Be prince of a distant nation
Recently, Peach invited you to the Mushroom Kingdom for diplomatic talks
You've heard some strange things about the Mushroom Kingdom, espeically how Peach is prone to getting kidnapped, but their people are nice and it's not like that's her fault
Decide to dress in something flashy and regal for the occasion, you're wearing the crown of your country as you head off for the Mushroom Kingdom
You arrive, all these mushroom headed folk have voices that give you a headache but are otherwise really nice
You and Peach are about to begin talking when explosions ring out
A toad runs in screaming something about "koopas" and "Bowser"
Peach gasps and grabs your arm, telling you that you both have to run or hide
You've barely made it into the next hallway when the wall is demolished by a cannonball flying through the bricks
You get caugh underneath some rubble, luckily you're not hurt bad, just pinned down
From under the rubble you can see an airship descending toward the wreckage
Some toads run in, they don't notice you and drag Peach off toward safety before you can think to say anything
At this point a crowd of turtles, koopas you guess, swarm in
They're looking around, moving aside rubble and storming into doors
One of them unearths you from beneath the broken bricks
The koopa takes a moment to look at you, the second he sees the crown beside you he waves the other koopas over
After a bit of talking amongst themselves they seem to come to a decision and grab you
You're still too winded to really fight back so you can do little more than stare in bewilderment as a bunch of turtles drag you off toward the airship
Your last thought before you black out is that you really should've rejected that invitation

Some time later, you wake to the sounds of hushed voices and the whir of propellers overhead
"So? Did you snag Peach or what?" You hear a muffled voice ask
You grab your head, finding yourself in a small room lying on a bed
You slowly get to your feet, moving unsteadily toward the door out of the room
"Yes Queen Koopa, he was wearing a crown and had these royal clothes on, so we know he's royalty!" Another muffled voice responds
Those words make you freeze. Did those koopas seriously mistake you for Peach?
You don't hear anything else as you reach the door, you try the handle. Locked. Of course
At least the door has a window they didn't bother to cover
"What was that? I think I misheard you." Even muffled you can hear the dangerous edge in those words
You look outside. There's those koopas again. And then there's her. A big, hulking beast of a koopa wearing a bunch of spiked armbands
Her shell is covered in spikes and her hair is flaming red
Despite the absurdity of this entire situation you can't help but blush at the sight of her
She's got impressive curves on her, especially for some sort of turtle monster
Her breasts are covered in scales, each one is more than a handful
Wait, what are you thinking? You shake your head and focus
The koopa looks nervous as he replies "I-I said he was wearing a crown and wearing fancy clothes, Queen Bowser!"
Bowser? So that's Bowser. She must be their leader.
Bowser's brow twitches and she leans down, a dangerous expression on her face
"Hey idiot. You do remember that Princess Peach is, you know... A PRINCESS?!"
The koopa doesn't get a chance to respond as she grabs him and chucks him overboard
"Why do I even keep you morons around?" Bowser mutters, grumbling and shaking her head as she turns toward you
You quickly duck beneath the glass, which doesn't help your headache as you hear heavy footsteps heading toward you
You feel your heartbeat quickening, you back away from the door in fear, especially after what happened to that Koopa
Throwing your own subordinates overboard is pretty extreme, but then again mistaking you for Peach is an impressively bad screw-up
You barely have time to ponder if you'll soon follow that Koopa when you hear the lock click and the door swing open

