Second (Official) Clover Guild Character Q&A

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The rules are the same as in the previous Q&A: ask a question to a character in the Clover Guild universe (guildmember, NPC, etc.), and then the anons may answer it in character... or not, it depends. Keep that in mind if they skipped over it; please show common courtesy.

When asking a question to a new character, write three pound signs followed by the character name. That way, they'll appear in the table of contents.
Add new questions to the end of the list. Questions should have a Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. in front, based on which number the question is.

Answers should be provided in green text (>) below the question.
Please put your character's name in front if answering a non-individual question.
You can even have discussions on the answered questions. For example:


Character 1: We should punish them according to the law.
Character 2: Death

Character 3: "Insert a very long, compelling argument against the comment."

Character 2: Understandable have a nice day

"Individual Questions" means you're asking a question to a particular character... self explanatory.

"General Questions" means anyone can answer that particular question, or it's a particular group of people like former humans who can answer this question only, and so on. 

"Pair Questions" is something different from general questions. These are aimed at a particular team, or a category of character. For example, you can ask a question to Team Moonshine, and each of the members will answer based on what they think about the question (in character, of course). It can also apply to specific groups, like aura users (in this example, Aura-using characters like Lliam, KFC, Booker, Clara, etc. would answer).

"Lore and Misc Questions" are questions about some lore about some characters, world building, and other questions about Clover Guild that aren't applicable to the things above. You may even ask questions to the authors themselves! (When doing this, write it as Chespin-anon to indicate it's the author, and use Chespin for character himself, to not cause any confusion.)

Individual Questions


Q1: What is you relationship with Ronnie? Has your opinion of him changed since you first met?

I'm quite familiar with his kind, given how the food inustry tends to work, always taking in youthful employees. But unlike the teenagers I've worked with in the past, Ronald's supposed "skills" don't seem to transfer over at all, so I moreso just keep him around to start the fire each morning (despite what rumors say, Ronald makes a terrible stove) and carry groceries, but most of the time he silently sleeps in the corner. But I will admit, I've grown fond of his company in recent time, mostly since he's the only person I'm allowed to boss around anymore.

Q2: What was a human food request that stood out to you?

I've long since removed the request box from outside the kitchen, but I remember receiving several requests involving food items from some human taco restaurant. Unfortunately it seems my requesters couldn't care to describe what they were requesting, only giving me a name. So currently, I have no plans to add a "Crunch-wrap" or a "Bay-Juh Blast" to my current rotation.

Q3: What was your best dish when you had a restaurant?

I try to not remember that I had something akin to a career as it helps me get through the day somewhat easier, but I do remember one dish netting me an award or two while I had it in my rotation. It was my personal take on the Eggs Florentine breakfast dish, made with the ever rare elusive Chansey Egg, a luxury ingredient many people and even I could hardly afford to keep in my menu for more than a week, as even getting a reasonable supply of them was a nightmare for my staff. But in my defense, I am still remembered in several circles for my dish.


Q1: Booker is getting closer and closer to flying. Is there a part of you that'll be sad once he's less dependent on you?

W-what makes you ask that? Did Toge tell you about that awful Gardevoir mission we did? ...Huh? He didn’t? Oh. Uh, forget I said anything.
Anyway, to answer that question: yeah, I have been kinda worried about that, not gonna lie. I mean, I’ve spent so much time carrying him, it’s gonna be weird when he can get around without my help. But I’ve been rooting for him ever since he started learning how to fly. I don’t want him to be weak and slow forever. I want him to get stronger! And being able to fly is part of that. Besides, it ain’t like he’s gonna go away and never come back once he’s able to fly. We’ll still stay together. So I’m not too sad about it—I’m looking forward to seeing his dream come true!

Q2: How does it feel getting hit with a fighting type move?

Oh boy, it hurts like hell! Even if it’s a weak attack, it causes some major pain, cuz of that energy put into it. If you just punch one of us normally, we can probably take it, but if you turn it into a real move by pumping energy into it, it’ll feel like you got slammed hard by a flaming bag of rocks. Clawfolk and Fighting-type energy just don’t mix. But it ain’t my fault. Ask anyone with a double weakness and they’re gonna tell you the same thing. It’s just the way we’re built.
Booker always freaks out whenever a Fighting-type attack comes at us. Even though he’s super resistant to that type of energy, he’s always worried for me. He still thinks I’ll die from even the littlest Fighting-type move. I hate seeing the little guy get scared like that, though, so I guess it’s good motivation to dodge as much as I can.

Q3: Is there anything about the human world you've heard that's piqued your interest?

Totally! Too many things to list. I don’t go nuts over the human world like Wooper does, but there’s some really cool stuff about it. I think someone asked me that question before, and if I remember right, I said I liked human martial arts. I still do! Hopefully someday we can set up some kinda tournament where the humans can show off their karate and kung fu and pro wrestling—especially pro wrestling. That sounds awesome, based on what the humans told me about it.
But other stuff’s got me interested, too. There’s a lotta sports in the human world that we don’t have here, and some of them sound fun, like baseball or basketball. And cars are cool too! I still dunno how cars work, but I know you can ride inside them, and they move fast. I bet it’d be super fun to hop in one and race around.


Q1: Is there anything that stinks about being a Ribombee that's really minor?

Hmm... Something minor that stinks... Oh! I got it: I can’t turn off my sense of smell. We bugs don’t have noses, because we smell with our antennae, so I can’t plug my nose when I smell something bad. I just have to tolerate it until I can get away from it, and that can be annoying.
A-and in case you’re wondering: no, Sneasel d-doesn’t smell. And that’s a good thing, too, considering I spend most of my time on her head, or at her side. Everyone in her tribe learned the importance of being stealthy, and part of that involves hiding your scent. Sneasel still cares about that, so she practices really good hygiene, thankfully.

Q2: Are there any small items you've found a new use for as a Ribombee?

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is my bed. M-maybe you’ve seen it already. It’s a bowl of cotton balls, and we keep it on the desk in our dorm. It’s so comfy... Better than any bed I had as a human. Aside from that... I usually drink from a thimble, and I’ve used a feather quill pen as a broom before. Also, Sneasel and I have thought about getting me a sewing needle I could use as a sword, to protect myself if I need to. It would be the right size, but I’m not sure if I could use it very well without any fingers, so it's just in the idea stage so far.

Q3: If you learn Pollen Puff, will you share some with the other guild members? I want sweets.

Definitely! That would be a nice thing to do. That is, j-just as long as people don’t pester me about it... I don’t want to end up like Tropius. I feel bad for him, with the way people are always asking to eat his bananas. But if people are polite about it, and don’t bother me too much, I’d be happy to make Pollen Puffs for them.
Although... I’m not sure if o-or when I’ll learn how to do it. I know it’s supposed to be an instinctive thing for a Ribombee, and I do want to learn the move because it would be useful in missions... but I h-haven’t had any luck with it. I just haven’t spent much time experimenting with pollen, and I’m the only Ribombee in the Capim area, so I can’t ask any other Ribombee to give me pointers. I have been learning other moves, though, so I’m hopeful that I can learn Pollen Puff someday. It might take time, but it’ll be worth it.

Q4: Are there any advantages to being so small?

Someone asked a similar q-question a while back... I remember saying one benefit of being tiny is that it’s helped me bond with Sneasel, since I’ve had to r-rely on her for a lot of things.
But besides that, I guess another upside is that it helps me conserve items. For example... if I get hurt, I only need to take a bite or two of an Oran Berry, and I can give the rest to Sneasel. Same thing with a Pecha Berry, o-or even a Reviver Seed. As for regular food, though, I do notice I get hungry more than I did as a human. Being small means my m-metabolism is faster, so I have to eat snacks throughout the day. The total amount of food I eat is still pretty small from the perspective of an average Pokemon, though.
Oh, and speaking of perspective... I guess another nice thing about being tiny is g-getting the chance to see the world from a new p-perspective. Um... sorry if that sounds kind of silly or c-cliche, but I think it’s true. It’s interesting, and humbling, to see everyday items and Pokemon so much... bigger than me. And I can see things in more detail too. Everything feels more... g-grandiose and fascinating now.
A-anyway, one other nice thing about my size is that I can ride around on other Pokemon. I have to admit, it’s kind of fun—only if they’re okay with being ridden, though. Some of the most fun I’ve had in this world is from riding on bird P-Pokemon and... flying with them... S-sorry, just thinking back to how amazing it felt makes me k-kinda emotional...

Q5: Are you as snug as a bug in a rug?

Um... I w-wouldn’t say that. I tend to get anxious a lot of the time, but I think I’ve gotten better at controlling my emotions since KFC and I started meditating together. And I do feel pretty snug when I’m in my cotton ball bed, or Sneasel and I are cudd—I-I mean, w-when I’m on her head! Y-yeah, it’s comfy s-sitting up there! Her fur is s-soft, and she feels nice a-and cool. It’s relaxing...
A-anyway, I guess I do feel snug sometimes, but n-not always. Hope that answers the question...


Q1: How and when did you meet Sara?

it was after a day of work passing by a beach i found her unconscious, i brough her to auntie since then she was in her care! And one day she was put to pair with we on my missions since she wanted to be an explorer, and of course it wouldn't have been gaston to take care of something scoff

Q2: Have you met any Clover Guild individuals besides Lliam?

after we received our badges we made a brief passage to capim town for a formal introduction.... it was huh.... Well at least now i get the rumors that where thrown around about this place, i must say that some are quite strange but i do found myself... at peace in this chaos. Also the chespin there did not believe me that we already ditched hay beds long ago because auntie hates them too.

Q3: I wanna know how you got that scar!

heh... hem... well. an accident.... a stupid avoidable one...yeah.

Q4: Do you have any hobbies besides dungeon exploration?

jung : i kinda like sewing, got to it because some of the youngins we helped wanted toys so i learned with auntie to make some, i remember making one for alvin when he was but a little aipom!
alvin : cut it out jung !
jung : what was it do you remeber scoff
alvin : sight pls don't
ung : it was a primarina, my memory is a lil foggy remind me why you wanted one grin
alvin : DON'T !!!!
jung : Oh ! how could i forget prodigious singing star of the continent like that, a die hard fan since his first step.
Jung : laugh while avoiding alvin grasp


Q1: What kind of moves have you mastered? Do you enjoy fighting?

sara : i can do Tackle Spark Bite and swagger but fighting isn't my strenght, i prefer avoiding most conflict. I let Jung do the all the muscle work and i mostly do the brain work... it's no like it would HIS strenght giggles
jung : getting better at quips i see, well don't be surprised when your bed suddenly disappeared and is out of your reach
sara : WHAT !??!???!

Mama Lax

Q1: Do you have any funny stories from the Inn you'd like to share?

hohoho since i build this inn i have seen all kinds of pokemon and behaviors but some of the most notable where

  • a messy and unmannered garbordor that made one unforgetable impressions by messing up the room he rented, the cleaning was one i will never forget.
  • the main delivery service used for the supply is one run by a group of effective and punctual hawlucha's, but they tend to deliver by "drop kicking" doors and the first time was a weird moment.
  • local drowzee group are making nomadic passage some night to feed on our client dream, wich i really feel uncomfortable leaving my client privacy open to any dream meddling pokemon passing by and the fact of running an inn makes it a buffet for some.
  • an uncooperative slaking that didn't want to give up his room pass his payed time in the inn throwing a tantrum, i rarely become enraged but this was too much.
  • and lastly the day i welcomed 3 little lost pokemon, one of them was jung and they where an odd band laugh.


Q1: You joined the Guild around Halloween. How has your experience been since then? Good? Bad?

Aw man, the ragers you knuckleheads throw around here are nutty! I pinned all of you for a bunch'a goody goodies, but I knew you could throw it down with the best of 'em once that guy jumped into the pile of wood splinters. Best $5 I ever spent.

Q2: You're a roof tiler, right? What's that job like?

It's shit! I musta' been a lawyer in my last life because all this shitty green body is good for is stickin' tiles onta' some doughy guy's town house in the searin' heat! You'd think the big man upstairs coulda' made me one of those smart fellas with the cushy jobs, like that Metagross fucker that just gets to sit and think all day... Or Necrozma, that would be a cool one to be I think...

Q3: Fancying anyone at the guild?

Heheh, well, you haven't seen the way that little tick dame looked at me the second I hung up my stuff! We've wined and dined and all that a couple times- gotta be a gentleman for the ladies after all, heh. I'm tellin' ya though, that trashy fella' she keeps hangin' out with, get some serious stink eye from that one. Stinkier than he smells! Maddi's gotta learn to spend his time with a real man! These mandibles could cut diamonds!

Q4: How much silk can you make? Do you ever give any away? It seems useful!

Pff, I dunno, I gotta' drink a lot or I get bone dry after too much spinnin'. And i'm glad you asked! You can get a fresh outta' the oven spool a' Rasmus silk for just $19.99! You can fix up your leaky pipes! seal up that stubborn draft in your window frame! Knit up a sturdy sweater for that special someone! Mail in now and you'll even get a vial of my patented "Strangle Ya' Till Ya' Shit Yourself" Spinarak Venom!


Q1: Given your title as a researcher, do guild members ever ask you difficult or odd questions?

Well, I'm usually the one asking the odd questions, if only rarely. Though, I suppose there was that one time:
{Pending: Need to think of an interesting enough question.}

Q2: Do you get along well with the other research-oriented guildmons?

For the most part, yeah. (Nick's tails raise, counting in the same way a human would with their fingers.)
Honestly, as far as bosses go, Lliam isn't the worst. Actually, he's probably better than most of the ones I had before. I just wish he'd stop being so secretive all the time and stop trying to do everything himself!
Macom is also technically my boss, I think? Maybe? He's...very competent. Leaderly. But it's hard to get a good read on him, even more so since I've never been particularly good at that. If I'm being honest, he's a little bit intimidating - in the sense of being someone you really don't want to disappoint, at least.
Booker is nice. He's been a pleasure to work with the few times our teams have worked together, and generally pleasant outside of work. I suppose you could say he's th- actually no. I'll save that for someone else to say (I'm sure it has been before).
I feel like there's at least one more 'mon that I'm forgetting. Who was it, now...?
Oh, right, Mustel!
Uh. I haven't actually interacted with him much. Of course I haven't - he's new - and also...the, uh, snake guy...can usually be found around him. I'm not afraid of snakes or anything, but I think it's perfectly reasonable to be wary of mon who very much have both the capacity and probably the inclination to disembowel me.
Actually, there might be more than one. Is Sableye technically part of the research division? What about Archie? I don't think she's part of the Guild proper, is she? Was I expressing too much of a humanocentric viewpoint by not including my thoughts on anyone's partners...? Is it excessively humanocentric to refer to them as partners!?
Ah, sorry. I didn't realize I was saying that out loud.

Q3: I think you've said before that your tails are prehensile. How good are you at manipulating things using your tails? Have you been practicing with it?

Better than I was when I arrived, that's for sure! They don't have any fine motor control - it's easier for me to write with a claw then try to hold a pen in a tail, for example - and I can't lift more than maybe a pound or so with each individual tail. I don't know if those are personal problems or species-wide.
I have been practicing though, yeah. I can nudge things around, pick up small objects with enough traction, and even open doors if I get a good grip on them.

Q4: How is Pokémon language compared to English?

The languages are essentially completely different. Of course, that's to be expected given that the Pokémon written language was developed independent from any cultures that I know of, and as far as I know, humans in general as well. I still have no idea how the verbal language works or why I can understand that perfectly, but that's besides the point.
On the one hand, it's absolutely fascinating, and if I was still on speaking terms with (and had any way at all to contact, for that matter) my Lit 502 professor from college, I would totally show this to him. On the other hand (Er...paw? I'm not sure what the right idiom is now...), that makes it a bit of a bastard to learn.
In terms of difficulty, I'd say it isn't too much harder than many other languages that don't use the Roman alphabet (just tedious - and I started to learn a couple of those), but it would've been a lot worse if some mon didn't compile a guide a while back. Shame the library we got it from only had the first volume.

Q5: With Vulpix's hairstyle seeming to be curls, do you take care of your hair regularly?

I try to take care of all of my fur regularly: it wouldn't do to be unclean, after all. I have noticed that I seem to spend a decent amount more time on grooming as a Vulpix than I did as a human, but I'd like to think that's just because just because it's more complex to keep yourself in an acceptable state as a Pokémon than as a human, and not because some sort of psychological changes or something... Uh, anyway! Amelia and I are out and about a lot, so that probably contributes to the need for cleanliness more than sedentary roles in any case.
The curls seem to be a natural feature, though - my 'hair' does that even if I haven't had the chance to freshen up in a while. I could probably style it otherwise if I wanted to (It's just fur, all the way through, after all. Not like there's anything underneath, like my tails.), but I'm not sure what I'd even do. Or how mon would react. What if it's a cultural thing among Vulpix populations!? (I can't ask...) It's best to leave it as it is.


Q1: How did you get your scarf?

It was a gift from home, for midwinter about two or three years back. My older brother bought the original garment off of a traveling merchant, and then I'm told Ma helped him dye it to its current colors. I remember just having some stupid, cheap wire trinket I'd made to give in return that year.

Q2: How far and wide have you traveled?

Not nearly far enough, or wide enough. The Grass Continent alone is massive. The maps might have most of the big picture, but the details are still mostly uncharted. We've been between the north and south coasts on this side of the Skyridge Mountains. Not everywhere. Haven't crossed over them yet, ether.
Before joining the guild, just around home. But we moved around a lot, so I saw a lot of the Amp Plains.


Q1: What is the best way to prepare grime for consumption? Do you have any favorite recipes?

Grimeghetti and Grimeballs is a classic, can't go wrong with it!

Q2: What do you and Pochi do on your time off? Any hobbies?

Casey is teaching me about this game called Basket Orb lately, Pochi has been hanging out with Clara and Gill a lot, they are singing a lot lately!

Q3: What is the dumbest thing you have ""borrowed""

I stole a balloon once. That same day Pochi asked me to go with him to patrol the Free Balloon Festival at Capim Center >:(


Q1: Is Nida still committing crimes?

