull back from the door, a pair of female officers and the rottweiler enter, a roll of zip-ties and a inverted chastity cage with a urethral plug that looks like it doesn't come out after being inserted.
As soon as Kusta recognizes he starts screaming "I'll speak! I'll speak! I fucked Karlina in the toilet!"
Semiha enters and starts speaking, however, the trio isn't stopping their work with Kusta.
"I fucked him during the first break! I came in his ass."
The trio has ziptied his wrists, upper arms, elbows and knees to the chair
"Second break?" Semiha asks.
"I had-oh! Him suck off Elvi -hng- while I fucked him in the ass again!"
By now, a few more zipties are attached to him and he is completely immobile, the wolfgirl has pulled Kusta's pants and underwear down and is fisting him in the ass, while the red coloured scalie girl is trying to align the inflatable bulb on the end of the urethral tube with the tip of Kusta's penis.
"And after the classes?" Semiha asks.
"I met with Kusta's mo-agh-ther and creampied her in exchange for -hgn- not uploading the videos of what happened in the toilet today!" He says.
By now the wolfgirl has slipped her hand into Kusta's asshole up to her elbow. You can very obviously see the bulge in his stomach. Meanwhile, the red scaled policegirl has inserted the bulb and is getting to the point of no return. If you don't stop her, you'll have to approve a long and expensive procedure to remove the cage.

"Hold it." You tell the girls. "Put a removable cage on him."
The red scaly girl removes the urethral plug from the wolfboy's dick. As she does, you see him cum. The cumshot hits her straight in the face. As Kusta realizes what he did, he pisses out of fear. However, the scaly girl tries getting up to avoid the stream. She slips and ends up soaked in piss.
Semiha, the wolfgirl and the rottweiler end up laughing as the scaly girl grumbles. Kusta would piss himself in fear if he hadn't already done so.
After the fit of laughing is done, the wolfgirl continues fisting him until the scaly comes back with a removable model of the same cage. You can tell the wolfboy won't enjoy this cage.
"Machines?" The dog asks.
You nod.
"Fucking finally." He replies and drags off the terrified wolfboy.
You decide you don't want to work in a room stinking of piss. "Clean the mess." You tell the two policegirls as you exit with Semiha to observe what the rottweiler will do to Kusta. You catch the wolfgirl try and shoo the scaly with a broom as if she's the mess in the room.

Kusta's treatment is a mixture of what Ravil and Aula had, except worse. Tight leather belts holding him in place, dildoes dispensing fake cum and urine penetrating him in his asshole and mouth, and a open position in a hallway with a sign "whip me!". And to top it all off, a camera recording everything. You estimate that it took him a whole 3 minutes to cum the first time.

Semiha tells you as the two of you start heading back "It's getting late, one more before we call it for today?"

The half horse half bull boy is dragged into the interrogation room and seated on the chair, still slightly wet from the damp towel used to wipe the chair of the cum and piss.
Unlike Kusta, Karlina is dressed in a single piece dark blue bikini, has nipple piercings and a chastity cage, all of whom are outlining against the bikini fabric. You conclude that Karlina probably froze his ass off today.
"First of all," Opens Semiha. "Is it Karl or Karlina?"
"I was named Karl upon my birth, but Kusta made me change my name to Karlina." The pink haired hybrid boy speaks. He is light brown coloured and is lightly muscled, of a hourglass build. Except when one gets to his legs. You haven't seen many women with legs that could compare with his. A shame they're on a male.
"How would you prefer us call you." Semiha says.
"Karl please." He asks.
"Alright Karl, were you present for all three classes?" You ask
"No sir." Karl says and swallows. "Only the first two."
"And why is that?" You ask.
Karl looks down, places his head in his hands and thinks for a few moments. By the time he raises his head you can see he has turned red and you can see the beginnings of tears in the corners of his eyes. A slight wet spot on his crotch, where the tip of his chastity cage is placed. "After the first class Kusta took me to the toilet. He fucked me."
He sobs a few times, Semiha pats him on the back as if to re-assure him to continue.
"After he fucked me the second time and made Elvi come onto my face and hair I couldn't take it anymore. I left the class."
You wait for Karl to finish sobbing and then ask him. "You know sexual intercourse on the uni grounds is illegal?"
"Yes sir." He manages through a new fit of sobbing.
"How did your relation with Kusta start?" Semiha asks.
"In the first year, he overpowered me and fucked me. He had it all recorded and told me that both participants of the act get bitchsuited so I better keep my mouth shut." Karl says.

"And it escalated from there?" Semiha asks.
"Yes. He made me put the cage on." Karl says. "Says he'll take it off if I do everything he says."
Semiha looks at you. "Can I see?"
You don't particularly care so nod.
Semiha shifts the suit and reads the code on the cage. You see her face contort for a second.
"I know it's a permanent model." Karl says.
It's not actually, you just require a very specific set of tools and appliances, but the vast majority of anthros don't know that. You doubt anyone in this city except for maybe Sili and Ravil know that.
"What's gonna happen to me sir?" You hear Karl say.

"Did you like how it felt? Getting fucked by Kusta?" You ask.
"No sir. I hated it. I still hate it and myself for letting it come to this." He admits.

You open your phone and sort through the contacts. Arriving at Sili you type up a message. "Arrange to have Karl's chastity cage removed."
A few moments of thinking later, you send the message and slap the side of Karl's head. "Damn you're retarded."
You turn to the rottweilier and tell him "Take him to the cell. Expect a transfer. And then come over here, we need to talk. And bring the red scaly and the wolfgirl."
Karl is dragged away by the rottweilier who returns a few minutes later with the two policegirls.
"Strip naked." You order the rottweiler.
The rottweiler obeys, a few moments later standing naked in front of you.
"Go get him the piss soaked underwear." You tell the red scaly girl. "And you, find him a chastity cage. Removable of course. And a buttplug." You tell the wolfgirl.
A few moments of anxious waiting later with the rottweiler, the two girls return.
"Take a seat." You instruct him as the two girls start their process of fisting and caging him.
After that he is dressed in the piss soaked scaly girls underwear, thigh high socks and bra, none of which fit his frame. He also has a buttplug in his ass.
"From now on, you are to show proper respect to your superiors." You tell the rottweilier. "And I might have the cage removed."
"Yes sir." the rottweilier says, defeated.
"You are also to greet me by getting on your knees and elbows and presenting your asshole to everyone in the room from now on." You add.
"Yes sir." he adds.
You wait for a few moments.
"Kusta is to have bigger dildoes installed and is to get a permanent and least comfortable cage. He will not be let out of the fuckmachines until the investigation is done. I'll decide what to do with him later."
"Yes sir." The rottweilier says as he leaves.
You wait a few moments with Semiha before you get going. Your path takes you next to Kusta's fuck machine, where you see the rottweilier. He, as soon as he spots you, gets to his knees and elbows and spreads his cheeks.
You ignore him and head home.

