Perhaps I was being stubborn but to be truthful my trust in Lexie was gone. I went through my normal routine and then trained Chrissy Haynes every night. In the first month she made remarkable gains. She had made huge gains in her legs and was pushing fifty percent more weight in the presses. Her stomach had flattened out completely and she lost an inch in her waist. She was on an extreme diet and with the supplements she was using the results were incredible.
I found it ironic that I was training one of the people who was a witness to my mother’s death. But it did seem like Chrissy had separated herself from the crew and admitted she had not talked to Mark in over a month. She was very much different than I had portrayed her to be. I assumed she was conceited and considered herself to be better than everyone else. But in all honesty, she was far from that. I also enjoyed working out with her because she pushed herself hard, as I did in my training. We had just started on the bench press station when my phone rang, it was Lexie. This was the first time since we had dinner that she had called. I answered the phone quickly, it had been a while.
"Hey Chris, what are you up to?", she asked.
"I’m at the gym working out." I replied.
"Oh, sorry. How about you call me when you get home?", she responded.
"Sure, no problem.", I promised.
I put the phone back down on the bench and got in position to spot Chrissy on the bench press. She quickly knocked out her first set and jumped up from the bench.
"Was that Lexie on the phone?", Chrissy asked.
With all the time Chrissy and I had been spending together she knew the entire story of Lexie, including what had happened just recently. She did not make any comments about it other than being in a relationship was not easy. In return she had told me about the relationship she had with Mark going back to high school. So, we were comfortable talking about just about anything.
"Yes, that is the first time she has called since the dinner about a month ago. I told her I would call her back when I get home.", I answered.
"Maybe she is ready to talk.", Chrissy stated.
"I don’t know…… I’m not sure if I want to go back there.", I replied.
"Can’t help you with that big boy…... I’m fucked up myself.", Chrissy giggled.
We finished our workout and went our separate ways. I got home and took a shower then ate turkey sandwiches. I went and got into bed then decided to return Lexie’s call. She answered right away.
"Hey Lexie, what’s up?", I asked.
"Nothing much…… how about you?", she answered.
"Just working and coming home.", I answered.
"Uh huh….is there maybe something I should know?", she asked.
"Nothing, I can think of…. why?", I replied confused.
"I heard you have a new girlfriend.", Lexie asked, softly.
"If I do, I know nothing about it.", I answered.
"Well, rumor is you’re with her every night.", she stated.
"If you’re talking about Chrissy Haynes, she is a client. I am training her on a regular basis. We have never been together outside the gym. If someone told you otherwise, they are a fucking liar.", I answered.
"No, someone said they saw you two in the gym several times…. That’s it.", she giggled.
"I’ve trained several women in martial arts, but she is the only one that I help with weights.", I admitted.
"That’s fine, I was just messing with you. Look, the reason I called is to say…. uh, well this is hard. But I think for now, I would just rather stay friends. Not that I don’t care for you, but my head is really spinning. I don’t want to jump into anything again.", she stated.
"Jump into anything, I am not anything.", I answered.
"No, no please don’t take it the wrong way. I just need more time. Can you please understand that?’, Lexie asked.
"I guess there is not much of a choice….", I replied.
We talked for a minute or two more and then ended the call. I was sure that Lexie was going to want to get back together but once again, I was wrong. It was almost like she was brushing off our relationship as a fling of some sorts… that it was never serious. Maybe for her it wasn’t but I was damn sure serious about her. As I laid down in the bed that night, I was sure Lexie and I were over.
Several weeks later, I was working out with Chrissy on a Thursday night when she seemed to be acting a little strange. Several minutes later, I found out why.
"Hey Chris, would like to go out sometime?", Chrissy asked.
"Oh… I guess. You mean like a date … date?", I answered.
"Yea, like a date. You don’t find me attractive?", Chrissy asked, with a sad face.
"Of course, I do, you were the hottest girl in school.", I laughed.
"Then take me out.’, she giggled.
"Ok, it’s date.", I said, not wanting to disappoint her.
