TW: SH, Mass Shootings, Suicide

Hello Everyone! I would like to address the allegations. I am NOT TCC. I will admit I used to be TCC and did some very disgusting things when I was, I don’t expect forgiveness, I just would like everyone to know I’m not like that anymore, it was in the past, and yes that dosen’t justify my actions, I just would like everyone to know that I’m at least not like that anymore, I understand if you’re still uncomfortable with me, especially if you’re a mass shooting survivor, and I’m very sorry you had to go through that.

Why I joined the TCC in the first place

I started out hating it and I forget exactly why I joined (It was all the way back in Aug 2023) but when I joined, I started becoming delusional, fully believing I was one of the perpetrators reincarnated and nothing could break that belief. I would harm myself whenever someone said I wasn’t that person and would feel suicidal. I was very mentally ill and still am but thankfully I no longer experience such delusions.

Why I left

After March 25th, 2024, (3/25 was when I was reported to my school due to my TCC and the cops searched everything I had) I left for a bit but came back in April. Now, a few months ago, when my true leaving date happened, I was already fed up with the TCC, due to their corny and disrespectful behavior towards both victims and their own community members. But what really pushed me over the edge was when I stopped having that reincarnation delusion and I realized a lot of them were feeding into it, KNOWING I was obviously unwell.

DOOM, and the name Erik

I would like to make this clear that this is a coincidence. I’ve liked DOOM since I was 6 years old and it is my special interest. I only joined TCC when I was 13. Now for the name, since some people in the past have accused me of naming myself after one of the Columbine Shooters. I got the name Erik from when I initially left TCC in March 2024 form the whole incident, I felt the need to change my whole identity after the that and I felt really just connected to the name.

" Mass Shooter Fanart "

I have no idea where this "mass shooter fanart" people are saying I drew is. The only shooter I have ever drawn is Luigi Mangione, who is a HERO. What he did was good, please block me if you don’t support him /srs.. Now, my only idea of where you guys could think I drew mass shooter fanart is maybe the drawings of myself? The guy w the spiky brown hair and green eyes I always draw is me. People do tend to comment on my TikTok videos thinking that my self drawings are Eric Harris??? I don’t know but that’s the only explanation for “mass shooter fanart” I could think of. Plus anyways I’m gonna be dying my hair blonde soon and getting a new haircut because I’m bored of my hair and to avoid the confusion whenever I draw myself.

"Columbine Shooter Discord PFP"

Someone in the Revospring server had a photo of Eric Harris’s corpse after he committed suicide by blowing his brains out and shooting 8 people as their profile picture. It was that Kaden person, not me.
Here’s me actually kind of calling him out on it:

The Eric Harris Rentry

This is something absolutely repulsive I did on /715cargo, I will admit it. In September, I put him on my rentry. It was an absolutely disgusting thing for me to do and I expect 0 forgiveness for it, it is an absolutely deploarble thing of me to have done and I am embarrassed I did that and regret it thoroughly. I currently am retheming /715cargo to a frutiger aero thing.

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Pub: 02 Mar 2025 16:37 UTC
Edit: 02 Mar 2025 16:41 UTC
Views: 170