2:19 [EN] Text: Serious Situation
2:21 [EN] Kson: Hey.
2:25 [EN] Kson: Ey ey ey ey!
2:28 [EN] Kson: Everyone, konbanmura!
2:32 [EN] Kson: This is Kson Souchou!
2:38 [EN] Kson: Excuse me, I'm squatting today.
2:41 [EN] Kson: This is a serious situation.
2:43 [EN] Kson: Please listen to this.
2:48 [EN] Kson: Today is sort of a serious chat.
2:54 [EN] Kson: Something happened.
3:01 [EN] Kson: I'm even stomping the ground.
3:17 [EN] Kson: Somewhere beyond my knowledge, the future of VTubers is met its end.
3:21 [EN] Kson: Something terrible is happening.
3:56 [EN] Kson: I have something serious to discuss today.
4:02 [EN] Kson: Ever since I debuted....
4:06 [EN] Kson: Japan and America....
4:15 [EN] Kson: My career's been about 5 years.
4:25 [EN] Kson: Oh, it's fine, this doesn't have to be members-only.
4:29 [EN] Kson: In fact, I want everyone to hear this;
4:34 [EN] Kson: Especially the weebs.
5:04 [EN] Kson: For those who don't know, "weebs" are overseas people who generally love anime and VTubers.
5:12 [EN] Kson: Basically, Japan otaku.
5:19 [EN] Kson: It's not particularly a bad word.
5:27 [EN] Kson: "You're a weeb" basically just means "you love Japan."
5:36 [EN] Kson: It's just someone who loves anime or VTubers.
5:40 [EN] Kson: Can be used for both guys and girls.
5:59 [EN] Kson: When I debuted, it was my intention to bridge Japan and America.
6:02 [EN] Kson: I myself am a weeb.
6:09 [EN] Kson: I love internet culture. I love games. And so on.
6:19 [EN] Kson: Yeah! Naruto! I keep going on about it.
6:35 [EN] Kson: So, for those who're learning this term for the first time, just know that it refers to those who love Japanese culture.
6:49 [EN] Kson: Yeah, I'm an American from Georgia.
6:51 [EN] Kson: I'm an ex-weeb.
6:55 [EN] Kson: I live in Japan right now.
6:59 [EN] Kson: So, I'm the weeb-est weeb ever.
7:05 [EN] Kson: And now I want you guys to listen.
7:13 [EN] Kson: Lemme get to the point.
7:25 [EN] Kson: Up till now, I've used the term "weeb" in a good way.
7:31 [EN] Kson: But lately, the manners of the weebs....
7:36 [EN] Kson: I want the Japanese people to hear this too.
7:45 [EN] Kson: Basically, their manners have been taking a strange turn.
7:58 [EN] Kson: I didn't realize it earlier because I'd been away from the culture for a while.
8:08 [EN] Kson: Weebs are supposed to be people who adore Japan.
8:15 [EN] Kson: But....
8:41 [EN] Kson: In VTuber culture, there's the concept of "gachikoi," or being really in love with the streamer, right?
8:57 [EN] Kson: And some people get angry about a streamer having a significant other.
9:04 [EN] Kson: I have no problem at all with the gachikoi concept.
9:10 [EN] Kson: And fans supporting creators is great.
9:13 [EN] Kson: That's not the issue.
9:22 [EN] Kson: I'm talking the "unicorn" troublemakers.
9:33 [EN] Kson: The ones who flip out when they disagree with something.
9:42 [EN] Kson: And now, it seems like the term "weeb" is referring to THOSE guys instead.
9:45 [EN] Kson: I only learned this recently.
9:58 [EN] Kson: Now, it seems like the more extreme someone is, the "cooler" they are.
10:21 [EN] Kson: I don't mind it if fans dislike their favorite streamer having a significant other.
10:30 [EN] Kson: The way they connect with creators is up to them.
10:59 [EN] Kson: However, there are people saying things like, "I only support female creators who don't collab with guys. That's how weebs SHOULD be."
11:20 [EN] Kson: They spend all their energy in putting down female creators with even a hint of a guy in their life.
12:04 [EN] Kson: It's getting to the point where those who cross the line are considered "real" weebs.
12:15 [EN] Kson: They misunderstood that that is how they should act.
12:27 [EN] Kson: That those who make their faves cry are the REAL fans.
