Fools Errand

Chapter 5


Day 5

Rather than a concrete dream you feel yourself in a place a near conscious.
The only thing you can feel is your emotions.
You feel as though some dreading coming loss is imminent
But most of all you are cold, as if your body is encased in ice.
You snap awake.
The room is freezing.
You are freezing and not figuratively.
The fire in the stove has already completely burned out.
Axia was right about the coming bad weather and it is here.
You try curling up but it does nothing for the situation.
You are forced out of bed to grope in the darkness for your pack.
You get a hold of it and pull the furled tent off of it.
You remake the bed with the tent underneath the coverings, get in, and wrap the tent over top of you and the bed covers.
The heat leeches out of your clothes into the now icy bedding but eventually normalizes and warms enough that you are out of immediate danger of hypothermia.
You tuck your hands into your armpits to try and keep them safe from frost bite.
Sleep does not come easy and you are left stewing in your current predicament.
This isn't a position you can hold. You need an out.
With the expanded patrols is the cabin really safe?
It has to be. You wont survive the storm.
Axia was right. You are not prepared for these conditions.
Surrender means being a daxy slave for the rest of your life.
That was almost certainly going to happen even without the situation getting worse.
This is just speeding up a foregone conclusion.
James seems happy though, not that he is trustworthy anymore.
Being that you are a bad judge of character you often spoke with him about girls you were interested in. He was always a good compass that pointed you away from wrecks waiting to happen.
He said Axia is good.
But he is not trustworthy anymore.
You should talk to him again as soon as possible.
You're bargaining at this point, begging to be talked into coming in.
Anything to feel warm again.
By the time you feel yourself finally dozing off the first light starts to creep into the gaps in the window blinds.
It's probably not smart to nap during the day, but maybe the storm will keep the daxy from going out.
The soft rumble of an engine in the distance quashes that idea.
You reach out and grab the radio off the table.

"Axia, are you listening?"

"Daniel! Thank goodness you're alright. The temperature is even worse that predicted."

"I'd like to talk to talk to James again."

"Oh? if you came here you could talk with him all the time." She's being coy.


"Alright, alright. Any reason why? Usually it's me calling you in the evening. I'm surprised that you would reach out first."

"Axia please, I need to talk to him now."

"Okay, I can go find him for you. Give me a few minutes."

Axia steps away from her desk.
This is a new development. Daniel has never called before.
Is he about to come in?
What if he is going to say goodbye to his friend one last time?
The thought unnerves her.
Maybe intentionally deploying Tassis' team away from Daniel was a mistake. He needs to be found before he dies.
She checks the same room she found James and Saxis in a couple days before, nothing.
Did she hear him shivering when he was talking?
Humans stop shivering when they start succumbing to cold, would it be worse if he wasn't shivering?
She checks Saxis' bunk room and finds him lounging on her bunk.
She quells the concern. "James I need you right now."
He looks at her with a puzzled expression.
"Daniel wants to talk to you."
He hops up and follows her out. "Really? He called?"
"He wouldn't say what he wanted."
She sits him down and switches the sound output to speakers. "Alright Daniel, James is here now."

"Could we talk in private?"

She sighs. "Please just tell me first that you're still safe."

"I think I'm going to be fine."

Yesterday he was much more sure. His response doesn't do much to lower her anxiety but she steps away to the other end of the room.

James presses the talk switch. "Alright bud I'm here."
"James, you remember that Leia girl I talked to you about last year?"

"The walking bundle of red flags? What's gotten you thinking about her?"

"I need to trust you that you would say the same thing about a daxy for me."

"I would, but you got to understand that you don't get to pick your mate. The daxy don't work like that. They choose you."

"Keep talking."

"Saxis found me and claimed me. I asked her about it and she said that if a daxy catches you out in the field she gets first dibs. All the guys here from camp that didn't get claimed get sent off to their wives later. She called it 'assignment'."

"Shit man, I saw the way that one daxy was that had her hands on you. I don't want someone like that."

"You fixin' to give up?"

"Don't start on that. I'm still not sure that they didn't brainwash you or something."

"Listen man, They used that dart drug on me but after I sobered up I've been right in the head. I like Saxis. I like her a lot. I don't think it's brainwashing."

"Fine, whatever. I'll take what I can get. I want to make sure I get a good one if they get me."

"Well that might be whatever girl finds you if she wants you. I'm not gonna lie to you bud."
He does sound like his old self and if he was being forced to say things he would probably be sugar coating.
You don't respond for a few moments while you think.
"Still there bud?"

"What about Axia?"

"She's a nice girl but you've got slim chances that you would be assigned to her, plus if you get claimed its no chances. You could come in and maybe they can't claim you. I don't know."
You sigh in exasperation.

"Is she worth it?"

"Believe me or don't but yeah, I think she's a keeper."

