1. Uninstall current office installed via Windows Control Panel
    or find the latest OfficeScrubber extract then run Full_Scrub.cmd (recommended for clean install).
  2. Download Office Deployment Tool (ODT)
  • Extract, then copy and paste setup.exe file from the folder to the root of the C drive, i.e. C:
  1. Goto Office Customization Tool
  • Select version of Microsoft office you want in the office suites section and select Latest version.

Customize other things and leave as default where you don't understand something.

  • Once you go through all the options, click on the export button and it will download a file named Configuration.xml
  • Copy and paste the downloaded Configuration.xml file to the root of the C drive, i.e. C:
  1. Open the command prompt as admin and run the below commands:

cd /d C:\

setup.exe /configure Configuration.xml

This command will directly install Office online.

Now activate your newly installed Office with Microsoft-Activation-Scripts


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Pub: 19 Oct 2021 04:06 UTC
Edit: 03 Feb 2022 15:17 UTC
Views: 11704