12:30 [EN] Kson: This is very bad.
12:35 [EN] Kson: This is in fact terrible.
13:01 [EN] Kson: And they consider those who don't share their views "not real weebs."
13:29 [EN] Kson: I love the attitude of, "All that matters is that the creator he/herself is happy."
13:49 [EN] Kson: Up to now, weebs have been people who don't really care who hangs out with who.
14:16 [EN] Kson: Now, they're picking on those who interact with those who interact with those who interact with a guy.
14:28 [EN] Kson: It's like picking on someone for their ex's ex's ex.
14:34 [EN] Kson: I don't even get what they're fighting against.
14:44 [EN] Kson: And now those people are supposedly "real" weebs.
14:53 [EN] Kson: There used to be only a few bad apples.
14:58 [EN] Kson: Now the general trend is heading that way.
15:33 [EN] Kson: And some people who consider agency VTubers who obey their agency's orders without question "real" creators.
15:42 [EN] Kson: And themselves, who support such creators, "real" weebs.
15:49 [EN] Kson: That's so lame.
16:08 [EN] Kson: I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, of course.
16:37 [EN] Kson: But as a result of the bad minority growing louder in Japan, it's clouding the overseas viewers' view.
17:05 [EN] Kson: Can't we go back to when we just love VTubers in general, regardless of gender or even race.
17:16 [EN] Kson: Personally, I'm popular with girls and have zero gachikoi.
17:25 [EN] Kson: So I suppose no one would raise a fuss even if I got married www
17:39 [EN] Kson: Problem is, I don't have any specific ideas for what can be done.
17:49 [EN] Kson: I only know that things are very wrong.
17:59 [EN] Kson: In America, people are quite individualistic.
18:07 [EN] Kson: I like who I like, and you like who you like. Period.
18:17 [EN] Kson: I saw that in Japan too, and I like that attitude.
18:29 [EN] Kson: You can dislike who you want. It's your discretion.
18:45 [EN] Kson: But now, Japanese idols are getting severely misunderstood.
19:08 [EN] Kson: Of course, I'm not pointing fingers at idols.
19:33 [EN] Kson: But it's getting to where they're being propped up as absolute good, and those who go another way absolute bad.
19:41 [EN] Kson: I understood there's business.
19:48 [EN] Kson: For business's sake, some might show some cleavage.
19:55 [EN] Kson: That doesn't bother me.
20:07 [EN] Kson: Or like, if there's some yuri, it'd sell better. That's fine.
20:38 [EN] Kson: But apparently the range of what is considered "doable" is shrinking.
20:50 [EN] Kson: I didn't realize this earlier because I was really busy with my own matters.
21:03 [EN] Kson: I didn't have the leeway to find out what's happening beyond my sphere.
21:30 [EN] Kson: Those under agencies, those not, those with big boobs, those without.
21:37 [EN] Kson: Wake up, weebs.
21:42 [EN] Kson: You're allowed to support anyone you want.
21:54 [EN] Kson: Being an idol is not about obeying some..... It's hard for me to say.
21:58 [EN] Kson: I don't want to say it super directly.
22:17 [EN] Kson: Being all trussed up isn't the "right" way.
22:33 [EN] Kson: And those acting freely aren't "bad".
22:50 [EN] Kson: Apparently there's been growing hate directed against those, for example, in VShojo who do whatever they way.
22:53 [EN] Kson: *want
23:07 [EN] Kson: I didn't realize it was a whole trend.
23:54 [EN] Kson: There are those who believe that true weebs are those who support girls who firmly bind themselves to corporations and thoroughly erase all traces of guys in their lives.
24:25 [EN] Kson: I believe this is something I am in a unique position that I can say this.
24:35 [EN] Kson: Weebs, what happened to you guys?
24:52 [EN] Kson: What do you think? This really is a severe situation, isn't it?
25:03 [EN] Kson: Of course, I understand how important money is for businesses.
25:06 [EN] Kson: Cus they're businesses.
25:10 [EN] Kson: Even so, this is a severe situation.
25:24 www
25:44 [EN] Kson: I hope you guys really get what I'm saying.
26:14 [EN] Kson: But that's my personal opinion.
26:08 [EN] Kson: Personally, I think that someone who's 100% into becoming a VTuber shouldn't be getting a significant other.
26:22 [EN] Kson: Hey, it's not that I CAN'T get a significant other.
