Extra: A brief history of Megamelons

The de Cameron family traces back to a single individual only known to have lived before the 11th Century in Japan, the orphan was a wandering mercenary of unfathomable skill, he was also a wizard; his isolation had left him completely unaware of the Wizarding World.
After accomplishing a feat deemed utterly impossible, the lone red haired man was approached by a group of robed individuals who invited him to Mahoutokoro where he studied magic, blade and received proper education. Thus was founded the prestigious Megamelons family.

Margaret was born to Leonard Megamelons, a frail boy with auburn hair and green eyes and Elise Higgins, a brunette with blue eyes in 1875.
Her parents were childhood friends, the Megamelons family was temporarily living in London while little Leonard's father worked temporarily towards the pacification of an especially infamous group of Dark Wizards terrorizing Wales.
The two children quickly formed a bond and were inseparable, often staying at each other's house, playing with their magic and pulling all kinds of tricks on the House Elves.
The Higgins family were very serious businessmen, trading in potion ingredients and artifacts from abroad, and little Elise was promised to a concurrent family, hoping to turn two great fortunes into a superpower; Leonard, being the last-born, was to be married to the daughter of a family friend.

On their 10th birthday, the two families separated, the Megamelons went back to Belgium and prepared Leonard for his first year at Beauxbatons while Elise stayed in London dreaming of the wonders awaiting her at Hogwarts.
They were apart for two long years and almost forgot each other, vaguely remembering the fun times they had with "that other kid" once in a while.
The blur suddenly turned into reality when Leonard heard of the student transfer program: He could be sent to Hogwarts.
The young boy worked hard and became a truly exemplary student, earning himself his dream and becoming a truly skilled wizard.

On the first day of her third year, Elise didn't expect that her long lost friend would appear in the middle of the Great Hall with a beaming smile, her face soon joined him when he was placed in her house: Slytherin.
Being older, their relationship changed significantly, they were more aware of each other, and their unbreakable bond quickly turned into love and yearning, they were always together, holding hands and whispering sweet nothings and witty jokes.
Of course such behaviour wasn't permitted, and while their fairly prestigious names held weight, they were still punished harshly, they were whipped and each lost their house 100 points, the blow was heavy, they were being made an example of and their popularity quickly turned around as the House's hard work was wasted.

Feeling emboldened, the two of them, stole a book from the restricted section: They were going to brew a high-level potion, one so impressive for their ages they would definitely go down the history books: Amortentia.
Working hard in the shadows, the two lovebirds gathered rare ingredients and spent all their free time working towards their goal, until the dawn of their 4th year.
Blinded by ambition, they fell victim of their own potion and under the spell of the powerful aphrodisiac the two of them gave in to their feelings, blinded by their powerful mutual love enhanced by the concoction they tried to ignore the risks of conceiving a child under the effect of such potion.

The resulting pregnancy was a scandal, their marriages were called off and the sordid affair was brushed under the table so as to not tarnish the two names.
Elise would continue to study at Hogwarts, wearing a special robes to hide her shame, and she wouldn't be allowed to take part in physical activities, Leonard was to marry her right away, and to remain by her side forever, a dream come true for the two lovers.
Their outburst of joy greatly displeased their parents and the two of them were shunned.
Margaret was born in Charleroi, Belgium, a quiet child always beaming with a large smile with unusual pure white hair and beautiful green eyes.

The rest of their student lives were fairly uneventful, with his now wife bearing his child, Leonard did everything he could to excel at everything, becoming a prefect and later Head Boy, he spent most of his free time with Elise taking care of Margaret in the Room of Requirement with their family Elf.
Being from a long line of Spellblades, Leonard sought adventure, and the life he had lived until them had filled him with pain he couldn't understand.
Near the end of his 7th year he did something brash, something stupid. Hearing from a berserk dragon rampaging in the Highlands, the young man went to hunt it, alone, with his sword and magic.
He discovered things he shouldn't have. The dragon was controlled by an unknown cult, and after subduing them and releasing the dragon he was arrested by a group of Unspeakables, the consequences of his stupidity? He now had a job.
The young man kept his mouth shut, accomplished missions as a lone unit and didn't run away from the most bizarre threats, his incredible performance quickly allowed him exclusive privileges, including not being punished too harshly for a few indiscretions like bringing back items from portals and time-travels.