The light is obscured by the sillouette of Bowser standing in the doorway
You feel your throat go dry as her crimson eyes look you over silently
"Who the heck are you?" She says at last, "You're obviously not Peach, but I ain't got a clue who you are."
You hesitate, but decide after what happened to that Koopa it's best if you cooperate
"I'm prince Anon. I was visiting the Mushroom Kingdom to talk with Peach about our two nations."
Bowser laughs, "Hah! If there's anyone you should talk to it oughta be me! After all the Mushroom Kingdom will be mine one of these days!"
You decide it best not to point out how unlikely that is with subordinates like hers
"Well, um. Since I'm the wrong guy, any chance I'll be let go?"
Bowser laughs even harder. "Fat chance! You may not be Peach, but I think I can make this work."
The big Koopa leans down toward you with a smirk, "Peach is such a goody two shoes. Just imagine what'll happen when she finds out you were kidnapped in her place."
"She might even offer to take your place if it means setting you free."
Not good. Even assuming Peach does exactly what Bowser wants, who knows how long that could be and whether she'll even hold up her end of the bargain and let you go
"Please. My kingdom needs me, don't you have any compassion?" You desperately try to appeal to any good nature in this monster's heart
Bowser slaps a claw on your shoulder, "Sure I do! Why, I'm so generous I'm not even gonna throw ya overboard like I was originally planning, pretty boy!"
At this point you have no idea what to do. You've got an intimidating turtle monster keeping you prisoner on an airship with no way out. Wait, did she call you a pretty boy?
You give her an incredulous look, "P-Pretty boy?!" You exclaim, trying and failing to pull away from her claws grip as she towers over you with that intimidating grin
Bowser's crimson eyes narrow, "I said what I said, prince whatever-your-name-was. Heck, maybe I'll say a little more..." She says in a sensual tone that you really don't like
You look away and try again to pull out of her grip, your heartbeat quickening as her other claw grabs your chin and lifts your head up to look into her eyes
"You have no idea how frustrating today has been..." She brings her face closer to yours. Her breath is hot on your face. The heat makes you squirm more as her face inches even closer.

"S-Stop, wait! I'm a prince! Please, I'll forget this all happened if you just-" Bowser cuts off your words by pushing her mouth against yours
"Mmf-!" You struggle fruitlessly, closing your eyes and trying to get the image of her monsterous face out of your head
That's hard to do when you can feel her teeth grazing your cheeks and her surprisingly soft chest pressed against yours
Against your will, you feel your body beginning to heat up
No! You're a prince! You can't be feeling like this from being kissed by a beast like Bowser!
But you are. And when her tongue forces its way into your mouth, you can't hold the moan that escapes your lips
Bowser chuckles into the kiss. As her tongue invades and violates your mouth, you can feel her claws rubbing along your body
Then they grip your clothes and begin to tear it off
Your eyes shoot open in panic, redoubling your struggles
But you're kept locked in the kiss. Bowser's crimson eyes filled with smug superiority as she rips the fabric away from your body
And then... her claw cups your package beneath your underwear
Oh god is this really happening?!
Bowser pulls away from the kiss. You can only pant and mumble weak protests as she roughly yanks your underwear off and tosses it aside
"Ahh!" You yelp, using your hands to cover your hardening cock from her sight, much to her annoyance
"Oh quit your whinin'! You're a real lucky guy, ya know? I mean, would you rather I lock you cage over a pit of lava or just tossed ya overboard?"
"B-But-" Bowser places a claw over your mouth and grabs your hands with her other claw and pulls them away
Much to your shame, you're already fully erect. You don't want to admit that her roughness and curvy body turned you on, but the proof of your arrousal is twitching between your legs
"Mmm... guess ya can't pretend you aren't loving this now, huh?" Bowser teases, licking her lips as she uncovers your mouth to grab your cock with her claw
"A-Ahh-!" You yelp as her claw begins to stroke your length
You expected her grip to be rough, but she's surprisingly gentle with you, slowly and deliberately stroking her claw up to your tip before pulling down to the base
Bowser's breathing heavier now, her hot breath washing over your face as she stares at you
"So? Still wanna complain, pretty prince?"
You gulp, finding it hard to think with her claw working your cock
You glance up from her claw to look at Bowser again
You didn't want to admit it before, but she really is drop dead gorgeous
Her scaly body is thick, and with the curves to match
Her breasts look so inviting, her thighs look so soft
You're not sure if it's your thoughts or just the lewd situation, but you find yourself attracted to her more monsterous parts too
Her scales look tough, but they're actaully really smooth and soft to the touch
Her short tail is cute too. And her face, staring at you so hungrily...
You feel your heart hammering as you come to a decision and take a deep breath