After your drive home is done, you decide to relax with Semiha, a fine dinner and some alcohol. Before long, Semiha ends up naked, Nazim ends up discreetly snatching her clothes, Iris ends up under Semiha, licking the spilloff, Inju, now in the fuck machine, ends up grunting as someone accidentally catches the "speed" dial and turns it to the maximum.
You wake up on the couch with Iris slowly sucking you off. As you get up she greets you. "Good morning master."
"Good morning." You say. You glance around, see the speed at which the dildoes are fucking Inju, turn the machine off and start looking for your clothes. The maids had prepared them for you today. You nod appreciatively at Iris and head off to have a shower and a breakfast.
As you enter the living room you find Semiha, her arms in a armbinder, her legs spread by a metal bar, a full latex hood over her head, and a vertical metal bar with a dildo on it in her vagina.
"Do we free her?" Asks Nazim.
You nod and Nazim places the breakfast on the table before heading off to free Semiha.
You enjoy your breakfast as Semiha gets ready. She is obviously quite tired.
"I can't find my clothes." She says. "Again!"

"Keep looking for them." You tell her flatly. "I'll take the bitches for a walk."
Leaving Semiha flushing red and frustrated at being unable to find her clothes and obviously panicking at the idea of having to spend an entire day in public naked.
You grab the two leashes keeping Ravil and Adil, two quite strong and muscular anthros in bitchsuits and take them for a walk. It doesn't take long for anthros to start complimenting not just you (for being human) but your pets, mentioning how getting multiple bitchsuited muscular anthros is expensive and impressive. When you let some people know that they are the ex police chief and his son, the feeling only intensifies.
Eventually your walk takes you to a bitch park where you see a number of other people letting their pets off leashes and removing some segments of their suits (urethral plugs, anal dildoes, chastity cages, blindfolds, dildo gags...) to let them play (and fuck eachother). This also seems to be the place where the cream of the anthro population gathers. You walk to the gate and are greeted by a girly rabbitboy in a police uniform. You note how he is wearing medical gloves.
"Mister Anon." He greets you. "Can I inspect them?"
You nod as he takes the leashes and checks them.
"Ah, mister Ravil and his first son, Adil." The rabbitboy says. "So the rumors are true."
You glance at him and he elaborates. "Well, it was very unexpected for mister Ravil to sign not just him, but his whole family to this. Some say he was drunk."
The rabbit boy slides his fingers into Ravil's asshole and around the dildo and pushes it in a bit deeper, causing Ravil to groan. "But thats not here or there, he signed the papers and should get used to this." He says as he starts carefully running his hands on the insides of the assholes, then as he fingers throats and checks the belts and bindings.

"Anything you wish me to remove from them before we let them in there?"

"They get regular fuck machine duty in the house. They haven't been a trouble and I'm in amiable mood. Give them a little treat."

The bunnyboy nods and after sifting through keys for a while finds ones for Ravil and Adil.They are unlocked, the blindfolds are removed and they are pushed into the park. It doesn't take them long to realize their position and they decide to try and vent some of their frustrations. While the buttplugs and dildo gags slow them down a lot, the two guys manage to catch and ravage a girly catboy in a bitchsuit. Eventually, you decide they've had enough fun and tell the bunnyboy their time is up. The bunnyboy enters the pen and drags the two of them out. He quickly wipes them clean and re-cages them.
As you return back to your home, you find Semiha still naked.
"Come on, lets go." You tell her. She remembers your statement that you won't be letting her get new clothes if she looses them again. Her cheeks are turning all the shades of red as you take a seat in the car.
"Where to sir?" She says.

You can tell Semiha is uncomfortable, but she sucks it up. She is also keeping very close to you, practically hugging your arm the whole walk through the police station. You pass by Kusta and note that the dildoes have been upsized since your last pass and that the fuckmachines are still going full speed. You glance at how gaped his ass is and you bet you'd be able to put your fist in it without touching the walls of his gaped anus. You continue walking and come to the prisoner cells where your witnesses are being held. The rottweiler walks in soon after you and growls instinctively, but as you turn to face him, he quickly changes his behaviour and gets on his knees and spreads his rear to the world. After a few long seconds of it, he gets up and asks you "Sir? Who do you want next?"

Elvi, 3/4 wolf, 1/4 human, male, 19, (Kusta's younger brother), caged, in a bitchsuit
Brita, renamon, female, 19
Helju, 1/2 fox, 1/2 human, female 19
Priit, fox, male, 21, caged, purple fur, bitchsuited
Tiit, fox, male, 21, caged, purple fur, bitchsuited, Priit's twin brother
Innar, 1/2 deer, 1/2 horse, male, caged

"I want you to get a tutu, anthro heels and a bigger buttplug. And I want to see an impressive performance by you by the end of the week or I'll have your cage switched for a permanent one. And I want you to really show me that you understand your place. You have half an hour to show up here in your new uniform."
He nods, walks out and starts running as soon as he is out of your room.
You turn to the wolfgirl "Get me Brita."
Within a few minutes Brita enters the interrogation room. She is only wearing thigh-highs and arm warmers. She seats herself on the chair and crosses her legs to conceal her pussy while crossing her arms to cover her breasts.
"Hello." She says as she observes the obviously uncomfortable Semiha and you.
"Miss Brita, were you present for all three classes?"
"Yes sir."
"And what did you do on the first break?" You ask.
"I remained inside with Aili. We gossiped a bit. Some guys were in there aswell but I can't remember them."
"And the second break?"
"I went to get something to eat with Innar. He asked me out and I told him I'm not interested. I think he went home after that. I went home after the third class."
"Did you see anything unusual regarding Elodie or her property."
"No sir."
"Is there a reason for the unusual choice of wear?" You ask her.
"I needed a pillow and the guard caught me offguard."