"If I said where I was can she just come get me herself? That would make the odds for sure right?"

James bursts out laughing. "Boy howdy you got the hots for her!"
James looks sheepishly back at Axia. She definitely heard.

"Don't give me that, man. Now's not the time."

"Alright sorry, I have no idea if she can go out. I don't think she has this whole time."

"This is pathetic. Go ask her for me."

"Aite, one sec." James waves her over.
She thinks about what James said on her way across the room. Is Daniel finally surrendering? He likes her?
When she arrives James presses the transmit button again while he addresses her. " Alright she's here. Daniel is saying that he wants you to be the one to claim him."
She waits for Daniel to chime in. She is confused but happy that not only he wants to surrender, he wants her.
Daniel does not speak up.
James cues again. "You want to give it to her from the horses mouth buddy?"
"...Danny boy?"
"C'mon don't get cold feet n-"
The screen flashes red: EMERGENCY BROADCAST: PVT RAVI 60633
James jumps out of the chair as Axia dives into it, her attention fully on the situation.
"I've got your location Ravi. Remember your training; Taut and clot."
"He's - hnngh, going south! Got me in the knee and then gut shot me!"
"Cinch down that leg and keep pressure on that wound. Stop the bleeding. You've got help on the way already."

While waiting for Axia you heard the crunch of snow out side.
The daxy hadn't heard you while investigating the cabin and only by the benefit of surprise did you get away.
You ran through the trees with the tent in one hand and your bag in the other until you felt far enough away that you could safely repack the tent.
While re-rolling the tent you found a rip in it.
Some of the civilian MREs you had been eating came with mostly worthless extra gear; waterproof containers, fish line, flares, etc.
A lot of it you had thrown away but you breathe a prayer of thanks that you kept some duct tape and sutures. While doing a shoddy job at stitching the tear using the sutures you hear a ship thundering towards the cabin at high speed.
No way the cabin is safe anymore.
You finish the patch job with duct tape and set off again.
The tent wont last at this point.
You set off south.
Back towards town.
Any other direction is death.
Eventually evening starts to set in and you put up camp again.
At least the heavy wind has died down.
A fire is a bad idea but it's a necessity with the dangerously low temperatures. You build a larger one than usual.
Your spoon rattles in your mess cup as a reminder of how cold you are.
The radio stays silent all evening. Axia likely wants nothing to do with you after shooting one of her own.
The fire is replenished and you put in for the night feeling extremely weary and unable to stop shivering.
Sleep comes slowly and with it the dream of being chased through the dark by a very angry and cold blue scaled predator.
You awake in the dark to the sound of fabric flapping in the wind and gusts of icy air circulating the tent.
The tent ripped open again and with it the last of your hope.
You scrounge desperately though your bag for the last of the tape and climb out of the tent to repair it.
Without sutures or fish line to restitch the tear (not that you could in the dark or wind) the tent is even worse off than before and barly holding.
You're at your wits end by this point. You snatch the radio out of the tent.


The radio doesn't light up when you started transmitting.
You twist at the volume knob and it clicks back on. No wonder there was no angry call after the shooting or evening contact, you had forgotten that you turned off the radio when you heard the daxy approaching the cabin.
You take a few deep breaths and try to collect yourself before starting again but all you feel is anguish.

"Please Axia. Please come pick me up. I can't do this anymore."


"Axia, Please respond!"

Still nothing.
Maybe against all odds there are still some daxy out searching at night.
You grab the rifle and point it up in the air.
That was all of the rounds you had left. Hopefully someone will hear and come to your rescue.
In the mean time you throw the last of the wood onto the nearly extinguished fire and crawl back into the tent.
It feels like a cloth coffin.
You pray to every god you can think of for mercy from this storm.
Even the daxy god if they even have one.
You pull your arms out of your coat sleeves and tuck them into the body of your coat to hold on to your diminishing body heat.
You don't sleep a wink for the rest of the night.
No help comes.
By the time you are taking down camp the storm has passed. You've not even started the day and you can feel every muscle in your body is already worn out and begging for an end to the stress you've been putting yourself though.
"Daniel! Are you okay? I heard a record of you last night!"
The smooth ATC tone she's always used over the radio is replaced with audible fear.

"Somehow I'm still here Axia."

"Thank Axilis! I can send for you right now just tell me where you are."
You set your resolve.

"I need you to do something for me Axia."

"Anything to make you safe just say the word."

"I want you to claim me."