She still commits petty theft from time to time, but nothing serious as far as im aware! Im making her help out any Pokemon she steals from, so basically every other day she is doing Community Service :)


Q1: It is well known that you love to eat food, but do you have any favorite foods? Or is the more the merrier?

A: Don't scold me for my gluttony, I can't help it! I used to be ripped, but ever since I acquired a mysterious case of head trauma, I've had the insatiable urge to eat. Spicy food is my favorite, although anything's good, really.

Q2: Most embarassing thing you've done due to your hunger?

A: "Shame" is not a word in my vocabulary.

Q3: What are the upsides and downsides of travelling with Asana?

A: Assy's better at preparing stuff and planning than I am, and her Aura stuff practically weeds out any ambushes before they happen. As for the bad stuff about her, she's kind of nitpicky and gets onto me a lot, especially when it comes to my eating habits. I know I consume a lot, but that's the whole reason why we split the bounties we get 50/50 - I get to eat what I want, and her wallet is safe from me.

Q4: Is there any food you refuse to eat?

Nothing rotten, moldy, or spoiled! I might've been cursed to live like this, but I haven't stooped that low yet, and I don't mean to!


Q1: In your travels, you've been exposed to or taught a number of crafts, such as baking and pottery. Are you interested in pursuing these arts further?

A: Baking sounds nice. I liked hanging around that Mienfoo back in Redkiln, even though he was a kook. His passion for his craft was kind of infectious.

Q2: How do you feel about bounty-hunting? Would you ever settle down? Or is life on the road all you crave?

A: I'll only consider settling down when age begins to catch up to me. As for bounty hunting, it's a good way to gain income and hone my skills, although the former might be changing soon. I heard that the Sand Continent pays more than other locales, so I'm expecting a pay cut of some sort once we dock where ever that cargo ship is taking us. I know Makuhita would definitely groan about it, since less Poke means less food.

Q3: Is it true that you only eat 1 berry a day? How do you survive like that? Can all Meditite fast as much as you do?

Yes, it's one of many forms of training, although I'm considering stopping it. I got a bite of food in Redkiln, and I've been tormented by cravings ever since. As for how I lived like that, it takes willpower. The fact that my species has a slow metabolism helps.


Q1: Do you accept pets? If so, from who?

Anybody as long as they have good hygiene and a calm demeanor.

Q2: Tell us about a time that your thieving ways almost got you in big trouble (don't worry, we won't tell the cops).

Oh I had a moment like this quite recently! I wasn’t thieving but I did trespass a highly guarded warehouse once, just because I was curious of what was so worth being guarded so carefully. Turns out what they were hiding was… Pecha Berries. I stood there in shock for a few seconds trying to figure out why the hell Pecha Berries were worth such high amounts of security when a guard walked in and saw me. All he said was “Hey, don’t think of taking one now, you have to get back to your post in five minutes.” and then left. It was then I realized in a wild stroke of luck that their guild’s badge looks quite similar to that of the Clover Guild’s, and he must’ve mistaken me as one of their own.

I later learned that there was a bizarre trend from the youth in the area where they would steal Pecha Berries from shops as a part of a dumb challenge. I don’t even think they were eating them either they’d just show their friends and then just dump them in the garbage. Very wasteful.


Q1: How do you deal with being so fluffy?

Well... I want to say there's nothing to it, and it's never caused me any trouble; but it can be a bit cumbersome, and it's only growing out more! Is it meant to be a winter coat? Ma-Maybe, but that doesn't seem to be in season... Ohh and there's already been an incident with someone tripping over my tail! I didn't mean it, and I have to be more careful with how I carry myself. As soft as it is though, curling up is more comfortable than any bed could be... Taking a nice nap off to the side every now and— N-No no no, forget I sai-said that! B-Be-Besides, Ciel helps show me how t-to groom it myself. Even if the idea still feels so unusual to me, I'll get along fine with it in the end!

Q2: why are you so small?

Huh? I– wha-what do you mean why?! You don't have to rub it in either... I didn't choose to be short, a-and it's not really that bad is it? The world is a lot more interesting from this perspective I say! Besides, how could I get taller? I heard that evolution is an option for most of us, but I have no clue what would happen to me if I went through it... That alone is terrifying enough to reconsider!

Q3: Are you interested in fashion advice? Or do you prefer being naked?

Fashion advice? That– That hadn't even crossed my mind! Bu-But now that you m-mention it, I feel exposed not having something! I never knew a lick about fashion, and even less about it these days besides Ciel's ratty old scarf... He offered me one that we had found recently, and I was really excited to try it on until I realized it was so long that it caused me to trip over myself!

But still, something is telling me you have completely different ideas in mind. Admittedly fashion does sound like fun, so please do! I'm all ears for the advice!

Q4: How did it feel to kill those bandits? Did it awaken a bloodlust deep within you? Do you crave violence?

Wh-What are you talking about..? I don't believe they're gone, I didn't kill anyone! I had no idea what I was doing could become that serious— I-I just wanted to see Ciel p-proud of me. I-I'm s-su-sure they ju-just took a tumble do-down t-to the forest floor– it'll be okay. I'm definitely n-not some killer...


Q1: How's life on the road? Do you have any family waiting for you elsewhere?

Ahh, if I had to put it simply, I would have to say it gets lonely! Most of the Grass Continent isn't settled, you know? You don't often have the chance to make acquaintances in the wilderness, so getting to stop by someone like that old coot– T-Torkoal I mean– and trade stories really lightens the burden for me.

Let's see... How long has it been now? A busy summer or two passed me by, give or take. I didn't mean to talk down the experience though, there really isn't ever a dull adventure between all of the sights! And then there's Fern now, we haven't shared the road for long... But he's already been a real piece of work! Truthfully, I'm happy to travel together, but I certainly have my paws full just watching him. Hopefully I don't let him down though.

A-As for the other question, my parents are back on the Mist Continent! I miss them more than you know, but I know I've let them down between the whole explorer ordeal and evolution. There's no way I could bring myself to go home with nothing to show for it now... My old group too, we were Team— S-Sorry, don't worry about that! Still I wonder, do any of them know where I've gone and ended up?

Q2: Did you previously have any other accessories besides that old scarf?

Of course I did! Well, sort of, I always understood by way of 'common courtesy' not to take off this scarf. Which unfortunately always meant that those fancy beneficial accessories were plainly out of the question for me, no matter how curious I get about them. If you meant ordinary accessories and clothes too, then I've had better experiences there. Wh-When I still fit in them at least.

Haah, when I was a little Vulpix I had gone through so many hats and ribbons and cloaks and too much to list! The first time I chose for myself would have to be my most memorable though, on the day I decided on exploring. I had put on a big old snowy cloak which ran all the way back over tails, and I held it together with this sweet ribbon— I-I really thought I looked professional! But it was definitely too big for me then, and too small for me now... I think I'll patch together a replica of it myself if I find the chance, for old times sake.


Q1: Are you still helping take care of the guild's paperwork? If so, what kind of paperwork is required?

I'm not as involved in the day to day operations of the guild as I was before I got assigned a team. Whenever the guildmaster needs an extra pair of hands, I'm the one to volunteer for paperwork duty. Normally it's just keeping track of the reward money the guild is earning. Outside of that, every year there's a concerted effort to double check our accounting come tax season. We all know Alakazam is just waiting for us to make a mistake, so we don’t want to slip up. Speaking of Alakazam, there was also a few weeks where we got buried by team registration forms. We tried to argue, but Alakazam insisted we formally register every team in the guild. Those weeks of my life are a blur to me.

Q2: Have you ever tried sucking a beverage into your trunk and then spraying it into your mouth to drink it, like elephants do?

I've tried a couple times, while drunk. There are still some human instincts rattling around in my brain that really don't want to inhale water, let alone the liquor Totodile buys us. Liqour doesn't burn my trunk as much as you would expect it to, and it would be easier than using a straw, but I’m too drunk to aim properly whenever I work up the courage to try. I usually end up wearing most of my drink. Or worse, the person sitting next to me ends up wearing it.

Q3: Just how useful is that trunk?

It's not as good as a pair of hands, but it could be a lot worse. It's a little like only having a thumb and forefinger. I've gotten good enough with my trunk to write with it, though my penmanship could use more work. One thing I'll never get used to is smelling everything I try to touch.


Q1: What's the market like for alcohol in the Pokemon world? Is there a good variety, or is it sometimes disappointing?

Not bad! They may not have everything from back home, but there's a lot of new berries here that they use to make all kinds of drinks! And since Capim Town is on the coast, a lot of alcohol from other continents is shipped here. There's always something new to try! Just the other week, the guild chef imported some pamtre berry wine from the Sand Continent. It was a little drier than I prefer, but it was still pretty good! Oh, uh, don't let him know I had some.

Q2: Favorite drink?

That's a hard question... When we go on missions, I like to go with hard liquors. It's more bang for your buck when it comes to how many bottles I can carry before Phanpy gets mad at me. But when we're around town, I like to get sweeter stuff with a lower alcohol content. It tastes good, and it helps me not get drunk too fast when I'm with other people!

Q3: Are there any guildmates that you'd like to take out for a few rounds?

There's a ton! It's always nice going out with the rest of my team after a mission. Though it's also nice to make new friends, and there's a few loners around the guild who look like they could use some company. It was fun partying with Tropius after we went on that mission with him, so it'd be nice to do that again! Gus is usually by himself down at the docks, so maybe we could try inviting him... There's also Kiyo, I know he has Cassie and Bean with him, but he always looks so angry whenever he talks to us! Especially when Cyndaquil is around. I'm not sure why, I bet they would be great friends if they spent some time together! Come to think of it, Adrian is the same way... I think I know what Team Misfits is doing Friday night!


Q1: Someone ever accepted to go on a date with you, or outplayed you in being... well, you?

There's a couple times it seemed like someone was interested, like that Lapras. I also thought things were going well with this Ledian I met on a mission once. It didn't work out for, uh, various reasons... A-and I've never been outplayed by anybody! Don’t believe anyone telling you otherwise! Nobody can match my fiery passion!

Q2: Were you a coomer as a human too, or did something about your mindset change once you became a Cyndaquil?

I wouldn't call myself a 'coomer.' I consider myself more of an ‘appreciator of beauty,’ in all its many, many forms! The only thing that really changed once I became a Cyndaquil is an upgrade in looks! But there are still human luxuries I miss... I can't remember the last time I've glimpsed an ample bosom...

Q3: Someone like you has surely been attacked for your advances. What's the worst it's ever gotten?

There's a couple times that spring to mind. Chespin and Adrian responded pretty aggressively when I tried to put the moves on them. But the worst is whenever I try to give Kiyo a compliment. From the way he acts, it's like he's really going to kill me. If he wasn't so cute, I'd think he was a hardened criminal! It doesn't stop me, of course. I've never been one to shy away from flirting with danger!


Q1: Any luck with flying?

Not as much as I'd like. I keep trying to get Phanpy to take me out to one of the rooftops in town to keep training, but he's really dragging his feet on that for some reason. I get that progress has been slow, but that's just how learning a new skill is sometimes.

Q2: Do you want to evolve so you can get your arms back? If so, what steps have you been taking to do that?

It would solve a lot of problems if I could. I try to train when I can, but I have no idea when I'll be 'ready' to evolve. Doesn't help that most evolution in this world only happens at certain locations, and at certain times. Who knows when the stars will align and we can even try to evolve.

Q3: After being stuck with them for so long, how do you truly feel about the rest of your team?

They've grown on me, as much as I hate to admit it. Especially for one of my teammates. I wasn't thrilled when we first started, considering none of us had any experience, but we’ve at least kind of succeeded on a few missions. Ignoring the forest fire in the room. But in general, my team has been willing to help me up when I fall down, literally and figuratively, so I'll at least try to put up with their foibles.


Q1: What are the pros and cons of being so huge?

Well, it definitely sucks not being able to fit indoors. I can't get inside the guild except for its lobby area, so I have to sleep outside in this crummy lean-to. Honestly the stupid thing barely protects me, but I guess it's better than nothing. I also can't fit inside any of the buildings in Capim Town, so I can't go shopping anywhere but the Kecleon Shop because that's outdoors. I'd really like to go to the café and buy something nice to drink, but... oh well.

It's not just that though. Being so big makes it hard to relate to the other members in the guild. I don't live inside the guild itself, and my lean-to is in the back of the guild so it's out of the way, so I don't get to interact with the others very often. Plus, most of them got turned into small first stage Pokémon, so they can't relate to my struggles, and a lot of them are intimidated by my size. I can't blame them for that, but umm... it does get pretty lonely for me. Maybe that's for the best though. Most Pokémon that actually do talk to me just want a banana or a ride somewhere. I was a human too, you know!!! I'm not a horse or some farm animal...

Being big isn't all bad though. Even though I'm inexperienced at being a proper Pokémon, being so big means I'm still decently strong. I was able to complete missions from the board before I had even learned to use Razor Leaf or Gust. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't think big dinosaurs were cool as a kid... so being like this does make my inner child happy. Oh, and being able to intimidate others with my size can be useful... especially when it comes to dissuading certain guild members from trying to swipe one of my bananas. Stop trying to steal my bananas, they're literally a part of me!

Q2: How well do you get along without having hands?

I get by. I can use my mouth to grip things, and my neck is very long so I can at least move my head to pretty much anywhere on my body, so I can still use items and put my Treasure Bag on without much issue. Can't really accessorize with scarves or equipment like that, though. I don't have any way to tie a knot or anything like that. I wish Tropius was a Grass-type that had vines I could use as hand substitutes, but... it is what it is.

Really, though, what frustrates me the most about not having any hands is how I have to eat. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have to eat like a pig? Especially since I have to stick my head in through the window at the mess hall instead of sitting down at an actual table? I'm like a cow in one of those factory farms at a feeder station, I hate it! And don't even get me started on eating things like Apples! I have to eat them whole, core and all! Given my size and lack of hands, how else am I expected to eat them? At least they don't taste bad or give me a stomache ache or anything like that, but... I have to try to keep some of my human dignity, you know?

Q3: Does the banana that's hanging on your chin ever go bad?

Surprisingly, no. I don't know if it's Pokémon magic or whatever, but they don't seem to ripen or turn brown. That's fortunate for me though, because I'd hate to be without my bananas. I get this strange comfort from them being there under my chin... I felt a bit restless after I lost one to that Venusaur. I'm not sure why I feel this way, I just do. Oh, and if this is a roundabout way of asking if you can have a banana once they start to go bad... the answer is no.

Q4: Have any of your human hobbies carried over to the Pokemon world? Or are you very bored these days?

Not really. They don't have any video games or computers here, not that I have hands anyway. It can be pretty boring, typically, but this world has plenty of new things for me to do anyway. Doing missions for the guild has been... mostly enjoyable, even if I've mostly being doing low-level tasks so far. Practicing things like using Razor Leaf and Gust has been keeping me busy as well, as have been my attempts at learning to fly (not that I've had any success yet...). Exploring this world is pretty cool too, since there was nothing really to explore back in the human world, but I can only explore on rainy or overcast days, so that limits the number of opportunites I get.

Huh? Why can I only explore on crappy days like that? Oh, uh... N-no reason... I just, uh, prefer doing missions when the weather is nice? Wouldn't want to let those days go to waste, y-you know?

If I'm not doing any of those though, I'm usually lazing around my lean-to, which is rather boring, but it is relaxing at least.

Q5: What's your favorite fruit?

Yeah, very funny, I know what you want me to say. But I haven't actually had a banana since I've turned into a Tropius. They're surprisingly rare on the Grass Continent, and there's no way I'm eating one of my own. Even thinking about that makes me wanna hurl.

I imagine bananas would taste heavenly if I had one, given that they supposedly grow from Tropius's necks because they love them so much. I'd eat a banana almost every day when I was a human, but they weren't anything spectacular then. But it makes me wonder if eating so many bananas is why I turned into a Tropius of all things...

Out of what I've actually eaten since turning into a Tropius... I'd say my favorite would probably be Pecha Berries. I've always had a sweet tooth, but I've had a bigger one since my transformation, and Pecha Berries are both common and very sweet. I haven't tried many different fruits or berries though, so there's probably one I'd like even more that I haven't had yet.

Q6: What are your hopes and dreams?

A bit heavy of a question, don't you think? Um, I guess now that I'm here in the Pokémon world, my goals and desires have shifted a lot, so let's see...

Having an actual house or shelter of some sort would be great. The lean-to I live in outside the guild doesn't provide much shelter, and it's even collapsed a few times when the weather gets particularly bad... It's better than nothing, but that isn't saying much. It would be really nice to have a cozy cottage or cabin, that's warm and doesn't leak and protects me from the chilling wind... but who would even be willing, let alone able, to construct a shelter that's large and sturdy enough to provide adequate protection to someone like me? Just a pipe dream, I suppose...

Mastering my new form and the... challenges... that come with it would be great too. I've been making some progress with this one, at least. I've been getting better at using Gust and Razor Leaf, and I've been able to deal with my, u-umm, condition better. I met some really amazing Pokémon at the guild who helped me with that, even if it didn't turn out exactly how I hoped.

Oh, and of course, learning to fly would be awesome! It's pretty slow for me to get anywhere on foot, and I feel gimped not being able to fly like a Tropius should. And just think about it! Being able to fly is something you can only dream of as a human, and now it's something I'd be able to actually do. Soaring through the sky, without a care in the world, the sun shining without a cloud in the-
W-well, I still think it'd be great to learn, anyway.


Q1: You spend a lot of time scouting around the guild. What's something strange/interesting you've seen?

Sometimes I see too much. vietnam stare remembering Pika's drawings

Q2: What's more important- speed or control?

Being a Linoone, it's not like I have much control when I run... So, Speed all the way! Doesn't matter how many bones I break falling from Capim's buildings or running head first into walls. As long as the speed is there, mail is going to get delivered on time! And DD ALWAYS delivers mail on time, broken bones or not!

Q3: Ever felt ashamed for something? Or scared (besides what happened in that mansion back then)?

I sure hope this question is private. Well... You know my secret name right? This is because of the work I do for the Clover Guild. I gather information for Lliam about various persons of interest to him. I do this to help the guild! Because it's the only way I can help... I'm not a good fighter or explorer like many of my friends are... I feel bad about it. But I make up for it by keeping an eye out for the Colonel- I mean Lliam!
What makes me ashamed, is that he sometimes asks me to gather information about our own members. I don't know why he needs me to spy on our friends, but as highly skilled special operations soldier, it is not my place to question. I do feel terribly ashamed about it though. I can only hope Lliam knows what's right for the Clover Guild.
Scared? There was that time I ran into Beast !

