The Phantom of the Opera (Eden Version)
Cast -
Phantom: Renjakuno Hatsumi
Christine: Fudeshima Shigure
Raoul: Toneri Nikako
Carlotta: Karasumori Daikoku
Sorelli: Yorozu Iruru
Act 1 -
Paris, the 19th century. Christine, an opera house employee, sang every night as the ghost of the prima donna Carlotta. The audience was captivated by her extraordinary voice, but all the credit went to Carlotta. Her best friend, the ballerina Sorelli, was furious at the unfairness of it.
But Christine smiled and said that it was fine. She was not alone. ‘Him’-a voice that came from nowhere-was the one who appreciated her talent more than anyone else. Christine, who believed that he was an angel of music, delivered her singing voice to the person watching over her from somewhere in the theatre again that night.
However, as the public's praise for her singing voice rather than her acting grew, Carlotta gradually began to feel jealous of Christine, and eventually had the script rewritten. The singing scenes were cut down, and Christine's appearances in the play became much less frequent. She began to feel isolated, as the people around her watched Carlotta's face and gradually distanced themselves from her.
Act 2 -
One night, Christine was singing as a ghost as usual. But suddenly, the curtain that was hiding her from the audience fell. The truth about who the singing voice really belonged to was revealed, and Carlotta was so upset that she left the stage.
However, Christine continued to sing without interrupting the performance, and won the hearts of the audience. This was thanks to the guidance of the voice that whispered from behind her.
After the performance, even the members of the troupe who had avoided her were now praising her. Christine said that it was thanks to the ‘Angel of Music’, and when her friend Sorelli asked her if she loved him, she replied that she did.
Her childhood friend Raoul visited her in her dressing room. He happened to have been at the performance that night and couldn’t resist reaching out to her. The two of them happily reminisced about the past.
However, afterwards, the ‘Voice’ showed signs of jealousy and asked her, “Do you love that man?”. Christine denied it, and accepted the invitation to go to the basement of the opera house and enter the his lair.
He introduced himself as the ‘Phantom’, and said that he lived underground because he was ashamed of his ugly face. Christine was shocked by his appearance at first, but she faced the Phantom again, who talked about his envy of places in the light.
Act 3 -
The opera house was sold out as a scandalous story about an elite diva having a ghost singer gains attention.
“Christine Daaé doesn't need your help. Stay away from her.”
Raoul received a threatening letter and visited the opera house, worried about Christine's safety. Then, Christine appeared. She had been missing for two weeks. Raoul asked her what happened.
Christine said she had been spending time with the Angel of Music. Raoul was outraged that she had been locked up, but Christine said that if she was exposed to the music of the Phantom, she would naturally be able to forgive him. He had a charm that makes you think that you don't need anything else as long as you have his music…
Raoul, who had seen through the jealousy of the Phantom, declared that he would rescue Christine from his spell and embraced her tightly.
“I gave you music. Is this how I am repaid?”
Unaware of the Phantom's jealous gaze, Christine went on stage to perform with Carlotta…
Soon, the curtain rose on the opera ‘Don Juan’. The seats were full as the two divas of the opera house performed together. However, during the performance, it was the Phantom who stood on stage dressed as Don Juan. He took Christine away to the depths of the abyss.
Act 4 -
The Phantom tells the story of how he came to hide in the basement of the opera house. After escaping from a freak show, he was hidden by none other than Christine's best friend, Sorelli. It was the first time the Phantom had ever experienced kindness.
The Phantom held a detonator connected to explosives in his hand and proposed to Christine in a threatening way. Then, Soreli and Raoul arrived, and Raoul pointed his gun at the Phantom.
The police were closing in, and they needed to escape as soon as possible. However, in desperation, the Phantom reached for the detonator.
Christine interrupts him and accepts his proposal.
"It's your heart that's warped. If it's warped because of loneliness, then let's live together from now on."
Christine kissed the Phantom. She tried to run away by pulling the stunned Phantom's hand, but Raoul's bullet pierced the Phantom. The explosives were activated by the force of the bullet.
Even in the face of the threat of the bomb, Christine chose to share her fate with the Phantom. In the end, the Phantom took her hand and told her, "Erik...that's my real name."
As the two of them disappeared into the collapsing rubble, the two of them could hear the opera they loved so much in their ears…
Aftertalk -
Yorozu Iruru
Christine is kidnapped by the Phantom and they commit double's extra nerve wracking because Christine is being played by the young Shigure. It's a Hatsumi-like arrangement.
Renjakuno Hatsumi
Age and other such things are trivial matters in the face of true love.
Fudeshima Shigure
Well, that just means that the audience buying into Shigure, doesn't it~♪
Karasumori Daikoku
Fudeshima Shigure
Hmm? Daikoku-senpai, why are you chewing on your handkerchief? That's so funny♪
Karasumori Daikoku
Damn it... Why was that brat chosen...! Next time, I'll definitely stand beside my Master...!
Toneri Nikako
Da-chan, you really wanted to play Christine...