You motion Semiha to exit, but then Brita speaks out again.
"Actually sir."
You turn around to see what she wants to tell you.
"Sir, someone slipped Elodie's phone into my backpack."
You turn around and stand in front of her.
"Someone slipped Elodie's phone into my backpack. I don't know when. I noticed it on the walk back home and tripped Helju, then slipped it into her backpack as I helped her up."
You give her a suspicious look.
"I swear I didn't upload the photos. I didn't even unlock the phone, I just got rid of it the fastest way I could."

You nod and take Semiha outside.
"She knows about the photos?" You ask her.
"Seems so." Semiha answers, glances at the scaly girl blowing her a kiss and flushes before turning her attention back to you.
"How long has she had to see the photos?" You ask.
"More than 24 hours. If she frequents social media or such, it's not at all surprising." Semiha says. "And despite our efforts and ordering the admins to take down the photos they are still circulated."
You think for a few moments. "This isn't the first time a photo of a human has been leaked. There's been quite a few so far."

You step back inside. "When could have someone slipped the phone on you?"
"During the second break when I was out getting something to eat with Innar." Brita replies.
"Why did you put it in Helju's bag? Fear of being blamed for stealing it?"
Brita nods.
You step outside to think a bit. A few minutes of thinking later, you see the rottweiler step towards you. He's wearing a very girly tutu, a tight corset, womens nylons, tiara, choker and a strange set of anthro shoes that constrict the toes and make the wearer walk on tight and narrow heels. He is struggling to balance on them as he walks towards you. As he approaches, you can tell he put on some makeup aswell.
He is making his best effort to walk with one foot in front of the other, but is almost constantly tripping, losing balance and catching on someting. You also note how his caged member can be seen under the way too short frills.
When he closes the distance, he tries to turn around and cross his legs and give a bow but only manages to trip and end up with his ass up.
The wolfgirl undoes her belt and offers it to you, but you refuse her offer.
Semiha says "Just in time."
You turn to her with your characteristic questioning look.
"Put her alongside Kusta and see if she changes her tone by tomorrow."

"Do you think confessions gained by torture are reliable?" You ask Semiha.
Semiha shakes her head.
You turn to the rottweiler.
"You can only refer to yourself in third person while on work or in my presence. And your new name is sissy bitch. Take Brita and put her alongside Kusta sissy bitch."
You watch as the rottweiler calls for Brita, who obediently walks to him, then you watch as the rottweiler clumsily attempts to walk towards the fuck machine department. The wolf girl decides to flick his caged penis with her fingers, causing him to yelp and almost lose his balance.
You throw her an amused glance then order her "Bring in Helju."

Helju is brought in, the short foxgirl takes a seat and carefully glances around between you and Semiha, who turns red with distress.
"Were you present for all classes?" You begin with the same old question.
"Yes." She says while nodding.
"What did you do during the first break?"
"I went outside to walk Elvi and Maita." She says. "Elodie told me to walk Maita and Kusta asked me if I could also walk Elvi."
You nod. "Second break?"
"I went outside with Elodie, Aili and Maita. She asked me to keep Maita as she went to the toilet."
"And how was your trip back to home?"
"I went with Brita." She says as she shifts her gaze to Semiha who is standing behind you and noting everything.
"Did you trip by any chance?"
"Yes." She replies, slightly cofused.
"And what did Brita do?"
"She helped me up."
You nod at Semiha.

"Have you used your backpack since?" You ask her.
"No? I left it home since I didn't need to bring anything to the university today."
You nod.
"Does you remember if Elodie had her pack with her when they went outside?"
"I don't think she had it."

"Who else did you see during her first break?"
"Well, I saw Made leaving, but I mostly just waited out the break in front of the uni." She replies.

Helju is sent back to her cell and Elvi is led in on a leash. He wouldn't look out of place in the bitch park to which you led Ravil and Adil this morning, except for the flat chastity cage, as opposed to a inverted one you had on your bitches and the way smaller dildoes.
As the red scaly girl bends over (, while presenting her ass towards you,) to start unzipping Elvi out of his suit she stops. The wolfgirl slaps her ass "What's the matter?"
The scaly speaks "He doesn't have a ID. He shouldn't be in a bitchsuit. This is illegal." She then looks at you.
"Go on, remove him from this." You reply.
As he is stripped naked, you see a significantly girlier version of Kusta emerge from the bitchsuit. He smells of cum and you are able to very easily gague what Elvi spent his time enduring.
The red scaly girl brings a bowl of water and splashes some of it over Elvi's face, gets him a drink and an energy bar. A good ten minutes later, Elvi has somewhat recovered.
"Elvi, do you have any idea about what happened two days ago?" You begin.
He just shakes his head.
You glance at the red scaly girl, who speaks "So tell me, why do you not have an ID?"
Elvi looks at her, then at you. You see him weighing things in his head. He bites his lip, then decides to speak. "Kusta talked me into it."
You are starting to notice a pattern. "Context."
"It was at a birthday of one of my friends, he talked me being the party toy. It escalated from there."
Semiha leans in and whispers into your ear. "Not really illegal for short term things, but he looks like he was living like this, at which point it is illegal."
Elvi waits for you to finish speaking then asks "So why am I in a police station?"

"We're investigating a theft." You say. "Has anything, that isn't a sex toy or a cock, been placed on or in you during the last few days?"
"I think someone sucked me off. On two occasions." Elvi says.
Semiha notes it down and you continue.
"There is also a matter of your brother. He's found of guilty of blackmail, doing something that could be considered a rape and keeping an illegal bitch. He will not be able to hold your leash in the future. What would you like to be done to you?"
"Can you just like, let me out?"
You slap the red scaly on the ass. "Take him back to his cell."
She places a finger in her mouth and playfully bites on it before doing as told.