Elise had become an incredible potioneer, she made a fortune supplying prestigious individuals directly. Not only did she love her work but it also left her with enough free time to take care of her daughter personally and to cook and experiment with her.
The married couple's prowess quickly reach their family's ears and they were welcomed back, each of them received a house and they were given a real wedding ceremony with friends and family. After exchanging their vows once again, they gifted clothes to their faithful elf.
Elise moved in their house in Belgium, turned it into a Potion and Candy shop

Her father's special status allowed him to visit any time, he was never close but he knew when to apparate. Margaret's childhood was fairly lonely for a child but she didn't want to play with other kids, she wanted to spend time with her parents, help them around the house and watch them cast spells.
The always smiling girl didn't show signs of magic and her increasingly worried parents felt as if their accident with Amortentia did more than turn her hair white; a highly skilled wizard reassured them: she was perfectly fine, her behaviour may be strange but it wasn't abnormal and her hair was an oddity unrelated to the accident, in fact, the brew couldn't rob her of her ability to love as the two of them were already madly in love before "using it", the only effect should be immunity to love potion.

Filled with joy, Margaret's parents did everything they could to help their little angel grow into a powerful witch, trying every kind of fun and stimulating activity to awaken her magic. She played with rare creatures, she brewed potions, she practiced fencing, oriental martial arts, advanced fitness, gymnastics and calisthenics.
Though the girl was an overachiever, they still couldn't get her to manifest her magic, she made a few friends with her beautiful smile and happy, full of jokes behaviour but the friendships didn't last when the other kids realized she was a potential squib.
On her 11th birthday she was made to board the Hogwarts Express in hopes that the truly magical atmosphere would awaken her powers, her large smile and shining eyes attracted the attention of all the parents as she waved goodbye through the windows.

The young child was sitting a cabin with three future students, two boys and girl, she didn't really pay attention to them as she observed the landscape for the whole trip, her signature eyes and smile plastered across her face, she heard the name Anne before the candy trolley interrupted the conversation.
Little Margaret followed the trolley lady around, chatting with her for the whole trip to the castle.

The train arrived at the station, it was a beautiful night sure to be unforgettable to every child about to be sorted, Margaret was almost pushed outside as she was waiting in front of the door, an entrance two shadows didn't fail to notice.
Wandering around instead of following the group, eyes full of wonder, Margaret stayed at the station, she had slipped through the professor's hands who hadn't been notified by the Headmaster that there would be an extra child to take care off.
Margaret was quickly kidnapped by two Dark Wizards the second the last adult left the area, she was lied to, comforted and accompanied deep into the Forbidden Forest.
Radiating innocence, the kind girl was almost taking care of her kidnappers, asking them about the area, telling them stories, offering them candy.
The two dark figures had nefarious plans, a girl with hair like hers was sure to be worth something, one of them left to join his shady contacts while the other remained, to watch over the child.
The two of them stayed in silence, the man kept his eyes on Margaret while she looked around bright eyes full of wonder spotting animals and creatures; her smiled beamed even larger when she spotted a beautiful unicorn behind the man, he turned around, wondering why her expression changed and screamed in surprise at the menacing creature.

The man pulled out his wand, stumbling, and fired a loud "Avada Kedavra" at the unicorn, missing entirely. The unicorn prepared to charge, snorting and neighing, pulling the man's attention, he fell into the trap, unaware that the unicorn wasn't alone, another one charged at him, impaling him through the heart with its horn.
The other wizard apparated just in time to get splashed in the face with blood, he screamed, stumbled on the chair and was kicked in the chest by the unicorn, he was pushed into a waiting horn, straight into his heart.
Margaret couldn't really grasp what happened, she was 11 and knew unicorn weren't bad, so why did they kill the two nice men? Why was she covered in blood?
The unicorns walked calmly towards her, nuzzling her face and sitting beside her, she felt at peace despite the horrifying sight, she was lost in thought.

The three of them snuggled for while, the couple felt drawn towards the little human, they hadn't had foals yet but they felt like she was theirs, she was asleep, her pretty little dress covered in blood, not far from them, the two men had bled out painfully.
"She's here!" screamed a voice, Leonard suddenly apparated in front of the two unicorns, "Oh ma chérie..." he moaned as he cupped her cheek, shedding a single tear of relief as the two white creatures ran away at the sudden intrusion.
The Hogwarts teachers quickly hid the bodies as the worried man grabbed his daughter, she was smiling as if nothing happened.
She had never seen her father so angry, he yelled at the professors, calling them French while trying to keep his calm in front of his "traumatized" daughter.
Margaret suddenly pointed to her right, the adults turned around: A single white thestral, drinking in a pond.
Leonard started crying, she saw everything and it was his fault, a few professors joined him in his lamentation, he whispered to his dear child, apologizing, telling her everything would be fine.

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Pub: 10 Apr 2023 20:26 UTC
Edit: 10 Apr 2023 21:39 UTC
Views: 293