Aristocracy in Lunesia


Alessio de Taglialatela

Ivrea Tipografia

Edition No. III



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Dedicated to my beloved Cici.

I was sent to Lunesia on the request of His Stellar Majesty, Constantinus, to study law and customs of the Kingdom of Lunesia* — along with my colleague, Filippo Vernati. The time we spent together in this most interesting land has left a deep impression on our hearts.

It is a grandiose land of oddities, and contradictions but also is filled with noble-hearted and kind people. They value their own freedom, but also own other men as property for example.** What we did learn not only gave us knowledge of the people and culture of the fair land we ventured in, but also made us question our own beliefs in the process.

I proudly present «Aristocracy in Lunesia» — my written observations of Lunesia: her people, her culture, and her society to the rest of the world as an unbiased and unfamiliar outsider.

Baronetto Alessio D.C.A. de Taglialatela

*Known as the Kingdom of Deuxlunesia formally
** It is questionable to consider the squirrel beast-folk whom make up a good portion of the Lunesian servants as humans: given their animalistic appearance, demeanour, tendencies, and society. But the Lunesians do own actual other humans aside from those beast-folk as labourers as shall be spoke of later.


Lunatsuccia Septentrionalis is divided into two regions divided in turned by the Great Median Mountains — One descending along the vast eastern plains, another along the western coast from the foothills of the range in the lands of the Tupai — Before ending at the central Julian mountains that divide Septentrionalis from Medius. The different aspect of the east and west being based on their climate. The east is much more prone to rainfall and is generally more temperate and cooler — In comparison to the hot and dry west.

LUNESIA itself lays in the most southern part of this configuration, and lays along its natural borders to the north in the form of the Aurilia River, and the Luna mountains — And to the south along the Ischia River, and the Julian mountains.

Several dominant features divide the nation into four distinct regions overall — Veritas along the western coast to the edge of the Mooner range, Marsovia running down along the western edge of the Mooner range to the border of Kanaruca, Lunaria dominating the northeastern coast and central plain to the edge of the Mooner range and finally Invicta which rests in the valley between the Julian and Mooner range.

Lunaria is the vastest of all of these regions in both size and population. The labyrinth of rivers — running from the Mooner range, and the foothills of the Lunar range have made it idyllic for agriculture of all types and is ultimately has made Lunesia itself the largest exporter of cotton in the world.* The way the land has formed — particularly in the centre along what is known as «Lunaria Proper» is one of the few examples of lewd terrain in the world —With it taking the form of a voluptuous woman with the famous 'two moons' as the breasts. Beyond these anomalies however, Lunaria itself is extremely flat overall and is filled with vast plains, large plantations, marshes and thick forests. Some regions within Lunaria such as Mystica, Telephoria, Harpina and Aenia — are relatively untouched naturally and have small populations while other regions such as Mercuria and Livisia — have been utterly transformed to meet the demands of the economy. But even in these areas of high economic development are dotted with isolated communities like the whole nation.

However, the most strikingly beautiful and inhabitable part of the nation in my times was that of Invicta. Its climate reminds me much of home and has a certain charm to it that is hard to describe to those who haven't seen it. Rolling hills, foggy valleys, diverse and bountiful forests — it is an aethereal region truly. The Lake itself is something that is hard to put in perspective for us Ailivians, as its size has given it qualities that are similar to the great lakes of Axia and the even larger Lac-Royal in Oiseau. Fish are plentiful in it, and many men make their lives on the Lake. For its latitude, it is also a rather temperate region with milder summers in comparison the drudging humidity that consumes Lunaria. It also has good soil like Lunaria but is much less development agriculturally — which stems from its ability to sustain itself rather well and the protection of the region that the Monarchs have shown over the years.

The two regions to the west of the Mooner range are vastly different than their eastern brethren. The soil is coarsy and dry, but not arid — Unlike their northern neighbors — Much more soddy and grassy in comparison and livable as well though not entirely hospitable either. Most of the wealth extracted from the region comes from the abundant resources that the mountains and foothills hold. It lacks forests entirely — or at least the larger ones you would expect. Rather, it is similar to a steppe or savannah. The chief difference between Verita and Marsovia — beyond the people who live there** — is that Marsovia is wealthier from its more developed mining industry and the historical development she has had.

* The economics of the land, and the development of area will be discussed more in a later section.
** The Marsovi were once the native state in Kanaruca years before they were conquered and integrated. Marsovia within Lunesia — However, is still of the same culture and religion as their brothers to the south, though they developed differently due to their circumstances.

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Pub: 04 May 2023 16:14 UTC
Edit: 09 May 2023 13:24 UTC
Views: 269