It's at this point that the rottweiler stumbles towards you, pulling the almost human hybrid in a bitchsuit with him. He has gotten significantly better at walking on the tall heels but is still far from steady. This time however, he manages not to trip as he turns his ass towards you and bends over with his legs crossed.
"Sili has sent sissy bitch to deliver you a bitch." He says. You can feel the discomfort in his voice. You see precum start to drip from his caged member.

Innar is brought in. He gives you the standard vibes for a anthro male from this region, girly. A hybrid, half deer half horse, except he looked way more like a deer then like a horse, with the exception of his horns, which were completely lacking.
"Innar, where were you during the first break?" You ask him.
"Inside sir. Chatting with my classmates, Priit and Tiit." He replies.
You nod. "The second break?"
You see a wet spot appear on his skirt. "I ... asked Brita out."
"And?" You continue.
"She said no." He says as he swallows. "I pissed myself."
"I got my stuff and left. Went home." He says.
"And what did you do at your home?" You continue.
He pauses for a bit, then continues. "I cried. My mother tried to comfort me."
"Tried?" You ask.
"She's renting herself out as a bitch. Suit and all." He replies.
"And can't she take the suit off at her home?" You ask.
"She's getting old so she takes what contracts she can. This one states she must always wear the suit."
"Father?" You ask, somehow already guessing the direction this will go.
"Bitchsuited a decade ago for driving violations. Still serving."
You glance at Semiha.

"Well, Brita is the one who says she had Elodie's phone under her possession. If anyone's done it, it's her." Semiha comments, but she obviously doesn't think Brita did it.
You hear the rottweiler speak "Sir, the sissy bitch thinks you should put them all in the machines. Maybe then they will think a bit harder." as he finishes speaking he turns round, crosses his legs and does a surprisingly good ballet bow.
You check the clock and realize it's about 2pm. Time flies. You head to the cafeteria with Semiha following behind you, grab a snack and enjoy her squirming unpleasantly as all her coworkers observe her. A few female police officers even have the gull to pinch, poke or lightly slap Semiha as she eats. Semiha is immensely uncomfortable with this. She is also wet.

You point at the female officers who messed with Semiha and instruct them to stand in a line. Semiha tries to talk you out of this, but you calm her by giving her nipple a pinch. The female officers strip naked and are told to masturbate in the middle of the cafeteria as you grope Semiha.
"You're to be naked for a week straight. And every time you enter the cafeteria you're to masturbate."
It is roughly at that time that you notice the rottweiler.
"Sissy bitch!" You shout at him.
He looks at you, pisses himself in fear and does a ballet bow.
"Show us what you know from ballet!" You shout.
The rottweiler mumbles something. He obviously doesn't know anything. You hear a voice "I can show him!" You reply "Get on it!" A white furred mousegirl walks up to him and starts showing him how to do a simple move. After she demonstrates it, you order the rottweiler to replicate it, a simple three steps and a slight hop between them followed by raising his leg to a vertical position. He trips and falls by the second step.
You point to a random muscular anthro "Fuck some balance into his head." The bullboy fucks the rottweiler to cheering and mocking of his coworkers. About a dozen policemen and up facefucking sissy bitch by the time he manages to keep his balance for the three steps on the high heels. When the rottweiler tries lifting his leg to a vertical position, he doesn't manage to. One of his coworkers decides to help him stretch and ties his leg to a top of the dresser and then fucks his ass. A few more anthros repeat the process.

By the time the rottweiler finishes the three hops and a vertical raise of his leg, about fifty dicks have entered him. He gives you a ballet bow and in a bit of comical timing, his buttplug slides out of his gaped asshole. He tries to reinsert it in panic, but it keeps falling out.
"Sissy bitch is sorry sir, she'll get a bigger one! Forgive sissy bitch sir!" He says begging.

"Come here." You tell the rottweiler. You think about bending him over your knees, but seeing the amount of gunk on him you tell him to raise his ass up. You borrow a belt from a different police officer and hit the rottweilers ass a few times. One time, you hit him straight on the ballsack and see him immediately ejaculate and contort. You feel quite bad and let him go with a "You're free for today."

As you enter the car, you ask Semiha about how she felt about the other females touching her up.
"I didn't like it but I think you were too harsh on them."

The drive to Helju's home is a pleasantly uneventful one and the walk to her dormitory room is short. Inside you find her backpack and after going through it, you find Elodie's phone.
"So?" Says Semiha. "Do you intend to go through the files? There might be something there."

You place the phone in a plastic bag and return it to the station. You have the phone tested for anything and everything and are informed that the results will be available in a day at least. Perhaps more.
After the phone is handed back to you you start going through it. Something immediately strikes you as odd. The phone is very slow and after you look up the model, a very cheap one too. Possibly the cheapest one locally available. Going through the gallery, you find that the only photos in it are the three photos of her, one of her sitting naked on her bed, one of her presenting herself with a mirror and one of her laying naked on a sofa. You decide to not ask the anthro police staff to analyze the images just yet and go through them yourself. You catch a glimpse of a anthro who is taking the photo in the mirror, finding out it's a zoroark.
You go through the phone a bit more, find the messages and phone calls are nonexistent, realize the background is the default one and that this is practically a brand new phone with the nudes in it and nothing else.

