Drunk Conner by anonymous

another long day wage slaving
At least you get weekends off, TGIF and all that.
you're on your way to visit Conner at his place
his shift at the computer store should have ended a while ago, maybe you'll both go out to dinner, or just chill out together
whatever happens, you're happy that you get to see him
you arrive at his apartment and take out the spare key he gave you
as you enter, you see Conner in his desk chair, tilting his head back
hearing the door open, he perks up and gives a smile
"Ah-ahnooon!" he slurs with a smile
'Hey there, how are you doing?' you respond as you step in
as you make your way closer, you knock over a couple of empty beer cans
... actually, more than a couple
"cuh-cuhm here..." he says as he slowly gets up from his chair, stumbling over to you
he gently grabs both of your shoulders and starts to give you an open mouth kiss
oh yeah, you can smell the beer now
your old college days inform you that this is a level of "oh shit I'm feelin' it now" type of drunk
you return with a peck on his lips
'I take it you had a long day?' you smile
Conner slowly walks over to his couch "Oh it was AWHFUL-Awfull... we had this BICHT regionahl manager visit... she 'cumplaned 'bout EVERYthin..."
you take a seat next to him, 'Well it's in the past now. You working tomorrow?'
he nods "yesh, but not until night." he sinks back into the couch and takes a long sigh
'Well, you wanna go get something to eat? We could check out that new place that opened up.'
Conner just shakes his head, and after a moment points to the ground next to his desk
you see a plethora of cookie wrappers and containers, all empty. Oreos, chips ahoy, girlscout cookies (you think those are going stale actually)
'Oh, I guess you're good for now.' you turn back to him 'Well, we can always just hang out.'
"Schure... oh!" he exclaims
Conner rises from the couch and brings you over a beer
'Thanks, I was actually getting a bit thirsty.'
He hands you a slightly cold beer from a 6 pack he hadn't finished yet
you crack open a bear (beer) and take a sip
pretty light, but it's cheap.
"Sorry I ate already..." Conner says meekly as he sits back down
'Hey, don't sweat it. We can grab lunch tomorrow before your shift.'
"Th-Thanks..." he says with a small smile on his face, but it quickly fades away
'Somethin' wrong?' you ask
"No.. no it's nothing dude..." he mutters, looking at the ground
you put your hand on his cheek and guide his face to yours
'Hey, you know I love you right? You can tell me anything.'
He looks like he's about to break into tears
"are..." he starts
you wait for him to finish
"A-are you happy being with me?" he looks at you with a worried expression, dulled by his drunkenness
'Wha- what do you mean? Of course I'm happy being with you! What would make you think that I wasn't happy?'
it looks like he's trying to force the words out when he responds, "Y-Youh deserve someone wh-who doesn't get shithfaced on date night! Someone who is going placed with their life! Not someone like m-me who still hasnt been promoted ONCE at his johb!"
you can see tears forming in his eyes
"I-I just want to be good for you! I don't want you to be bored with me or..." his tears amplify "throw me away when you get sick of me!"
'Conner...' you say softly
"I'm sorry... please don't leave! I can get better!"
'Conner.' you repeat, a bit firmer
"You're the only good thing in my life!" he exclaims as the tears flow unrestrained
'Conner!' you repeat a third time, not quite yelling but getting close
he sniffles and looks at you
it pains you to see him like this, he looks like he just forced something out that he always kept in his mind, and never once thought he'd actually say. Now he's waiting for a response.
you put both your hands on his cheeks and bring him closer to your face
you give a slight smile
'I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life.'
you continue, still looking deep in his eyes, 'Not one day goes by when I don't think about you, how I remember the fun we have, how I anticipate what memories we'll share together.'
you take your hands off his cheeks and bring him in for a close hug
'And most of all, not one day goes by where I don't consider myself the luckiest guy in the world to have found you.'
you keep him held in your arms for a while, after a moment Conner returns the hug
you can feel the wet stains in your shoulders as he sobs quietly
you kept him held for what feels like hours, but in reality are minutes
you slowly break the embrace as he wipes his eyes
you give him a smile, which he returns
'Come on, let's get you to bed.' you get up off the couch and walk him to his bed, where he removes his pants and keeps his underwear and shirt on
"ugh....Ihm drunk..." he states
'What gave it away?' you smirk, as you join him
"hmmm...." he mumbles as he snuggles up to you
"I love you...."
'I love you too, Conner.' you wrap your arms around him as you both fall asleep.

I don't write so no bully ;_;
Hope you enjoyed

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Pub: 28 Apr 2022 10:39 UTC
Views: 1351