Burning up for You

"This is one of many tales of Ferdinando della Ceresara, truly one of the most interesting and extraordinary men of our times. I have had the pleasure of knowing him my whole life, and everything I tell you comes from my own experiences at his side, from others, or from the man himself. Some things may be embellished but this, like many of his stories are worth telling." - Fabrizio Bergamaschi

1° Capitolo

Iniziamo insieme questo Viaggio! Forenoon of 12th Virgo, 1132 ZE In the Harbour of Ravenna

"Ferdinando, you understand your orders, correct? Do I need to repeat them to you?"

"No, Pollastrini, no! It's pretty straightforward, isn't it?" Ferdinando said scratching his neck with a smile.

Pollastrini cross armed and cockeyed looked over the young Captain well before uttering "Even things that are straightforward can be a struggle with you! But I have greater worries than you..."

"Let me have a wee guess... It is Tagliaferro and Dionisotti, being villainous towards each other, right?" said Ferdinando with a grin.

Pollastrini sighs and puts his hand on his face in contempt "You truly have no idea how much I could garrote both of those cretins!" crossing his arms again and looking away he goes on "Last night, those two got into a shouting match over what wine was the best and I had to wake up from my nap to prevent them from killing each other! I wish they would actually kill each other so I didn't have to concern myself with their petty squabbles."

"Ah, relax Comandante! When we are sea, they can only fight over so much!" laughed Ferdinando.

"I wish it was that simple lad, I really do. But it will be even more stressful at sea because I have to worry about these two nobs potentially risking ships!"

Putting his hand of Pollastrini should and with a smile, Ferdinando said "Well, if nothing else, you are the commander and can put that scoundrel Tagliaferro in jail shout he act up! haha" then saluting Pollastrini I have full trust in you Comandante!"

Pollastrini laughs "Thank you, dear Conte! At least we have you, Azzolini and Vaccarezza this trip! I heard we are meeting the son of Jacques d'Avranches at Principe."

"Oh? This is to me, should be interesting to meet the son of one of my uncle's foes."

"Yes, he is quite accomplished in his own right, lad. Think he has a lot in common with you!" says Pollastrini with a smile.

Laughing Ferdinando "Hopefully he turns out to be like me instead of Martinelli!"

The two laugh before Pollastrini says "Yes, I do hope so! We set sail in two hours lad, get yourself in order!"

Stepping into a formal salute Ferdinando goes "Aye aye, Contrammiraglio!"

Acknowledging the salute Pollastrini says, "At ease, Tenente di Vascello, see you at sea!"

One Hour Later, still at the dock

"Ferdie, you be careful now?"

"When have I never been careful Lulu? I am the most careful soul alive!" Ferdinando laughs.

Looking at him deeply with her starry eyes before turning away, his little sister Lucrezia remarks "Never!"

Ferdinando laughs hard as she continues "You are the very definition itself of recklessness! What will poor poor Martia do if you get caught in the crossfire of those two wicked men (Tagliaferro and Dionisotti)? Hmm?"

Bending over and holding her hand Ferdinando replies with a smile "Oh Lulu, il mio piccolo! I can assure you that those two will not harm me on this venture." brushes her hair back and turns looks in her deep purplish-blue eyes "Believe me on this one, I might be a fool most of the time, but I will not fool around when it comes to something this important. I promise you with all my heart, I will be back safe and sound as always."

With a smug look, she shrugs him off, puts her hands on her hips and quips "Well, if you are that certain, I will be sure to spit on your grave should break this promise and get yourself killed Ferdie! Hmph!"

Ferdinando starts to crack up, "You would, wouldn't you little brat. hahaha Come here and wish your amato fratello a safe journey!"

The two embrace and kiss each other on each cheek "I love you, Ferdie! Stay safe!"

"Love you too, Lulu. Keep Jules happy, ok?"

"I can do that! See you!" Lucrezia says before running away.