26:41 [EN] Kson: But it's just that I think if someone is serious about VTubing, they'd be putting all their time and effort into it.
26:49 [EN] Kson: But I do NOT presume this of other people.
27:01 [EN] Kson: And I'd NEVER say that that's the "right" way to do things.
27:07 [EN] Chat: But you're picking up girls left and right, no?
27:18 [EN] Kson: Well, that' opens doors for my career as a VTuber!
27:21 [EN] Chat: Sus
27:28 [EN] Kson: Oi, who's "sus"ing me.
27:53 [EN] Kson: But yeah. I've never demanded this of anyone else.
28:11 [EN] Kson: Ah, I'm kinda focusing too much on the girl/boyfriend thing.
28:32 [EN] Kson: But yeah, there are gachikoi who believe that creators in their private life..... How do I put this?
28:47 [EN] Kson: I'm just raising the boy/girlfriend part because it's the easiest to get across.
29:07 [EN] Kson: For example, there are those who say, "Real Japanese don't assert their own views."
29:29 [EN] Kson: "Those who assert their own views aren't 'real' Japanese. They obey everything they're ordered."
29:54 [EN] Kson: "The girls who obey everything they're ordered without complaint are REAL Japanese."
30:08 [EN] Kson: "And those who support those who assert their own views aren't REAL weebs."
30:37 [EN] Kson: "Real VTubers should all be obedient. All the others are bitches. Harlots."
31:03 [EN] Kson: For some reason, creators like those are being propped up as model creators.
31:33 [EN] Kson: It's basically turning into a cult.
31:41 [EN] Kson: I can only say, that's seriously wrong!
31:54 [EN] Kson: And weebs are those who really adore Japanese culture.
32:03 [EN] Kson: If Japanese culture is turning to that direction, the weebs will too.
32:39 [EN] Kson: I thought I really have to speak out against this.
32:45 [EN] Kson: Everyone's free to support whoever they want.
33:12 [EN] Kson: You're free to support those creators too, of course. Maybe that's what their character really is like in real life.
33:26 [EN] Kson: I know my fans are different. You're basically handpicked.
33:37 [EN] Kson: When I say something, you guys go, "Sure, sure. Take a seat, Souchou."
33:48 [EN] Chat: It's the difference between following guidelines and being a slave.
33:55 [EN] Kson: Yes! That's so true.
34:06 [EN] Kson: And being a slave is NOT the most beautiful part of Japanese culture, guys.
34:14 [EN] Kson: I'm trying SO hard to get rid of slavery, weebs.
34:25 [EN] Kson: But if you're all into that slavery stuff, VTubing will be over in 5 years.
34:30 [EN] Kson: Say goodbye to all your oshis.
34:54 [EN] Kson: If it gets to where all the major VTubers are mere slaves, it's all over.
35:27 [EN] Chat: Would you get bashed for saying this?
35:36 [EN] Kson: Oh, I'm beyond caring about that.
35:50 [EN] Kson: I'm just feeling alarmed at the current situation.
36:24 [EN] Kson: Part of me feels like Japanese culture is being made light of, and it really rubs me the wrong way.
36:40 [EN] Kson: So, I'm not telling you guys to not support those creators.
36:51 [EN] Kson: I'm just saying, what's most important is the creators' own happiness.
37:05 [EN] Kson: Don't put emphasis on whether they're being obedient or not.
37:20 [EN] Kson: I'll say this again in English in a Twitch stream.
37:26 [EN] Kson: This stream is mainly Japanese.
37:55 [EN] Kson: As someone steeped in Japanese culture who loves Japanese culture, I hate what's happening.
38:12 [EN] Kson: Now the bad apples are getting louder than the real fans.
38:27 [EN] Kson: So, from now on, I want to shout this out: If you think there's something wrong, say that it's wrong!
38:41 [EN] Kson: Japan is not always right, weebs.
38:56 [EN] Kson: There's a good side and a bad side to Japanese culture.
39:01 [EN] Kson: I imagine it's the same everywhere.
39:26 [EN] Kson: But what I wanted to shed light on is that the bad side of Japanese culture is getting disproportionate attention.
39:54 [EN] Chat: They just want to say what they want using Japan as an excuse
39:57 [EN] Kson: Maybe.
40:21 [EN] Kson: A perfectly obedient girl isn't true "seiso".