After asking around for a bit, you have a bunnyboy in charge of a division caged and hand the phone to him. You inform him that he better find everything you might need about it if he wants the cage removed. The model, if any modifications were made, when was it activated, who's the holder of the number, etc.
He is sufficiently scared when you say that if he doesn't do the job well enough, he might end up as the rottweiler.
You decide against heading to Elodie and choose to wait for the results to come in. In the meanwhile, you get in the car with Semiha and before she starts the drive you ask her "Do you think I went too hard on the rottweiler?"
She turns to you "Sissy bitch?"
"I think you didn't go hard enough. Same as with Arvi." She says.
You glance at her.
"I'd have had everyone, including Ghali, Arvi, Epp and Tea's family on fuckmachines. Sissy bitch too, but only because he's boring and disrespectful."
"Isn't that a bit much?" You ask.
"For a case in which an human female had her property stolen and nude photos of herself posted online? Not at all."
You lean in towards her and slide your hand between her legs. "I love how loyal to us you are."
After a way too long of a drive, you return back to your home, have the almost human hybrid slotted into the fuckmachine and have Ravil, Murat and Adil walked by Nazim, while Iris prepares dinner for quite a lot of people. In the meanwhile, you have a threesome with Semiha and Aula, Aula still in heavy bondage. At one point, after you've satisfied your urges, you send Nazim to the neighbours to have one of them remove Inju from the urinal.
After she is removed, you have her (and all the other slaves on this property thoroughly cleaned by Iris and Nazim and then you have Iris and Nazim tightly bound and placed on a pair of large dildoes on chairs, with a ring gag in their mouths. This is the first time in days that their blindfolds are removed and they squint a lot, eyes watering.

The three males receive a less pleasant experience, their dildoes are changed for different ones, no smaller than the previous ones, their belts are tightened, essentially immobilizing them and their hoods and blindfolds are removed. The dildo gags are removed with ring gags, still not letting them speak, but letting them stick their tongue out.
The dinner is overall a pleasant experience, with you and Semiha eating normally, Iris and Nazim feeding Aula and Injun through the ring gags and the three males slurping up piss through their ring gags as they watch their wife and daughter for Ravil and mother and sister for Murat and Adil get slowly pumped full of fake cum and fed by two naked slaves.
As you finish eating, you turn to Ravil who has finished his bowl full of piss and motion for his gag to be removed.
"Ravil my boy." You say to his pleading eyes. "Mind telling me why is your police department so toxic?"
He chews a bit to get blood flowing to his jaw that he had held open for days. "What do you mean master?" He manages.
"Well, your department is very eager to torture all of the suspects." You say.
"Are they connected to the Elodie case master?"

"Well, they want to impress you master. And we value anthro freedoms less than human comforts master. It's how it should be master."
"Does that explain why they are so eager to snipe eachother?" You ask.
"Is the sniping done because of you master? Did you single someone out master?"
You nod.
"They want to get on your good side master."
It makes sense, but you somehow expected more. You wonder how far anthros would go to earn a humans affection. Was Sili not that unusual in lending you his wife and daughter? You shake your head and continue.
"So, why does your home have a compartment with the urinal?"
"The previous owners built it master."
You nod. "And how did you end up in it?"
"I got drunk master. Sili got me more drinks and I ended up signing the document. I was afraid master. He told me the humans would castrate me and my whole family for the failiure. Told me that this might soothe them enough."
"Master?" He asks.
"Can you please let Adil free? He's my first son and he's supposed to inherit the privileges."
He's talking about the right to not wear the chastity cage. It's probably a big thing for anthros.

You think about Ravil's pleads. "While I would, not just for your son, but for you too," You see Nazim and Iris both frown, but you continue "it is simply poor manners to have uncaged anthros, especially in the same building as humans. I'm sure you know that the caging of the anthros was one of the greatest advancements for civilization. But since you asked so nicely, I believe all three of you should have a little special to keep you entertained."
You turn to Iris and Nazim and give them instructions. A few minutes later, they return and insert a small bead into the chastity cage of each of the three anthros. "I expect you to not orgasm, on the threat of punishment." You say as you turn the beads on and they start vibrating. The dildo gags are replaced, the latex hoods and the blindfolds are returned and after you have your way with the mother and the daughter, they are placed, the mother into the urinal and the daughter into the fuckmachine. As you turn the machine up to enjoy the sweet sight of contortions of Injun you inform Semiha, Iris and Nazim that they are only allowed to piss into the urinal.
You then watch as the three bitchsuited anthros are placed back into the pen next to the almost human anthro.

Your evening is spent with Iris and Nazim licking your member, Semiha in leather boots and gloves blushing as about 20 of her colleagues arrive and undressed and a long and pleasurable orgy with lots of alcohol the catgirl brought from her store. After about two hours of drinking and lying on, between and under boobs, breasts and tight anthro bellies, you hear your doorbell ring again.
Nazim gets up to open it and watches as the three neighbouring female hybrids show up naked. Semiha gets up and delivers her line so about "exhibitionist girls needing a spanking" so cringily your stomach ends up hurting from laughter. The three large hybrid girls end up a centrepiece of attention as the 20 drunk and naked policegirls compete to follow your orders and instructions.
Two hours later, you see the sissy bitch arrive in his new uniform. You send the girls to put makeup on him and send the white furred mousegirl to teach him some more moves while you keep pounding the red scaly girls tight asshole with a hybrid girl wrapping her long tongue around your dick and your and Semiha's long tongues playing in her mouth. By the time you grow tired of the orgy, you've ejaculated in, been sucked by or penetrated at least 40 orifices and left almost everyone bound and or unconscious, with the exception of Semiha, who spent a large chunk of her time blushing and being pleasured by others, particularly by the wolfgirl from the interrogations and the two servants, Nazim and Iris, who spent a good chunk of their time serving drinks and sucking on Semiha's toes.

You retire into your chambers with the three girls.
As the next morning dawns you find that, last night at least, Semiha was not the one that ended up tied up, but instead, Nazim and Iris. As you wake up you find Nazim hogtied and with the entirety of your dick in her mouth. Iris, in the meanwhile, is bound across the night table and has Semiha's hand in her anus. Semiha seems to be entirely out of it, as do the two slaves. Stepping outside, you find the fuckmachine with Injun still going full speed and you don't bother stopping it. You wander over to the toilet, take a leak in the urinal, knowing that Aula will drink it and go back to the living room to stare at the mess. All in all, 22 female police officers are lying there, drunk, in various and often, interwoven poses. Then, the catgirl shopkeeper, the three hybrids and sissy bitch, bound to the couch and bent over. You are impressed by the width of the gaped anus, being broader than his very muscular leg. It's about this time that Semiha and the two slavegirls exit your bedroom. "Do we clear it up master?" Iris asks.