Ferdinando smiles watching her waltz away. He loved his sister more than anyone in the world, she was his best friend, and he was so proud of the beautiful young lady she had become. He would kill any bastard that dared to lay a hand on her with lust or violence, no matter who it was! He didn't have the time to say goodbye to his betrothed, Martia Orsini, but he would miss her a lot too. But there was no more time to worry about home! He had to get his men ready. As he boarded the Nibbio he panicked thinking he was going to be late, only to realize that his First Mate, Fabrizio Bergamaschi had already got the crew ready for the trip. Thank the stars for him!

Aboard the Nibbio, departure time

Waving on to the crowds at Ravenna, the Nibbio started its journey to Principe Island. Ferdinando had been looking forward to this mission for a while because of the prestige it would bring, as being part of the mission to meet the long-term rivals in the Imperial Tsukinode Navy on friendly terms was something that the nation as a whole was proud of. He was somewhat nervous about it, what if he did bungle it when the whole nation was watching eagerly? How could he face his family if he messed up this mission? But if he didn't, his name would become well known! This opportunity doesn't come often, so he had to take it! Either way, the anticipation was going to kill him!

2° Capitolo

L'incontro di due vecchi rivali! Sundown of 30th Libra, 1132 ZE In the Stazione Navale Principe

“I am no fan of this idea Pollastrini!” said Carnesecchi with a gruff voice “I have never been a fan of these *”reconciliatory” policies of our government. First it was the Retro Reich, now it is our MORTAL ENEMY!” takes off his glasses “It’s almost as if our nation is rotting from inside!” sighs “Well, blast me. Not much we can do now…”

Pollastrini, who quite honestly does not care at all about the diplomacy nor government policies has listened to Viceammiraglio Gianfrancesco Carnesecchi rant about his orders for 30 minutes now and has remained silent for the most part with some interjections in between. “Sire, you know that orders are orders. No use in grumbling over it.”

“Oh, I know Carlo. I just needed to get that off my chest. The stars know this damnable post is hell for me!”

Pollastrini empathizes with Carnesschi. The old man has been exiled to this island for his final years of service, in part to his criticism of the reconciliatory policies. This is one of many reasons why Pollastrini doesn’t care about politics, he knows this will be his fate if he speaks up. “Right, it’s why I maintain an apathy towards whatever the politicians or admiralty do. So long as it doesn’t interfere with my mission, I couldn’t care.”

The old man looks with a sad grin “A wise decision, I should have had the same ideas as you… Anyways, how is the wife?”

Smiling Pollastrini “She is doing well with our boys.” chuckles “Those rascals are a handful but they will be sailors just like their papa!”

“Be careful what you wish for, Carlo! They might end up usurping your post like that brat in the Retro Reich did to her step father.” Carnesschi says with vigilance.

“Well, that is one area where I will be political! My boys won’t do it to me!”

“You best hope, Carlo. You best hope!” says Carnesschi with a laugh.

The whole affair with the Retro Reich’s admiralty was still fresh in the minds of the Marina Stellare and would be likely until Elaine Smirk left office. They had happily came to terms with the Royal Navy with the Pact of the Stars but whenever the oldman was usurped by this young woman that he had raise as his own daughter of all people, it really left a wretched taste in the mouth of most of the navy. Even the non-political officers like Pollastrini found this absolutely disgusting behaviour.

Displacing a war hero from power was bad enough, but the fact that it was his step-daughter was unthinkable. In a nation where women are not allowed to hold political or military office, where gender roles are strictly observed and where the elderly are held in high regard; this was nothing short of a cardinal sin. The rumours of her sleeping her way to the top, her being a child of nepotism and above all a treacherous black widow had infected the entire navy and most of the aristocracy of the nation. They would never cooperate with a navy where this was allowed to take place and many of the prominent admirals of the navy wanted to put her in her rightful place. At their feet. It was a problem that threatened to destroy the Pact of the Stars and as things develop, time will tell if it does. The only thing seemingly holding the pact together at the moment is the realpolitik policies of Remigius XII and the Republic of Owl.