"Good, what time are you picking me up tomorrow?", she asked.
"Oh…. tomorrow. I don’t know whenever. ", I stuttered.
"Seven o’clock, I’ll text you my address.", she promised.
"What about your dad…... after all I know I’m not his favorite person. After what went down in court and all.", I stated.
"Both of my parents already know you are training me. They haven’t said much about it. So, you just be good and everything will be fine.", Chrissy giggled.
We took off the following night since we had an official date at seven o’clock. I worked during the day and sparred with Master Garcia that evening. He landed a great kick to the side of my face which caused my cheek to bruise immediately. I left the gym and went home and cleaned up getting dressed to go with Chrissy. I put on a pair of jeans and brown slip-on shoes with a tight knit short sleeve shirt. I left my house a few minutes before seven and arrived at Chrissy fifteen minutes later. As I was walking up the entrance to the home, I knew this was going to be awkward. I took a deep breath and rang the bell. Several seconds later an older woman with gray hair answered the door.
"There is no doubt who you are. Please come in Chris.", she asked, stepping aside.
"I’m Maggie Haynes, it’s very nice to meet you.", she said, asking me to follow her.
I walked down a long entry hall and stepped into a huge family room with a massive tv on the right wall. Mr. Haynes was sitting with his back to me watching a golf match. I followed Chrissy’s mom around the sofa and faced Mr. Haynes.
"Bill, I believe you have met this young man.", she sternly told her husband.
"Chris, very nice to meet you under different circumstances.", he said, extending his hand.
"Yes sir, it is. I want to apologize for my words in the courtroom, I was angry at what happened. It had been going on for a long time and I was just tired of it.", I said.
"Son, it was your mother. No apologies needed. Had I known what I know today about that group I never would have taken the case.", he admitted.
"Chris, I want to thank you for getting Chrissy away from those jerks she has been with for all of these years. I can sleep a whole lot better at night knowing she’s here in her room.", Maggie said.
"Well thank you, but Chrissy decided on her own to get away. I just agreed to train her.", I replied.
Just about that time, Chrissy came down the stairs and into the large room. She was wearing a tight pair of black pants with a white lace top. She had on black heels with full makeup and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. I had never seen Chrissy dressed or look like this before, she was stunning.
"Who is talking about me?", Chrissy giggled.
"Put a sock in it, brat. Come kiss your father goodbye.", Bill Haynes scowled.
Chrissy walked around the sofa and bent over hugging her father and kissing him. Then she hugged her mother and kissed her as well. Maggie walked us to the door and opened it for us.
"For once, I’m not worried about you going out on a date.", she stated, softly rubbing her daughter’s back.
I opened the passenger door for Chrissy which seemed to surprise her. She slid into the seat easily and reached for her seat belt. I walked around the car noticing that her mother was looking out of the window. I got in the driver’s seat and started up the car. We pulled away slowly as I now began to think how strange this really was.
We decided to go eat first and she chose a seafood restaurant that was very nice. I had eaten there several times before and it was always very good. We walked in together and the hostess found us a table near the left wall. I couldn’t help but notice all the guys staring at Chrissy as she walked by their table.
We sat down and ordered drinks then started to check out the menu. We had only been there for several minutes when I saw Chrissy look nervously towards the door.
"Shit, what are the odds.", she sighed.
"What’s wrong?", I asked.
"Haley Mills just walked in with some guy.", she said softly.
"Forget it…... you’re done with those guys.", I reminded her.
"Yes, I am. Thanks for the reminder.", she giggled.
We had already received our drinks and placed our order for two seafood platters before Haley Mills arrived at our table. I guess she just couldn’t help herself.
"Hey Chrissy, what are you doing here?", she asked, looking directly at me.
"I’m on a date with Chris.", she replied.
"Oh really?", she asked.
Yes, really. Chris and I have been training together for months but this is our first date.", Chrissy affirmed.
"So, you and Mark are really through?", Haley asked.
"I haven’t seen or spoken to Mark in over a month, as far as I am concerned Mark doesn’t exist anymore.", Chrissy stated.