"No, I'm... done complaining." You whisper with a blush
Bowser's smile widens, "Ohh, c'mon! You can do better than that!" she replies
Her claw comes to a stop, just holding your deseprately twitching length
You frown, "P-Please..." You mutter, shame burning the tips of your ears
Bowser shakes her head, her red hair glinting in the sunlight coming in through the door's window
"Nope! Say it loud and proud, pretty prince! Tell me what ya want!"
You close your eyes, you can feel your cheeks burning red
"Please, Bowser-"
"Queen Bowser." She corrects you
"Please, Queen Bowser... I-I want- I need you! Please, please fuck me!" You beg, your voice shaky with need
You open your eyes, Bowser's expression is one of infinite smugness as she lets go of your cock and pushes you back toward the bed
"Well, since ya asked so nicely... lie down!" She demands, a hungry glint in her eyes
You do as she tells you, no longer any trace of resistance in you
The full weight of the Queen of Koops bears down upon you
Her thick thighs planted on either side of your hips and her claws resting on your belly
She flashes a toothy grin and licks her lips
"Hope your pelvis can take this!" She warns before angling your cock toward her slit and slamming down onto you
The feeling of warmth enveloping your cock is incredible
You gasp and moan as Bowser leans forward, your face getting stuffed between her scaly breasts
"Hff... nice cock, pretty prince!" Bowser hums happily, idly shifting her hips back and forth as she gets used to you inside her
Your brain is too fried to say anything, not that you could with your head trapped between two impossibly soft koopa tits
Then Bowser lifts her hips, and before you can do anything, the roughest fuck of your life begins

Bowser's scaly body completely overwhelms you as she rapidly pounds you
Her hips repeatedly slam down onto your cock, over and over
All you can do is moan into her chest as you get fucked silly
"Hnngh... fuck! Anyone tell ya you have an amazing dick?" Bowser grunts as she continues to pound you into the bed
It amazes you such a creaky bed hasn't broken under her weight, it amazes you even more that you haven't either
Bowser's relentless fucking continues, and she pulls back to bounce on your cock cowgirl style, her huge breasts bouncing and her thick ass clapping
No longer muffled, you gasp and moan loudly beneath Queen Koopa
"Ohh... damn, listen to you moan! I'm just that good, huh pretty prince?" She gloats, sighing as she speeds up her fucking
As the thick koopa queen ruts your cock, you can feel yourself approaching your limit
"Bowser... I can't- I'm so close!" You grunt, placing your hands on her impossibly thick thighs as she bounces even faster
Bowser's eyes glint with need and she leans close, "Give it to me! I want it! Cum! Fucking fill me up!" She growls, pressing her mouth to yours in another sloppy kiss
You close your eyes, the incredible sensations almost too much. And then, when Bowser's tongue slips into your mouth again, you break
Your eyes roll up, your toes curl, your hands grip Bowser's gyrating thighs and you moan into her mouth as your cock throbs and erupts deep within the queen of koopas
Bowser growls back, slamming down one last time. You can feel her warm cunt quivering around your cock as you shoot your seed deep inside, filling her up with spurt after spurt
The two of you stay locked in the kiss, her body holding you in place as you pant into her mouth
Bowser's pussy milks you for all your worth. Not stopping until your cock finally stops twitching, your balls entirely drained
With a satisfied sigh, Bowser pulls away, lifting her hips and allowing your cock to slowly slide out of her cunt
You stare as she uses a claw to hold open her lips, your cum oozing out of her slit
Bowser chuckles, "Wow... you made a real mess, pretty prince."
You're too tired to speak as she steps off the bed and grabs a towel that was conveniently nearby
"Change of plans. I'm keeping you. Don't worry, you'll enjoy being mine as I conquer the Mushroom Kingdom. You don't mind if I take your kingdom too while I'm at it right?"
She doesn't wait for you to answer, walking out the door and turning to flash you one more grin, "Didn't think so. Now get some sleep, you'll need it~"

Pub: 30 Jun 2022 19:06 UTC
Views: 2950