Semiha is sent outside to look for a ball of some size. She heads to the neighbourhood hybrids and finds that they have a basketball. The insertion of the football into his asshole is what wakes sissybitch.
"A new addition to your uniform." You say.
He somehow lifts his head, opens his mouth and you observe a flow of fake cum drool out of his mouth. You don't feel like sticking your dick in that, so choose to piss into his face.
"Shower before you show up to work today." You tell him as you order the maids to untie him. By the time breakfast is ready, all the policewomen and the catgirl have either left or been carried out, the conscious ones pissing in the urinal. The 3 hybrid girls however, remained, as you demanded. Initially, you thought about sitting on their backs as they assumed a pose on their elbows and knees, however, you waited a bit as Iris said she had something great for this. A few minutes later, she returned with a number of metal hoops and bars and a few curved wooden plates. She asked for the volunteer, and while all three hybrid girls volunteered, she picked the eldest, the mother of the other two.
By the time it was assembled, the mother was blindfolded, and completely imobilized, her arms folded and supporting her back and she herself bent so her ass and the underside of her thighs were horizontal and were holding the seat, while her calves and feet were vertical and holding the seat on which you lean.

The design is pleasant and you can say with certainty that you wouldn't mind keeping it. The two younger hybrids satisfied themselves with serving as your armrests and presenting themselves to you.
As you are with Semiha, you speak up randomly. "Iris, Nazim. From now on, when walking Adil, take his cage off outside. Oh and carry a riding whip, if he gets an erection, remind him he isn't allowed one even outside a cage."
The two maids nod in understanding.
At some point during the meal, Semiha shows you her phone. On it you see a text chat with Ghali, in which Ghali apologizes for the behavior of Arvi and states that her own sense of honour does not permit her to let one who disrespected humans as much as he did to go with so little punishment, despite you forgiving him and that she shall take it into her own hands.
What follows is mixture of 15 minute videos of Arvi being humiliated on breaks and 45 minute vides of Arvi being humiliated during classes. The humiliations involve Arvi being fucked by dozens of students with strapons, him anally masturbaitng during classes, him sucking off anyone and everyone during breaks, him being on a sybian and cumming, only for Semiha to order him whipped for each ejaculation...
After the compilation, she writes another essay that you don't bother reading and that Semiha sums up as "Ghali hopes you'll find it in your heart to forgive Arvi for his transgressions and won't bitchsuit, castrate and lobotomize him." After you share a look with Semiha, she replies "Yikes. Think we should visit her and stop her from doing this or?"

You have Semiha, still naked, drive you to the police station. As you enter it you note the bunnyboy whom you had caged yesterday standing in front of you with a report.
"Sir." He says. "I am ready to present my findings."
"Go ahead." You say.
"The phone has been purchased from a small time private vendor about a week ago. We have been unable to identify the buyer. The photos were transferred to the phone via an online download over the university WiFi. The phone does not have an phone number."
He pauses, turns the paper and then reads you off the technical information. In all, the phone is a unmodified cheap model that was not used for any real period of time.
You nod and write an order for him to be uncaged. He bows as you hand him the paper and goes off to get his member freed.
You check up on the prisoners and see Brita and Kusta still being fucked full speed and check up if anything more was found out. As you prepare to leave, the rottweiler walks up to you, still in his tutu, anthro heels and with the football still in his ass. He walks towards you, obviously struggling with each step, turns around and does a modified ballet bow, standing on fingertips and keeping his ass up towards you. After keeping the uncomfortable pose for a few moments he gets up. Despite his shakiness, and what he is wearing, his movements are impressive for someone only two days into ballet.
"Daddy," He begins. "I've just been informed that Tea's family has called the police to inform us she is missing and hasn't been in contact with anyone for a while." He says. A pause later he continues. "Daddy, I've checked the time, she hasn't contacted anyone since her shift started."

Sissy gets on his knees and gives you a blowjob. You can tell he doesn't know how to, but he does his best. He also tries swallowing but ends up gagging. He quickly licks it up.
"Now bend over." You tell him.
He obeys as you grab a dedicated spanking belt and spank his ass red. "Your name is sissy bitch. Remember that." To emphasize, the last swing goes to his balls. His entire body convulses and he ejaculates from the pain.
Following that, you, him and Semiha get in the car and drive to Elodie's place. You find it empty, so after leaving the dormitory you head to the university, where, after asking around a bit, you find Elodie in the hallways.
"Miss Elodie." You say to her, flanked on one side by a naked Semiha and on the other by a caged Sissybitch in a tutu. "Do you mind answering a few more questions for us?"
She glances at your companions, both of whom blush as she looks at them. "Sure."
"You have a zoroark servant, is that right?" You ask her.
She nods. "Goya."
"And this Goya, where is he?"
"It's a she and Goya is on vacation."
"To where?" You ask.
Elodie shrugs. "I'm very close with Goya so when she asked me for some money and some time off, I let her."
You nod, slightly doubting her, then you pull the decoy phone and present it to her.
"Is this phone yours?" You ask her.
Elodie shakes her head. "I've never seen it."

"So, when is Goya going to get back?" You ask.
Elodie shrugs. "When she feels like it."
"Are there any places or relatives Goya frequents?"
"She has family on a different continent. But no, I haven't found her having romantic interests or anything like that."
"How much money did you give Goya?"
Elodie casually says a number that you aren't impressed in but that stuns Semiha and the rottweiler. For you and Elodie, pocket change, for the two of them a fortune beyond imagining.
"Alright, another thing. Whose idea was it to take the photos?"
Elodie blushes a bit and says "Can the two of them go away?"
You motion the two of them to walk away. As expected, sissybitch struggles to move with the football still in him.
"Mine." Elodie says. "I was trying to get on with a guy and sent him some nudes."