"What? Daniel it doesn't work like that, I can't just say you're mine after they bring you in. I can't come to get you. Please, just tell me where you are and we can pick you up! I promise you'll never be in danger again! I'll do whatever you want! I'll sing from now until they pick you up! You're going to die if you don't let us come to you. Just please, give up before it's too late!"
You let her ramble.
You knew she cared a lot about your safety but you are again surprised just how much effort she puts into it.
You feel even stronger about your plan to evade slavery under some brute for the rest of your life.
The cold in your bones starts to recede but this time its not just the warm feeling you get when you talk to her.
The sun is out in full force and is seems to be making a victory lap after chasing away yesterday's storm.
Today is gearing up to be warmer than average for the season, a small blessing.

"No, Axia. I have a plan."

"You're going to get yourself killed."

"If you can't come to me then I'm coming to you."

"You're turning yourself in?"

"Not exactly. James said that if I do that I get assigned or something."

"That's correct." There is confusion in her voice.

"All you have to do is walk outside tomorrow and I'm yours."

She sobers up. "I"m not sure I completely follow."

"I'm going to come back to the courthouse where you are. Instead of surrendering and being assigned you are going to come out and claim me."

She doesn't respond for a moment. "Daniel... I don't know if I can trust what you say. You already shot one of ours."
Well, you should have see that coming.

"I fired off all of the ammo I had last night hoping someone would find me."

"You wanted us to come to you last night but not now."

"I was desperate. Now I'm not in immediate danger."

"I would be much happier if we could avoid anything else like yesterday."

"James said you're a keeper. I don't want to get assigned to just any daxy, Axia. I want to tip the odds in my favor of a good mate, you."

"How am I supposed to trust that you don't want me out in the open for a clear shot?"
You sigh over the mic and don't cue again for a moment to gather yourself and swallow the lump in your throat.

"Axia you sing like an angel. I wouldn't ever want to silence that. I don't ever want to go a day without your songs. If I'll come in it has to be for you. I need that guarantee."

"If it weren't for yesterday I'd be all for it. I don't know Daniel. I don't know how to trust you."

"I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it then. I'll call you if I need help."

"You're still coming right?"

"I trust you Axia."

"One more thing Daniel. After this I'm sending out today's deployment orders. They'll screen north instead of south. If you're lying they'll be on you this time."
You don't know if she meant it, but that sounded like a threat.
Better not to respond in kind.

"I'll see you soon, Axia."

You trudge along for a while, at least you don't have the weight of the rifle any more.
Eventually true to her word you have to duck under the canopy of a pine as a transport ship rumbles north overhead.

Axia pushes herself back from her desk and rubs her eyes.
Daniel is coming back!
But he might be setting a trap.
She has control over deployments, she could set her own trap and capture him.
But that would betray his trust.
That is, if he isn't scheming for blood.
And she coudln't take him as a mate then.
She could go along with his plan.
She is invested in his well being, more than other males.
She could finally get the mate she came here for but has little chance to claim.
But it could also be her end.
She needs advice, but who to ask?
The Commander wants this to end as quickly as possible. She would just want to catch Daniel on his return.
Probably a good thing that Aixa hasn't been completely forthcoming in her reports on Daniel's intentions, or else she wouldn't even have the opportunity to take him for herself.
Tassis? Hard no.
Saxis has been nothing but helpful since their recent meeting.
She might owe her new friend another favor before the day is over.

A half hour after Axia orders a return for the evening Daniel calls in again.

"I saw your searchers going back. You didn't find me today. I think that means I've been truthful so far."

"You're still on your way here?"

"I expect to be there before noon tomorrow. Did you think over my plan?"

"I still don't know how I can trust you."
You sigh.

"Axia, my future is in your hands at this point. My tent is all fucked and falling a part. We both know that you can just send every daxy out and there would be no chance of a fight for me. They'd probably do to me what they did to James."

The thought sours her mood.

"Will I be happy with assignment? Who knows. At least I can say I wont be dead. I'm not a betting man. I want to know for sure that I'll be happy and I think my chances are best with you."

"I never said I would trick you."

"But you didn't say you wouldn't. Listen Axia, You've been singing for me these past few days. It takes me back to better times and I want to keep hearing your voice every night. I don't know what I can do to trust you after what I did and I'm sorry for it, but know this: I would never do anything to silence that sweet voice of yours."

Axia sits in stunned silence.
So much emotion in his voice.
She is snapped out of the moment when you call out to her again.
"Sorry, I'm here. I still need to think about it. You... your words are... touching... though."

"I hope I didn't lay it on too thick."

Now he sounds embarrassed.

"You only have until tomorrow. You need to make a decision at some point. I can't stay out here waiting for you."

"Of course. You know I don't want you out there in the cold."

"Could I have one more request?"

"Another song?"

"If you know Fly Me to the Moon, it's one of my guilty pleasures.