"Oh ok…. Uh well, see you later.", Haley replied, walking back to her table.
"Nothing like putting it out there on the first date.", Chrissy laughed.
"Fuck’em…...", I replied, which caused Chrissy to laugh hysterically.
We had a nice dinner and took our time enjoying the meal. We talked about everything and anything we could speak of. I had to bring up the story about the time Cassie and I picked up Chrissy at the restaurant. How she wanted to fuck us and was playing with herself. Chrissy was shocked but did admit she drank way too much in her younger years.
We left after about ninety minutes and decided to drive downtown to a nice coffee house. We ordered two large coffee’s and took a table in a secluded corner. We talked for another hour or so before we decided to leave. The night had gone well, and it was a little after ten o’clock. We got back into the car, and I started to buckle my seat belt when Chrissy leaned over and pressed her lips to mine. She parted her lips slightly and softly pushed the tip of her tongue between my lips. Just about at the same time her right hand softly touched my upper thigh causing my cock to come to life. I gently followed her lead and softly rested my left hand on the outside of her right thigh. When she felt my fingers on her thigh she exhaled softly into my mouth.
She pulled her lips from mine and opened her eyes staring deep into mine. She slowly moved her hand up my thigh until she was softly touching my cock. She began to move her fingers up and down the crotch of my pants. She leaned in once again and kissed me only this time with a lot more passion. I moved my hand from the outside of her thigh to inside. Slowly I moved up her thigh until my hand was against her crotch. I softly moved my hand against her using my fingers to stroke the entire area. She pulled away from me and laid her head on my shoulder.
"God, that feels so good….", she moaned.
I continued to rub her pussy through her pants as she held on to me tightly. She began to push against my hand enjoying the sensation between her legs.
"Chris, can we go back to your place?’, she asked in a low whisper.
"Are you sure, Chrissy?", I asked.
"Yes, I’m very sure.", she replied.
She sat back in her seat, and I started the car and pulled out of the lot. It was a short drive to my house, but it was an uncomfortable one. We were a few blocks away when I finally spoke up.
"Chrissy, we don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to think that this is what I am after.", I said, touching her hand.
"No Chris, I don’t think that. It’s just…... uh, are you seeing anyone right now or even remotely involved? I don’t want to possibly start a relationship before knowing everything I should know.", she replied, squeezing my hand.
"Tell you what. Let’s go back to my house and just talk.", I advised.
"Sounds good.", she answered, smiling.
We arrived at my place, and she followed me into the side door. We went to the kitchen where I poured two glasses of iced tea. We then went to the sofa and sat down, side by side.
"Ok, let me go first.", Chrissy stated.
"Ok, go first.", I laughed.
"Mark and I have dated since the eighth grade on and off. The summer between my sophomore and junior year was the first time I slept with him. It lasted maybe three minutes, tops. Not very memorable to say the least. My mom sensed it right away and after a few months put me on birth control. I’m not sure if my father knew but he never said anything.", she started.
"My parents did not care much for Mark, and he hated them. I did some stupid things when I was out with Mark, but I was as much to blame as he was. I drank way too much back then partly to escape it, I think. Mark is the only guy I ever slept with, so my sex life is less than stellar. Mark only cares about Mark, if you know what I mean.", she continued.
"Most times after he would cum it was over and he would bring me home. I would then have to get myself off in my bed after. As I grew older, Mark’s stupid bullshit just got old. They basically ran the school until you came along. You were the only one who ever stood up to them. So, here I am sitting on your sofa with you. Your turn.", she ended, giggling.
"Ok, wow… let’s see. I dated a girl who lives next door for a while. I really liked her a lot, her name was Cassie. We did sleep together several times during our relationship. She went back to college and met a guy who she is still with, I think.", I stated.
"Then after the fight in Moe’s I started seeing a cop, Lexie Thomas.", I started.
"Lexie Thomas, holy shit…… she is dating my cousin.", Lexie stated, shocked.
"Is your cousin’s name Cody?", I asked.
"Yes, how did you know?", she answered.