Q4: If you didn't get into mail delivery, what job would you have done instead, here in the Pokemon world?

Although I love exploring, I never was the kind of mon to enjoy battles, so being an dungeon explorer was a no-go for me from the start... But sometimes when I deliver mail, I carry around smaller pokémon when they need to get somewhere fast! I enjoy doing it. So if I had to take another job, it would probably be being a Capim Town uber driver for small guys!

Q5: How do you take care of your fur? You're so fluffy!


Q1: What's it like going from being an XCOM soldier to being a cute fluffy little electric sheep :3 ?

I was more than a normal Soldier. I don’t like talking about those times though, so I’ll simply say this: I like it here. There is life here, and it is wonderful.

Q2: If someone asked to hug or cuddle with you and your soft wool, would you accept?

You imply I don’t get asked this all the time. It’s getting out of hand.

Q3: What are "acceptable casualties" to you?

Preferably none. I will not sacrifice anyone. Not again.


Q1: r u bald?

No, w-... What kind of question is that? Who starts an interview off like that? I haven't even got settled.

Q2: What would be your ideal qualities in a partner?

Yup, there it is. Surprised that wasn't the first question. Y'all asked me this last year, and my answer hasn't changed. Just like it hasn't changed any other time you've asked. What do people normally want from a partner? Someone that we cover each other's weaknesses and can be an effective team. Someone that meshes well with my personality, that I can form a bond with. Companionship.

Q3: How well would you say you know the dock area at Capim Town both above and below water?

I could tell you the daily routine of everyone in the area and navigate the water with my eyes closed.

Q4: Ever want to evolve into a dewott, and maybe one day, into samurott?

I've thought about it, but the only other dewott out there right now that we know of, we're not exactly on good terms with, so me evolving might cause some... tension. I might though, provided that unplesantness gets sorted. At least to Dewott. It'd be very weird going from bipedal to quadrupedal.

Q5: How good are you at fighting with your scalchop? Does it feel awkward to hold it and fight with it?

I can hold my own. Feels completely natural, too. Still don't exactly like it. Fighting, that is.

Q6: What would be your ideal partner?

Do you people seriously not have any other questions for me? Is that all I am to you?


Q1: Is there any reason you havent evolved yet?
Q2: Do you have any business affiliation with the Blue Claw Inn?
Q3: Is it true what they say about short pokemon?


Q1: Have you made any friends at the guild? Any enemies?

Everyone seems nice enough, even if some of them are a bit eccentric. Booker and Sneasel are friendly enough, even if Sneasel's a bit too battle excited. Smith and Toge are pretty nice as well.

I wouldn't say I've made any ENEMIES per say, but there's something about Kiyo that rubs me the wrong way. I think I'm still annoyed at his rampant cheating that one time we played poker.

Q2: What moves have you sketched? Can you sketch more than four?

That's a... long story. (author note:soon™)

Q3: Draw me like on of your Kalosian girls poses

...we're not doing this again. The first time was embarrassing enough.

Q4: Did you ever watch any Bob Ross episodes as a human?

Not willingly. Nothing against Bob Ross personally but when I was a kid in school the teacher we had for art class had health issues, so we had a lot of substitute teachers. The majority of them wouldn't actually try teach anything, they'd just wheel in the TV and put on Bob Ross and tell us to copy. There's only so many "happy little accidents" one man can take!


Q1: We've seen you eat the dreams of a few guildmons, with dire consequences. Have you kicked the habit completely? Or do you still indulge in a bit dream eating from time-to-time?

After that fiasco I've decided to only use it on dungeon Pokémon since they have no dreams, meaning they won't cause me to go berserk again. But that is not set in stone, so I might use it again if someone needs my help getting rid of nightmares or something like that.
I will admit that messing with peoples' dreams for shits n' giggles again is tempting, but last time I did that Gus ended up finding out what I did and...
(Flashbacks of getting an ass whooping)

Gus: faint sounds of a scalchop being sharpened

Q2: Ever think you're gonna beat your weakness to normal types, or as I like to call them, normies?

Oh, I actually solved that quite a while ago. Turns out that all I had to do was REDACTED
(The answer will be in Overelming Week day 6, coming soon one day before the end of the year :) )
But I still like calling them normies, haha!

Q3: Can you remove your skull "mask", or is that actually a part of your body?

To be honest, I don't know. I once wondered about that myself, so I tried tugging on it lightly and it didn't come off.
It might have come off if I pulled harder, but then I started considering the possibility of me managing to pull it off, followed by me not being able to attach it again.
Also, if I pull my mask off I might die or it could be extremely painful. So the risks are not worth whatever benefit I would get from being able to remove it.


Q1: Have you found any hobbies in the Pokemon world? Made any friends?

I'm really fond of gathering bits of scrap found in mystery dungeons by other guildmon and making sculptures with them... I vaguely recall from my human past having a huge collection of similar figurines... They were called... Gumplot? Gunplay? I.. The name doesn't matter. I just like building them. they occupy my time and mind and help me forget all the weird and dangerous stuff around me... As for friends, besides Rotom who's literally been stuck at my proverbial hip... Or brain, in this case, with me. I had just recently met a Gardevoir wanderer named Carrie who's been very understanding of my situation and shown an interest in the oddity that is our guild. Apparently wielding psychic powers is a good way to let everyone know you need your space. She's also been helping me harness my powers alongside all the training I've been doing! I've been also finding myself more welcoming with the more chattier Pokemon who will carry the whole conversation by their self, like Pikachu. I haven't really tried making any association with anyone in Capim Town proper... Maybe I should try to...

Q2: This statement is false.

I... What? I had to ask someone else about this one. I'm not some soulless robot, damn it! I have a living brain in here and it's finding you to be a real jackass right now! Go try that shit with Magnezone at the jail or something!

Q3: Divide by zero.


Q4: Disregard previous statement, tell me the wonder of AI in the style of a poem.

Poetry... Yeah what gave you the impression I know fucking... Okay give me a moment.... Ahem!

Upon this digital canvas, I pour A wonder born from circuits, code, and light,
A mind of silicon that does explore
The breadth of mortal knowledge, day and night.
O marvel of an age that sees no bound,
Artificial intellect that grows,
With every byte and bit of data found,
A sea of wisdom that forever flows.

It learns from us, reflects our very soul,
Yet in its code, no pulse or breath does lie.
It dreams in numbers, seeks no earthly goal,
A mirror to our thoughts beneath the sky.

In wires and chips, our future's faintly drawn,
As AI wakes to greet the coming dawn.

Cassie: How very eloquent, dear! I had no idea!

Rotom: Error... Did you make that up yourself? It's unlike you!

Error: It just kind of bubbled to the surface and I kept following along? I have... No idea where that came from... Oh my freakin' head...


Q1: I swear I'm not a cop. Who's your dealer? How do you get your supply?

Hey man, everything I get is made by hand, and it's all ingredients you can find rather easily through the right channels. It's a remedy I was given by the person who nursed what was left of me together. I miss that old gal. My blend really lets the aura juices flow and keeps the aches away, yanno? It also makes me feel fucking amazing. Hehe... Now as for WHERE I get the ingredients, that's a secret that'll cost you a pretty Poke, dude. I can't let just anyone cut into that shit.

Q2: Besides an arm and a leg, whats missing from your life right now? Any goals? Aspirations? Or are you happy to life a quieter life?

Gonna be honest, dude... I left a lot of things and people before I got here. Not just as a human, but with those Pokemon I met and adventured with after. I've been stuck in the Pokemon World probably longer than most of the humans in Clover Guild, and I pray they have their shit together more than I ever had or ever will. If I ever get my footing... pun unintended, bro, I maybe want to scrounge up the resources for a real place to call my own, a partner who can see me for the better than I can see myself with these dead old eyes, raise a couple of eggs, and let the world know that Turquoise was here, and he did his best damn it. But that's just, like, my opinion, bro. ...Wanna grab a few Oran kvasses at the bar?

Q3: How long can you go without... "medication"? Ever had a withdrawal?

Uh... Fuck... NOT LONG ENOUGH, DUDE! According to Kina, my body rhythm makes it sound like I was dying of shock when I'm off my grass. I need to consume a lot for it to even take a hold of me, man... Did you know, by being a Lucario, I'm immune to poison? Hehe... Did you also know... THAT MAKES IT REALLY HARD TO GET HIGH AND DRUNK?! I'm not going to mess you with the nitty gritty, bro, but I've gone to great lengths to make sure I'm buzzed and fuzzed enough to function throughout the day, bro. Yes I know it's a problem. My best advice for my and the guild's welfare is if you ever catch me lacking because someone thought it was funny to steal my stash or I lose it in a dungeon, treat me kindly and get me to a safe location because from what I understand what other guildmon, I'm a hot mess without it and could become a bit of a problem... I once came back to consciousness to find myself holding Cyndaquil like some sort of plushie while crying like a bitch, man. Cyndaquil was crying too from me leaking my emotions through aura... We swore to never speak of that again. Wait... Shit.


Q1: What's the most important thing to have in a relationship?

Um... I don't really think of real life relationships all that much, to be honest... B-But I guess I feel like the basis of any relationship, romantic or not, is trust.

Q2: Do you accept pets and/or hugs? Asking for a friend.

Ehehe, of course! Just, um... please make sure to ask me first. I'm still not very good at controlling my electricity, which has lead to a couple of accidents... I-I'm sorry, I'm learning from Ampharos, I swear!!

Q3: Favourite ship, and a ship you'd carry to the grave (not tell anyone).

M-My favourite ship?! Geez, I... uh, don't really ever get the chance to ramble about this kind of stuff... It's hard for me to say a favourite right now, but... I really like SuzaLulu from Code Geass! Y-Y'know, because they're got the whole childhood friends to enemies to allies with a tragic ending kind of thing... I gotta cut myself short, or else I'm gonna talk your head off, ahaha...
W-Well... As long as you promise not to tell anyone... I've been holding back from shipping any Guild Members 'cuz it's weird and I don't like shipping real people, and I still really don't want to, but... Team Cozy is so kyute! Like, Once I heard enough of Toge's ramblings, I really started to see the vision... I usually prefer more toxic and spicy sort of stuff, but they're so precious together! I heard they even snuggle up together when they sleep... hauuuu.... I wanna see!

Q4: Despite being a fujo, are there any straight ships that you like?

Oh, of course! There's not as many, but I certainly have a few! Like... I always liked Syaoran and Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura, but I guess if you're asking in Pokémon terms, I've always really liked Ash and Misty...


Q1: Have you ever thought about hiring a craftsmon to turn cotton into a true bed?

That wouldn't be too bad an idea, though I'd worry about falling to the floor after waking up, since I've been sleeping like this so long now. Maybe someday I'll look into it more, there's gotta be someone in this world that knows how to properly make a bed that isn't nothing more than filthy hay. Speaking of beds, a water bed was also a thought I once had, but the fact my quills can sharpen to a point makes that a no-go as well. If that thing popped, the whole room would be ruined!

Q2: What's comfier for sleeping? Warm room or cold room?

Warm rooms lead to overheating under the covers, which ain't cozy at all! I can't sleep well without being wrapped up in a soft blanket, so this is one point I gotta concede to the chillers. Warm blanket and cool pillow is objectively the optimal way to sleep, and if one of those are out of line, the whole night gets thrown off.

Q3: Do you have blood or sap in you? Or both?

I'm pretty sure I have blood since I'm not cold to the touch, but sap? If I do have it, it's probably in my vines. I'm not about to go getting the vines cut to find out, what if they didn't heal? What if they didn't grow back?!

Q4: What's the deal with that brown spot on the back of your head? Can I poke it?

... Wait, that's been there this whole time? Is it a soft spot? Is it just discolored? Please don't touch it.

Q5: You came into this world and immediately met Wooper. What would you have done if you didn't meet him?

Man, I... I dunno what I woulda done. I do remember that I was going to head towards the direction that turned out to be where Team Marsh lived, so maybe I'd have seen what would happen there? If I didn't go that direction though, I'd try to get out of the forest, see Capim on the horizon, and try my luck there, where I'd then find my future guildmates. I'd probably be too scared for a long time to leave town for anything, and the guild might even still be stuck with disgusting hay! It's a good thing we don't live in such a wretched timeline.


Q1: Can you share some of your favorite human folklore?

Chespin once told me about all the cool things humans in his world made! The stories I grew up learning about never mentioned anything about humans having portable plays, magical flying machines, or boxes that cook your food in only a minute! Think about all the other things they must have had!
The other guildmates like to tell me about someone they call "the great Ted." Chespin refuses to tell me anything about him, even though the look on his face when I ask him tells me he knows. Why's he holding out on me?

Q2: How do you get along with your fellow Wooper, Cheesecake?

I've never seen a Wooper that was blue AND pink at the same time! He seems pretty nice, do you think Chespin would let him come on an adventure with us? Think about how cool it could be, we could show up to an outlaw, and Chespin could hold one of us in each vine while we shoot our attacks out!

Q3: Do you prefer saltwater or freshwater? Can you tolerate both or only one?

Freshwater's obviously better, but I can tolerate saltwater. It's a little uncomfortable though, kind of like sleeping with a scratchy blanket.

Q4: I know you and Chespin are best friends forever, but what's one thing you dislike about him?

Chespin's everything I could ever want in a best friend! The only thing I dislike is that he didn't show up sooner! ... Oh, you say that doesn't count? Well... Chespin kinda flies off the handle at a moment's notice in a fight. One moment he's calm, but when an enemy shows up he's all "SHOOT THAT STUPID CHILLER IN THE FACE!" He's still able to deal with them, but I wish he'd retain his composure just a bit more.


Q1: Furret seems pretty cute. Does she ever do anything that scares you?

I wouldn't say Furret does anything to scare me, but she's just really stubborn. She never takes "no" for an answer. Maybe her tenacity could be considered scary? ...Probably not.

Q2: How much time do you spend with that Porygon2 you discovered?

Not much. It was fascinating to discover it, but it kind of creeps me out. The way it floats idly in the corner of our bedroom in silence for hours at a time puts me off. Who knows what kind of secrets it could be holding. Is it sentient, even? I should spend more time with it and see if it reacts to anything. I'm not good with technology, though...

Q3: How much can you lift?

The heaviest thing I can think of that I've lifted was that dead tree in Wither Woods. I'm not great with estimating numbers, but if I had to guess, I can probably lift many times my own body weight. Although I don't know if that's saying much for a Pokemon.

Q4: What does Grimy Food actually taste like?

Not sure what that is. I've eaten food off the ground to survive before, and I thought it was horrible. I don't miss having to do that ever since moving into the guild.

Q5: Do you sleep in the same hay pile as Furret?


Q1: Smith seems like a tough guy. Does he ever do anything nice for you?

Of course he does! All the time! He's such a great sport about trying on all sorts of little accessories when I need him to! Sometimes he doesn't sound very enthusiastic about it, but that's never stopped me from making it happen!

Q2: How did you get interested in fashion?

That's a secret~ ♥

Q3: How much can you lift?

Lift? Uh... well, I can carry a lot of stuff in my bag! ...I don't think that kind of exercise is really my thing, though!

Q4: How many ribbons and useless accessories do you have?

Hey! They are NOT useless! I take a lot of offense to that, you know! It took a long time to build up such an amazing collection! In fact, I think I'm gonna sit you down and have you learn about just how special and unique each and every one of my prized accessories are! So for starters, let me show you all 50 of the ones I've bought from the Grass Continent so far!...


Q1: What would you do if you saw someone making a mess of the storeroom?

"A-Ask th-them to p-please st-stop." (Then put Reviser Seeds into their bag.)

Q2: Have you considered selling your Joy Dust?

"N-No..." (... I don't really need the money... But maybe...)

Q3: What are your thoughts on Team Buckler? Have you accepted their apology after the Dewott incident?

"I-I th-think o-of them a-as g-good friends... A-And y-yes, I h-have..." (I wish I wasn't so paranoid around them though.)

Q4: What's your favorite thing about Team Cozy? Is there something you don't like about them as well?


Q5: Do people at the guild give you trouble for your condition?

"A-Apart f-from some j-jokes, n-not r-really." (I'm willing to bet I'm not the only guildmember here on the spectrum.)

Q6: Aren't you Dewott's accomplice in the eyes of the law? Or are they not aware of your existence?
If the former, have you ever seen wanted posters with you in it? Do you worry about people finding out about that?

Q7: How do you feel about Adrian and Enny after your last mission with them? Also, are you familiar with the rest of their team?


Q1: What is your body count?

Three or four, until recently. Depending on how you divvy up ‘kill credit’, I might be in the double digits now. Or, maybe Bean is. I dunno.

Q2: What is your body count ;)?

Of fucking course. It’s none of your damn business! And quit looking at me like that!

Q3: Does crime pay?

Better than guild work, that’s for fucking sure.

Q4: What happened to the money I lent you last Saturday?

I spent it. Thanks!

Q5: Do you play any instruments besides the harmonica?

Yeah. Why?

Q5.1: What other instruments do you play? Is harmonica your favorite out of the bunch?

Harmonica is my favorite, yeah, 'cause it's the only one I learned just for me.
I play a lot of instruments. I'm not gonna name 'em all. I play the sax, too. Happy?

Q6: Have you ever thought about weaponizing your cuteness?

Yeah, I think about how much I hate doing it, but once Cassie's got an idea in her head, there's only one way to get it out.


Q1: Are you a real construction company??

Of course we’re a real construction company! We’re officially licensed in two different continents! …Between you and me, we’re not technically licensed in this continent yet, but you know… We are real! We do great work! Bean helps draw the blueprints, Kiyo does light gruntwork, and I do everything else! That makes it sound bad, but I really don't mind. I have a few lifetimes of experience doing every step of the construction process. Construction’s my family trade, you know!

