The Blue Ringmasters Rumor Round Up

Mirra the Executioner (D=18, O=None Listed, G=5-2)

A fixer who's stood the test of time with skill and luck, and one I've been thinking about formally sending an offer to if we can agree on conduct, which I somewhat doubt due to the culture she lives under. Worked with her before, so I can personally vouch for her skills. Somehow found her way into a singularity, and a part of me wonders how she did it...

Natalie (D=23, O=Dove, G=2)

Fights exclusively with martial arts, a method that demands a kind of dedication and skill to master. Her grisly "weapon", the severed arm of the white dove, is a disconcerting sight, but I have seen worse crimes committed against a human body. A good choice for security jobs because their equipment fails only when their bodies do.

Ji Jeong-Hui (D=12, O=Zwei, G=1)

Scavenges the remains of L-Corp and has found some spectacular finds that he uses for security work with Zwei. Seems inconspicuous but managed to hit grade 1; a marker of true lethality, and likely a suppressed demon inside of him that will come screaming out at some point. We don't work in the same circles, given my charges classification as "threats to public health and safety" by Zwei, but I would be interested in chatting to see if he would make a good caretaker.

Shiina (D=5(travels frequently), O=Shi, G=3-1)

Shi Association assassin and color fixer: "The Black Cat". Has the kind of speed and power that allow her to fight in the big leagues while using a standard style. Rumor has it she earned her title by being a coward, though, and my charges are anything but gentle on the eyes and soul. Best not to mess with her.

Mars Valetinus (D=??, O=Mars Office, G=3-1)

A monster of a man who fights like an angry cat ate a truck full of R-Corp serums and got hungry. The number of distortions I've lost to his methods would take too long to count. He comes off as charming and sensible, right up until you see him tear chunks of flesh off something and bathe in its blood. I would at best say we have "conflicting business views", and leave it at that.

Alm Claude “Penumbra” Faith (D=??, O=Zwei, G=1)

A veteran in her 50s who's somehow survived growing up a rat all the way up to where she is and simply chooses not to aggrandize herself with a color. I'd call her paranoid if I didn't think it made some degree of sense given the previous holder of my color's descent into madness and the 100% fatality rate of our job. Zwei usually does good work, and we have an understanding of what I'm allowed to tame and what needs to be put down. I'll keep trying to convince them that none deserve to be put down, but I'll take what I can get.

Ava AKA Lady Luck (Leader of the scales, diversified business, somewhat reputable)

Another old face from the early days of the Blue Dragon Office, she's grown from salvaging ruins and now runs one of the larger syndicates in the city. If you have to deal with someone from the underworld, make it her, since she has a policy of not screwing over her customers. I keep in touch since you never know when you might need help from someone in touch with the illegitimate side of things. Can manipulate luck. Don't bother trying to beat her at a game of cards or dice if you value your money.

Wilfred (W-Corp Enforcer)

An oddity in the city, but not for any kind of virtue. Heard rumors that he can talk down anyone short of maddened distortion. Something tells me he has a reason for relying on charisma more than force, but I can't get into his head like I can a fixer or a distortion.

Hanuel Vierordt (W-Corp Enforcer)

"Angel" of W-Corp from what I've heard, but even Seven struggles to find info on them, so the title could either mean an angel of death or a more generous soul than that title usually gets. If our paths cross, I might be able to get some answers. Either way, my charges still aren't allowed on WARP trains, so I usually avoid them.

Azrael (X-Corp Enforcer)

X-Corp in general has a feeling of unease around it that I can't shake. Like all of them, they're cagey for good reason, but District 24 is the kind of place that feels more like a hazard zone due to how the water tastes. Something is off about that whole place in a way that makes me steer clear of it. As for the enforcer herself, I don't trust her near my charges.

"His Mycelial Majesty" (Eldritch Fungus Sage)

I've talked with this being before (I'll avoid calling it human for now), and it will likely outlast the city it is currently slowly taking testing prods at. It is wise, yet inhuman. Vast, yet made of small component parts. Beneficial in some ways, existentially threatening in others. More of a third party to be kept track of than something that needs my protection.

Emma "The Shadow Queen" (Hungry Shadow Tamer)

Amenable in person, but hosts a very angry, very violent, and very hungry shadow that mangles rats in the darkest backstreets. By no means the most dangerous thing in the city, but something I fear I cannot rehabilitate without some way to permanently "feed" her shadow. I came from those backstreets, and while I realize it's an uncommon viewpoint, the people there deserve a chance to rise out of the mire.

Xibalba, Burning Man, Flayed One, Love and Hatred and Burning (Entropic Cult Idol)

The kind of monster that makes associations question my sanity when I talk about mercy for all distortions: He wants to burn our rotten city to the ground through blood and fire while being able to masquerade as a human. As much as I am conflicted, we have no common ground. He is beyond saving and will lead to untold suffering that will make the smoke wars look like playground games. He emanates kindness and flame at will, enough to alter the mind of anyone unprotected. As much as this city deserves to be cleaned, blood and fire are not the way to do it. I'd rather be miserable and live than be joyful in death.

Funeral Rites (Fun for short)

A friend, like knowing you've had beers with the grim reaper herself and found out she's more reasonable than most humans. Met her through Moranna and worked with her before enough to know she's no "danger to society". If anything, she gives the poor souls the corps tramples on a peaceful death. I know I can't save everyone, human or distortion, but when death comes, one can only hope that it's a gentle hand that guides you rather than one that treats you like property.

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Pub: 19 May 2023 21:26 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2023 21:43 UTC
Views: 500