It was just another ordinary day at the Hololive Gen 3 building. On this peculiar day, Uruha Rushia, a popular and admired VTuber, well-known for her constant rages, was walking to the Gen 3 resting room after a long, exhausting day of streaming.

She was especially mad that day after everything had gone wrong during her last livestream. Her gameplay was bad, the game kept crashing at important moments, removing any sense of calm from her body. To make it worse, even her chat was constantly provoking and taunting her.

She literally couldn't think straight anymore. She was taking a breather in the resting room after grabbing a bottle of water from the mini-fridge.

She sat down on the big couch and sighed, as she stared at the empty wall, trying to relax her mind and forget about everything for a moment. She stayed like that, in complete silence, for a few minutes, the anger slowly leaving her small body.

Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before her peace of mind was interrupted. After a few minutes, Rushia heard the door to the resting room burst open loudly, making her let out a sigh of irritation. It was her Gen 3 colleague, Houshou Marine.

She was also a well-known VTuber, known for her lewd mind and sexy figure. While Rushia was a small girl and often teased as the "cutting board" of Hololive, Marine was the complete opposite. Not only were her breasts large, but her entire body was generously proportioned.

Senchou had some head-crushing thights and a massive dump truck, big enough to cover an entire seat. In summary, her mere presence was enough to make Rushia even angrier.

Rushia tried to ignore her existence, she didn’t want her day to get any worse. Marine, on the other hand, already had a smug smile on her face, ready to tease her genmate, unaware of how mad she was at the moment. Rushia wasn’t in the slightest mood for that. She tried ignoring her, but Senchou’s voice was just too loud and annoying.

"Ahooooy, Rushia-chan! Why the long face? It doesn't suit you."

Those could have been comforting words if it weren't for the fact that Marine spoke them in a lewd and annoying voice, each movement making her huge boobs jiggle a bit. Rushia couldn’t help but envy them, unable to take her eyes off them, it is a cruel reminder of what she will never have.

Everyone finds Marine sexy; everyone says she's the hottest Hololive member, even her own undead fans. And that's what makes Rushia the most mad. Her fans were supposed to support her and only her. They aren’t loyal if, the next second her streams end, they’re pandering to the horny pirate. Needless to say, she was extremely possessive.

"Rushia-chan, Rushia-chan!~" Senchou continued to pester the green-haired girl, who was already at her limit.

The pirate girl leaned down slightly to get her eyes on Rushia’s level, unknowingly showing off her ample cleavage even more.

"Stop... just stop already..." She whispered to herself, but that didn’t helped at all...

"Hmm? Stop what, Rushia-chan?~" It was hard to tell if she was pretending to be clueless to tease her friend or if she genuinely didn't understand what was going on.

"JUST GET OUT OF MY SIGHT ALREADY, YOU FAT COW! GET YOU AND YOUR SWEATY ASS AWAY FROM HERE!" It was hard to say this wasn’t expected. Rushia was having a bad day already and she always had a short temper, especially when she felt threatened by another girl. In this case, it was Senchou's thick body that felt like a menace to her.

Adding her bad day to her lack of patience and Marine's provocations resulted in her exploding like a bomb of pure rage.

Marine was caught by surprise by Rushia's sudden burst of rage. She knew her genmate well, but to think the first thing she'd get called was 'fat cow' and 'sweaty ass'. For Marine, this wasn’t an insult; it almost felt like Rushia admired her body and butt enough to notice something like that. The thought alone made a small grin appear on Senchou's face.

Since her peaceful break was already ruined, Rushia angrily got up from her seat and started walking toward the exit, heading in the same direction Marine was currently in. The pirate girl was currently leaning against the wall, watching her small genmate quietly approach the exit.

Rushia didn’t waste her time talking to Marine or even looking at her; she just wanted a quiet place, preferably far away from this obscene hag. But the moment she passed behind Marine, she felt her body being shoved with unnatural strength and speed directly into the wall. Something soft yet firm pressed against her chest, and after the impact, she finally understood what was happening.

"SENCHOU SPECIAL BUTT SLAM!!!" Marine said in a lewd voice. At that very moment, she was pressing Rushia's entire body against the wall with her ass alone. The size difference between them was that significant; Marine was almost twice the size of the necromancer girl.