Lexie told me about Cody but claimed they had broken up and she was done with him. We dated several months then I went to her grandparent’s anniversary party, and he was there. She spent all her time with him, so I left and came home. We have spoken a few times since them but nothing else. Last conversation I had with her she told me that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be in a relationship at this time. So that was over a month ago.", I ended.
"Chris, this is hard to say but the reason she doesn’t want to be in a relationship is she is still with Cody.", she advised.
"That makes more sense than anything I have heard.", I said, shaking my head.
"Cody is a jerk and always has been. He tried to feel me up a few times.", she admitted with a frown on his face.
"Can’t blame him for that….", I laughed.
"Oh really…. Why you want to feel me up?", she giggled.
"I was thinking about it.", I replied, quickly.
"Good, take me to bed.", she replied, standing up and reaching for my hand.
I took her hand and got up then led her to the master bedroom which I had taken over. We walked over to the bed when I pulled the bedcovers back. She sat down on the bed and removed her heels then stood up and removed her slacks. She climbed back into the bed with a white lace top and matching panties. I pulled my shirt over my head and quickly took my pants off. I then got into bed on her left side taking her into my arms.
"I’m probably not very good at this.", Chrissy sighed.
I put my mouth on hers and forced my tongue into her mouth. She sighed deeply as her tongue soon found mine. My left hand went slowly up her shirt until I reached her left breast. I ran my finger across her nipple causing it to stiffen up. By now Chrissy was passionately kissing me her soft tongue exploring my mouth.
I slowly slid my left hand down her firm body stopping when I reached the waist band of her lace panties. I slowly inserted my fingertips into the waistband teasing her by stopping there. I could feel her lower stomach rising with every breath she took. I slowly pushed my hand in her panties until I felt a tiny patch of soft hair. I pushed down a bit further until my middle finger fell between her lips exploring the heat and dampness. One thrust of a finger slowly inside of Chrissy told me how wet she was already. I pulled away from her and moved down her body until I was between her legs. I used my left hand and pulled the fabric of her panties to the side plunging my tongue into her wet opening.
"Oh, my fucking god….", Chrissy moaned.
I moved up slowly finding her clit taking it softly between my lips and gently sucking on it. She was already lifting her hips off the bed anticipating my tongue’s next move. I was hoping Chrissy was about to cum, so I began to flick my tongue across her clit rapidly. As I looked up at her, her face and neck were already crimson red. I once again took her clit between my lips, but this time sucked on it hard.
"Oh shit……. I’m cumming.", she cried out.
Chrissy’s orgasm was very wet and very powerful. I pushed my tongue deep inside of her swallowing as much of her orgasm that I could. It lasted at least thirty seconds before her body went limp. I pulled my tongue from inside of her and moved back up her body. I leaned over and kissed her pushing my tongue into her mouth. She greedily sucked on my tongue tasting what was left of her orgasm. When I pulled my mouth from hers, she still had labored breathing.
"No one has ever did that to before and I can’t remember ever cumming that hard." she whispered.
"Hmmmmm……. Sounds like you have been neglected to me.", I replied.
"Obviously….", she giggled.
I reached down and once again slipped my hand inside of Chrissy’s panties and began to rub her still semi-hard clit. She moved her hand down my body and into my short wrapping her hand around my hard cock. She opened her eyes wide as she felt the size of my penis.
"God damn Chris, quite a dick you have here.", she giggled.
She pushed my shorts down my leg and tossed them aside. I grabbed her by the waist and put her on top on me. She wiggled down a bit until she was in just the right position. She lifted herself up and reached between her legs and grabbed my shaft inserting just the head inside her soaked opening. She reached forward placing her hands, palm down, on my chest. She looked directly into my eyes as she slowly lowered herself on my hard cock.
"Oh my god, this feels so good.", she whispered, closing her eyes.
It took a little over a minute but eventually she had me completely inside of her. She began to move up and down on me very slowly her eyes staring into mine. She was extremely tight and very wet as she stroked me slowly. It had been a while since I had fucked Lexie, so I was already creeping toward an orgasm. Chrissy suddenly quickened her pace leaning forward slightly towards me.