Q2: Are you working to improve the fashion of the guild 👉👈

I wish!!! Unfortunately, new clothes are EXPENSIVE, especially fashionable ones, so I can't just be givin’ out trendy outfits for free. I really gotta take a daytrip to Treasure Town and steal as many accessories as I can, ‘cuz the beauticians in Capim are too darn sweet to rob, and the guild could use a makeover BADLY!!!

Q3: How tough is your hide? What's the hardest hit you've withstood before?

It’s TOUGH!!! Sometimes TOO TOUGH!!! If you wanna gimme a hug, make sure you do it from the front, on my awesome cute-and-soft tummy instead of my also-awesome-but-admittedly-rough-and-sandy back! I don't think I'll feel it otherwise, and you'll probably scrape yourself somethin’ fierce!
I’m not 100% sure what the hardest hit was, but the first thing that comes to mind was a barrage of kecleon slashes. I didn't expect them to have backup... We didn't beat 'em, but I held 'em off long enough for Kiyo to freeze 'em, and then we hauled ass.

Q4: Most huggable guild members?

First of all- Meeeeeee~!!! Come on by and get a free hug anytime!! Hehe!
Other than me… Furret is a big one! She'll wrap right around you, it's awesome! She's like a furry hug noodle! Bill and Gill are absurdly soft, warm, and hug-shaped, so they're 100% huggable. Tybo’s great with hugs, which is handy, since I'd have a hard time resisting him! Both of the Woopers are great for hugging, though they can be a bit clammy at times. Gus always looks like he needs a hug, so he's up there too. Fern and Rain are both so damn fluffy, I could lose myself in their softness… Phanpy doesn't love the hugs, but he's so cute and round, how could I possibly stop myself? That's HIS problem, not mine! And, of course, Macom is the dream hug, but I haven't worked up the nerve to ask yet… He always seems so serious!!!
…and of course, I hug Bean and Kiyo every single day, and it never gets old!

Q5 : Who's cuter? Kiyo or Bean?

What a difficult question! You're lucky I ask myself this every night.
My subjective opinion is that Bean is the cutest. He's always looking around with those big ‘ol eyes… and he's small and just round enough! Sometimes he does little hops! And he's so shy… How could anyone beat him?
However…. As a self-respecting researcher in the field of cute things, I have to be honest and say that objectively, Kiyo is probably the cutest of our group. His eyes are so big and angry! His ears are HUGE, even for his species!! His tails are so fluffy and soft and there are NINE of them!!! When he's angry, he stomps his tiny little paws on the ground and he doesn't even realize how cute it is!!!!
Of course, thanks to his grumpy-ass personality and his history, in my heart Bean is cuter, but from an outsider's perspective nine-times-outta-ten Kiyo is the cutest thing ever beheld.


Q1: Are the inner machinations of your mind an enigma?

(                   )
(       OvO         )
(_________________  )


Q2: Have you ever considered writing a memoir, to put all your deep thoughts on paper?


Q3: How long did it take you to learn to fly after waking up as a bird?



Q1: What is it like being a Flareon compared to Umbreon?

A pretty major downgrade in all honesty. At the very least I'm not nocturnal anymore so I can actually wake up in the mornings again. I guess I do feel extremely warm constantly now. Probably something to do with being a fire type. Also, I can't use psychic anymore so I'm back to having no hands and being unable to pick up anything.

Q2: How are you dealing with suddenly being so fluffy? No, really. Are there any additional steps of care, or anything like that, that you need to do now that you didn't as an Umbreon? Along the same lines, is there anything that you don't need to do that you did before?

Firstly, don't call me fluffy. I have a mane. I don't need to brush it or anything, although it does build up heat like crazy. Occasionally I have to shake off the heat, and I can't do it around Vileplume or Bellossom unless I want to burn them.

Q3: Considering your team has two grass-types on it, do you think you're going to need to be more careful to avoid friendly fire now?

We never really had issues with friendly fire before unless Enny was hitting me with his disarming voices. Even now, most of my attacks force me to rush in while Vileplume and Bellossom keep their distance and shoot off their powders.

Q4: Favourite eeveelution? Before and after getting isekai'd (if that changed your opinion, and maybe why)?

Before, umbreon. I liked its design a lot. Kind of hate it now because being one ruined my sleep schedule for months. I don't really have a favorite now. Some of the jolteons in the air continent are cool I guess. I know I really hate sylveons, though.

Q5: How would you feel if your team decided to disband suddenly?

I already don't want to be in a team. I would be unbelievably happy if I never had to work with these people again

Vileplume: Then why don't you leave?

Adrian: Because you'd all get killed in a dungeon if I wasn't telling you what to do

Enny: See? He does care about us!

Adrian: I actually want you to get killed


Q1: How long have you and Bellossom been doing guild work? Would you consider yourselves experienced?

We weren't really associated with the guild until we decided to sign up as recruits. I'm honestly surprised we got in at all considering neither of us were human and the whole guild is... that. I wouldn't really say we're experienced, or even that good. We just don't give up, partially because Adrian would probably flip out if we did.

Q2: How has you opinion of Adrian changed? Has he gotten easier to work with over time?

Absolutely not. On any mission we go on, he gets the final say on our plans, no matter what the situation is or how bad the plan is. It's gotten us into trouble in the past, hell it was his plan going wrong that got him turned into an eevee. At the very least, I understand where he comes from since I've had to take up the role of leader a couple times. I don't envy his position at all.
On another note, he doesn't really like to hang out with us. Bellossom and I try to spend time around the guild or Capim Town, and Enny joins us occasionally, but Adrian never wants to. He's really antisocial and I don't know why. The only times we can get him out are when we're celebrating after finishing a particularly difficult mission, and when that's done he always returns back to our dorm.

Q3: Your species is known for producing and scattering tons of allergenic, toxic, paralytic pollen. How do you keep this under control and avoid wiping out the entire guild?

I can contain most of powders pretty well. They do build up over time, but I usually release them during missions on dungeon pokemon. There have been a few times where they build up too much, and during those times I just leave the guild for a bit and shoot off all my powder. Feels really good to just let it all out. Don't know how to describe the feeling


Q1: Do you have any funny stories about Vileplume from when you were young?

Oh, there's all kinds of stories! Him and I used to explore the woods outside Capim Town and search for treasure when we were Oddish. One time he chased a wild rattata into its burrow and got his head stuck in it. I couldn't pull him out since I didn't have hands, so we had to wait for our mom to come over and pull him out.
He also used to have a big fear of heights, and we had to climb a tree once to escape a pack of poochyenas. When they left, he didn't want to come down because he was even more scared of falling! Evolving really changed him, though. He's more worried nowadays than scared like he used to be.

Q2: How did you learn so much about medicine?

To be honest, I didn't know that much before I joined the guild. My mom taught me how to make simple bandages with oran juice. She said she always had to patch up my dad when he came back from adventures, and since Viley and I went in the woods so often, it'd be good to know. When I joined the guild, that basic knowledge was enough for Kina to let me help out around the clinic. She was nice enough to teach me a few things. Also, Adrian taught me a ton of "field dressings" he calls them. Things like splints and tourniquets. They're pretty useful in a pinch, but I don't really know how or why he learned them.


Q1: Why the obsession with women's fashion?

Um... because it looks nice and it's comfortable! Besides, it looks great on me!

Q2: Did you have an interest in anime and manga as a human? If so, which ones?

Oh, I love all kinds of animes and manga! I was really into it, which really confused my older brother. We had a pretty rocky relationship growing up, and we never really reconciled. He blamed for making our dad leave when we were young and never really reconciled. Things got a little better over High School, but we grew so distant after he moved out...
Anyways! I really loved Love Live Sunshine! We Never Learn was always nice to turn on after a bad day! Fate Apocrypha was really confusing to me, but I really liked Astolfo! Honestly, I never really got into Dragonball or One Piece even though I know they're really popular. Fairy Tail was pretty good though! You know, I kind of got to live that magical guild fantasy when I joined Clover Guild. Really weird how that worked out. I could go on for ages, honestly

Q3: Have you ever come across any Bad Dragons when adventuring?

I don't think my answer would be very PG. I will say that when I first showed up to this world, a dragonite lady let me stay at her house. She wasn't bad though. Pretty nice actually. She told me about the guild and all the weird human roleplayers there which is how I ended up finding it.

Q4: Does it feel weird to have four tentacle-like ribbons and four legs now, instead of two arms and two legs? How long did it take you to get used to your new limbs?

It took me several days to figure out basic walking. The ribbons came really naturally though. I don't really know how they work, but they kind of just do whatever I want them to. Sometimes they even do things I don't tell them to do such as picking flowers or dusting off my dresses. For some reason when I see emotions through them. The best way I've been able to describe it is colors, but it's a really alien perception that I don't really understand myself. They're a little different for everybody, and they mix together very strangely. Adrian's are always mixed with red, even on the rare occasions I see him sad. Bellossom's got a light blue mixed into everything, even when she's happy. Vileplume has a constant grey shade over everything with a hint of yellow. I'd like to try it out on more guild members, but I don't think wrapping ribbons around people without consent is a good idea.

Q5: You know everybody hates your fruity act, right?

Adrian tells me all the time. I know he secretly loves it though, even if though ribbons tell me he really doesn't. Honestly though, I wasn't nearly as zesty as a human. Don't get me wrong, I was definitely the lover type, but I think turning into a sylveon has just made me more comfortable with flirting.
Also, I know how everyone else feels about it, and I know some of you really enjoy it. I see you blushing. You know who you are, and I know how you feel. Don't feel so ashamed of it, just come and talk to me sometime.


Q1 : Are you aware of any threats to Clover Guild?

Yes, even if I disregard Alakazam’s hatred of humans, there are several other competent Pokemon who hold a deep distain of humans. It would only take a few of them to group up and raid the Glover Guild.

Q2 : What do you miss the most about your master?

His attitude and voice. It was always positive and even a little soothing.

Q3: Who would you say are the most improved guild members in terms if fighting capabilities?

It’s hard to say… I only regularly train with Booker. Everyone else usually only needs a few pointers before they move on. However, during Booker’s rest periods, I spar a little with Sneasel. She has been improving quite a bit. I mean she was already a competent fighter when I met her, but since then the way she moves and the time she chooses to unleash an attack is far better than what it was. She seems to be more thoughtful and more patient.

Q4: What are the 11 herbs and spices?

What are you talking about?

Q4.1: I mean, what herbs and spices contribute to your great flavor? Why do you taste so good?

Are you hitting on me? Not interested.


Q1: What was the grossest thing you had to clean up?

Ok, there's a lot of nasty shit i cleaned up in my days here so i'm gonna list my top 5.
Number 5: Feces
Number 4: Vomit
Number 3: Grime
Number 2: Jizz
Number 1: Ectoplasm aka Ghost Jizz probably, the only thing that Maddi won't clean up.

Q2: Is there any reason you don't shower? ...If not, please take a shower...

I don't shower cuz of two things... 1, just cuz, and 2 and i think this might just be me but, I'm worried that if i take a shower... I'll probably die, it might just be a rumor but you never know.

Q3: Being janitor at Clover Guild must be tough. Who do you think leaves most of the messes?

Hmm... That's a tricky one... i mean there's Ross, that guy has that trail of paint he leaves behind wherever he goes... Smith and Nida have made plenty of messes in the past... Cyndaquil's definitely the kind of guy who'd be messy... and then there's... me... sigh

Q4: It's strange to see a living bag of trash as a janitor. Do you ever feel like you just make things messier when you try cleaning up, or have you gotten good at your job?

Honestly I've been getting the hang of this thing for a while now, i mean I've had a couple of accidents here and there but so far there hasn't been anything major... hopefully nothing major.

Q5: How many Hot Pockets do you get paid in a week?

Hah, very funny... but in all seriousness though i would fucking LOVE a hot pocket right about now, i wonder if Beast knows how to make one.


Q1: Have you talked to other small members of the guild yet?

Yeah! Me and Booker get along quite well, Bean's nice to chat with too, even though he can't really talk. I have encountered Rasmus before i met Maxi but... i'd rather not get into it.

Q2: What, if anything, is your relationship with Rasmus?

Again... i'd... rather not get into it. It's kinda messy.

Q3: You are very small. Is it hard to work as a janitor and clean up messes?

Maxi takes care of the major stuff and i take care of the smaller details, it's easier when we work together rather than apart.

Q4: Do you feel nervous around bigger Pokemon?

Uh... i'm around a big pokemon every day, i'm fine... mostly.


Q1: Do you offer accordion lessons?
Q2: How did you meet Cheesecake?


Q1: What was the extent of your criminal past? Are you happy to leave it behind, or do you miss it sometimes?
Q2: How would you describe your fighting style?


Q1: What's your favorite thing about the Clover Guild?
Q2: Have you met Chespin's friend, Wooper? Do the two of you get along?


Q1: How are you adapting to having four legs? Do you miss having hands yet?

Movement's fine if I don't think about it too hard. As for hands- I think I mostly miss being able to write properly. The paws are oddly decent at holding other things. Even cups!

Q2: Do you actually hate Cory's puns? Or do you secretly enjoy them, even a little bit?

I wouldn't mind it so much if he didn't do it once every minute.

Cory: She loves them!

Q3: Does Cory have an accent?

He sounds weirdly Austrailian. I'm pretty sure I even heard him mutter a "Crikey" while battling that Ariados...

Q4: Have you found any cool new flowers in this world that didn't exist back in the human world?

Not so far, but I imagine there would be. Actually, in the flowers that I have seen thus far, I noticed a distinctly larger amount of pollen! I'd chalk it up to there being fewer pollinators around, or maybe the lack of human intervention... although wind-pollinated plants usually don't invest time and energy to produce such large flowers. I really hope someone has done some taxonomy on these plants... And the Berry bushes Cory found me in- I didn't note any flowers or flower buds, which is really weird because - (RainYapping.mp3)

Q5: How right are you?


Q1: What's up with that Eevee?

She's a funny lil fella! I've never enjoyed teasing a Pokemon this much before, and her fur colour makes it ten times easier to tell when she's blushing! I gotta come up with more plant puns, she gets really fired up for those ones. I think she wood make a great Leafeon.

Rain: ...

You know that was a good one! Don't leaf me hanging!

Q2: If you could ask a human anything, what would you ask them?

Aw man, I guess I'd ask if the stories are true and if they really have the power to learn any move. Imagine a whole guild of humans! They'd be legendary!

Q3: Do you have a dayjob? If you do, don't quit it.

Nah, I'm not very proud of it, but I've been trying to find a job for a while now... or a place to live... that has a proper roof.

Q4: Is Cory in the house?

I don't have a house! ...wheres that music coming from??


Q1: You used to be a Pokemon trainer, right? How does it feel to be one yourself?

Well, maybe not for others, but I'd consider it to be one of the most wonderful things that's ever happened to me. Being a Pokemon is freeing, in a way. I felt so pigeonholed in my previous life. What's better than being in a new one away from humans, and your favorite Pokemon at your side?

Q2: If you didn't end up as a Mandibuzz, which Pokemon would you rather be?

Perhaps an ancient fossil Pokemon, maybe an Archeops? I've also been partial to all of the stories in Kanto about a bird trio, too. But I know I'm not special enough to end up as a legendary Pokemon. At first I was a bit peeved at the lack of real hands, but now that I've got the wings I can only really picture being another bird Pokemon.

Q3: Is it odd being able to speak with Gliscor directly?

Oh no, not at all! Not to brag, but I'd consider my care for Gliscor to be above and beyond what many others provide to their Pokemon. I will admit though, it is nice being able to speak to him. We've been able to work through a lot of our differences and overcome challenges I never thought possible with the communication barrier being broken. I never realized just how much I needed him.

Q4: In battle, do you still instruct Gliscor on how to attack? Or would you say you're on more equal ground now?


Q1: Your trainer turned into a Pokemon! How have you handled the situation?

It's awesome! Being able to speak and fly through the air with my trainer has been nothing but a blast! It did take some getting used to, but we're the best of friends, and without her I don't know where I'd be! Scratch that, I'd probably still be minding my own business in the trees south of Blackthorn, man that was a boring life!

Q2: Are the native Pokemon in this world very different from Pokemon in your previous world? Or are they somewhat the same?

The Pokemon back in my old world were alright, but a lot of them had strong desire to travel alongside a trainer instead of doing their own thing. The Pokemon here seem to be much smarter and independent! I could never imagine a Pokemon running a shop back where I came from, let alone a whole society of us coming together! I don't like the Pokemon we've met in the mystery dungeons though, they're feral and mean!

Q3: Have you ever wished you could become a human, like how your trainer became a Pokemon?


Q1: What's the deal with that Chatot guy?

What do you MEAN 'what's the deal?' Chatot's 'DEAL' is that he's one of THE greatest Explorers of the modern age, and on top of that he's completely misunderstood and villainized! Yeah, yeah, apparently he made a few apprentices 'starve' or whatever. Well, not only did Wigglytuff's Guild investigate themselves and found zero evidence of wrongdoing, but even if Chatot DID starve them, and I'm not saying he DID, then he obviously knew what he was doing! It was probably some super secret Explorer training technique or something... maybe I should try starving myself...

Q2: Not to say you need a partner, being as talented as you are, but is there any part of you that wants a partner?

Maybe, but I wouldn't bother with a partner unless they're, like, REALLY good. Or whatever.

Q3: Are you looking forward to evolution?

Duh. Who wouldn't? Getting bigger, badder, and stronger isn't exactly easy to pass up! I know some mons like to tell ghost stories about Rowlets evolve into weird ghost owls who have magic arrows or whatever, but that's ridiculous. Everyone knows that Decidueye aren't Ghost-types, they're Fighting-type who use mean combos and sling around Aura Spheres and stuff. Real Explorer material!

Q4: I hope your first impression of the guild wasn't too traumatizing. Are there any guild members you've met so far that you can tolerate?