After the conversation, you thank Elodie and ask her to give you a minute, which you use to converse with the two subordinates you have.
"Something is suspicious. I feel like Elodie's not really being honest with us." You say.
Semiha seems uncomfortable with the mere suggestion that a human could be wrong while the rottweiler is preoccupied making pained grimaces. You presume he has tensed up and is experiencing a interesting sensation either with his asshole or his caged genitalia. Maybe with both.
"Well?" You ask the two anthros.
Semiha swallows and shakes her head.
You turn to the rottweiler, who speaks "Sissy bitch doesn't dare get into a discussion between two humans. Sissy bitch was rude and uncouth and now has a football in her ass. Sissy bitch would rather get her caged clitty whipped again rather than say something a human doesn't want to hear. Please forgive sissy bitch for disappointing you master and be gentle in your punishments of sissy bitch."
You turn back to Semiha who relents under your gaze. "Alright, it's suspicious." She says with a lot of effort. "She might not be entirely honest with us."

You decide the two anthro's arent worth much and head back to Elodie.
"Did you, by any chance, tell any of your friends that you were trying to get the guys attention? Or did you tell any of them you had some photos of yourself?" You ask her.
Elodie thinks for a few moments. "Yeah, Brita."

You stumble upon a student and ask him for Ghali's location. A bit of checking later, he informs you that she is holding classes and that her break should be soon enough. You walk to in front of her office. To your surprise, hundreds of students seem to have amassed in front of the classroom. You enter the classroom and spot about 20 students observing Ghali, who is instructing a pair of students about what to do to Arvi, who is sobbing. You decide not to interrupt as Ghali doesn't seem to notice you. To your surprise you spot a female student with the two anthros who are mounting a Arvi into a fuckmachine. You close the distance slightly to get a better view. To your surprise the student removes the two parallel bars holding Arvi's slit plug in. You wonder about the legality of it until she pulls a urethral plug that she inserts into Arvi's penis. After the insertion of the strange plug, for whatever reason, his penis, stiff a few moments ago, does not emerge from his slit. A few moments later, the fuckmachine is initiated with 3 dildoes, one penetrating Arvi's mouth, one his anus and quite impressively, one his slit. As the machine starts she finally notices you and walks to in front of you, then drops to her knees and wails with a shrieking cry "Have mercy upon Arvi, slay me instead!"
Ghali is on the floor in front of you and bent forwards, her head below your chin. Streaks of tears are running down from her dark green eyes. She looks weakened, like she hasn't eaten since her first visit with you. The light tan scales on her stomach bulge more than ever from the dildoes in her. Her wings, bound behind her back for centuries, are shaking as she is sobbing in front of you.
"I have tortured him, please, spare him, take me instead!" She says.

When she is told they're both heading to a hospital, Ghali intensifies her wailing and sobbing, not believing your whispers, but both she and Arvi obey. The trip is a quick one and you're let through the line. By the end, the piercings and bondage is removed from both the turian and the wyvern.
"So?" You ask the female elk doctor.
"No real permanent damage." She says. "The wyvern will need exercise and therapy, but her holes will tighten and her wings will get their functionality restored within a few months. The turian will be fitted with a removable cage, as you instructed." A short pause later she continues. "I don't think the machine, as it was described to me, was dangerous or harmful to him."
You wait for a few moments.
"The psychological damage might be worse." The elkgirl says. "Not for the turian, he's fine. The wyvern was begging us to not castrate him because her previous sons got castrated." She glances at you shamefully. You get that she's implying it was done by humans. "My apologies sir. Please be gentle."

You order the elk girl wear clamps on her clit and nipples for a week (and to be naked for that week).
After that, you stop a taxi driver and have him drive Arvi and the rottweiler as Semiha's car can only fit Ghali in the back seat. Despite the taxi driver's insistance on not charging you, you order the rottweiler to pay him tenfold and to suck him off for the good drive.
After the drive, you instruct Nazim and Iris to take good care of the wyvern and the turian, which is when Ghali finally starts believing that you won't harm Arvi. She breaks down crying as you hold her massive head in your lap. She wraps her finally free wings around you and keeps sobbing. After you are soaked in her tears you decide it's enough and tell her that neither her nor Arvi will be castrated or bitchsuited.
After finally freeing yourself from her wings, you start heading out, but spot Arvi, who throws himself to the floor and displays himself. However, you notice an odd issue for him, as his new slit plug is not big enough to plug his now gaped slit.
"Sissy." You say. "Get Arvi some of your money so he can buy himself some clothes."

A car drive later, you arrive at the police station and are as always rewarded with the sly looks at your companions. Once again, you corner the bunny boy and inform him of your questions.

We will need to have the missing campus guard's family questioned if she had given them any clues about her plans or why she might have disappeared.

"Do you wish us to order the other police department to arrest them and interrogate them?"

Does the missing guard have a bank account or something?

"Tea's bank account has not been active since her disappearance sir."

Can we check the renamons finances?

"She does not appear to have a bank account."

We need to question and verify that she learned about the nudes from Elodie and if she told about them to someone.

You have sissy bitch remove the Renamon from the fuckmachines. It's no exaggeration to say she can't walk straight. In fact, it takes her about half an hour to be able to speak as she coughs up huge amounts of fake semen and piss. You your surprise, just as much of it flows from her urethra, vagina and anus. Eventually, what you assumed to be a belly bulge from the massive dildoes ends up just being inflation from the liquids in her.
Her blindfolds, gags, bondage and latex suit are removed and she is bound to a chair under a strong lamp, the blinding light being pointed towards her.
"So miss Brita, was it a fake confession?" You ask.
"What? No-" She begins in panic, but is cut off by a fit of coughing.
"Miss Elodie informed me that she showed you her nudes." You continue.
Brita nods. Her movements speak of panic.
"So, who did you tell about them?"
"Noone sir." Brita says. Her reply is quick but is merely an attempt to keep her panic in check.
"Then who knew of them to upload them?" You ask.
"I don't know sir. All I know is that Brita was hitting on me for a while and showed me her nudes one day-"

