
Ji Jeong-Hui

“A selfish man who lives his life in falsehoods and delusion. He could do great things, if brought back to reality.”

Azrael understands his desire to run away from this City all too well. It is an unpleasant place at the very best of times, a wretched hive at the worst. But he gains nothing from such an addiction save for a momentary false and fleeting joy.
If you have travelled the world and Elysium is nowhere to be found, is better to build your own, brick by brick, than it is to live in a false one. One day, he will understand that.


“Even the Cowardly Lion earned his fierce heart in the end. I look forward to seeing how she develops.”

It is rare for such a craven person to earn themselves the lofty position of a Color, even more so for that person to possess a strong sense of morality. She is a person at odds with herself, a coward with a sense of virtue stronger than her sense of self-preservation. Such a personality is the base for many a fine hero, when they are forced away from their cowardice. Shiina may be meek and pathetic now, but that will only make her eventual growth all the more fascinating.
The greatest paragons are forged of their own fears.

Mars Valentinus

“Spite alone is an insufficient motivator… but I trust the day will come when he finds something to fight for. Then, perhaps, he will be worthy.”

Though others are driven away, terrified by his methods, Azrael sees through them to the man underneath, and what he desires. His ‘plan’ may be blunt and simple to the extreme, almost certain to fail, but his goal is noble. Unlike many others, Azrael neither fears nor scorns his brutality; they are people he set out to kill regardless, and the condition of their corpses changes nothing.
He is hardly hero material and likely never will be, but that does not mean he is not intriguing in his own right. His willingness to go to such lengths to make the City a better place—in his own way—is commendable.
Shiina could stand to learn from him.



In Azrael’s eyes, Alm has committed a sin worse than anything Mars can do to his victims in being utterly, irredeemably mundane. Powerful though she may be, in temperament she is a Fixer like all the rest, with no higher aspiration than to survive, and no behavior traits that may force her out of such a goal.
In that sense, she is even more cowardly than the Fixer of Black could ever be.
That is not to say she hates Alm, for she can spare no more emotion for her than she can the Rats that line the City’s alleyways. Background dressing, and nothing more.

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Pub: 21 May 2023 07:12 UTC
Views: 471