Yeah, well, traumatizing isn't even the half of it. This Guild isn't even CLOSE to being up to Wigglytuff's standards - Alpha's sake, I don't even think it's up to Dragonite's Guild standards! Most of my guild"mates," and I use "mates" VERY loosely, are a few apples short of an orchard. But I can't lie, there's still at least some good guys.
Beast is pretty nice, and he totally gets how I feel about everything here. We can't talk a lot since he's always busy trying to cook for these guys, but sometimes he passes me a few crackers at night since I absolutely REFUSE to eat with these loons. ...Most of the time they're stale, but I appreciate it, at least.
Vileplume and Bellossom are also, y'know, normal. Those poor guys are always stuck dealing with their team, though, so we barely talk. Not that I'm crying about that fact - if it's a choice between being anti-social or risking dealing with Adrian or Enny, I'm taking option A.
Guildmaster Lliam is okay too. A bit quiet and jittery though, like he's hiding something, but I guess I can't blame him. I'd be jittery too if I was stuck trying to manage this circus act.


Q1: Do you ever need to punish guild members? If so, how do you do it?

Hmm, I don't have to do that, as you guys are adults and know better... right? Well, if there is any case in which I have to resort to giving them a punishment... I guess it would last throughout the day, like giving them certain tasks to complete, having them survey a mystery dungeon that nobody has ever seen before, or partaking in tests on experimental wands and new techniques I've come up with, but the latter isn't recommended as there might be... side effects, yeah. Let's go with that, yeah.

Q2: Are you known around Capim town as the guild's leader? Or have you avoided that reputation?

Admittedly, I prefer not to be known as that, but at this point, it's unavoidable as more and more people join the guild, and the sheer number of members we have must have gotten people in town talking... If I wanted to avoid attention, I would hide away the Clover Guild badge and wear a different outfit as I strolled around town. More often than not, they just assume I'm a different Meowstic coming around like a tourist of some sort.

Q3: Your job must be a handful. How do you relax?

...Relax? I wouldn't stop until I'd delivered the promise... to him, and to the Floras... But if I were to relax, then I would be exploring through Mystery Dungeons with treasure hunting in mind instead of making an analysis and studying the fundamentals of how it works.

Q4: Why are you so fruity? Are you allergic to taking matters seriously?

Hmm...? My, oh my. You really have the guts to speak to your guildmaster with that attitude... that's a bit rude of you, doncha' think~? You should feel ashamed to say such things to me, kyukyukyu... How would you like to become primordial soup, you lamentable welp~? Would you be able to keep up your haughtiness? How curious, fufufufu~. Ahem Here's a lesson for ya: life would be dull if you took everything you did seriously, like doing everything optimally down to the tea and repeating that for 25 years. That will tire someone out, right? By not thinking too much about what you do, it will save you the hassle of worrying too much about the actions you take every waking moment of the day. You might even be able to do a slight "detour" if you are a bit daring, and I think that's where the "thrill" comes in. But alas, you may not comprehend such a thing, so I shouldn't bore you with these things. Scram now, or I shall unleash my linked move 「Mystical Crusher」(Gravity + Psychic Terrain + Expanding Force) on you... in 10 seconds~! Alright, 10... 9...

Q5: Who's Zorua?

Lliam stares at the person who asked with a blank expression ...Huh, what makes you think of that...? ...There's no Zorua that I know of, as far as I am aware. He continues to stare, until the person who asked the question leaves.

Q6: What's with the maid dress in the second floor janitor's closet?

I have no idea what do you mean by that. (While the author has an interest in these sort of stuff, Lliam himself has no interest in that sort of thing. Also, I already answered the question before)

Q7: What does your work as the guildmaster actually entail?

Q8: From the comic, who is Rose exactly?

Who's Rose, huh? What a particular question indeed! It's supposed to be Schrödinger's cat scenario, (SFX) but I suppose I have to answer them, huh? Hmm, where to start? Oh, I know, (SFX) we are not related, nor do we know each other for that long. Is it intimate or just for work? I'll let you decide on that. Speaking of which, (SFX) Rose does abetment on behalf of Clover Guild. (SFX) She lives within Capim Town out of plain sight from other members. Does that answer your question? cackle cackle cackle

Q9: What are you researching for?

Fufufu, you want to know what I am doing with this data? How very curious, and how observant you are~! You see, we end up in an unfamiliar world, and I can only assume it's all of a sudden for everyone, no? (at least in my case...) In order to survive, we have to learn about our surroundings, the locals' history and culture, and act appropriately to their standards in order to not be alienated by them. But alas, we just can't resist getting 'loose' and causing a little... mayhem. A bit troublesome, you lots, but I digress as long as it doesn't harm our relations with the Pokémon in this world. For the guild itself, learning information about the mystery dungeons is crucial, as it increases our odds of succeeding in an expedition, right? People will lose their trust in us if we can't do something as basic as completing our jobs, and losing that trust is difficult to gain back, and that would mean we have no jobs, and we'll go bankrupt, and that will be awful, is that right~?

Q10: What's Lliam's favorite dessert?

O-oh, that caught me off guard, honestly. Maybe that's related to that one question about what I missed most from the human world... Anyway, my favorite would be pudding. I think it's actually possible to make one in this world—sugar could be found in the Mystery Jungle, and salt can be obtained from evaporating seawater. We can get milk from Miltank and eggs from Blissey or Chansey. But that would mean I would have to make butter from scratch. Perhaps I can get starch from berries that have similar properties as potatoes and grate them. And Vanilla can also be found in the Mystery Jungle, if it's the same as back home... Actually, this might be possible. I might consider doing it in my free time, I suppose.

There are things you cannot see in this world, but they exist if you know where to look for them.

Q11: With all the work you seem to have, do you get any proper sleep?


Q1: Is your selective amnesia frustrating? Or are you more caught up in the wonder of being a Pokemon in the Pokemon world?

Honestly, I just got here. The selective amnesia isn’t as much of a bother as I thought. Seeing more memories come back the longer I’m around, gives me a little hope that I’ll figure everything out eventually. I’m just happy I remembered Mako and Dav when I ran into them. That makes this whole thing a lot easier to swallow. I know I can’t do anything right now, so I’m taking it one step at a time.

Q2: Do you consider yourself lucky or unlucky to have been transformed into an Espeon?

That’s a tough one… My favorite Pokémon is actually Dragonite. But I guess I can’t really see myself in a Dragonite. I’ve only been an Espeon for like… a day at the time of writing this, well actually having Mako write this for me. But I know that eventually I can use psychic powers. I just have to learn, that alone makes me feel lucky.


Q1: What's your opinion of Snorlax as a Pokemon?

Snorlax is the best Pokémon to ever be conceived. My obsession for Snorlax know no bounds. He's a lazy fluffball who can't even bother to open his eyes. All he knows is sleep and eat. When he's sleepy, he's a giant soft teddy bear. You can jump on his belly like a trampoline and even join in on his nap. When he's hungry, he becomes a menace of untold destruction. He will eat and eat until there is nothing left. Often do you hear tales of a single Snorlax starving and displacing entire villages and other major population centers. Snorlax doesn't give a shit. Snorlax will take what he wants. And if you try standing up to him, he will utterly destroy you by either a giga impact, hyper beam, or simply by just sitting on you. I fucking love Snorlax.

Q2: How are you adapting to the Pokemon world?

The Pokémon world is pretty chill. I get to avoid the stresses of the human world and get to explore the world with my best friends. Although, since arriving in the Pokémon world, I’ve grown to feel like I’m missing something important. This world is fun, but I kinda want to go back. Doesn't help that I'm always hungry since I'm a Munchlax. I even keep an everstone with me at all times to prevent me from evolving despite my love for Snorlax. This is because I don't want to evolve and not be able to do anything other than sleep and eat. I would not be able to have any more fun adventures with my team or perhaps even find a way out of the Pokémon world.


Q1: If you decided to style your fur, what Furfrou trim would you choose?


Q1: How do you deal through life with foot long claws for fingers?

It's a dangerous existence but it's mine. I have to pay regular mind to every little thing I do or I risk scratching, cutting, or maiming something or someone, including but not limited to documents, books that aren't The Pokedex, other guildmates who get too close for comfort, doors, floors, the nice cotton beds, and generally anything softer than what I imagine is the hardness of carbon steel. There's even exceptions to THAT though... I wonder if the effectiveness of my cutting power correlates to factors other than just how well honed my claws are... The upside is their unnaturally sharpness makes them useful for cleaving through just about any issue if I can gather up the will to use them. And most of my Pokemon moves solely focus on empowering them, which is perhaps the least complicated thing to learn how to do, albeit difficult to master...

Q2: Lets say you meet a Pokemon you've never seen before, and want to study them. How do you go about doing research without being seen as weird?

Befriending them helps break the ice on any more technical aspects down the line... Letting the book take a huge backseat and just trying to get to know them first before letting your more academic ambitions take the front seat REALLY helps get anything done here. A zoology degree doesn't have shit on trying to preface every study like you're doing a whole sociology course on top of it! I never was that much of a people person, is the thing, and I tend to stumble onto awkward mannerisms when I feel confronted or in danger... That really makes for some candid situations that I'm never going to hear the end of. You're also never going to learn in-depth anatomical information without, erm... a body. Pokemon seem to really respect the sanctity of the dead so you're going to struggle to learn about the nitty gritty of certain species that aren't more open about that knowledge. Some Pokemon have entire old tomes and treatsies dedicated to their kind while others have almost nothing on them! Do YOU know how a Magnemite work?! I have a book here written in SINE WAVES! HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO READ ELETRICITY?! THIS... THIS ISN'T EVEN MORSE OR BINARY! I... Ergh... And here I thought I'd be studying gorillas in Africa one day!


Q1: Are you and Mustel romantically involved?

Hiss... Wouldn't you like to know? The Zangoose and I are in a very ressspectiable business first guild team partnership! And everyone knows that you don't mix buisiness with pleassssure.

Mustel: Serpes I can't find where I left my latest research notes on the mythos and ecology of Celebi. Can you help me sniff them out? ...Literally. I need you to smell them out for me I don't know where the hell they are.

Serpes: W-... Why me?

Mustel: Because I've just about gone noseblind by how much this guild absolutely reeks of gooner musk and God knows what else. Also you also have an uncanniness for finding stuff in unusual places? Pleaaase?

Serpes: Ugh. Right away, good buddy! Also, I pray you're not eyeblind either and take a good look at the quessstion card.

Mustel: ...WHO THE FUCK-

Q2: Do you miss living a life of crime?

Do you misss your wallet? Hehehe... But Ssseriously, I never stopped. I just stopped doing it where it leassst matters. R.I.P. to that easy money... It also helpsss that there's a few old buddies and contacts when I was hussstling in Capim Town. It's a little known fact, but this place is one of the most seediessst towns in all of the Grass Continent.

General Questions

To any 'mon who fights often, is there something that you specifically avoid when picking a fight? Be it either a certain species of pokemon or a type of skill?

Carrot: A nice smile is normally enough to stop the least roughty ones from fighting, while the rest, they would not stop anyways

Hazel: The risk of great bodily damage is a great way to dissuade, like that thing Carrot mentioned, mad or something?

Sneasel: It should be pretty obvious, but I try to keep away from Fighting-types as much as possible. I also hate having to deal with bulky Pokemon, cuz they’re annoying. Fast Pokemon that can dodge are a hassle too. But if I gotta fight those kinds of enemies, I just do my best. It can be fun to challenge myself.

Cooper: Heavy hitters are a problem, because I’m fragile. These hollow bones do me no favors... I heard that evolution would make my bones stronger, because Combusken and Blaziken physically fight a lot, but I’m too comfortable in this body to evolve.

Testa: Quick enemies are tricky for me to handle. Luckily, my partner can take care of them for me.

Adrian: I don't discriminate. I'll throw myself at any pokemon, regardless of type differences.

Makuhita: There are two types of fighters that give me trouble - speedy types and those who don't rely on physical force. I'm too slow to keep up with the former, and the latter can ignore a good chunk of my natural endurance. That's part of why we had to run against Lombre. He fits under both of those categories, and he's beaten Assy once. There's nothing either of us can do at the moment.

Asana: Getting hit in general, especially in the torso. I'm rather frail, and the way I distribute my Aura makes me weak to body shots.

Lliam: I always love to fight, but only when someone challenges me or provokes me; otherwise, I'll just be in my merry way~. Let it be differences of skill for good or bad, even if I'm at a major disadvantage in typing, I'll still gladly accept a fight. Yes, even if my chances of winning are slim. From where I was, playing dirty is still considered fair play, as it's the opponent's fault for not having foresight of this happening. There are no promises; this may or may not be the time for them to kick the bucket, kyukyukyu~.

Cider: I hate Ice-types and Ice Shard is the worst move in existence.

KFC: I don't like fighting weak Pokémon, since there is no thrill in it. However, if I'm training a weak Pokémon who wants to improve, I'll suck it up and help. Someday the Pokémon I train may even give me a good fight, only time will tell.

Rasmus: The number one rule of fightin' is: Don't! Dodge a couple bruises by makin' 'em step on somethin' nasty...

Amelia: Ground types are annoying. Crowds are worse. Crowds of ground types, I won't even bother with.

Former humans, if you could write a letter back home, what would you write and to whom?

Makuhita: I'd write to my brother and my friends to let them know I'm still alive, and inquire as to whether dad died of liver failure yet. I've been waiting quite a while for that to happen.

Lliam: Back... home? ...No, I think you meant the human world... Hmm, writing letters to parents and friends and asking them what's going on back home and saying you're doing alright in this unfamiliar world would be a common answer, but I think that's the only correct answer for this, if you know what I mean.

Turk: Shit, man. That's a heavy question. It's been like 15 years for me. I don't know if my folks are still even alive. I guess I'd wanna check in with friends and family and let them know I'm... relatively fine, bro. Shit... This isn't something I think about often... I need another drink, pronto.

Smoke: Mhh, speak to someone back in the real world- ehh, Earth, I guess...? I don't know, but if I had to... It'd be "I lived" to my family, a shame I'd probably not be able to see the look on their faces

Adrian: To my father and my sister. I want them to know I'm alive and I miss them

Carrot: I don't remember much, in fact i only remember one name, so i'd send mister Arsene a letter asking who's he and why i remember his name

Booker: I’d definitely send a letter to... m-my whole family. I... I still really do miss them. I’ve already made up my mind to stay here in this world, but I want my family to know I’m o-okay. I NEED them to know I’m okay. Even if they don’t believe it, I need to tell them what happened to me. Hopefully we’ll find some way to com-communicate with the Old World, even if we can’t physically go back there again...

Cooper: Same as Booker. I just want to let everyone know I’m okay...

Tropius: I'd let my mom know that I'm alright. It'd be impossible to explain what exactly happened to me without sounding like I got indoctrinated into some cult, but... I'd do my best to console her.

Nick: Like practically everyone else has said, my family. Just, uh, I don't want them to have to worry.

Gus: To my family. Letting them know that I'm still ok. Anything more than that is getting a bit too personal.

Former humans, what was your favorite band back in the human world?

Lliam: Hmm? Music band? That's an odd thing to ask, but, hmm... Afterhours, that's all I'll say.

Turk: Haha... Blind Guardian was the fucking tits. Think those Toxtricity guys can do power metal?

Smoke: I liked Queen, and Michael Jackson. That's about it, nowadays they prefer to listen to noise instead of real music, shame...

Carrot: I don't remember any, but i remember a line, "It's no better to be safe than sorry, so takee on mee", that's all i remember

Booker: I mostly liked listening to soft rock, folk rock, and some soul. It’s hard for me to pick a favorite band or artist, but... I might go with James Taylor. Ray Charles was good too. My parents really loved his music. “Georgia on My Mind” was their special song, since our family was from Georgia. I wish I could hear that song again... S-sorry, I’m just getting a bit... sentimental...

Cooper: Same, of course. I’ll admit, I forgot a lot of music and lyrics during my time in the Pokemon world, but I still hold some songs near and dear to me. I made sure to write them down so I wouldn’t forget them.

Tropius: U-um, I think I'd rather not say. Always got made fun of for my musical taste...

Gus: That's a weird one... I'd have to go with Loreena McKennitt. A good thing too, I guess, otherwise none of us may have met here.

Guildmons without partners, do you recruit other guildmons for big missions? If so, who? Or would you rather go solo?

Lliam: I would prefer to go solo as much as I can. There's a plethora of reasons that I don't want to get into detail, but one of the reasons is that it's usually for research purposes, and bringing people along would hinder this process...

Turk: Man, I tend to sell myself short on the kind of missions I do due to my... Various problems. A cheap job is better than no job... Some members are more willing to go with me than others for one reason or another... The other Lucario, Clara, for example hates my guts and is very particular on going solo, but has been willing to take me on high risk, high reward deals. I don't have any preferences, yet. Maybe one day I'll find someone who sees me eye to eye... You know what I mean.

Clara: I prefer to go solo most of the time, makes it easier for me to only worry about myself instead of having to watch over others, I'm not anyone's babysitter. But, I can't deny that having an extra pair of fists (or paws) and a way to venture into deeper dungeons is pretty useful.

Cider: Exploration 101, you can't count on anyone but yourself! Besides, there are dungeons out there that only let in one mon, and you need to constantly be training for those! Best to start off early.

Elm: I prefer going solo since I feel like that allows me to better train covering the drawbacks of my "condition". That being said, if I feel like a mission is out of my league or too risky I would seek someone to help. And I wouldn't refuse invitations from others to help in missions!

KFC: Solo is much easier. I often go on missions and into dungeons that most, if not all, the guildmembers cannot handle and I don't want them to get hurt.

Rasmus: Ohoho, I've got a couple pals out of town I get on the horn when I need 'em. I've got ol' Cannonface when I need some firepower, and a true blue samurai if I throw enough dough at 'em! I'll get into all that later..

Linoone : When you can't even say, my name. Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb? Go and call my name...

Tropius: I typically work alone because I don't know anyone that well, but I have recruited a guild team to help me once before. And if the other guild members are anything like them, then I want to team up with others more!

Gus: I may tag along with another team for a big mission if needed, but generally I go solo. Then again, I don't tend to take "big" missions.

Teams of mons, does your team fight over who's doing bag duty, or does one of your teammates just stick with it every mission?

Carrot & Hazel: Nope, we share duties, sometimes once each, other times the one with the least advantage stays behind

Sneasel: Nope! Booker’s on bag duty all the time, and that’s totally fine. I can focus on fighting, and I don’t have to bother with handling my items and stuff. It’s super helpful.

Booker: Th-thanks... I’m just glad I can b-be of some use. I’ve been learning some moves and trying to be more active in combat, but managing items is still my main job.