"Fuck, I’m gonna cum again……", she wailed, as her body shook with pleasure.
Chrissy’s orgasm was shorter this time but every bit as powerful. When she finally relaxed, I rolled her over on her back and moved down once again between her legs. I softly pushed my tongue inside of her and she deeply exhaled. I slowly worked her clit with my tongue as she softly caressed the hair on the top of my head.
"Are you trying to kill me?", Chrissy giggled.
"Not yet….", I replied.
I went back to her wet opening and made sure she was really soaked before I went any further. I then got up and moved up slightly inserting my hard cock into her entrance. I pushed slowly until I was deep inside of her. I began to move slowly in and out of her as I gazed into her large brown eyes. She licked her lips and pulled me down until we were locked in a deep, passionate kiss. Seconds later I crossed the point of no return. I quickly pulled out of her and began to stroke myself rapidly. The first secretion hit her in the neck with the next few covering her breasts. I continued to jerk off until her entire stomach was covered in a cum puddle. I collapsed on the bed next to her trying to regain my breath. A minute or so later, I got up and went to the bathroom returning with a wet rag to clean her off. She quickly cleaned herself off and moved over to me taking me in her arms. She laid her head on my shoulder looking up at me reaching down and softly stroking my cock.
"I hope you’re not done.", she giggled.
"I don’t know, let us see.", I replied.
I moved down her stomach quickly and once again had my mouth on her wet pussy. She pressed her thighs against the side of my head and held my head in place with both hands. I drove my tongue deep inside of her tasting her thick juices. I used two fingers and opened the top of her pussy exposing her hard clit. I immediately went to work on it with my tongue flicking it as rapidly as I could.
"Holy fuck that feels good.", she panted.
She was already lifting her hips off of the bed pushing hard against my mouth. I took her erect clit between my lips and gently sucked and licked it at the same time. In an instant, Chrissy lost control.
"Fuck…. I’m cummingggggg.", she wailed.
I dropped her off at her house around one o’clock in the morning. I really wanted her to spend the night but after all it was our first evening out. She was an adult but we both felt it was better if she went home. I was barely back inside when my phone chimed acknowledging a text message. I figured it was Chrissy messaging me about tonight. I picked up the phone and was shocked to see it was Lexie. She wanted to know if I was still up and if she could call me. I texted back that I was still up, and it was not a problem. Several minutes later, my phone rang.
"Hey Chris, how are you?", Lexie asked.
"I’m ok, Lex. How are you?", I replied.
"Ok, I guess. Look, this isn’t easy for me to say but I owe you the truth. I have been seeing Cody for a while now and we are trying to make it work. I’m sorry that I lied to you…. I never meant that to happen. You’re such an awesome guy I just…... well, I really couldn’t make myself tell you.", she admitted.
"Lexie, so what you are saying is that when we were dating you were with Cody too?", I asked.
"Yes, I’m sorry.", she said, choking up.
"Does Cody know that?", I asked.
"No, I have not told him yet.", she answered.
"Well, I guess I know exactly where I stand with you. I promise I will never say a word to Cody. If he finds out it has to come from you.", I promised.
"Chris, again I’m so sorry.", Lexie said, crying.
"Lexie, don’t be sorry. If Cody makes you happy then go for it. I can’t make you love me if your heart is still with him. Just be happy….", I replied.
"Thank you, Chris.", she answered, hanging up.
As I laid in bed that night one thing was for sure. I would not have to worry about Lexie being upset if Chrissy and I continued to see each other socially. I was restless that night and it took a while to fall asleep.
I woke up the next morning, showered then headed to the gym. Saturday mornings were always busy and I had three classes on Saturday. By noon, I was finished my eighty thirty and ten o’clock classes. I was sitting in the corner drinking a water when Josh’s brother Leo walked in with Mark Boudreaux in tow. This was the last thing I fucking needed. They walked up to the desk and began to talk to the receptionist. She then handed Leo an application to join the club. Mark was already a member through his parents, but he hardly ever came into workout.
