Ch. 14 ~ Towa and Iroha

Iroha: Towa-chan, I'm sorry!

Towa: ... Stop it, not in public.

Iroha: I said something truly terrible back then.
I need to apologize for that first.

Towa: I said it's fine.
It's already over, anyways, so I'm heading back.

Iroha: It's not over!

Towa: No, you're seriously being a bother, so don't follow me.

Iroha: I want to apologize to you.

Towa: I said not to follow me. I'll report you as a bothersome fan.
I have a personal alarm, too. You're seriously annoying.

Iroha: I know that. Then at least before people gather
and I get caught, I'll say everything I need to. Iā€”

Towa: You just won't listen, will you?

Towa: ā€” Wait... Iroha...

Iroha: I... So... rry...
I came... to pick... you up...!

Towa: Hu, huuh? What are you talking about?
Or like, fake tears? It's pointless even if you do that.

Iroha: Uu... *sniffle*... I'b sorry... When I saw Towa-chan... *hic*

Iroha: I'b sorry... I'll stob crying, so don't go, please, *sniffle*...

Towa: Nah, this is gross. Like really disgusting.
Actually crying talking to a grade schooler, there's no way, right!?

Iroha: Uuuuuu, jud waid... 5 minutes...

Towa: You're really making me wait!
I could make an expensive cup ramen in that time, y'know!?

Iroha: But... Bud...... I.........

Towa: ... Aaah~ Geez, I got it. You're fine like that, so.
What was it you wanted to say? Just say it.

Iroha: Dank you bery much... *hic*...

Towa: ... Need a tissue?

Iroha: Sorry bor my abbearance... *sniffle*

Towa: So, what is it?

Iroha: ... I heard about the message you sent Kaname-san.

Towa: Uwaah~ That's the worst. Do they have no concept or privacy?

Iroha: That's why I, was extremely regretful, and ashamed of myself...

Towa: Was there anything for you to regret? ... There wasn't, right?

Iroha: ... When I saw Chiho-chan's acting, I simply became a spectator.
After seeing something so amazing, I was so excited, I forgot to say something important.

Iroha: I didn't tell Chiho-chan that Denki's acting was the best!
Or that Towa-chan's Alice is also amazing...!

Iroha: I truly, regret that!

Towa: Haah... I've already said it plenty of times, but you guys don't have anything you need to regret.

Towa: It's normal if you see acting like that ā€” that's Olympus' acting.

Iroha: It's not normal!
After all, we're part of Denki!

Iroha: I still believe that we can stay together in Denki!

Iroha: If you'll forgive us, please come back. Please!

Towa: ... Haaah.

Towa: There's nothing for me to forgive.

Towa: I dunno what you're thinking it is.
I just ate damage myself and lost motivation.

Towa: That's all.

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Pub: 08 Mar 2024 19:58 UTC
Edit: 22 Mar 2024 23:29 UTC
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