"I've actually already practiced that a bit, I might not know much human music but I think it's one of mine too."
She clears her throat and begins.
"Fly me to the moon"
"Let me play among the stars"
"Let me see what spring is like"
"On Jupiter and Mars"
"In other words: hold my hand"
"In other words: darling, kiss me"

Soon after the search party lands and begins filing into the building after another long fruitless day.
Axia feels a bit bad about intentionally directing searches away from Daniel.
She waits for Saxis to enter and catches her eye with a knowing look and turns back to her desk.
Saxis catches the hint and heads upstairs to the same room she and James "keep watch" from.
As she enters the room she finds her mate sitting in a chair by the window.
He was probably waiting for her all day like a puppy.
She strips off the upper half of her suit and picks James up in a tight hug.
His voice is muffled by her breasts. "You're extra cuddly today."
She spins around and seats herself in the chair he was just occupying. "I just want to give you all my love before Axia comes and steals me away from you again."
"What do you mean?"
"Just wait, she'll be up here in..."
She puts a hand up with her fingers out stretched and begins counting them down.
She holds out extra long on one, trying to time when Axia will arrive.
The door knob rattles and she uses the last finger up to make a finger gun at the door. "Called it."
Axia enters the room and closes the door behind her. "Saxis, I've got good news but there is a catch."
James rearranges himself so that he is sitting forwards in Saxis' lap.
Saxis wraps her arms around him again and pulls him close. "Alright hit me."
"Daniel is coming."
Saxis smiles, "Alright that's pretty great so far."
"He wants me to claim him."
"You go girl! Get you a man!"
"You aren't concerned at all?"
"Okay, okay. I'm showing excitement for my friend but I can see the issue. You think it's a trap?"
"He says he wants me to go out and meet him so that I can claim him."
"And you would be a sitting duck."
"Yes. I don't fully trust him, even after the nice things he said."
James speaks up. "What did he say?"
Axia smiles with embarrassment. "Well, he said he likes my singing, he wants to hear it every night... and something about 'not wanting to silence my sweet voice.'"
James fails to suppress a laugh and snorts. "He doesn't have the hots for you, he's on a whole 'nother level!"
Saxis squeezes James. "I hope you've got the hots for me like that!"
"You know I do baby."
Axia does her best to ignore their sudden honey moon moment. "So you think he's serious?"
James laughs again. "I've never heard him talk like that before. I almost don't believe you."
"What can I do to make it safe though? To be sure?"
James scratches the stubble on his chin in thought. "Well he's definitely not gonna shoot me. I can go out and check things. I bet if hes as desperate for you as you say he'd even let me hog tie him."
Saxis tuts at him. "No way am I letting my little man go out there like that, no way!"
"No, no wait, I'll even tie a little bow on him as a present for Axia!"
James and Saxis both burst out into laughter at the thought.
Saxis watches them and imagines herself in the same position with Daniel.
She can do this.
"Alright, Saxis I know you're off rotation tomorrow. Can you watch out for me?"
"You're going for it?"
James frowns. "I still think it would be better if you let me go out."
"Not letting you do that hun', I wouldn't ever put you in danger."
"I wouldn't be in danger."
Saxis purses her lips and gives him a stern look.
"Whats more dangerous? Me, a fellow human and Daniel's friend going out to check on him, or a daxy? You're worried that he'd shoot Axia but there's no way he'd go after me.
Saxis' glare wavers. "It's my duty to protect my mate from harm. Maybe I should be the one to go out.
She turns to Axia. "No offense but I'm the one with combat experience here."
"But he wants me to capture him."
"I would just make contact and call you out."
James responds. "You're back to square one again. Daniel wont shoot me, and besides," he smirks, "It's my duty to protect my wife."
"Nuh-uh, it doesn't work like that."
"That's what it is in my culture."
"This is your culture now and you love it."
As Axia watches them she considers James' words.
Everything in her upbringing, culture, religion, even genes screams to protect males from danger.
But he is right. Daniel may or may not be planning to pick off more daxy but there is no reason to believe that he would shoot a human, let alone his long time friend.
Emotionally she wants to side with Saxis. Analytically she wants to side with James.
Saxis brings her out of her thoughts. "C'mon Axia I know you'll back me up."
Ultimately this is a decision that should be made between the two without her.
"I don't want to get between the two of you."
"You actually think hes right?"
"I didn't say that."
Saxis huffs. "What about a vanta suit then? I could slip out before the sun is up and maybe find him in the dark."
"We don't have any and the requisition would have to go through the Huntress. She would know something is up."
Saxis deflates. "There's not a safe way to do this is there?"
James knows he's right. "Yes there is."
Saxis groans. "Axia can you give us the night to talk about it? We'll let you know first thing in the morning what we decided on, if you still want go through with this."
"Just know that I'm not asking you to go out for me. It's my risk to take."
With that Axia steps out of the room.

Chapter 6
Pub: 02 Oct 2022 02:17 UTC
Edit: 01 Nov 2022 03:37 UTC
Views: 1914