She was dressed in calf-high yellow rain boots and a pink cocktail dress with white polka dots. Zoe never dresses like that. It really did make sense, I reasoned. You don’t end up at your best friend’s dorm forty miles away when last you knew you were fast asleep in your own home, in your own bed. Other damning evidence were the couples making out up and down the dimly lit hall, the disco ball revolving lazily from its position on the ceiling, the fog machine (Fog machine? What kind of a dream was this???) emitting hissing bursts of smoky steam.

I must have looked bemused but Zoe didn’t seem to notice. She gave me a quick hug, grabbed my hand, and led me into the tableau. I felt strangely underdressed in just a tatty pair of jeans and a tee shirt. If this was some kind of costume party, Zoe should have had the decency to tell me before I came.

You idiot! I chided myself. You’re dreaming! Dreaming, right… Wait, dreaming? Shouldn’t I be able to do whatever I want then? I closed my eyes and tried to think up a new outfit, but when I opened them again I was still the same. It seems that although I had free will in this particular dream, I couldn’t bend the rules of space and time. I was doomed to Levi’s.

Anyway, Zoe didn’t seem to care about my costume deficiency. She was tugging me down the hall, stopping at each couple and whispering information in my ear. I learned that Cara was the master of blow jobs, Stephanie liked anal, Marissa had been known to let her boyfriend fuck her up against the door of her dorm room. Apparently the noise of that one kept the entire building up some nights.

The hallways seemed to go on and on and so did the stories. Some of what she said didn’t make sense; some of it was outright laughable. According to her one girl had "fucked so many different guys, she had to borrow the dorm building’s first-aid kit."

I was definitely interested in hearing more about that one, but Zoe didn’t seem to have more to tell. She had finally stopped walking, stopped tugging my hand, and we were in front of a large stained-glass window. Never mind that I knew her building didn’t have anything like that in the waking world. Right now it was our world, and in it was a stained glass window. She was silent now, staring at the refracted image of herself in the glass. I hovered behind, uncertain of what to say to fill the suddenly empty void. It occurred to me that I should ask about her boyfriend. Mark? Matt? Mike? Dammit, why couldn’t I ever remember his name?

"How’s… Matt?" I guessed, cringing when she raised her eyebrows in that Zoe-look, that look that says "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You mean Jeff?"

Darn. "Right, Jeff. I’m sorry Zoe; you know how I have trouble with names."

She shrugged. "It doesn’t really matter, it’s over. He didn’t want me because he liked who I was; he wanted me because he thought I was like those other girls we just passed. Empty-headed, slutty, and always ready to ‘have a good time,’ as he put it."

"Oh, Zo…" I gave her a hug, wrapping my arms around her and putting my chin against the hollow of her neck. "You don’t deserve that. I’m sorry for the pain it caused, but I’m glad it’s over if he was treating you like that."

She shook her head, and though I couldn’t see her face, I knew she was dangerously close to tears. "That’s the thing though Katie. I don’t actually blame him. I’ve sorta been a slut this past year, so what should I expect? Remember when I joked to you that I was a whore? Well, it wasn’t completely untrue."

I stood silent for a minute, rubbing her arms as I thought of what to say next. "Zoe," I began slowly, "You’re not a whore or a slut." She made to protest but I shushed her. "You’re not. I know you slept with a few guys last year, but I also know that you did that because you were hoping for something deeper from them. You wanted their love, and thought that if you gave them what they wanted, they would return the favor. Girls do that all the time Zoe. Guys at this age are just looking for something different than we are."

I felt her absorb my words, felt her absorb the truth in them, and I could almost see the anxiety and guilt lifting off her shoulders as if it had been a physical weight. She leaned against me and I hugged her tighter, hoping against hope that she would also absorb some of the love I had for her, that she would no longer feel as lost and alone as I had once. We stayed that way for a few minutes, and she was breathing so deeply and so evenly I thought she must be asleep. Hesitantly, I let my hands wander up and down her front until they came to rest on her breasts. I had never told her how I felt; the curiosity I had for the female form and hers in particular. I wasn’t in love with her, this wasn’t a "run away into the sunset and live happily ever after" sort of feeling. I just desperately wanted to touch her once, everywhere. To not be restricted by the bounds of decorum, by the dictates of society and the rules of what is and is not acceptable to do to your best friend.

Lost in thought, I almost jumped a mile when she asked, "What are you doing?" My hands came off her breasts as if they were poisonous and I took a healthy step backwards, stammering my apologies. She turned to face me and that Zoe-look was on her face again, that "what the hell?" stare that I usually found comical. This time I thought it meant I would have to turn in my "best friend" badge.

"I’m so sorry Zoe," I tried lamely. "I just completely forgot myself. I… I wasn’t thinking I guess." Right, how stupid can you get? But what she said next completely rearranged my world.

"It’s okay Katie, calm down. I’ve actually been sort of wondering what it might feel like to let a girl do that."

I was non-plussed. "Really?"

Zoe blushed a little but nodded. "Yeah, I just thought it might be better than some of the other experiences I’ve had. I always wondered if a girl would know better what to do, where to touch than a guy would. I mean, it stands to reason a girl would understand another girl’s body, don’t you think?"

