'Cause we need a little, controversy ¡! ❞



★ I make KYS/KMS jokes. I reclaim slurs. I'm a gatekeeper of characters/shows/things I love. Use tonetags when talking to me for most things. I come off as blunt and lacking in sympathy, do not look to me for comfort.

'Cause it feels so empty without me ¡! ❞


⋆ Basic Dni Criteria. -16 or +25. You support or cannot admit when something is problematic. Annoying, Clingy, or overly Flirty people. You just want to start Drama.

I said this looks like a *job for me ¡! ❞

Please view in light mode Thank you for reading

Pub: 26 Feb 2023 18:39 UTC
Edit: 16 Oct 2023 12:03 UTC
Views: 1289