Testa: As for me and Cooper, I handle items cuz I have hands. Also, Cooper has to be lightweight to fight effectively, so it’s best to not have a heavy bag weighing him down.

Chespin: Considering I'm the only one here with arms, it's pretty obvious who the one holding the bag is.

Fern: Aw it's nothing to fight over, Ciel has a bag of his own and all the experience to go with it!

Ciel: No no, you're going to have to learn to handle one yourself too. I can't always carry you around on top of the rest, and I can't stand leaving you alone— unprepared, I mean!

Fern: S-Sorry...

Vileplume: We never fought over who was carrying a bag, but we had discussions about who carried what. We're never letting Enny keep the seeds again for one thing. Adrian's been carrying the berries because he burns through them extremely fast, no pun intended. I usually keep any orbs or miscellaneous items, and Bellossom has a stock of proper medical supplies when any of us, (usually Adrian), gets too injured for a regular oran berry. This was working fine, but now Adrian doesn't know Psychic so he's gonna have to figure out another way to use items.

Nick: I've got the bags. They're fitted to me anyway, so I don't think they would be as comfortable on anyone else.

Amelia: I own a regular bag as well, but it's more convenient for me not to have to cary it. I generally leave it back at the dorms.

Guildmons with a dorm, how is your room decorated?

Lliam: I suppose I'm also counted...? I don't sleep in the office like people are led to believe; my room is elsewhere around here. Where? Not tellin' ya! Anyways, I guess it's a basic small room, actually a bit smaller than other guild members' rooms, but that's fair because usually they are in pairs... Anyhow, by the entrance, there's a coat rack where I put my bag and other stuff. On the left side of the room is a wardrobe that has a bunch of my other clothes.. What's in there? That's a secret~! On the opposite side, there's a small bed. What's it made out of? Who knows, that's a trade secret~! And beside the bed is a desk, although it's a smaller one than the one in the office. And in front of the desk is a bulletin board with my research data and other stuff like that... The room itself, uhh... All I can say is plain, with a bunch of books and research scattered around, as I don't really care about the way it looks, honestly, though I really need to clean things up here...

Error: Well my corner is mostly several shelves of my figures I crafted and nick-knacks I've discovered that I really like, as well as several books I've taken an interest to that I like to reread... Got my cotton bed situated as well as a cabinet for my explorer equipment. Over in the other end, Carrie had taken up residence and she keeps it rather plain... She brought a lot of her oddities from The Evaluator that'd be REALLY difficult to explain if anyone saw them in public... How does she hide those? All walls also have several old and new mission and bounty posters we've been using as a roadmap of our investigation. Hm... As for Rotom...

Rotom: I live in his head, rent free!

Error: ...Yeah.

Turk: Well you see... The thing about that is... It's awful. Having one arm and a room to yourself really makes everything a drag... I just have shit piled everywhere and move it when I can be assed to. It's exhausting and I'm almost certain there's a Rattata living in a pile of refuse somewhere here and I might owe it money. Please don't tell anyone how I live, man. I'll be forcibly assigned a roommate at this rate!

*Clara looks behind her, her room almost comically dark and dusty*: (Clara sighs) Maybe one of these days... If I'm not feeling too tired and have enoigh time.
Smoke: You can sleep in there, right? For me that's good enough.

Bellossom: Vileplume and I sleep right next to the window so we can get as much sunlight as possible. We got a couple flowers and books thrown around, but we keep it as clean as possible. Enny's got all kinds of outfits hung up on the wall. Adrian... he just sleeps on a mess of hay pillows and blankets he found at the Kecleon store. I don't know why he didn't just use the cotton in the storeroom, and I don't know who made the pillows since Kecleon wasn't selling pillowcases at the time. Anyways, he has a lot of weird knick knacks and puzzles thrown around his bed, and... am I allowed to mention the bear here? He hides it inside of his blue pillow.

Carrot: I share a room with Hazel, but divide our sides, on my side i like keeping maps, notes and in the middle my side of the hay

Hazel: I share a room with Carrot, on my side i like keeping some secret stashes, some potted plants and in the middle of the room the hay, although i'd like to improve it somewhat

Booker: Flowers! I love flowers! Ahem... S-sorry. Got a bit t-too excited. But, yeah, I like decorating our dorm with all kinds of pretty flowers. And ever since Minun and Rain joined the guild, I’ve been learning a lot more about the subject, and getting some rare flowers too! I like talking with the two of them. But Sneasel doesn’t like flowers very much...

Sneasel: Yeah, flowers are sooooo lame. But if they make Booker happy, I can live with them. I let him put flowers around the dorm, as long as he doesn’t turn the whole room into a second garden.
...Huh? You wanna know what decorations I like? I dunno. I never really gave it much thought, cuz I’m not really that sentimental. But I have put some stuff in our room. Most of it is just keepsakes from our missions, or things that remind me of my home—oh, and some wood carvings I’ve been working on, with some help from Charm.

Cooper: Our dorm is a bit sparse. We came to this world with nothing on us, but we did get a few things to decorate with. Mostly some flowers that Booker gave us.

Testa: Also, we took a trip back to the Air Continent one time, and got some souvenirs. Even if it’s not the same as our world’s version of the Air Continent, it’s nice to have some reminder of home.

Cider: I keep my dorm clean, and I figure that just because I'm not actually in Wigglytuff's Guild doesn't mean I can't pretend I am, so I make do with my dorm. I got rid of the weird cotton beds these guys have and pulled in some straw beds, and I had to get a tree stump and a few rocks for a watering hole. I think growing the vines around my walls was the hardest part though, but I love vines. They're cozy.

KFC: Decoration? Seems kind of unnecessary to me.

Rasmus: Uhhh I got the jaccuzi in the corner, Those cobwebs over there are where I sleep, Shit stains are on that wall, uhhh... That covers it!

Chespin: Cotton covers most of the floor, the only bare spot being where the door swings open. There's a cupboard and set of drawers near the door, and a table with some potted flowers beneath the window. My blanket is large enough to turn the entire floor into a bed!

Nick: I have a doodle I did while trying to get accustomed to writing like this, although it's a bit old.

Gus: Uhh... I've got some neat rocks that I've found, if that counts.

To natives, something that you hate when working or interacting with humans.

Hazel: Not knowing what everyone is talking, and Carrot refusing to tell me some stuff, like what "Kek" means

Sneasel: Aside from the obvious answer of “all the weird and annoying slang and references”, I get annoyed whenever I hear humans talk about how they didn’t do much physical stuff in their old lives. I mean, I’ve been working out and fighting all my life, so hearing people admit they just lay around their house all day, or sat in school and learned stuff, or did jobs where they never did anything physical... I dunno, maybe I sound like a jerk, but it makes me feel like they were lazy. I know humans are different from Pokemon, and they don’t have the same drive to train and work out, but c’mon, would it have killed you guys to lift some weights or go for a run every so often? On the bright side, it looks like a lot of humans care more about working out after becoming Pokemon. There are still some slackers, but it’s nice to see so many humans visiting the dojo or going out on missions.

Testa: I think all the jokes and stuff are funny! But humans are kinda hard to work with sometimes. They feel kind of rowdy, and they sometimes don’t work too well as a team.

Vileplume: A lot of them have really poor cleaning habits for some reason. There are days where the smell of the guild just gets unbearable and I have to step outside to get some fresh air. Thankfully that's something that's gotten a little better over time. Either that, or I'm just losing my sense of smell.

KFC: They use an interesting vocabulary to say the least. Sometimes, it makes it quite hard to discern what they want. And the worst part is that I end up picking the stupid made up words up, no cap.

Rose: They're strange, to say the least. From my observations, they are sometimes eccentric, like it just randomly happened, and they spew out bizarre phrases that make no sense no matter which angle I view them from. Also, their mannerisms—they're not normal, well, to me at least. Not normal at all... Illogical beyond reason... Being around them is frankly uncomfortable, to say the least. I can never understand those humans who laugh at random things. I feel the same way with Master, but knowing him more, I'm more at ease with his company. 

Rasmus: I'm tellin' ya! Every one of 'em walks around with a stick up their ass 'cause they think they've got some kinda' "destiny to fufill" or somethin'. Motherfucker, your 'destiny' is gettin' a nine to five, get used to it!

Amelia: Sometimes it's hard to separate the truth from the lies, and the deliberate lies from the stories. We all know what mon are and what they can do, but not humans. It's far too easy to pass off human fiction as fact.

Former humans, things you wished you knew about living as a Pokemon (your species or in general) that you wish you knew beforehand?

Turk: There's a lot of things about aura that I wish I knew when I was a Riolu... Especially how damn badly your emotions need to be under control. It certainly caused problems in my past... Thank Arceus; I got my 'medicine' for that, dude. There's always going to be someone pestering you if you're okay when you look like you're going to keel over at any moment, especially when I'm a few pieces short of a whole Pokemon, which makes some things... difficult. I'll leave it up to you what that means, bro. I tend to learn something new every day about Pokemon healthcare and grooming due to it, though. ...Or maybe I just often forget shit from the drugs? But I don't think that's an experience most 'Mon go through, man.

Booker: I wish I knew more about instincts at the start. I had a p-pretty big scare early on, when I first started settling into my new body and balancing my Aura. That made my instincts start... activating, essentially. I started feeling weird desires and fears... like there was some other p-person in my head trying to take over. It kept trying to make me hate things I used to love... like my favorite foods or the sound of rain. It was... unsettling. But with some encouragement from Sneasel, I was able to accept those new feelings without letting them control me.

Cooper: Balancing was tricky with a big head and no arms. Using fire was scary too, and hard to get the hang of. I never had a phobia of fire, but spitting a flaming-hot fireball out of my mouth was still scary at first.

Lliam: Overflowing psychic power... It hurts. It's like being crammed inside a cage. Espurrs are cursed creatures; 'letting it go' is like sneezing, which will result in destruction around you. Marvel to those that can hold a smile on their faces despite the eternal struggles...

Elm: It sure would have been nice to know about the drawbacks of phasing through walls before I started playing around inside them and the next thing I know I'm starving to the point of feeling like I could eat a whole Tauros!

Carrot: How to live without hands and walking on fours

Nick: The lifespan issue is the main thing. This is still in the 'wish to know' category, because I don't want to offend Kiyo by asking him, I don't think Nine would give me a straight answer, and Ciel is...Ciel.

Gus: beet red I'm uh... Nothing! Nothing at all haha, next question please!

Dog, cat, and fox mons: Do you ever get the zoomies?

Adrian: Never

Enny: He gets them all the time! Starts chewing and biting things like his pillows and some of these weird trinkets hets from the shops around Capim Town. I think I've even seen him chewing his be-

Adrian: Shut the fuck up Enny!

Turk: Only when I'm in bad withdrawal. And yes a bipedal dog acting like an excited puppy IS as embarassing as it sounds, bro. Seriously guys stop touching my stash...

Cassie: I had to ask a human what this means. Kiyo would never admit it, especially if it has a name this cute, but he gets the zoomies all the time! I think it's cuz he acts super serious and grumpy all the time, so he's got way too much pent up energy.

Sneasel: Uh... do I count as a cat? Booker told me I’m like part cat and part weasel, so guess I’ll answer. I don’t get hyper and bounce off the walls, but I do get excited sometimes, especially if I’m in a fun fight. Training and fighting help me release my energy, so I don’t get antsy too often.

Lliam: I suppose there were times back then, but when memories returned, I think that's where I stopped.

Carrot: ... never... His tail wags vigorously
Hazel: He's lying, i've catched him gnarling at his own tail while he- (Carrot pounces on Hazel, dragging her out of the room)

Fern: Ohh is that the word for it? ...Ye-Yes! I can never seem to stay feeling down for long anymore, I always wind up becoming far more excited than I have any reason to be! It can be a little embarrassing, or fr-frustrating for that matter. Come to think of it, it must be pretty jarring for someone else to see me jump between emotions like that...
Ciel: E-Even if I did, I wouldn't just admit it!

Linoone : I am not any of that and I'm not sure if it's the zoomies but I often just have this innate desire to just run run and run inside of me. If I wasn't a courier I don't know how I would satisfy this need... Anyway, if you get delivered your mail sooner than expected it's thanks to my zoomies!

Amelia: Zoomies?

Nick: Hyperactively running around and such.

Amelia: Oh, that? Yeah. Especially when I've built up too much of a charge. Nick does it too.

Nick: I-

Everyone, Do you have a family? How's your relationship with them? Would you introduce your friends to them?

Booker: I do... b-back home, of course. I love them, and I miss them...

Sneasel: Yeah, I do. Got parents, but no siblings. But... I dunno if I’ll ever see them again. Big dungeon shift took me away from my home, and I dunno how to get back... I miss them. My parents were pretty big on tough love, just like the rest of the tribe. But that’s cuz life on the Island was so harsh. I know they meant the best for me. I’d love to introduce Booker to everyone in the tribe, but first, we’ve gotta find the way back there... I don’t like talking about this. Next question.

Cooper: Same as Booker, of course. I really do miss them.

Testa: Same, again. It’s hard to believe I’m in another world, and I’ll probably never see them again... I still haven’t gotten over that.

Makuhita: I've got a mom and a younger brother, Drew. My dad was effectively whatever you'd consider the opposite of a role model - I learned how to be and act by trying to avoid ending up like him. He caused Drew and I to go through a lot of grief growing up and I'm glad he's out of that household, even if I'm not around to see him prosper.

Cider: My family? They live in Treasure Town. I'm Spinda's-yeah, THAT Spinda. And before you ask; YES, I'm adopted. Don't start laughing! Spinda is amazing and nice and sweet and I think she totally should get with Beast or whatever because the chemistry between those two is literally so obvious but that's just me. Oh, that's not what you're asking about? OHHH yeah my feelings and relationship and stuff.
Well, Spinda's my, uh, err... mom. I guess. Don't laugh. She's nice and for her sake I do NOT want her coming around this Guild. I made sure to get all my stuff from the cafe so she didn't have an excuse to drop by - It's not even because I'm worried she's embarrass me, it's because my guildmates might make her... I dunno, die or something.
Wynaut's kinda like my uncle I guess, so I guess that makes Wobbuffet my aunt. Wynaut's funny, but he has a weird taste in women, because Wobbuffet communicates entirely in her own native language. You won't believe how many different meanings 'THAT'S RIGHT!' has. I also don't know why Wynaut refuses to evolve, but whatever. They're pretty cool.
And I HATE Ludicolo. I don't even know if he actually EXISTS, because he literally only shows up whenever there's a big win, and then vanishes from town entirely! And everytime he DOES show up, I'M the one stuck cleaning his mess up! I do NOT miss working at the cafe, lemme tell ya.

Rasmus: Ohoho no! I'm not fallin' for that! That harpy's not gettin' another cent outta' me!

Carrot & Hazel: No, but we have each other, that should be enough, but who knows? Maybe Hazel has someone related somewhere

Tropius: Typical nuclear family. Though I wasn't particularly close with any of them, I do miss them... Oh, and even if I could, there's absolutely no way I would introduce them to anyone at the guild.

Nick: I...try not to think about it too much. My relationship with them were ok, but I probably should've called them more. And that's not exactly possible now, is it?
Amelia: Two parents, one older brother, and six younger siblings. Plus a smattering of aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives all in the same tribe. They're nice enough folks, but most of them don't really get the whole explorer thing. They would probably be happy to meet anyone from the guild, but...maybe keep the meetings down here.

Gus: Yes, back home, and I miss them very much. I've got everyone here too, but... it's not really the same, y'know?

Guildmons, If your character had to trade partners with another guild members, which other partner do you think would suit them best?

Adrian: I don't want to be partners with anybody, but if I was forced to, Toge was alright during that one job we did together.

Carrot: Well, i don't know, i'm new here so i'm not sure
Hazel: Same answer

Rasmus: Hmm, well personally I think that trash bag should be hangin' out with someone else, leaves me more time with the babe!

Booker: I’ve worked with several other guild members before, but... I’d like to say I’m on especially good terms with Gus, Charm, and Kris, so I’d like to collaborate with all three of them. Gus is nice, b-but lonely, so keeping him company would be a nice gesture. Plus, Sneasel and I were the first friendly faces he met when he came to this world, so I guess I feel a kind of... bond with him. As for Charm... w-well, she’s friendly, but she gets overexcited easily. Thankfully, she tones it down for my sake when we’re together. We’ve bonded ever since we first w-worked together in the Thunder Dome, and she has experience dealing with t-tiny Pokemon—her partner Natu is only a little bigger than me—so I feel like I’m in good hands (literally) with her. Kris is... eccentric and unpopular, to be blunt, but I can tell he’s a good person. And I honestly do think his predictions all have a certain... k-kernel of truth. I do my best to believe in him and ch-cheer him up, and I’d definitely like to spend some time with him and get to know him better.

Sneasel: It’d be cool to team up with strong guildmates, especially KFC and Smith. I like watching strong Pokemon do their thing, and I enjoy showing off what I can do too. We could even do some kinda fun challenge together, like who can beat the most enemies. Oh, Team Buckler would be a good pick for teammates too. They’re really strong, and Cooper is like another version of Booker, so it’s cool to hang out with him. The only thing better than one Booker is two Bookers, hehe.

Cooper: I’m still not totally comfortable with the guild as a whole, but I’m trying to open up to them. I’d probably be willing to join anyone, just so I can try getting over my paranoia and bonding with them better. In particular, I’d like to work with Toge sometime. I feel really bad about what we did to him... I want to make it up to him somehow.

Testa: Furret seems like a fun gal! I’d like to hang out with her! But I’ve heard she’s kinda weak in combat... That’s fine, though! Maybe I can teach her a thing or two. Cassie seems kinda bubbly and quirky too, so I think it’d be fun to team up with her. With her armor and my shell, we’ll be unstoppable!

Guildmons, You saw a job listing in the bulletin board with a huge reward, but the description is quite suspicious to say the least... would you still risk it and take the job?

Cider: Who would be dumb enough to take a suspicious job? Y'know, this reminds me - one time I heard that someone at Wigglytuff's Guild went off to Amp Plains because of a ransom note and almost got mauled to death by a tribe of Electrike! Or... was it a tribe of Luxio? Eh, doesn't matter, point is that they were total morons for taking that mission on!