You slam the desk in front of her. "And you saw an opportunity to get Helju in trouble. You prepared for the Monday by getting a cheap phone that you could use to put blame on on her. But why go through all this trouble and not just place the real phone in her bag?"
Brita coughs from the sheer shock for a few seconds, then speaks "No! That's not true! I was scared! That's why I put the phone in Helju's bag! I didn't even know there was a decoy phone!"
"So, if it's not you, then who is it?" You ask.
"I don't know! I swear!"
You exit the interrogation and tell sissy to re-mount Brita in the fuckmachine. After that is done he returns to you yet again.
"Master, sissy bitch was told to inform you that Tea's family had been interrogated and stated how Tea was behaving as usual and simply cut contact one day. According to them, Tea's behavior was completely usual. They mention the family has been put into fuckmachines. Can sissybitch serve you in any way?"
"That's all." You say and bring Semiha along with you as you go from one cell to the next one asking about Elodie's romantic interests.
Kusta says that Elodie never displayed anything towards him.
Elvi does not know anything.
Karl says Elodie was into girls but asked him if he likes being pegged once, which made him wet himself and that everyone mocked him for it for a few months.
Helju says Elodie asked her out a few times and that Brita told her that Elodie invited her to multiple sleepovers.
Innar says that Elodie liked Made.
Made says that Elodie told her multiple times how she'd like to have her as a toy.
Aili says how Elodie was actually his customer once and how she made him wear fake silicone breasts and pretend to be Made.

Made and Helju mention Elodie showed them her nudes.
None of the students mention anything about Elodie being attracted to males and while most say there is a human male student, all express surprise and disbelief when told Elodie might be interested in him.

You inform sissy bitch to get his asshole checked by the doctor and that you expect him to be able to explain to you why any aggression towards humans and why his methods are unacceptable.
Then you ask Brita, Made and Helju about Tea. Of the three of them, only Helju knows who Tea even is, but shows nothing beyond an recognition she's a guard.
You have Brita removed from the fuckmachine again, then you have Helju stripped naked and Made stripped down to her tight bodysuit (as she's a quarian, removing it would be an instant death sentence outside of a sterile environment), then you have hobble chains installed on the three girls and you have Semiha drive the three of them to Elodie's room. You note the pool of fake semen in Semiha's police car and the trail of it all the way to Elodie's room.

As you enter, you are again confronted with Eoldie and her half deathclaw servant.
"Hello sir." Elodie says.
"Miss Elodie." You say.
"Can I offer you with something?" She asks.
"No need. Could you answer some questions instead?"
"Of course."
"Which of these three did you show your phone?" You ask.
"My phone? Everyone knew what my phone looked like."
"Alright, next, did any of these three have a reason to cause damage to your reputation?"
Elodie shakes her head. "No. I don't think so."
"Did you give your phone to any of them for any amount of time?"
"No sir, I did not." She says yet again.
You rub your forehead and then speak. "All the proof we have points at Brita, who tried to shift the blame by claiming you were attracted to her." A chuckle escapes your lips. "I'll just inform you that she is most likely facing a pretty horrible fate unless you step in somehow."
It is roughly at this moment that Semiha, as you instructed her beforehand, calls Elodies phone number. A split second later, a pretty popular song starts playing from somewhere within Elodies apartment.

"Oh, found a good replacement? What model? Can I see that?"

You see Elodie's face freeze in terror as you ask her for that. "Yeah. Get it Machi."
The half deathclaw forces himself off the dildoes, goes into the room and grabs something before turning to you. "Can we speak officer?"
You hear Elodie say "No, you cannot speak with him Machi."

"Something you wish to hide Miss Elodie? If your pet wishes to speak with me, I'm interested to hear what he has to say. We will step outside. You will stay here."
Elodie tries to block your advance, but you simply shove her aside and walk into the other room.
"What is it Machi?" You say as you slam the door closed behind yourself and have Semiha lean on it to keep it closed.
"I know better than to bargain with you. I'll spill the beans." He says.
You nod, fully understanding what he means.
"Elodie didn't lose her phone." He says as he hands it to you and as he silently traces the unlock pattern with his clawed finger over the screen. "I don't know where Goya is, but, as Elodie ordered me, I overpowered Tea, stripped her naked and tied her up after she signed a paper of voluntary bitchsuiting to Elodie."
He pauses as he finishes.
You give him a few more moments to see if he says anything else. "I love my halfbrother. It's a shame he's in a bitchsuit."

You nod to Machi. "You're coming with me to the police station."
"Maita?" He asks about his bitchsuited halfbrother.
"Him too." You say.
You think about ordering Semiha to arrest Elodie, but choose against it, remembering how Semiha could barely bring herself to admit that perhaps Elodie's lying.
You exit and firmly say to Elodie "You're under arrest."
It Semiha three trips to transport everyone to the station, first taking only you and Elodie, than taking Machi and Maita in the second, and finally, taking Made, Brita and Helju in the third.
To your pleasure, the rottweiler, still in a tutu approaches you, kneels and waits for permission.
"Go ahead."
"Sissy bitch has thought about showing aggression to humans and has concluded it is inappropriate for a anthro to show any disobedience to his natural superiors, for all anthros are granted any and all rights and privileges by the mercy of their human masters. Sissy bitch has merely had his privileges reduced for his transgressions against his master and should be happy for the mercy of his master who merely reminded him of his mistakes." He says on the topic of his behaviour against you.
"As for using the same harsh punishment for everyone, sissy bitch has realized his mistake of advocating it against everyone, because he is first, boring to you, a human and his master, second, because he might catch someone he shouldn't, like an anthro a human likes or wants for something, and third, because he might catch an innocent anthro." He concludes.
"Sissybitch awaits your verdict on whether he is right in anything he has said."

Tell Sissy Bitch that he's a good girl, and give him a pat on the head. Tell him he will be uncaged and the dildo removed, but he will still be expected to crossdress while on duty, as well as present his ass to us whenever he sees us.

"Sissy bitch thanks her master for giving her the privilege of using her penis again." He says as he takes the piece of paper you scribbled the instructions for the removal of his cage. "But sissy bitch feels she should be punished more by being placed in a fuckmachine for boring her master with telling her master that the suspects should be placed in fuckmachines and that sissy bitch's master should take sissy bitchs wife and daughter and do with them as he pleases."

Pub: 27 Nov 2023 03:59 UTC
Edit: 27 Nov 2023 23:31 UTC
Views: 4272