Sadly, it did not take long for them to spot me in the corner. Leo made a motion to Mark and they both started to walk over. Leo had definitely become the ringleader of this crew. He stopped in front of me with this stupid looking smile on his face.
"How’s it going hotshot?’, he snarled.
"Fine and you?", I replied.
"Not what I heard. I heard someone nearly killed you.", he laughed.
"Oh, if you’re talking about the little bump on my head, that was nothing.", I answered.
"Not what I heard.", he said again.
"Well Leo, my suggestion is to hang out with people who know more. Because obviously the people you are listening to are full of shit.", I replied.
Leo took two steps back and clenched his fist stooping down just a bit. Master Garcia was just coming out of his office and noticed Leo right away.
"Hey kid…… knock it off.", he warned, crossing the ground between us quickly.
"Get lost old man, this has nothing to do with you.", Leo warned.
"This my dojo…. I say knock it off. You don’t want problem with me.", Master Garcia warned.
"No, my problem is with him.", Leo snarled, pointing at me.
"Why you have problem with my student?", Master Garcia asked calmly.
"He put my little brother in jail…. He’s gonna pay for that.", Leo said loudly.
"Oh, this is brother to the one pushed your mother down and she die. The same one who hit you from behind.", Master Garcia said, looking directly at me.
"Yep, that’s the one.", I replied.
"How do you know I hit you.", he laughed.
"It had to be you or one of the cowards you hang with. But when I find out for sure I going to hit you. But unlike you, I’ll be facing you.", I replied.
"Good luck, boy.", Leo laughed, turning around.
"Luck has nothing to do with it.", I answered.
Master Garcia had no way of blocking Leo from joining the health club if he paid the dues. Unless he caused trouble there was no way to put him out. Sometimes, it seemed like I could not get away from this group. Fortunately, today they walked out after joining so that should be my last encounter with them for at least today.
Chrissy and I decided to move our workout time up to six o’clock so we could get out a little earlier. Chrissy was making an amazing transformation due to the fact she was pushing herself so hard. We were doing bicep work at one of the stations when Mark Boudreaux, Darren Miller, Leo Klein, and Haley Mills walked in. The look on Mark’s face when he saw me spotting Chrissy was priceless. Chrissy looked at me and winked as she set the bar down.
Chrissy had already gained sizeable mass, and this was the first time they had seen her in spandex. She was quite the sight with her larger thighs and tiny waist. She also had slightly bigger arms and had packed some muscle on her shoulders. We went over to the seated rowing station where Chrissy went first. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell they were watching our every move.
We were about three quarters of the way through our workout when Mark Boudreaux couldn’t resist coming over to where we were. We were waiting on the on one of the dumb bell stations when he walked up to Chrissy.
"Why are you here with him…...", he asked.
"Chris and I have been working out together for months, he has helped me develop a program.", she replied, barely looking at him.
"So, he is your new boyfriend?", he laughed.
"Like I said Mark, he is helping me train until I feel strong enough to work out by myself.", Chrissy answered.
"Chrissy, the station is open now.", I said, moving towards the bench.
She followed me over to the bench and sat down facing the mirror. I grabbed the dumb bells she started with and handed them to her. Mark stood there for a minute then turned and walked back to his companions who were basically playing on the squat rack.
We finished up and went down to our respective dressing rooms to shower. When I walked out of the dressing room, I noticed that Mark was talking to Chrissy by the front door. Since I did not know who initiated the conversation, I thought it was best to be casual.
"Chrissy, see you tomorrow at six.", I waved, smiling.
"No Chris, please walk me to my car.", she asked.
"Sure.", I replied.
She then walked around Mark and over to me where we both walked out together. On the way to her car, she told me that he was begging her to go back with him. She had told me no several times but that was not the answer he was looking for. I made sure she got in her car safely and pulled out of the parking lot. I opened the driver’s door and threw my bag on the front passenger seat before looking over my shoulder. Mark was nowhere to be seen so I assumed he went back inside to meet his friends.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: