
Aliases: Cass, AI, Robot Girl
Sex: Despite being artificial, considers herself female
Race or Species: Despite being artificial, considers herself a Sanallite
Lifespan: Created in Sol 6582(vte 1013)
Location(s): 74th Expeditionary Fleet Flagship Lamington, Republic Owl, briefly /uuu/ and /rrat/
Native Culture: Sanalitian
Religion: None
Native Language(s): Sanalea, Mu'rhka, Leriosterunion, G'mad'la, and 38 other official languages of the Milky Way Confederation
Known Languages: Hooman, Moriji, Kat Nol, Tupai, Yectic

Friendly Factions: Hoomen, Kronies
Friends: Every member of the 74th Expeditionary Fleet, Lunet Totim, RR-9141
Acquaintances: Lanuna Passionfruit, Xohildr, admiral Jovial

Occupation: Artificial Intelligence of the 74th Expeditionary Fleet

As she is essentially an extremely advanced computer, she can process information multiple times faster than a normal human. That, combined with her access to a (regrettably very basic) satellite system which connects her to the mainframe situated inside Lamington, grants her extensive knowledge and understanding of many subjects, ranging from agriculture and engineering to philosophy.
While her robotic body would require its batteries to be recharged, a blessing granted upon her by Sana provides her with enough power where that is not necessary. This same blessing has also been turning her more human, as the feelings she could once only simulate she can now experience like a living creature would.

Height: 168cm
Weight: 73kg
Eye color: Green
Hair: Wavy, shoulder length, #FFF8E7 color(Cosmic Latte)
Body and face: Resembling that of a human female, albeit metallic and silvery white in color, with ornate etchings on her arms and legs.
Visual example of her body shape, as some degenerates wanted that.

Notable personality traits:
While quiet and reserved when first meeting the a person, she will turn cheery, familiar and michevious when she has a good grasp on their personallity. This can be either her genuine feelings or a facade meant to put the person off guard and help her achieve whichever goal she is set on.
She will seldom take any situation seriously on the outside, but will always strive to resolve them as cleanly and efficiently as possible. This does not extend to her own safety, however, as she understands that no matter what happens to her physical body, she will not die as long as the mainframe is operational.

As she has experienced the suffering of Sanallites, she wishes to never again see those she cares about suffering. While at first this would only include to those she personally knows, her experiences in the Republic would extend that feeling towards all the Council pantheon nations.

Dreams and Goals:
Experience the cultures of this world and have an adventure. Not being bored. Find out why the gods abandoned Sanallites and left them to their grizzly fate. See if there is a way to get back at them for the pain they had to endure while in Vitubia. Boop the snoot of every snake she can.

What she would do if those she holds dear would come to harm. She understands the power that she wields and fears what she might do with said power if her newfound feelings would take control of her.

Children's games
Observation and documentation of animal species, particularly sea creature
Food preparation

Animals in general
Pastry making

FPS games
People who enjoy rare/medium rare steak

She will quickly assign pet names to people she interacts with, like kitten or sweets. She also does not like staying still, and will quickly find something to play with if bored. Examples include doing pen tricks and dismantling her hands while in important meetings she has no interest in.

Created over a century ago as the latest government AI, she has been distributed over 81 different planets over the Confederation space. She has also been the AI in use by the Expeditionary Fleets starting from the 67th. During the latest expedition, the ship encountered a problem and crashlanded on an alien planet, Vitubia. From there on, the members of the expedition tried to establish a base of operation and hopefully eventually return back into space, with Cassandra offering logistical support. Unfortunately, however, the local inhabitants continously raided the crash site, resulting in further damages, casualties and delaying of plans. This eventually culminated into a great raid, during which Cassandra was forced offline due to unknown forces. As she came back online, the station was almost completely trashed and the majority of the inhabitants dead. The few hundred survivors, now at the end of their rope, rallied being their current and former Principals, with a single mission of taking the fight back to the savages. To that end, Cassandra outfited them all, albeit reluctantly, in the strongest battle armors the Sol Confederation had at it's disposal. On the morning of their departure, both the combatants, as well as the few dozen that refused to join in the revenge and Cassandra herself, recieved a blessing from the goddess Sana herself, effectively turning every survivor into a catalognaut. After the departure of those who would eventually be known as The Weeping Titans Of The North, Cass focused her attention at getting the station back in working order. As the raids did not happen anymore, and the human element was completely taken out of the equation, she and her small army of robotic helpers managed to get most of the ship systems back within a decade. Beside fixing the station, she also launched a series of small satellites into orbit to fulfill a promise to a certain friend of hers, who is still floating up there to this day. On the 10th anniversary of the Titans departure she herself left the station in a robotic body she built for herself.


I wish for Cassandra to be used by any writer that finds her interesting, as her goal of having an adventure and experience the different cultures is pretty open ended. The only "rule" I have for anyone wishing to write her in is that she does not settle anywhere. She would constantly be travelling from region to region, country to country, continent to continent.

She should, at most, be a side character to whatever grand storyline is happening, even if she is the main character in the story. At no point should she be used as a catalyst for major technological advancements on a national level, and that goes doubly so for advancements in military equipment. The only exception to this rule are the Council nations IF they ever come under attack by external forces, and Cassandra is established to be present in the country at the time and in a position where she can influence things.

Writing notes:
Have fun with her.

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Pub: 12 Jan 2023 15:05 UTC
Edit: 15 Jan 2023 05:19 UTC
Views: 332