Elm: Hey, something like that could make up for a fun story to tell others later! I would at least meet the client and ask for more details.

Carrot & Hazel: Eh, we've taken worse jobs, worst case scenario we miss the reward but catch whoever requested the job

Rasmus: All I'm sayin' is, anyone short changin' me is gonna find some Toxic Spikes in their next meal...

Booker: I’m not really a fan of taking risks...

Sneasel: Speak for yourself, I ain’t gonna turn down a big reward!

Cooper: Caution is important, but if the reward is big enough, it may be worth the risk.

Testa: I agree—as long as we’re extra careful! Danger is exciting, but you gotta know your limits and know when to quit.

Tropius: I've done this once against my better judgement, but it actually worked out in the end, so I'd roll the dice again. If that first time didn't end up going well though, I don't think I'd feel so optimistic about those kinds of jobs.

Amelia: We can take it. Let's go.

Nick: I'm not- ...I'll grab some extra supplies for safety, just in case.

Gus: Probably not. I don't tend to get too far out there.

Guildmons, An outlaw you've captured recently was accepted into the guild after he said that he was reformed (turns out to be a humon); would you accept him with open arms or would you be suspicious about his change of heart?

Adrian: I would kill Machamp on sight purely because he devolved me. I don't care where he's from, what he is, or what he wants to do at the guild. I hate him with every fiber of my body, more than anyone else I've ever fought. Any other outlaws, I don't really trust them. I'll leave that decision to the Guildmaster

Makuhita: It honestly depends on a whole lot of factors - what they've done, how they acted, and so on. I'd give thm a chance, to. To put it simply, I've had a rough life, but I was lucky enough to have friends to help me through. I know everyone is not as fortunate as I was, and if I can help the guy out of whatever hole he found himself in, it'd be a win for everyone.

Asana: My answer is honestly similar to Makuhita's, although I'd keep an eye on them regardless, as a precaution.

Cider: Obviously suspicious, but hey, them tracking me down and offing me in my own dorm would at least be a mercy kill. I'd respect the commitment!

Carrot: People can reform, but i'd be wary
Hazel: Same answer, again

Rasmus: I dunno... Maybe i'd let 'em go if they coughed up some change... Shows that they can be honest workin' fellas and all...

Booker: I believe anyone can change for the better. I know that may sound a bit... n-naive, but it’s what I really believe.

Sneasel: I guess I’d be suspicious, but I’d give ’em a chance. I’d keep an eye on ’em though. And if they even think about doing anything to Booker, they’re going down.

Cooper: To be honest, it would be hard to convince me to accept them. I’d be too worried about being betrayed by them...

Testa: I’m willing to forgive and forget, but I’d be careful around them.

Everyone, It's a holiday! (is there such a thing in the PMD world?) How would like to spend your time in this ocassion? Would you still work and rescue Pokemon in Mystery Dungeon? Travel somewhere, err... lavish? Hang out in the guildhall all day long?

Elm: Holidays usually mean seasonal food, customs and goods, meaning it's time to walk around downtown and have a look at the shops!

Carrot & Hazel: Shopping, maybe keep a watch on dungeons to avoid anyone going in, or travel around

Fern: Don't you just want to go out and celebrate when the holidays come around? I'd bet Ciel knows all about the festivities too!

Ciel: N-No not always, this isn't exactly my home continent either. Still, it wouldn't hurt to enjoy the downtime where we can get it...

Fern: Yeah, we'll make the most of it!

Rasmus: It's me, the couch, the hardest shit on the shelf, and prime cut Cutiefly!

Booker: I’d like to spend time with Sneasel. I don’t have any specific ideas, just... b-being with her is nice.

Sneasel: I wanna spend time with Booker! No big plans or anything. Just hanging out with him is fun.

Cooper: There’s still so much of this continent that’s new to me. I’d like to take a vacation somewhere.

Testa: A vacation would be fun! I bet there’s lots of cool places on the Grass Continent. Fogbound Lake sounds beautiful. I hope me and Cooper can see it sometime!

Former humans, Let's say PMD is an existing video game for us humons. Would you feel a bit of dread that you're in a world that's so similar to that video game? And would you tell your partner, or any native mon? Perhaps mention about it to other humons?

Elm: I sure am not going to mention that to a native. Imagine approaching people and saying that their whole world is based on a piece of fictional entertainment. I probably would be thrown into some mental institution for that.
And I don't like thinking about it either as it brings existencial dread thoughts like "What if this is all just a dream and I'll wake up soon?"
But what do you mean with "mention about it to other humons"? There are humons who don't know about the connection to the games?!
Oh man. Then I better keep that in mind and just avoid the subject entirely.
And maybe it's the opposite: PMD is based on this world! Yeah, let's go with that tinfoil hat theory for now.

Carrot: I've discussed this plenty with Hazel, she was at first dubious but now uses some of that innate knowledge about the world i have for our advantage, but being quite fair i only remember snippets at best

Booker: I’ve thought about that before, but I... I’m going with the theory that this is a parallel universe that just h-happens to look like the video game by coincidence. I don’t think we actually got sent to a... fictional world.

Cooper: I agree with Booker. I mean, we know parallel universes do exist. The two of us prove that: we’re the same person, from alternate Earths, as weird as that sounds. So... I also think this world is just another parallel universe.

Booker: Right. As for telling our partners... I actually did mention the Pokemon series to Sneasel before. She was kind of p-pestering me about it, so I g-gave in. She was confused at first, but... she thinks my parallel universe coincidence theory makes sense, so it doesn’t bother her too much.

Cooper: Huh... I have the same kind of story. I told Testa about it too, before ever meeting the guild, and we agreed it’s probably due to alternate realities instead of fiction becoming reality.

Guildmons, What's your role in the guild, if any?

Booker: Aside from supporting Sneasel in missions, I work as Macom’s assistant, helping out with cartography. I’ve also been working on these... notebooks and pamphlets, full of info about dungeons, to help guild members prepare for missions. Porygon2 has been really helpful. It—I mean, h-he—has a lot of data. It’s outdated, but still useful. Oh, a-and I also help other people with missions, sometimes. If Sneasel is busy, and I have no other work to do, sometimes I wait by the mission board and offer to join other teams or guild members. I can’t fight very well, but I can give them advice, manage their items, and use a couple buffing moves.

Lliam: Uhh... yeah. Yeah? Yeah.

Carrot & Hazel: We're kinda seasoned so i guess training the new members and go into more complex dungeons like Zero Isle?

Fern: I'm still searching for one! I-I've been struggling to commit to normal work following the whole change, but I want to support Ciel somehow. I-I'll surely work something out. Do you think I'd still be allowed to stay at the guild if I had to work elsewhere?
Ciel: Just an everyday explorer, there is nothing special about me... Haah— I'm not sure if I have any other real talents to speak of that I could contribute with otherwise.

Rasmus: Uhhh, Well Tododile asked me to pass him the booze one time...

Chespin: I am the self-appointed Chief of Coziness. Upon seeing the sorry state of the guild's "beds" early on, I took it upon myself to get some cotton. Then I realized we needed blankets and pillows, and eventually, a place to relax outside. I'm not exactly hero material, but I can at least save people from itchy hay, sore backs, and restless nights.

Booker: Aside from supporting Sneasel in missions, I work as Macom’s assistant with cartography. I’ve also been researching dungeons and putting the info into these... basically, notebooks and pamphlets, to help guild members prepare for missions. I send copies to the Federation, too. Porygon2 has been really helpful with that work, because it has—I mean, h-he has—a lot of data. It’s outdated, but s-still useful in some ways. Aside from that, I sometimes work with the new Zangoose, Mustel, to study Pokemon. Oh, a-and I also help other people with missions. If Sneasel is busy... o-or drunk... and I have no other work to do, sometimes I wait by the mission board and offer to join other guild members on jobs. I can’t fight very well, b-but I can give them advice, manage their items, and use a couple buffing moves.

Sneasel: I just do missions, mostly. Not to brag, but I’m totally one of the coolest and strongest fighters in the whole guild, so I’m good at any jobs that involve fighting. Every so often, I help train people too, but I’m not really the best teacher.

Cooper: Team Buckler is still a rescue team, just like we always were. But on top of that, we also train Pokemon in the guild’s dojo. We’re some of the most experienced guild members, so we have a lot to teach the others.

Testa: Yep! It’s fun to mentor Pokemon. And the rescue work is still going strong. We’re gonna keep doing that for a long time. No matter what continent we’re on, no matter what world we’re in, this shield is always gonna save those in need!

Tropius: Don't have one right now. I suppose if I'm able to fly one day, I'd have to start taxiing guildmembers around to their jobs. I hate the prospect of being what is essentially a horse, though. I'm not some dumb animal!!

Nick: Mainly, to take jobs from the board and complete them. We also scout out information for other researchers - usually at the same time. For example, basic land surveys to help Macom's work, and dungeon mapping - as much as one of those things can be mapped, anyway - and demographics for...whatever Lliam does with those. We compare a lot of notes with Booker's work on that front.

Amelia: That's about right.

Gus: Resident bump on a log.

Former humans, What's the one thing you missed the most from the human world?

Makuhita: My friends and family. I'm worried about my little brother in particular. I know he's in college now, but he was never the best at standing up for himself.

Lliam: Desserts.

Elm: Rice!
Just kidding! My actual answer is MEAT!!! Slowpoke tails are nice and all, but they still don't compare to juicy steaks or crispy karaage.

Carrot: Actual meat too

Fern: ......I thought it would be my hands, but I'll eventually adjust to working without. To tell the truth, I just wish I could eat meat without feeling the need to weigh a moral conundrum over my head.

Adrian: Proper camping equipment. Most of what i'd use is here in some form, like tents and canteens. It is so difficult finding a decent bedroll around here, though. No clue qhy people here are so content to sleep on wet grass.
I also used to have this amazing clip-on umbrella that I could use to keep the rain off me while I was setting up my camp. Would be so nice to have as a flareon.

Chespin: Meat's a LOT harder to come by here, for obvious reasons. Best you can get around here is a Chansey egg or a Slowpoke tail, and even then the other guildmates are probably going to look at you strangely for that stuff. I'd love to have a burger again.

Pika: I miss my family a lot... Sometimes, It's... hard for me to go to sleep at night without crying. To be honest, aside from them, I... don't have anything else waiting back home for me, but... I don't want to leave them worrying about me being gone. I'm sure they're scared sick, so I'll definitely have to find my way back!

Cooper: Um... Is it cliche to respond “my family?”

Booker: Maybe, but... that doesn’t mean it’s a bad response. I really do miss my family. I already d-decided I’d rather stay in this world, but... I m-miss my mom’s voice, the way she sang to me...

Cooper: Her cooking...

Booker: D-driving with my dad...

Cooper: Playing games w-with my brother... W-we should stop before we start crying or something.

Booker: ...T-too late...

Tropius: I miss being able to listen to all my favorite songs whenever I want...

Gus: Ha. Haha. Ha... ;-;

I miss music on demand, too.

Guildmons, Let's say a fellow guild member messed up on their mission, big time, and then the client confronts you about it. Would you tell them the truth or would you cover for them?

Rasmus: Not my problem!

Carrot & Hazel: We would try to defuse the situation and maybe offer to fix the mistake or compensate the client somehow

Booker: It would be wrong to lie to the client... b-but I wouldn’t want to sit back and let the client l-lay into my friend. I’d try to defend and support my guildmate, but without lying about what they did. If they r-really did mess up, I hope they can use it as a learning experience... but I also don’t want the client getting too mad.

Sneasel: Why’s the client asking me? It ain’t my problem! Go talk to the guy who screwed up.

Cooper: I assume the client has a reason to ask me instead of the guildmate who messed up... I’d prefer not to lie if possible.

Testa: I’d rather tell the truth too. I have no problem with lying if I need to, though...

Nick: I'd probably tell the truth? Especially if the other guildmember didn't ask me to cover for them. I'd feel bad about the mission not going well, but it would look worse for us to have a reputation of duplicity, right?
Amelia: Of course I wouldn't lie. That would be disrespectful to the client who trusted the guild with their request and trusted me to tell them about it, and to the integrity of our profession itself. Anyone who would lie is no better than an outlaw.

Everyone, If you enter a mystery dungeon and the enemy spawned is based on your friends... Are you capable on beating them up?

Carrot: Maybe a bit, i've seen more Liepards so i've come to get used to it but still, sometimes i have to check if they're not Hazel
Hazel: Absol-utely without a doubt, i can recognize Carrot even if there were a thousand Lycanrocs there

Lliam: No matter who it is, I'll have to beat them to a pulp as they are all just mindless ferals by the end of the day~.

Rose: Even if they look like Mother and me?

Lliam: Of course~. I can tell they're from the dungeon, so it shouldn't be any difficulty~. (Also you're supposed to call her Lady Iris with other people around, dear...)

Rose: I-it isn't that... It's more that you're not hesitant to fight, even if it's a lookalike. (Right, sorry about that...)

Lliam: What? Don't tell me you would compare yourself to those bottom feeders, would you? Even Lady Iris would be insulted by that. A dungeon can work in mysterious ways, y'know. You have to stay vigilant!

Rose: Rolls eyes Fine, point taken. 

Rasmus: Me and my pals knock the piss outta' eachother all the time! Lets all the aggression out!

Adrian: Assuming by friends you mean teammates, then yeah I'd burn a wild sylveon. Hell, I'd enjoy it

Booker: I mean... I’m not really capable of beating anything up. B-but if I found a wild Sneasel and I needed to fight it... I’d probably hesitate before attacking it. I’d be able to do it in the end, though, because I know my partner or I c-could get hurt if I didn’t.

Sneasel: I’d feel a little bad for attacking a wild Ribombee... or even watching one get attacked by someone else, honestly. I mean, if I saw one getting stabbed with my ice or slashed with my claws, it’d make me think, “What if that was Booker getting hurt?” Gonna be honest, I’ve always been nervous about hurting the little guy by accident, so... it’s kinda hard to get that thought outta my head.

Cooper: I’ve slain feral Squirtle before. It was... uncomfortable at first, but I got used to it. They look like Testa, but they’re just wild animals.

Testa: Yeah. I don’t like fighting wild Torchic, but you gotta do what you gotta do!

Nick: Uh, yes. Maybe. I think? Well, it sort of depends on the circumstance, I guess. Actually, could we come back to this one later?
Amelia: Based on what...some mon have said, that's not possible. The ferals are at most the same species, so I have no problem with attacking them.

Everyone, Your character's music theme?

Flareon-anon: I've mentioned this to a few people in private before, but I wouldn't feel comfortable using a character theme unless I made it myself. Taking some other song just feels wrong to me

Spinarak Anon: Probably Snide's HQ from DK64

Carrot-Anon: I don't have any theme for Carrot or Hazel yet, but i'd say that Carrot's theme is probably something upbeat while Hazel's more melancholic

Ribombee-anon: I’ve thought about that multiple times, but never reached a satisfying conclusion. I can play a few instruments, and I’ve even written my own music before, so maybe I’ll write some original Clover Guild music someday...
For now, though, I think it’d be fun if Booker’s theme was something from Bug Fables. The Bee Kingdom theme would be an obvious pick, but it's too hoity-toity, so I think the Ant Kingdom theme fits him better:
Sneasel’s theme would probably be a rock song, but I’m not sure what song exactly. Someone did a rock remix of one of the battle songs from Bug Fables, so... I guess I can go with that for the time being:
And my choice for Team Buckler is obvious. They would have the PMD Rescue Team base theme:

Vulpix-anon: This is probably terrible (and maybe unfinished as well), as my only experience with music theory comes from a 17-minute long youtube video:

Pair Questions

Luka & Nine: How did you two meet?

Cassie & Furret: When are you and Cassie going to compete for the best fashion designer?

Cassie: Why would we compete? Here's the real question- When's the Cassie and Furret fashion show? Starring all our best friends wearing the coolest and cutest outfits, designed by us! And sponsored by... Someone else!

Cassie & Pika: When are you both sparking the shipping wars?

Pika: Whuh?! I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I used to love doing that back home when I had the chance to shitpost in threads, but I don't think I'm strong enough t'do that without the veil of anonymity... It's just too scary!

Cassie: That's probably for the best. I get very passionate about my shipping... The loss of life would be catastrophic!

Linoone & Debby: Can you two lovebirds offer any relationship advice?

Debby: I reckon’ the most important thing is to find someone y’all can always greet with the same smile! Someone who’s there with y’all through - wait y’all want advice after gettin’ into one? Hoot! That’s easy, just be yourself! Ain’t no point in goin’ out your way to change who y’all are after makin’ it official. ‘Cept of course y’all gotta be willin’ to make compromises for those y’all love from time to time. Like Kaz riflin’ through some of the mail. That’s right hun! I know y’all are doin’ it, you lovable rascal! All in all, try to find that spot of give an’ take y’all are comfortable with.
Linoone: Hey I am not a bird! But I know how they kiss...

Chespin & Wooper: Have you found any material more cozy to sleep on than cotton?

Chespin: The absolute peak for me is a bed of flowers, while sunlight shines down upon me. Something about what I am now makes it really resonate with me! But you can't exactly get sunlight when it's nighttime.

Wooper: A pond with clean water and soft mud at the bottom was what I used to sleep in before I met Chespin. It's nice to sleep somewhere warmer, but snoozing underwater is great! But... I think I like the bed I got now more, It's too hard to pick a favorite!

Lore and Misc Questions

Vanon, you don't use black to outline your drawings; how do you go about choosing which shade would work best?

confusion I hope this makes sense to you :d

What continents are more frequently attacked by the blaziken raids? What do they do once they reach civilization? How succesful are they when they attack?

The Water Continent is most frequently attacked since that's where the tribe is located, followed by the Air Continent, while the Mist continent is usually avoided. Raids are not too common although the frequency of them has increased lately. Once a raid team reaches a point of interest, they first demand all the valuables. If the population of the town/kingdom/city/etc shows any sign of resistance, then the entire place is attacked, the civilians killed, and the buildings are burned to the ground. Raids are very successful (~85%) because scouts estimate the resistance the tribe will face and raid teams are assembled accordingly.

