be anon

You wake up, head pounding and lips dry.

Where the hell are you?

An alley. Oh's gonna be one of those days is it?

You must have gone on another bender. You really need to stop doing that, oh well.

You figure you'll just call a cab and try to get home, hopefully you still had your card with you.

You search your pockets..

Wait, where the hell is your phone?



You notice just how much you hurt.

It feels like a linebacker tried to tapdance all over your body.

You stumble out of the alley, it's pretty early in the morning.

You walk the empty street, and eventually come upon a clinic.

Thank Jesus, at least somethings going right. Your insurance will hate your guts, but at least those will still feel like they're in the right place.

You walk in to the thankfully quiet clinic

No wait for you, you suppose.

There's a few scrub-wearing figures crowded behind a desk staring at a screen.

Must be the deadshift.

Heh...deadshift. That's a good one.

"Hello...?" you call out.

The group of staff stand up from behind the desk.

A nightmarish collection of muzzles and fur stare back at you.

You feel your blood run cold.

you stand there in shock, your heart hammering into your ears as one of them walks out from behind the desk and heads over to you.

An 8 foot tall wolf that looks straight from a horror movie crouches down in front of you.

"Are you okay little guy?" he croons, reaching out to pet you.


You fucking book it, and run off deeper into the hospital.

'ANYWHERE BUT HERE' your mind shouts at you.

You try your best to run, but the dehydration and the pain in your muscles make it hard to keep your pace.

the thunder of feet- er paws stampede close behnd as the staff try to catch up.

Fuck fuck, where's a fire exit when you need one?!

try to take a sharp left in a narrow hallway, and smash straight into the chest of someone.

Smooth one, anon.

You bounce off of them, falling to the floor and smacking your head on the tile.

Stars dance infront of your vision for the briefest moment before you fall unconcious.

When you come to, you find yourself in a cell. Everything in it seems just a tad too big for you though.

Well, just great. hopefully the idea of a free phone call still applies here.

If there was anyone to call.

That thought hits you like a sack of bricks, you slump against the wall and stare at the door.

At least there's a bed and a sink.

Licking your cracked lips, your thirst makes itself known again.

You run the water and dunk your head beneath the oversized sink, drinking until you felt nearly sick.

Water never tasted as good as it did right now.

You spend several days here, watching humans come and go as oversized walking animals see to them.

A doberman brought you your food, he seemed almost sad when you shrank away from him.

Yeah, right, as if its your fault he's fucking terrifying.

You've spent some time with other humans in a glorified elementary playground.

they can talk, but mostly simple phrases and mimicry of complex words.

You worry what was done to them to make them this...simple.

Shudder as images of possible lobatamy flash by.

decides it's best to follows suit, and not draw attention to yourself. Nobody's gonna Dahmer your noggin.

Several days pass again. Anthros coming to look at you in your cell, some chubby fox talking to them about what adoption entails and showing them around to various humans.

Are...Are you in a kennel?

Oh boy...

Eventaully the door to your cell opens, you're lead out to the little room between the entrance and the cell block.

The doberman is there...and holy shit so is a giant freaking bear. Both literally and figuratively.

The white furred woman is simply massive, if she were human you'd guess she was a powerlifter. The pair of jeans and low cut shirt barely able to contain her bulk, with tufts of fur sticking out along the collar.

You fidget as those steel blue eyes look you over. You felt like a piece of meat being sized up.

"Hello..." you wave, trying not to upset the behemoth.

Her eyes go wide, she squees like a woman who was just given a puppy

"Awwwww he's so adorable, look at those cute little hands!"

She looks over to the doberman, "I'll take him!"


You bring anon home, and you're suprised just how quiet and withdrawn he is. At least he wasn't fussy getting into the car with you.

Most humans are ecstatic to get adotped, you've seen the few your friends were fostering practically bounce off the walls they were so happy.

The vets did tell you that he lacked most of his shots and wasn't chipped.

why would someone pay so much for a pet human but not get him his shots or a chip?

Why doesn't he act childish and carefree like a human should?

You sit down on the couch and think, watching anon eat his dinner in the corner. He gives you a worried glance every so often.

You twirl the fur on your forearm as with your blunted claw as you looked him over- a bad habit you picked up as a cub whenever you concentrated on something.

You remember seeing something about Human mills from other countries recently in the news, many were being smuggled into the country to be sold for cheap.

it was so sad seeing them caged and treated so cruelly. The poor babies.

You gasp as the thought dawns on you; Was anon a mill-human?

The thought makes you frown. You glance over to Anon as he cautiously explores the apartment after finishing his dinner.

Well, at least he'll have it better now. A warm glow washes through you as you think about how happy he's going to be with you. You'd see to that.