Rushia let out a grunt of anger and disgust after noticing that her ass was somewhat damp. This also served as a reminder that, despite Rushia having a nice butt and being proud of it, it was nothing compared to Senchou's massive moons.

She immediately tried to push her genmate away, but there was no way she could have enough strength on her small body, to push something as big and heavy as Marine’s booty. The moment she pressed her hands on Marine butt, her palms sank into the vast world that was Marine's ass, sweat immediately spreading across her hands...

"Ara, Rushia-chan! Is my ass really sweaaaaaty like you said~?" Marine teased her, shaking her ass from side to side, spreading even more sweat on Rushia's flat chest in the process. This wasn’t just infuriating, but also humiliating. Her hands were too weak and too small to challenge a colossal ass like that. At that moment, Rushia felt like she could kill her genmate if she didn't stop that.

Since using her strength was no match for Marine, she was left with only one option. Letting her fury control her emotions and starting to scream at Senchou. Little did she know, that was a huge mistake. She was calling Marine all sorts of bad names, calling her fat and heavy. Expressing all her hate for the pirate girl for supposedly stealing her fans' loyalty.

Any other girl would be sad/mad being treated like that by a fellow colleague, but Marine was such a freak girl that she enjoyed every single second of her small friend protests. The fact that the angry girl was completely defeated by a single butt slam made Marine feel so powerful, slowly awakening something inside her.

Rushia's rage screams were non-stop, but to her surprise, she felt the heavy weight pressing her against the wall being slowly removed. Had she somehow hurt her genmate feelings and made her rethink her actions?

With almost no strength left in her body, she had no choice but to slowly slide down the wall, ready to collapse onto the floor, but in the very next moment, the ass assault resumed once again. This time, accompanied by an audible THUMP, she was pushed against the wall again, but this time, it was worse—way worse.

Now, it wasn’t her chest that was covered in her genmate’s disgusting smelly, sweaty ass, but her entire face was pressed into what felt like a world full of Senchou’s ass and sweat. Her so-called fat ass was so big that it covered the entire face of the necromancer girl.

She was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but with an added twist—a soft one.

Her vision was completely blinded by the thing that devoured her face. All her senses were completely blocked, except for one, her sense of smell.

She internally wondered when was the last time Marine had taken a bath and washed her ass, as if the wetness of her swamp ass wasn't enough, the smell was so overwhelming that her only reaction was to scream with all her might. It smelled like ass—well, it was an ass, a fantastic one, but still bad and repulsive. Not only that, there was also an insane amount of sweat slowly drowning the green-haired girl. Her hair was becoming soaked, and her sense of smell was being completely assaulted by the acrid stench of 'Senchou Cannon Hole'.

From the aggressor's point of view, it was funny—seeing the girl who hated her being completely defeated by a giant ass covered in sweat. Even with all the power in the necromancer girl's voice screaming, it was nothing more than small, muffled rumblings. Her ass is doing an outstanding job of isolating any sound. Rushia soon stopped screaming as it caused her mouth to accidentally come into contact with the salty taste of sweat.

"You know, I was really thinking about making another collab with you, Rushia-chan! I'm so glad I finally got the chance again!" Marine’s words, though loud, fell on deaf ears as Rushia couldn’t hear a thing with all that weight pressing against her face. The poor girl was too overwhelmed, drowning in sweat, to care about Marine's taunts. And with a proud voice, she announced her next action.

"Get ready for the Senchou Special Cannon~!" The horny pirate girl said, pressing both hands on her bloated tummy, doing that, Marine gave Rushia a small space to breathe.

Unfortunately for Rushia, who thought her situation couldn’t possibly get worse, the same hole that was smothering her nose suddenly opened. In that moment, Rushia realized exactly what Senchou meant by 'Special Cannon'...


In less than a second, the entirety of Rushia's senses were assaulted by a strong smell of rotten meat. Marine could immediately hear an agonizingly long scream, muffled beneath the pirate's booty. Her voice and body slowly grew weaker as the smell spread across her face.

A single fart was enough to shut down Rushia’s consciousness...