I was completely staggered. What she was asking was so close to what I had always wanted that I wasn’t even sure what to say. What was the best way to agree with her without giving away that what she was suggesting was the very thing I had been longing to do with her and her alone?

"Yes," I agreed slowly, "I think a girl would have a physical advantage over a guy, if only because she has the same body and knows what turns her on, does that make any sense?" I felt like a total idiot, like my stumbling response had cost me the only chance I had, but Zoe looked relieved.

"Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. A girl would know…"

"Right," I agreed, "So…"
We both stood there facing each other, two friends who had unexpectedly seen eye to eye on something neither of us had thought the other would understand. However, it was obvious that both of us didn’t quite know what to do next.

Zoe attempted to take charge first. "Why don’t we go to my dorm room? There’s a bed in there, so that would make things more comfortable…" she trailed off and shrugged helplessly, apparently not wanting to put into words why a bed would be better. I saw that if we were going to get anywhere with this I needed to take control, pronto.

I offered my hand and she took it almost shyly. I led her out of the room with the stained glass window and into the now empty hallway. Obviously the other couples had moved on, there was nobody in sight and somebody had turned off the fog machine, though the disco ball was still revolving silently.

I found her dorm room with relative ease and stood back to let her unlock the door. Her three roommates were absent, a rare stroke of luck considering I had never liked them and their presence tonight would have made what I intended to do difficult if not impossible.

Zoe’s room was a mess as usual but I wisely didn’t comment as she shut the door behind me. I think we both sensed this was it, the point of no return. I sat on the bed and patted the spot beside me. "Come here Zo."

She kicked off the yellow rain boots and sat cross-legged beside me. "Now what?" she asked nervously.

"I think we should start with what I was doing before, and just see where things go. Is that all right?"

She nodded and I brought my hand to her breast, lightly cupping it. I could feel her tense a little so I just stayed still, letting her relax slowly until I could feel her leaning towards me. I applied a little more pressure and began to rub her gently as she sighed and wriggled a little.

I let my other hand rest on her leg, and when she didn’t protest I slid it further up, brushing my fingers against her lower thigh under the hem of her skirt. We were both breathing heavier at this stage and my pussy was throbbing almost painfully. Zoe’s must have been in a similar condition because she reached behind herself and unzipped the back of her dress. With my help it was discarded on the floor in a matter of moments and she was left in an adorable frilly green bra and green and white striped panties that were easily a size too small.

She looked so pretty that I just had to kiss her. She seemed startled at first, but melted into it as I maneuvered her down to the pillows. It was a relatively chaste kiss. Closed lips, no tongues or slobber, just what I hoped was a gentle show of love and respect for who she was. Eventually I broke the kiss and looked down at her now prone body. As cute as it was, that frilly green bra just had to go.

I should mention at this point that Zoe has always been a bit of a show-off.
I can’t even count how many times she has come out of a room dressed in next to nothing and asked risqu?uestions about how her ass looked in this pair of panties or whether or not I thought her pussy should be shaved or just trimmed a bit. Needless to say I’ve also seen her topless quite a few times, she usually has absolutely no embarrassment in changing during a sleep-over or even at being naked in the public showers at the rec. center. However, there is a huge difference between catching glimpses of your friend’s nipples and being allowed to take off her bra with the intent of sexually molesting them.

I could feel my heart stuttering in my chest as Zoe pulled the bra over her head and tossed it to the floor, then leaned back on the pillows again, giggling nervously. For a second all I could do was look at her small breasts as she reclined, awaiting my touch. Her nipples were so pretty, a little bigger than mine (though my breasts are larger than hers) and light brown in color; I couldn’t help but notice that they were very erect. My hand trembled as I traced a finger around one of them, loving the way she closed her eyes and moaned softly.

Encouraged by her response, I cupped her breast more fully, letting my hand pass over her nipple as I rubbed softly. Inspiration struck me and licking my fingers I traced them over her nipple in small circles that spiraled outwards as she jerked against my hand. Unable to take it anymore I leaned down and took the wet nipple in my mouth, sucking gently. It was so nice, better than I could have ever imagined as she put her hand on the back of my head and pressed my face to her chest.

Still licking and sucking her nipples, I could feel her legs spreading and I took the invitation to begin exploring her still panty-clad pussy. As I indented the soft material between her lips I could feel the moisture on the cotton. I rubbed the front of her pussy lips methodically, starting at the bottom and gaining pressure as I moved my hand upwards. It was the way I liked to be rubbed, and if the constant whimpering was anything to go by, it worked for her too.

I was desperate at this stage to see her pussy, so I gently removed her hand from the back of my head and placed it on her right breast. With a final lick to her left nipple I slowly moved down her body, kissing and licking my way over her stomach, past her thighs, and to the front of her pussy. I paused for a moment, just long enough for her to start to squirm urgently, and then kissed the front of her panties…hard. Her reaction was almost violent and I had to place a restraining hand on her leg lest she accidentally kick me. With my free hand I grabbed the elastic band on the top of her panties and pulled them down. She helped me get them over her bottom and kicked them off so that they rested somewhere at the end of the bed, no doubt mixed in with the covers and the rest of the dirty clothes scattered there.