40:37 [EN] Kson: True "seiso" is someone who sticks to their beliefs and fights for them.
41:10 [EN] Kson: Just clarifying, I have no issue whatsoever with agencies.
41:17 [EN] Kson: They're businesses. They're meant to make money.
41:42 [EN] Kson: But I don't like that people are saying those who strictly obey orders from above are being called real weebs.
41:54 [EN] Chat: Being popular means you're in the right
42:03 [EN] Kson: You're free to take that opinion.
42:18 [EN] Kson: What's "right" is for you to decide for yourself.
43:28 [EN] Kson: I know that sticking out is frowned upon in Japanese culture.
43:43 [EN] Kson: That's something I noticed when I came to Japan from America.
43:54 [EN] Kson: I don't have anytihng against it, of course. It is what it is.
44:05 [EN] Kson: It's just that that's now considered "right", and I have a problem with that.
44:16 [EN] Kson: I'm sorry if I'm kinda all over the place today.
44:39 [EN] Kson: It's just that there are those around me who're in the thick of this but can't speak out.
44:54 [EN] Kson: So I asked if I could say it on their behalf, and they said yes.
45:07 [EN] Kson: If you disagree with me, that's your prerogative.
45:42 [EN] Kson: There are people who say, "If the creator is at peace with it, then it's fine, right?"
45:54 [EN] Kson: But some really aren't.
46:30 [EN] Kson: If you really want to support creators on the extreme end of this spectrum and want to give them your wholehearted support, that's totally fine. It's your choice.
46:38 [EN] Chat: Wouldn't you get bashed for saying this?
46:48 [EN] Kson: Nah. Cus I got VShojo's assassination squad behind my back.
47:06 [EN] Kson: Anyways, the point of today's stream is to shed light on this issue.
47:26 [EN] Kson: I hope overseas fans' attention can be directed towards more fun things.
48:25 [EN] Kson: I know some people are always toxic, and that's gonna continue.
48:35 [EN] Kson: Toxic people exist, and I don't give a fuck. Try not to give a fuck, guys.
48:42 [EN] Kson: Those are not real weebs. Real weebs are ninjas.
48:52 [EN] Kson: They hide behind their oshis, and they pray. And love. Just love.
49:26 [EN] Kson: I just want to spread the love.
49:34 [EN] Chat: Thank you for talking with us about this.
49:37 [EN] Kson: Thank you for listening!
49:54 [EN] Chat: Sailor moon cosplay old man
50:01 [EN] Kson: That's what I'm saying! That's good! Do that!
50:17 [EN] Kson: Regain that heart of, "I love what I love and I'll express it my own way"!
50:46 [EN] Kson: Businesses have to raise money, and no one has the right to deny them that.
51:01 [EN] Kson: But I just feel the trend is heading towards creators being more and more bound up.
51:09 [EN] Kson: "Don't do this."
51:07 [EN] Kson: "Don't say this. Don't say that."
51:18 [EN] Kson: "Don't talk about guys. Don't talk about girls."
51:30 [EN] Kson: The world is heading that direction at high speed.
51:39 [EN] Kson: And it's raising alarms in my head.
51:53 [EN] Kson: The end of that road is not where we want to be.
52:34 [EN] Kson: Let's not live such suffocating lives.
52:46 [EN] Kson: Well, that's what I wanted to say today. Thanks for listening.
53:50 [EN] Kson: I've been speaking nearly an hour.
54:15 👍
54:33 [EN] Kson: Of course, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular.
54:43 [EN] Kson: I'm just talking about weeb culture in general.
54:37 [EN] Kson: Please don't assume that I am.
54:51 [EN] Kson: From the point of view of someone coming from the West.
55:08 [EN] Kson: I'm not talking about anyone in particular. Not at all.
55:18 [EN] Kson: Do NOT clip any part of this stream that makes it seem like I'm pointing fingers.
55:27 [EN] Kson: If you do it......... YOU'RE DEAD!
55:50 [EN] Kson: So, thanks to listening to me, guys.
55:55 [EN] Kson: I feel like I've said what I wanted to say.
56:11 [EN] Kson: I'm gonna play the ED, then relax and move onto happier topics.
56:16 [EN] Kson: Thanks for listening! Love ya!

Pub: 28 Mar 2023 15:11 UTC
Edit: 29 Mar 2023 09:16 UTC
Views: 1106