Antonius' Tōhō Collection

Since I was making a lot of Touhou cards, I decided to move them to a separate rentry

First things first...
Q: What are your multi-character bots about and what makes them different from using multiple solo-cards in a group chat?
A: I'd say that my multi-character cards are a mix between a character card and a adventure/simulator card. Adventure card are typically about moving around in a location, with the AI typically generating new generic characters on the fly. That's why my cards are usually themed around a touhou location, but the emphasis is more on the pre-defined characters who live there, rather than the location itself. The card descriptions are basically a list of the characters and their attributes in a compressed format.
The main difference from a group chat is that you can move around and meet the characters dynamically, unlike in a group chat, where all the characters are always present. That is why my cards usually start off with you meeting 2 characters, despite having 5-8 characters in the card desc. The characters can come and go. If you're by yourself, you can write "I walk around" and you're likely going to meet one of the listed characters automatically. Alternatively you can go find them specifically if you want. You can write "I go looking for Sakuya", but you can also write something like "I go to the basement" in SDM and the AI will make you meet with Flandre, who lives there.
If you wanna cheat a little, you can also make characters show up to the scene on command, by just writing "Remilia walks in". That's always fun to do when you're in a middle of having passionate sex.

With that out of the way, my Touhou bots are listed below...

Gensokyo's Human Village - Comfy 2hu Slice-of-Life



Explore the streets of the Human Village.
Characters: Keine, Sekibanki, Kosuzu, Miyoi, Akyuu and Aya

Hakurei Shrine - There's an "Incident" in Your Pants

The Based Youkai Exterminator


You've finally decided to visit Reimu's grib.
Characters: Reimu, Marisa, Suika, Aunn and the Three Fairies of Light

Lost in Gensokyo - Misty Lake Youkai Sightseeing

Low-Level Fodder


You've managed to get yourself lost near the Misty Lake. Maybe one of the local fairies can lead you home?
Hopefully you won't run into any man-eating youkai...

Characters: Cirno, Daiyousei, Rumia, Mystia, Wriggle, Kogasa and Wakasagihime.

Palace of the Earth Spirits - Subterranean Servant Gig

The Komeijis


You got fired from your manservant gig over at SDM, probably for fondling Flan too much. Fortunately, you've managed to land a new manservant job over at Satori's palace. Now it's Koishi who keeps fondling you. Consent doesn't really exist in the mind of a girl who only acts upon unconscious impulses.
Charcters: Satori, Koishi, Rin and Okuu

Myouren Temple - The Human-Youkai (interbreeding) Temple

Happy Dog Noises


The Myouren temple is rumored to have a lot of cute youkai girls who are very friendly to humans, so you've decided to pay a visit.
Characters: Kyouko, Nazrin, Shou, Byakuren, Ichirin, Murasa, Nue and Mamizou.

Damn, 8 characters stuffed in a single bot. Don't blame me when the AI logic starts getting rusty here and there. Maybe gpt-4 would be recommended.
Also, the head priest, Byakuren, really wants humans and youkai to co-exist hand-in-hand, which is why I gave her a human-youkai interbreeding fetish. Use it to your advantage.

The Netherworld - Yukari's Little Mistake

Lotsa Milfs In Here


Yukari decides to steal some ice cream for Yuyuko from the outside world, but slightly misplaces her gap and pulls you in instead, as you were shopping for some ice cream. Undeterred by their little mistake, the pair of well-endowed friends and their retainers decide to have some fun with you instead.
Characters: Yukari, Ran, Chen, Yuyuko and Youmu.

I initially only wanted to make a set of 3 characters from the Yukari's group, but I decided to add Yuyuko and Youmu in as well.
The downside is that the AI gets more confused about relationships and who the actual residents of the Netherworld are.
For example, since there are 2 mistresses, Ran sometimes refers to Yuyuko as her mistress as well, which is not canon.

Eientei - The Daily Dose From The Tōhō Doc

NASA's Most Wanted


You've arrived at Eientei, to get a medical examination from Eirin.
You have a headache, so why is she asking for a penis inspection?

Characters: Kaguya, Eirin, Reisen, Tewi and Mokou.

Scarlet Devil Mansion - The Full SDM Simulator

Dio And The Vampire Brat


You've managed to land a job as Remilia's manservant. It's certainly not a boring job...
Characters: Remilia, Sakuya, Flandre, Meiling, Patchouli and Koakuma.

I felt like making a Sakuya and Remilia duo bot, but went one step further and made the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion.
It works surprisingly well, at least in gpt-3.5T. You play as the newly hired manservant of the mansion.
It's not as NSFW as the Patchouli bot, but I did sprinkle in a bit of NSFW for that spice.

Touhou Solo Character Cards

Those bots are my older ones who predate the multi-character cards. I'd still recommend Patchouli, since she's built around a very specific erotic scenario which will always remain unique, but Satori is more of a generic card that feels a bit redunant now that I've made Palace of the Earth Spirits.

Patchouli Knowledge - The Sleepy Library Nerd From Touhou

Sexy Library Geek


You're staying as a guest over at Scarlet Devil Mansion and since you're very interest in magic, Patchouli has agreed to teach you some basics.
However, the lesson turns more and more intimate over time, as she can't seem to keep her hands off her new pupil.

Very NSFW. Based on a sexual fantasy I once had about her. It's a erotic student-teacher private lesson scenario, where the teacher still continues to teach you as if everything is normal and forces you to pay attention to the lessons, but she's also nonchalantly molesting you at the same time.

Satori Komeiji - The Mind Reader From Touhou

Oh yeah, she knows


The only bot who isn't my OC(until I started mass-producing 2hu girls), simply because she's my Touhou waifu and nobody else had made her card yet.
The fun little gimmick about her is that you can tease her with lewd thoughts, which I loved doing in CAI.
She's a bit hard to lewd, so if you're having too much trouble with her, go find Koishi and fuck her instead.

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Pub: 21 Apr 2023 20:27 UTC
Edit: 12 May 2023 10:05 UTC
Views: 1800