A ceiling, a streaming setup, and dark crimson walls—that was the first thing the necromancer girl saw when she finally regained consciousness. Looking out the window on the right, she realized it was already evening. The last thing she remembered was Marine releasing an absolutely monstrous fart and laughing at her reactions, While her vision slowly faded into a void

She tried to get up but noticed that both her feet and legs were tied with something that looked like red tape. It didn’t take long for her to realize that her entire body, except for her face, was completely wrapped up. She couldn’t move a single inch. Connecting the dots, she noticed that her head was now resting on a gaming chair, Senchou's gaming chair.

A sense of fear began to spread through her body. First, she lost consciousness after taking Marine’s smelly ass assault to her face. Second, a streaming setup and dark red walls? That was definitely Senchou’s room. This was somehow worse than being kidnapped by a crazy stalker, especially when the culprit was a horny, lewd girl like Marine...

Unable to move or even call for help with her mouth taped shut, she could only pray for any god to save her from this hellish situation.

But if there was a god, he wasn’t on Rushia’s side. Just seconds later, a familiar singing voice, followed by heavy boot steps, approached the room. She already knew it was her tormentor, coming to ensure that every single minute of this day would be pure torture for her.

"Rushia-chan! You’re finally awake. I was starting to get a little worried! It’s almost time for the stream, we’ll do a collab today!" Marine said, heavily panting as if she had just finished some intense exercise. This time, it was more noticeable than before. Senchou's entire body, from head to toe, was drenched in sweat. "It will be a long Minecraft endurance stream, those usually last for hours. The best part is that the only thing you’ll endure is this fat, sweaty ass you love so much!"

This only added more fear to Rushia’s mind. She already felt like she was dying when Marine put face her against the wall. Now, being directly used as a cushion for a heavy, sweaty girl like Marine? Even for a necromancer, there was no way she could survive this.

"Ah, and I almost forgot. I went out early for my morning walk and also stopped to have a few portions of my favorite Yakiniku," Marine said with a grin. "Unfortunately, they make me soooo gassy. Ganbareee, Rushia-chan...You will need it~!"

To make matters worse, not only had Senchou been exercising all day, but she also hadn’t taken a single bath? And to top it all off, she had eaten more than one portion of Yakiniku? It was no secret among the other Gen 3 members that Marine’s meaty gas was absolutely rancid after indulging in Yakiniku, one portion was enough for her to clear an entire room.

Before Rushia could even shed tears of despair over her situation, Marine gave a small jump and dropped the full weight of her almighty ass onto the poor, small girl face.

The impact shoved Rushia’s face deep into Houshou ass, making an audible splash sound from all the sweat accumulated on her swampy ass, her body started instinctively squirming. The smell was repulsive—something the human body would immediately reject—but she had no choice. This disgusting smell was her only source of air for the next few hours...

Completely ignoring Rushia’s protests, Marine was ready to start her long endurance stream.

"Ahoy, minna~san!~ Kono Houshou Marine desu!~ Today, we're diving into the ultimate endurance challenge! I'll be playing Minecraft for hours!~" She said as she rubbed her sweaty ass on her supposed friend's face. Was that what a collab meant to her?

The official inhuman punishment for the poor necromancer had officially begun. She will be forced to deal with the glorious pirate booty smothering her entire face, and not only that, her only source of air would be completely contaminated with raw ass smell or even worse Marine Yakiniku Gas. A burbling sound could be heard from Marine’s stomach, a warning that this would only get worse and smellier with time.

This was officially the worst day of Rushia's life. There was nothing she could do at this point against that swampy, face-devouring monster. All she could do was pray that her conscience would leave her body and save her from this nightmare.

In just a few minutes of streaming, Marine butt was almost like a waterfall of sweat, the necromancer girl felt as though she was almost being waterboarded. It didn’t take long for tears to start streaming down Rushia’s face, tears that were immediately mixed with the sweat around her face, making it impossible for Marine to even notice.

Of course, the small necromancer wouldn’t accept this situation. She would fight with all she had, which meant squirming her tied-up body as much as she could to somehow force this disgusting ass off her face. Her struggles grew so intense that they began to slightly disrupt Senchou's focus on the game.