The next few days go largely uneventfully. You try buying anon toys and taking him out to the park to play, it wasn't easy getting him to wear a collar. The leash was even harder, he really wasn't happy with it. It took you an hour of trying to be soothing and gentle, pleading with him to trust you.

Jeeze...what happened to the poor little guy to hate collars so much? You try to push the images from the news out of your mind.

Thankfully, he eventually complies, but he looks so betrayed. Those innocent eyes staring back at you as if to ask why you did this. It hurts to see him like this, the poor dear.

After spending some hours being outside, running around and excercising every day his mood improves.

Though he was less than enthusiastic about the human toys you bought for him. You heard humans loved playing with them, but anon looked like he didn't know what to do with them.

Could he not have had toys as a kid? The thought makes your blood boil.

Some furs don't deserve humans.

It's been a month since you've adopted 'nonny. He's been doing okay, and every day's an improvement.

Last week he sat with you on the couch instead of hiding in his room. He even let you hug him!

There have been...complications though.

The most pressing was that anon got into a fight with another Human. The much bigger European breed kept bothering him at the park and wouldn't leave 'nonny alone.

You were expecting something like this to happen and were about to step in and protect anon when he suddenly lashed out.

You stared for a moment as Anon fought with the much bigger human, he quickly knocked him down and held him in some sort of arm pin.

"Anon! Stop it!" you yell, rushing over to stop the two before it got any worse.

He looks up to you, panting and confused. He didn't understand what he did wrong.

You felt a pang of guilt, you didn't mean to yell at him like that.

He thankfully lets the other human go, the bigger male scampering off and whinning.

Maybe you should take anon home early.

You stop to pick up some Mcfurs icecream as a treat, maybe it would cheer him up.

It was only when you got home and put anon to bed that you thought about what happened at the park some more.

you never saw anon like that before, it was like a switch was pulled and the quiet human you love was gone.

Those eyes, they almost scared you. It was for the briefest moment, but the way they stared at you- so full of adrenaline and focus. You've never seen a human stare like that. Sure they would get skittish, but they never looked like they were trying to anticipate what you were going to do.

It was like he was sizing you up before he remembered who you were.

Was anon a fighting human?

It would certainly explain the scars among other things.

Your heart aches as you think about how he must have been treated.

That's it, his life turns around now. you'll be the best damn owner he would ever want.

She' been acting strange to you this morning. Constantly trying to pet you and tell you how just how much of a 'good boy' you were. You didn't like being treated like a kid, but her heart was in the right place.

What was with the mama-bear mode anway? You swear she's been extra motherly after the incident at the park.

You still felt like you were in the right for kicking that slavic-looking motherfucker in the stomach.

Serves him right trying to take your shit.

"'Noooonnny, baby come to mama"

You sigh, she wants you to cuddle with her on the couch again.

You suppose there are worse ways to be treated. She at least didn't seem to freak out when you talked to her, even if you were dumbing things down a bit.

You'd work your way up eventually, hopefully you'll be able to cut this kiddie shit.

You walk into the living room, your owner sitting on the oversized couch watching the TV. She still took up most of the damn thing. She wasn't wearing much either, just a low cut top and some shorts that looked like they'd barely be able to keep from ripping if she tensed at all.

You give her your best smile, scrambling to get up on the couch.

"D'awww, cmere 'nonny, let mama help" she coos, her giant paws picking you up and neatly putting you on her lap. You could feel those blunted claws press in to your sides just ever so slightly.

She gave you a gentle hug, the thick pelt surrounding you, the faintest scent of perfume tickling your nose.

Not the most dignifying, but you weren't going to complain. The thick fur was really soft.

She wraps her gigantic arms around you and hugs you closer to her, as she lays down on the couch. You were sure she could break you if she wasn't careful.

For a while you just lay there cuddled up on the couch, those heavy paws petting you as they ran along your stomach.

This...was actually kind of nice. You relaxed into the protective embrace, shifting to get yourself cozy. You hear a deep rumbling behind you as she smiles, giving you an appreciative squeeze.

You feel kinda sleepy, she was really warm with all that fur after all.

You try to stay awake and watch the weird Jeopardy knock off on the television, but your eyelids betray you and start to droop.

Anon fell asleep in your arms. You felt like you were about to die from the sheer cuteness of it!

He trusts you! You did it!

You smile warmly, petting his small, sleeping form. The small creature looking so vulnerable as he snuggles against you. He hugged himself to your arm for warmth, his small hands playing with your fur as he ran his fingers through the fine coat.

Who would ever want to hurt this precious baby?

He shifts in his sleep, the little grumbles making your heart melt. You carefully sit up from the couch, trying your best not to wake anon up from his nap.

He stirs some more in your arms but thankfully is out cold.

It takes a while, going so slow, but you eventually put anon in his bed, tucking him in.

You give him a loving kiss goodnight.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:20 UTC
Views: 295