As much as I wanted to stare at her naked pussy, I sensed that that much undivided attention would make her uncomfortable, so I kissed her again and lightly put my fingers at the start of her pubic hair. I could tell from a few exploratory rubs that she had shaved it to a neat little triangle that ended just where her pussy lips began, and cupping my hand against them I gently slid a finger up its length. She was moaning again, and I let my fingers slip between her lips. The moisture there was incredible, and as I found her opening and gently inserted one of my fingers, I was staggered by how warm and tight she was. It was the same sort of feeling as masturbation, in fact the tight confines of her pussy felt extremely similar to my own, but at the same time it was a completely different experience. I was doing it primarily for her pleasure, not mine.

Keeping my middle finger embedded in that tight space, I used my thumb to begin a gentle stimulation of the area around her clit. I knew from my own personal experience that too much direct contact on the clit can be very painful, so I stuck to either side of it, rubbing little circles methodically closer, but not touching that sensitive little nub. Zoe was completely losing it now, and began to move her hips from side to side, trying to make contact with my fingers. A fine sheen of sweat had broken out on her body, and I stared in awe as she rubbed her own breasts in near complete abandon. My thumb got ever closer to her clit as I moved my other finger in and out of her pussy, waiting until I knew she couldn’t take much more. Giving in I placed my thumb directly on her clit and flicked it hard once as I thrust my middle finger to the hilt inside her.

As I watched her come I wondered if I looked similar. Could my face really have that expression of complete satisfaction? Did my body really arch that much upwards? She shook with each wave that coursed through her body, and I understood completely what she was feeling. As good as a guy is, as much as he knows about the female body’s wants and needs, he could never really understand what happens during a girl’s orgasm. I knew what was happening to Zoe, and when her eyes met mine it was clear that she understood that, and that she knew what it was like for me, too.

As she came down from her high I reluctantly removed my hand from her pussy and cuddled up next to her, my face buried in her sweet-smelling hair, my arm wrapped protectively around her stomach. I could feel her breathing eventually slow, could tell when her body finally completely relaxed and she was able to regain control of herself. She turned in my arms and hugged me tight. "Thank you Katie. That was…"

"Incredible?" I teased gently.

She nodded seriously. "Yes actually, it was. I can’t even describe how it was different to any of my boyfriends. I know this sounds weird, but it was like there was two of me, and the second me knew exactly what I wanted. Does that make any sense?"

It was the second time that evening that that question had been asked, and just as before, the response was "Yes, I know exactly what you mean."

Zoe smiled at me, then frowned. "Hey, this is so totally unfair. I’m completely naked and you’re still all the way dressed. How did that ever happen?"

I shrugged, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "I wanted that session to be about you. You needed that just then. I didn’t. I wanted it, would have loved it I’m pretty sure, but you’re the one that needed it tonight. And Zoe, giving that gift to you is all I’ve ever really wanted anyway."

I wasn’t expecting her to kiss me, but she did. As I closed my eyes and let her, a fog seemed to descend on my mind, making everything seem blurry and far away. The last thing I was aware of was her hand gently cupping my breast.

I jerked awake in my own house, in my own room, and, unfortunately, my own bed. Even knowing it had been a dream, I felt incredibly disappointed that it wasn’t real, that I hadn’t really spent the night in Zoe’s dorm. My pussy was throbbing and I rubbed it gently through the front of my panties. I was incredibly wet, so I pushed the material to one side and began the same slow and methodic circles I had been doing to Zoe in the dream. As I rubbed harder, getting closer and closer to my clit, I imagined it was Zoe’s fingers touching me, Zoe’s hand now rubbing my breast through my night-shirt.

My cell-phone rang and the unexpected noise made me jerk my hand, bringing my fingers in direct contact with my throbbing clitoris. I came, bucking slightly as the waves of pleasure radiated outwards from my pussy, not stopping until they reached my fingertips. There was nothing I could do, no way to answer the phone until those maddeningly pleasurable waves stopped and sanity resurfaced.

Two minutes later I managed to roll out of bed and retrieve my phone by where it had been hiding under the desk. I flipped it open and looked dumbfounded at the missed call. "Zoe." I checked the time as I hit the redial button. Wasn’t nine a.m. about seven hours earlier than Zoe usually managed to wake herself up?

"Hello?" came an almost breathless Zoe from the other end of the line.

"Hey Zo, it’s me. Sorry I missed your call, I was… asleep." No way was I going to tell her I had been masturbating while fantasizing about her.

"Yeah, I was asleep too. That’s actually why I called. Katie, I had the strangest dream last night… um, do you think you could come over today?"

I glanced over at the wall calendar. Saturday. "Yeah… yeah Zoe, I’ll be there in an hour." I hung up the phone and began pulling on my faded Levi’s.

Copyright 2008 Pasego

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Pub: 31 Aug 2024 13:03 UTC
Views: 44