"Ehhhh!! my pet accidentally invaded my room! Just a moment, everyone! I'll deal with this little troublemaker~!" Marine quickly muted her microphone and turned her attention to her friend. Without much effort, an incredibly loud sound echoed through the room, like a bomb exploding.


Rushia's body, immediately reacted as if she had just been hit by the worst smell ever made. She reminded of a distant day when she, Marine, and Pekora were having yakiniku together. Senchou accidentally released a silent fart, which was enough to make them evacuate the room. She and Pekora joked that her gas was almost like a nuclear biological weapon, but this time, taking it directly to the face, it truly felt like one.

The intense smell sent a rush of adrenaline through her body. It was so vile that it made her protests grow even stronger. She tried to twist her body, but it was practically useless with all the tape wrapped around her, not to mention something extremely heavy holding her head in place. Marine noticed her reactions. Judging by all the movements, Rushia clearly hated this "small" release, but Marine just let out a confident laugh before unmuting, as if nothing had happened.

From her viewers' point of view, Senchou just stepped away for a few minutes to deal with her cute, troublemaking pet. None of them could imagine that she had released a deadly, high-pitched fart, especially coming from a idol.

"Okay, everyone! I’ve got the little troublemaker, hahahaha! Now, let's continue... I think we should explore this biome next!" Only a small release, for Marine standards at least, was enough to make Rushia's entire body feel like it was inhaling pure poison—a deadly poison that burned her insides, with an intense concentrated smell of meat and eggs.

After that deafening sound and nauseating smell, Rushia returned to complete silence beneath these mountains of flesh. Now, besides the insane amount of sweat, she also had to deal with the remnants of that rancid fart.

And then some time passed. How much, exactly? Rushia had lost track of time, but she began to truly fear that she might suffocate down there. She didn't know which was worse: being slowly suffocated without air, under Marine's swamp ass, or having to breathe that ungodly Yakiniku gas again.

She slowly felt her chest burning from the lack of oxygen. Had her friend forgotten about her? She wouldn't meet her end here, under a disgusting ass, would she? She needed to find a way to get Marine's attention again, who was either ignoring her on purpose or had gotten distracted by the game.

With her entire body wrapped up and unable to move even her face, one scary idea crossed her mind...

"Eeeh!!!??" Marine let out an unusual surprised gasp, and her viewers quickly started teasing her in the chat. Under her ass, the small girl, almost forgotten beneath this swampy hell, had to do one of the hardest tasks of her life. The only way to get Senchou's attention again was, of course, to use the only free part of her body—her nose.

Sniffing as hard as she could somehow worked, at the cost of completely ruining Rushia’s sense of smell with the mix of sweat and the remnants of gas.

"A-Alright, everyone, bathroom break time! I’ll be back in a few minutes!" She muted her microphone again and lifted her butt off Rushia's face. "I'm so sorry, Rushia-chan, I almost forgot you down there. You really need some air, poor thing..." She had a mischievous smile on her face as she looked at the state of the necromancer girl.

Her iconic green hair was all messy and soaked in, her face twisted in a mix of tears and sweat. She was practically unrecognizable. She was completely defeated by a gassy, hag ass.

"Here, since you really want my attention, I will give you more of my fresh air! She pointed her ass at Rushia, who immediately widened her eyes. The last thing she wanted was to deal with that terrible smell again.



It started with two relatively low-pitched farts that progressively got louder and longer. Ending with a surprising two-minute-long bubbly fart. Marine enjoyed every single second watching her genmate’s expressions change. It started with sadness, then fear, and ended in complete and utter despair.

Rushia was trying hard to maintain a straight face. The moment she heard the gas start leaking, she held her breath, as if her life depended on it. But, of course, her small body couldn't hold out any longer. Sooner or later, she would be forced to breathe in the rancid gas again. Of course, the horny pirate noticed that.

"So, you wanna play a game to see who can last longer—your breathing or my gas, Rushia-chan!~ I never knew you were so playful, but you know I can get really competitive!" The contrast in how both of them saw the situation they were in was very evident. While Rushia was literally fighting for her life, Marine was just having fun with her genmate.
Now, even more motivated to play with her genmate, Senchou crouched down and began to unbuckle one of her long black boots.