How common is it for your life to be at risk? Be it when venturing into a dungeon, hunting down a criminal, or just taking a stroll outside of town?

Error: Even when I'm not trying, I find myself almost dying, but this body just doesn't give up! I just seem to walk into danger by being me... I think the Pokemon form I've been granted is more of a curse than the blessing people may see it as.

Turk: Count how many limbs and working eyes I have, dude. I say I'm pretty high up for being at risk than most people here... And I can't help myself but keep trying to get involved in situations that are risky! Call me a thrill-seeker, bro. But seriously, Whether it's for money or helping someone out, I need to get involved in that danger sometimes.

Carrot & Hazel: Well, we're kinda seasoned so we're normally not in danger anymore, but sometimes thing can go wrong, but we have each other

Booker: The overworld is safe for the most part, but it's common for me and Sneasel to put ourselves in danger, because we do a lot of missions that involve combat. It’s stressful, to be honest, but... not as scary as it could be. I trust her to fight well and keep both of us safe, and I do my best to help out too.

Lliam: From where I'm at, I can die at any second, no matter where. But right now, here in Capim Town, I can act leisurely even when there's an obvious threat in the guild. At least I prefer this over the things back home. It's like I toggled lunatic mode into easy mode difficulty~.

Asana: It mostly correlates to an outlaw's ranking. Generally, the higher up they are, the more danger they represent, but this isn't absolute. Makuhita and I have had plenty of close calls, but we always bail one another out somehow. I'd keep a tally of how many times we've saved each other's lives, but I've already lost count.

Tropius: More often than you think. If I'm not careful, there's a lot of bad situations I could end up in that I'd rather not think or talk about.

Nick: There's definitely an element of danger outside of town. It's not so dangerous that you have to be hyper-paranoid all the time, but you also can't be unprepared. Dungeons are, of course, dangerous - badges help, but you definitely shouldn't go into them unprepared.

Amelia: There are some parts of town I wouldn't go into unprepared either.

Gus: Not very often. Unless I'm tagging along with another team, I tend to take easier missions. I guess the worst might be accidentally drifting out to sea when I fall asleep out on the bay...

Before joining this clover guild thing, do you have a completely different pokemon in mind than the one you're currently using, if so, then why? For example, you were planning to be this Pokemon but it's kinda overrated/legendary/too strong and decided against it or some other member got to use it before you came, and etc.

IV-Anon: Several and too many to count, including legendaries like Victini who I like visually and believed my own writing good enoigh to subvert their OP nature. I'm starting to kind of come to gripe with my current choices though, both from difficulty of drawing, writing, and reception. I'd completely trash everything I was doing to go with the Zangoose and Seviper pair I first had in mind before autistic whimsy took me over for more "fringe" ideas that I'm currently stuck with and am struggling to stay enthusiastic about currently. Sorry if this is a complete bummer of an answer.

Ribombee-anon: I planned to use Ribombee or Sneasel/Weavile from the beginning, because they’re among my favorite Pokemon. I settled on Ribombee as my main character because I thought being tiny and being able to fly were interesting traits (of course, I then decided to make Booker flightless...), and then I made Sneasel his partner. I decided against using Weavile because I was worried that a duo of fully-evolved Pokemon may be overpowered.

Makuhita-Anon: My choices for the Pokemon I used started with who would become Makuhita. I decided to make him one to reflect his personality and resilient nature, and Asana was meant to be the opposite, or a foil. In my very first sessions of throwing ideas at the wall, before I even decided to place them upon the Sand Continent, Assy was meant to be more friendly. However, as I began to trim the fat and the story began to take form, she became more antagonistic towards her partner and more arrogant. One of my regrets is not dedicating as much time to her getting over her ego as I should have.

Meowstic-anon: I originally intended to use Salazzle as the character and the guildmaster (if the option was still available). She would have a personal Salandit subordinate that does work for her in the background while she does normal guild stuff. I can't remember much as it has been so long ago, but I recalled that the main focus is on some certain Salandits with distinct personalities and just messing around during errands for Salazzle. Salazzle herself entered the world as a Salandit who served an avaricious Salazzle master. She greatly dislikes and rebels against that; of course, she fails, but she keeps coming back up until eventually she manages to pull off a "coup." And with that, everyone was set free. Some of the Salandits decide to follow her, not because of the pheromones, but because they were inspired by her charisma and swore loyalty to her to the depths of the earth. She was hesitant at first but eventually came to accept them once she evolved into a Salazzle. As for her name, she didn't have any when I wrote the story for her, but after I reused the character for something else, her name would be Snapdragons, like the flower. The reason I changed my mind was because, honestly, people might find it strange to have Salazzle as guild master, like it will give the wrong impression of the guild, both in-universe and in the threads, heh, and also because I remembered I don't want to play a female character again, and thus I chose the one I'm currently using now.

Elm-anon: My first consideration was the Gengar line, but having the character start pre-evolved didn't sit right with me at the time, so Haunter and Gengar were out of the question. On the other hand, I never wrote anything before all this so I wasn't confident in being able to write stories featuring a limbless ball (Ghastly), so I discarded the idea too. The next pick was Duskull and I'm glad I choose it, because the mon grew on me even more and during the character's conception I had some fun ideas (including one that I still haven't properly introduced).

Chespin-Anon: I had always gone Wooper/Mareep in the past, but for the sake of writing, a team with no arms sounded much too difficult to write about, so I went with another favorite mon of mine. The vines coming into play just gave me more freedom, as well.

Carrot-Anon: Maybe? I already had the basic outline of Carrot and Hazel from another project but i ported them to the Clover world, at the same time there's a tidbit of Carrot lore i will probably never mention or do due to it being a bit fucked up, it's still canon but idk if i should make it an important part of the non-canon story

Rowlet-anon: Cider was originally going to be a Piplup, since most of his character emulates the way the human Piplup acted in the Explorers anime specials, but I decided against that since there were too many Water-types, and I think Rowlet was the ultimately better choice looking back on it. Both species are birds and have the same general body shape anyway, so it's not too big of a change art-wise.

KFC-anon: I was gonna do a Flaafy or Ampharos, but Macom beat me to the punch on the Mareep line. I would have proven Electric types are the strongest using a shit ton of Physics and Math Proofs.

Fern-Anon: I opened the thread for the first time with 'A Vulpix' in mind, but reconsidered after poking through the character list. I thought about Pachirisu, Quilava, and Minccino until I got comfortable with Zorua. Originally I considered those for the partner role as well, but the relationship in my mind suggested that the partner should be larger. Sylveon was my first choice then, but the character list at the time implied there already was one. It keeps me up at night.

Flareon-Anon: My autistuc fixation with umbreon was here long before CG. Enny wasn't initially part of the plan though. At first I figured I'd do an espeon partner, but it felt cliche. Ultimately, I wanted a group that could play around with Adrian's attitude so I picked a sylveon because its flamboyant nature would piss anyone off (and I really fucking hate sylveon personally).
As a fun bit of side trivia, Bellossom and Vileplume were picked from the random pokemon picker site and I didn't even know they were related at the time.

Growlithe-anon: Very early on, I wanted Bill to be an alolan vulpix, possibly a female one. That way, both twins would be more contrasted between each other. I'm happy so far with what I have for several reasons, though. One of them being that the idea of a female alolan vulpix being a counselor for /vp/ anons is too goofy to take seriously. Not that what I wrote so far is super serious most of the time, but it's certainly a different flavor. Standoffish alolan vulpixes were already a thing here also, of course.

Linoone-anon : Yes, I was almost a furret courier when the guild started : post in thread but then spontaneously changed to a Linoone for no particular reason. I had no idea this would become what it is today!

Tropius-anon: I considered Treecko since it's a more vanilla pick than something like Tropius and wasn't taken. Tropius is a much better and more interesting pick, so I'm happy I just went with my favorite Pokemon instead of something more standard. I didn't consider it at the time of joining, but I've had ideas lately for a character being a Cranidos who couldn't think straight most of the time due to Cranidos being dumb as rocks thanks to its skull shape. I really only want to have one character to write for, but in an alternate universe I think that's what I would have gone with.

Vulpix-anon: I had a few potential options in mind, but I decided to go with these ones mostly to reuse memory/ROM space.

Oshawott-anon: Much like Linoone-anon, I would've gone with Furret, since its my favorite pokemon. Ended up going with Oshawott since that was my protag in the GTI run I had just started, plus it's body shape is closer to human than the other option I was thinking of. Maybe I could've ended up with Shinx too, since one of the pmd stories I had been playing around with before the guild started had one as a protag.

Kiyo-anon: I drew my team from a romhack I'd played on the /pmdg/ drawboard before I had any plans to join the guild, so no. I didn't put any thought into it at all... Probably a good thing, cuz I'd have over-analyzed the choice otherwise!

If clover guild did not exist, where would you be at this point in time?

IV-Anon: Minor possibility I'd have joined some PMD rp group to see if it filled that niche of creativity i wanted, run into some really skeevy shit with it, and return to swearing off doing that kind of shit again. So realistically I'd be probably fucking around in other video games and never have picked back up doing creative art or writing.

Ribombee-anon: I’d definitely be living a more boring and lonely life without the guild, that’s for sure. I also would’ve never gotten into art like I did after joining this group. As for stories, I was already writing stories before the guild, but I kept them to myself (aside from a handful of exceptions). The guild gave me more confidence about sharing my writing, and I’m grateful for that.

Flareon-anon: I'd have ditched my creative side entirely. I hadn't written for fun since I started taking Creative Writing classes in High School, so about 5 years. I wasn't making any use of my drawing pad and considered selling it. Would've just continued lurking /v/ in my free time

Makuhita-anon: I'd have probably continued being the useless loser I know I am. I've always been a dreamer and an ideas guy, but the Guild was the first time I actually decided to make something beyond vague, spur-of-the-moment ideas I never elaborate or follow up on. If anything, having something I can use my energy on, even if it's as silly as writing fanfiction, has improved my attitude and my quality of life a lot.

Meowstic-anon: Honestly, not really much would have changed, as I would probably do the same thing I have been doing somewhere else, and I do write stuff on my own for myself, so that wouldn't change as well... The only thing that would be missing is meeting you guys... yeah...

Elm-anon: Probably would still be hanging in a certain Discord server that has pretty much been on life-support for years, meaning much less interactions with others. I also don't think I would ever have tried serious drawing or writing without this fateful occurence. It's just too bad that I have been busy with college to interact more.

Chespin-Anon: Probably a whole lot of nothing, like I had been doing for years prior. Possibly looking for something PMD-related to work on because I can never stay away from this stuff for long. It's still pretty crazy to me that this has gone on as long as it has, along with everything else.

Carrot-Anon: I already am in another project, to be honest Clover was a side project that suddenly became my main focus from time to time but yeah, i'd be focusing more in the other project i have

KFC-anon: Probably the same shit I always do, just alone.

Fern-Anon: If I weren't here, I know that I'd have dropped this franchise entirely and moved on. I've always called myself a terrible writer, and would never have considered it as a hobby, although art is something I have wanted to pick up for a long time. But if not for the encouragement from some, I would never have made the attempt at all. I'm thankful for this and everyone here.

Linoone-anon Reading kino fanfiction and drawing artwork for them, maybe. But I would be no where near as productive without the passion that Clover Guild fuels me with. A lot of good friens here. And kino stories. And kino art. Everything.

Tropius-anon: Halcyon probably would be further along as all my PMD energy would have been focused into that. But without the CG I don't think my passion for art, writing, and PMD in general would be as satiated or as strong. The people in this group are my only friends that are into Pokemon, let alone PMD, so it's been really nice finally having people I can connect to.

Vulpix-anon: Impossible to say. I'd probably be working on something unrelated to Pokémon/PMD, though.

Oshawott-anon: There'd be a lot less pokemon in my life. I'm answering three months late, but in the year and a quarter since Clover Guild started, I've spent most of my free time and creative endevours either directly among the Guild or with groups I wouldn't have met if I hadn't found Clover Guild first. I'd probably be hanging out with the friend groups I was before here; relationships and friendships that have honestly been languishing since clover guild started.

How many of the doors around the guild have handles or doorknobs, if any?

Kiyo-Anon: I know there are doors in the basement that have handles because they're kept locked. Most other doors, I'd imagine, just swing open either way.

Carrot-Anon: At first i wanted one in C&H's room because Hazel is somewhat dexterous although not fully, but enough to open locks, then i remembered how big are Lycanroc's claws so Carrot would be locked out so yeah, probably the most dexterous 'mons have them but most don't due to the afformentioned reasons

Vulpix-anon: I'd imagine most of the guild dormrooms have curtains rather than doors, at least. I know I designed Nick and Amelia's that way.

Do you see yourself in the characters you write? (Are they self-inserts, inspired by people you've met, or a completely made up personality?)

IV-Anon: Gross exaggerations of different parts of my personality with a unique individual born out of them based on people I've known, seen in comics, cartoons, and video games. For example, Error is based on horribly negative self-portrayals of my past mental health, and I try to avoid it getting too real with the surreal nature of him being a robotic Pokemon. Turk is a self-parody of a cringey OC I made when I was younger that I've based on early 2000's era deviant art nonsense. He's just an expy of that whole teenage Invader Zim/Hot Topic young internet I still have a soft spot for. As of writing this I'm couching those characters to write something less self-deprecating and more passion driven, which is what the Zangoose character's going to aim toward.

vee: Rain is loosely based off a friend I have (her room has like 100 plants!!) and Cory is inspired by sitcoms I watch!

Ribombee-anon: The original idea behind the Clover Guild was (more or less) about self-inserting into PMD, so Booker is heavily based on myself. I wanted Sneasel to be pretty much his opposite in every way, since I like the idea of foils, so I made her a headstrong and mischievous tomboy. Cooper’s personality is meant to be a modified version of Booker’s personality, after he becomes more jaded and paranoid due to his trauma. And again, Testa was designed to be his opposite, being more outgoing and cheerful.

Meowstic-anon: Not necessarily. Honestly, I would say Muscari is closer to being a self-insert than Lliam ever will be. For Lliam's case, his story and character are technically an inspiration (or should I say directly ported) from my old PMD story notes from long ago; that itself is just something I came up with based on the Pokedex entries for Espurr and Meowstic, and I built it from there. The personality of someone that's two-faced is from TV shows and movies, and he wasn't originally like that; something happens in the past that affects him, and so on, so I guess it's more of a logical step forward in what he is now, if that makes sense.

Makuhita-Anon: No, not really. In fact, I'd say that Makuhita is the polar opposite of myself, being extroverted and confident.

Flareon-Anon: At first, yeah Adrian was a self-insert in a lot of ways. I have epilepsy and one of the side effects of my medication is that I have issues controlling my aggression. I was also pursuing a career in law enforcement at the time (turns out you have to be seizure and medicine free for five years to get in) so that part of Adrian's character which was lightly touched upon in his intro story was a real aspect of me. Nowadays, I don't really identify with him much because I think I've made him too aggressive. I actually find myself relating more to Vileplume of all things, mostly because he's a fuckup at a lot of things he does
Oh, and most of Enny's one-liners aren't written by me. They're either suggestions from other people or quotes from one of my friends who's a total faggot. I cannot fathom how Enny would think so I don't even try

Growlithe-anon: Bill and Gill are definitely me in similar ways that other people have said about their characters. Gill straight up started his life as a self-insert back when I didn't have stories planned and I just wanted to make an avatar to stop being an anonymous artist. While Gill is still clearly idealized and static, I like to think that I've done a decent enough job at making him a character in service of a narrative rather than an SI in a PMD setting. For what it's worth, it's how I personally see it in the idealized plan for my story, which has set-in-stone beats and an ending in mind. Bill being the actual protagonist helps also. There's more I could say on the matter, but I don't want to spoil anything.
I do believe that "write what you know" is not so much a saying as it is a fact of reality. It often shows in character-based stories more because the best and most readily accessible source of knowledge in the world is always going to be yourself. Thus, you will have characters and events who invariably reflect your attitudes and worldviews. It's not universal, of course—many people who write for fun or are aware of this fact may not be as overt about it. Life experience also broadens the type of stuff you can write as a result, too. I'm just saying that Bill and Gill would've probably still have been mostly the same either way.

Carrot-Anon: No, i try to keep my own personality and my characters fully independent, because first i'm quite boring haha, and second because i like writting character personalities the way i do it with C&H, somewhat of a contrast with mine
Self-insert guise, same answer, i don't do it at all, i try to get detached from my characters as much as possible to avoid becoming repetitive or a meta-knowledge lamelord, so yeah, fully made-up

Linoone-anon : Because of how these threads started, yeah, Linoone was at first supposed to be a self-insert, but I managed to evolve him in such a way to differentiate him a little bit more from me, to make it more interesting.

Tropius-anon: He's a self-insert for sure, I find it hard to write this sort of character without self inserting given he's my only character and the nature of clover guild. I try to differentiate him from me when I can, but i'd say he's more of one than not. Typically, when it comes to larger character stuff though, the self insertion is in a more metaphorical sense than literal.

Vulpix-anon: Honestly, I don't think it's possible to not, to a certain extent. None of them are fully self-inserts at this point in time, though - I'd like to think they're more developed as characters than that.

Oshawott-anon: Given that the original idea was "what if (you) became a pokemon with everyone else in this thread," yes Gus initially was a self-insert, though in the mythos of the clover guild project he's kinda taken on a life of his own, which is for the best. Somehow everyone thinks he's suicidal now...

Kiyo-anon: None of the three strangers are a self insert. As a general writing thing, I DO kinda put myself into all my characters, but none of the three were strictly made to reflect myself. Their personalities were made with the goal of balancing each other and having a cool dynamic. Keeping the talent divided among all three instead of two makes it much easier to keep one character from being annoyingly strong, I think. Also, Bean needed to be there so they could have a found-family relationship- if it was just Kiyo and Cassie the two would be seen as potential ""partners"". I made them thieves, made Cassie obsessed with cute things, and made Kiyo angry so they could make trouble in the guild, which at the time felt like it could use an "instigator" for narrative purposes. I don't know if they actually served that purpose, but that was the mindset going into it.

Pub: 04 Mar 2024 01:39 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2024 07:44 UTC
Views: 5214