Beyond this notable aside, the trip to Principe Island had been largely uneventful. Naturally, rude words were shared between Tagliaferro and Dionisotti, but nothing awful had broken out… yet. Now that they were at Principe, poor Pollastrini would need to make sure these children didn’t embarrass his nation in front of the world.

Ferdinando himself was incredibly eager as noted and he believed his fun had just began. Renting out two harlots for the night and fine wine, nothing could be more true for him. Women, and wine was always one of his favourite pastimes and tonight would be no different nor the next few days.

Sun’s High, 2nd of Scorpio, 1132 ZE Gran Palazzo

To say this was a wild day is an understatement. The introduction to the Tsukinode Navy couldn't have gone worse, with Tagliaferro and Dionisotti embarrassing their comrades with their pathetic behaviour and Ferdinando getting into a fight with their Commodore! We recommend reading the companion piece to this, Lord of the Seas: Louis d'Avranches, Act II Chapter XIV for better context and detailing of many of the events briefly mentioned. This work will be citated and is encouraged to be read alongside this story!

Anyways, while Louis and Ferdinando were busy beating the snot out of each other, and poor Antoine de Labouheyre and Fabrizio Bergamaschi were making sure they didn't actually kill each other; a most interesting event happened back at the Gran Palazzo. You see, Tagliaferro being the absolute plonker that he is decided that he would pick a fight with one of the tougher sons-of-bitches the Imperial Navy had, Benedictus van der Zouwen.

Not quite liking the Syrenian's taste in food, Tagliaferro opened his arrogant mouth and said "Sirenboy! Is that what you bottom feeders like to have back in your swampy homeland?"

Immediately knowing what was about to happen, Pollastrini stood up and shouted "Enough Tagliaferro, do not insult our honoured guests!"

"I do not care what you say you spineless fool!" he snapped back at him. "This fish fondler has said enough bullshit!"

Note that Benedictus van der Zouwen had early said a sly comment about Tagliaferro being a nonce after Tagliaferro bragged about bagging a young girl to the table. Tagliaferro tried to control himself for once but now was out for blood after the Syrenian ordered cod of all things instead of shellfish. Zouwen stood up and silent walked over to Tagliaferro with an expression that could barely hidely the anger he had. Tagliaferro was everything he hated. A dishonourable braggart who was thought he was the toughest man in the room. He may have been above average in height at 1.8 m (Tagliaferro) but the giant that was Zouwen at 2 m towered over him.

Zouwen got as close as he could and asked him a simple question "Repeat what ye said, or did I get me ears wrong?"

Still full of himself, Tagliaferro repeated "I said what I said, you are a fish fondling, swamp rat! You likely don't even know how to fucking read yo-"

As others tried to break up what was about to happen, the giant Syrenian grabbed Tagliaferro by his neck and raised him up to eye level. With others trying to pull the two apart Zouwen uttered two words "Time's up." and with others grabbing on to him threw a nasty punch right into Tagliaferro's face. So violent was the punch that it broke his face in multiple faces on impact and Zouwen wasn't done. He pushed the others back, with them falling to the ground and watching helpless as Zouwen walked slowly over to the concussed Tagliaferro. He kicked him across the room, and then picked him up only to start wailing on him again. Half of Tagliaferro's teeth were knocked out, his skull was fractured, and his nose, jaw and cheekbones were broken. He could barely breath when Zouwen was finished with him. Zouwen, looking at him with pity simply remarked "A fool earns his keep, this will be a lesson for you to learn your pathetic donkey's ass. Then as if nothing happened, Zouwen walked over and sat down to continue eating to the shock of everyone else. This man was a monster!