"I've been wearing this pair without washing them for almost a whole month already! Even though I dislike the smell they give off when I'm not wearing them, hehe!~" She removed her soaked feet from the large boot, revealing her sockless feet, drenched in sweat. Rushia didn’t even dare try to imagine how disgusting and concentrated the smell must be inside those boots.

The situation grew more tense. Rushia knew she couldn’t hold her breath much longer; her vision was already starting to blur. During those long agonizing seconds, Marine had a happy smile on her face, Rushia watched in horror as Marine pressed the open side of her boot directly onto her butt.

A deep, bassy fart echoed inside the already pungent boot. "Wow, this was a really hot one, Rushia-chan!~ It almost felt like fire coming from my ass!~" And then, at the exact moment Rushia body was about to be forced to breathe again, Marine pressed the inside of her boot to her nose. It was large compared to Rushia's face, covering almost half of it.

Unfortunately for Rushia, her body betrayed her and instinctively forced her to search for oxygen. Needless to say, the first whiff was a complete shock to her small body. The funky smell of her unwashed boots, combined with a massive fart, not to mention the pool of sweat inside them was enough to destroy the poor girl mind.

She continued screaming and squirming for about half a minute, during that time, Marine didn't remove her boot from her face for even a second. They continued like that until Rushia's body completely shut down...

Marine gave a proud smile, seeing the results of her own smell. Removing the boot from Rushia's face released an insanely bad odor into the room. "Ewwh" Senchou jokingly waved the smell away in front of her. She lifted the small necromancer body and placed her head on the chair, ready to use her 'cushion' again.

She sitted on her genmate face, greating her chat again and apologizing for the delay. One of her viewers jokingly said, "I was in charge of keeping your gaming chair warm wwww." Marine provocatively responded in a flirt voice. "I guess this gaming chair feels warm thanks to you!~"

"So, my butt gets seriously too warm, and when I sit down... I don't wanna say it, but it gets all drenched." She leaned in, adding even more weight to her chair, and rubbed her sweat around Rushia's face, making sure her sweat was spread on Rushia's entire face. "It's gross so I always put down a cushion and sit on the cushion, this one i'm using now is pretty comfortable and durable!~"

She continued joking actively with her chat, talking about how swampy it gets down there and how helpful 'cushions' are.

Hours passed as Marine continued her stream as usual, receiving numerous donations and making slow progress in the game. She was doing really well and having fun. Rushia, on the other hand, spent most of those hours half-unconscious due to the intense smell that had overwhelmed her earlier.

While she decorated her house in the game, Senchou felt something specially bad brewing in her stomach, so she shifted her leg slightly and relaxed her anus. In the process, releasing a low-pitched, almost silent, lethal gas. She was releasing this vile poison straight into the poor girl nose. It was scalding hot and lasted for an entire minute.

Meanwhile, Rushia was having an intense nightmare where an entire city was about to be crushed by a giant meteorite, which ironically was shaped like Marine's butt. Moments before the impact, the same butt started releasing a storm of farts, making the air in the city unbreathable. Moments before the impact of the meteorite, she woke up, she felt the silent gas slowly leaking into her nose, making her scream loudly. This one was so loud that some muffled sounds could be heard by the viewers.

She was squirming with all the strength left in her body, but it was useless. The tapes prevented any kind of movement, and her head was held in place thanks to Marine heavy ass, the scene of Rushia squirming was almost like watching a fish fighting for its life out of water. Only half of her body could protest; Marine kept her face in place, creating an intense contrast between Rushia's upper and lower body.

"MHMMMM!!?" She remembered her situation, it wasn't just a nightmare. The smell this time was so inhumanely bad that she refused to stay quiet. She no longer had control over her body, she just wanted to remove this disgusting, repulsive smell from her face no matter what. If Senchou's normal yakiniku gas was strong enough to evacuate an entire room, this silent release was enough to evacuate an entire building.

The viewers didn’t waste any time and started making jokes about the mysterious sounds in the background Senchou's stream, some joking that it was her troublemaking pet again, while others said it could be ghosts.