But no one pitied Tagliaferro enough to take issue with what had happened to him. He was carried off on a cot to the hospital, his injuries were reported to be from "falling downstairs." instead of the true nature being revealed. Zouwen was applauded by many later for taking care of that son of a bitch once and for all. Indeed, Tagliaferro had suffered such terrible injuries that he would have to learn to walk, talk and basic motor skills all over again. He would be dishonourable discharged from the navy after this as well for his disgraceful behaviour. His ultimate fate, of being eaten by his own dogs two Zodiac's later after he was unable to feed them properly was a fitting end to a man that truly was a dog.

Sundown, 2nd of Scorpio, 1132 ZE Rosa Estetista

After being stitched up, and a couple hours of napping, Ferdinando woke up eager to get to know his knew brother-at-arms better. A man truly cut from the same cloth as him was this Avranches, and wanted to hit the town with this magnificent bastard! Despite warnings from Fabrizio telling him he needed rest for the journey tomorrow, he could not be dissuaded from seeking the Commodore for some leisure time. Getting his second-best clothes (the best had been ruined by the mud, blood and tears of combat.), he ran off to the Victoire telling the crew he would be back in time later. He handed over command to Fabrizio naturally for now.

When he finally found Avranches, the Commodore was in his office doing paperwork. Both men were still heavily bandaged. When the door opened, Louis said "Antoine, I am a little bus-"

In a humorously showy tone, Ferdinando said "It is not, Antoine, Sir Louis... Rather your greatest enemy, Conte Ferdinando della Ceresara ready to light up the night with thee!"

Louis immediately closed his paperwork, and a large smile came across his face "So its you... must admit the eyepatch fits you quite well mate haha!"

"You like it? Was one of my second mate's spares! I thought it was quite fashionable." puts his hands on Louis desk. "So here is the plan, you leave this boring paperwork to one of your mates, and tear up the town with me tonight!"

Louis crosses his arms and smiles "Well, I suppose that would be a nice break. Where are we off to wildman?"

With his hand on his chin, Ferdinando askes "You're not a... truly self restrained man, are you?"

"No no, Not by any means. I do not drink but I enjoy the sins of the flesh like any other man"

Ferdinando smirks and replies "Well well well, then... Let us find ourselves some vixens tonight!"

Laughing Louis says "I much prefer the ones you catch rather than the ones you pay."

"Good man...haha. Listen, I know just the places to find some wild ones tonight. Just down at the pub, you can find some nice catches. Nothing like back home, but for us sailors haha, they will be more than enough."

Louis stands up, brushes back his hair, buttons up his shirt and straightens his coat. "Well, that sounds like a good time to me... I'll get Antoine to take care of the boys tonight while we go out to break hearts."

"Wooo! Hell yeah brother, time to go prowlin'"

The two, being the well-dressed dandies they were, were the best dress men out that evening. And when they entered the tavern, named Rosa Estetista, it didn't take long for either of them to convince the two best looking young women there to join them for some fun. With the finest wine, and two handsome sailors, the two local girls that worked as maids during the daytime, Violetta and Antonina, happily joined them for a wild night. Renting a double room on the top end, the two cads played some rather, adult forms of gambling with the two girls, that being strip poker complimented by some interesting and flirty conversations. Naturally, the two girls were the ones that lost the game and as "punishment" were paired off. Louis and Antonina, and Ferdinando and Violetta. It was a crazy night, and by the time morning came, both Louis and Ferdinando were gone without a trace. These two girls fully expected this to begin with, but what they didn't expect was that this crazy night with two handsome sailors would leave them pregnant with the children of the two sailors...

Louis and Antoine just got back to their ships before the time came to cast away. Louis, got back in better shape since he didn't drink, but Ferdinando was suffering from a wicked hangover. He pretended that he came down with an illness when confronted by Pollastrini (Who knew better but let him get away with it) and let Fabrizio take charge until he recovered from his sickness. With his head under his pillow, he thought about how great this was for his family that he had made friends with such an important person in the Imperial Navy but most importantly, he couldn't wait to have some fun back home with Louis. The stars truly were shining on him!

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Pub: 04 Oct 2022 19:44 UTC
Edit: 06 Oct 2022 15:25 UTC
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