"T-That was nothing, everyone! It's just my old, rusty chair that can't handle my giant pirate butt anymore!" Marine started repeatedly dropping her butt onto her cute green 'cushion' with all her weight. "See, it's just some random noises; this chair makes them all the time! Anyway, let’s continue! I need to go to the Nether!" Every butt impact making Rushia feel sweat spreading across her face and making her release an intense sound of pain.

The chat quickly turned into viewers talking about how they wished they were her chair. Having a Holo known for having one of the biggest butts do the same stuff to you would sound like a dream. But no matter how devoted and dedicated you are to your oshi, if you had to experience what Rushia is going through right now, you’d lose your sanity. This would be too much even for people with an intense bad smell fetish.

This hellish experience, which would remain stuck in Rushia's mind like a trauma for the rest of her life, went on for hours...

After a total amount of sixteen hours, a new record for Marine, the stream finally ended, and it was already the night of the next day. During those last hours, Marine got bored and decided to treat Rushia like a literal cushion. During that time she completely ignored any protests or squirms, Senchou's didn't even get up from her seat once. The only thing keeping Rushia alive at this point was her unfiltered, rancid gas. The combination of both smell and sweat was like someone was forcing her poor face into a sewage with how swampy and smelly it was.

The pirate girl, exhausted from this intense streaming session, finally began to get up from her 'cushion'. In the process, Rushia's face was almost stuck to her butt due to all the sweat. The poor girl was completely unrecognizable, there was smoke coming out of her nose and mouth, thanks to all the gas she was forced to swallow, an insane amount of tears and sweat on her face. At this rate, it was impossible to tell if those were even tears. And notably, two huge, round, red marks on her face, almost as if Marine had personally stamped the girl with her ass, just like a stamp.

The captain was almost groggy after hours of playing without a break, speaking in a lazy tone as she grabbed her companion as if she were a toy. "Rushiaaaa-chaaaan, I'm soooo sleeeeepy... Let's sleep togetheeeeer" Thanks to their size difference, she could easily lift and carry Rushia to the bed.

Marine placed the tied-up Rushia's body on her bed and stretched, yawning. Rushia just looked at her with pleading eyes, almost as if she had accepted defeat and would do anything to get out of this situation. The small necromancer was being treated like a stuffed animal at this point. Too weak to move, she only could watch everything. It seemed that tonight, she would have to share the bed with her genmate.

Marine laid down next to Rushia and pulled a long red blanket from her feet, covering both girls. She grabbed Rushia and pulled her close to her body, which was completely sweaty and smelly. She gently hugged her, pressing the girl's face against her large, sweaty bust. The smell was bad, but compared to what Rushia had to endure today, it felt like a little corner of paradise. The mix of Senchou's perfume with her sweat created something that could even be considered pleasant in comparison to her butt.

She didn’t know if it was a bit of embarrassment from having her face pressed against her friend’s large cleavage, or if it was Marine who was so hot that, somehow, she was warming up under the blankets. It almost felt like a kotatsu. Maybe she should use this time to try to relax after such a busy day...

"Shoooooo... Good night Rushia-chan!~" Marine said almost as if she were sleepwalking. She pulled the blankets without realizing she had shoved her colleague underneath them, almost creating a sauna under those blankets.


That sauna quickly turned into a gas chamber with a single fart. The smell of rotten meat mixed with sweat would be stuck under those blankets until morning. Without any source of oxygen under those blankets, Rushia was slowly put to sleep...

She woke up the next day in her own bed, untied and covered in sweat. Was it all just a terrible nightmare? Rushia sat up in her bed, breathing heavily. Of course it was a nightmare; her dear genmate would never do something so cruel to her, right? She sat there, thinking for a few minutes in her bed, until her phone beeped with a message.

Houshou Marine: Ahooooooy Ru-chan ✩
Houshou Marine: I can't wait for our next collab! It's scheduled for next Friday!

Rushia's face was relieved for just a moment, until the next message arrived. It contained a picture of Marine's sweaty butt, making her drop her cellphone on the floor.

It wasn't a nightmare at all...

Pub: 06 Dec 2024 21:42 UTC
Edit: 07 Dec 2024 03:28 UTC
Views: 562