Lords Lupin & Anon by Anon & bara/hmoma writefrien

"I say... for a man of his station and age, I simply can't believe Lord Anon hasn't married yet!"
"Oh, my dear, it's clear you're new to London when you say things like that..."
"Whatever could you mean by that?"
"Well, not to imply anything... scandalous, but he certainly spends a suspicious amount of time with Lord Lupin. Who, may I add, is similarly single and similarly of age. And of the same station."
"Oh... oh my, you don't think...?"
"I'm not implying or thinking anything, dear. And I certainly don't think their continued closeness despite their political leanings being diametrically opposite and the fact that Lord Anon is wearing more and more red in his wardrobe is indicative of anything either. Not at all!"

Doing gay romantic/Victorian era things with an aristocratic anthro
Receiving a bouquet of red carnations and an invitation to a luncheon at his manor
Sending an unusual bouquet of calla lilies and ambrosia back. Everyone at the florist looking scandalized as you insist it be wrapped with your personal handkerchief.
Who could possibly be receiving a message that is the Victorian equivalent of a horny dm from one of the most eligible bachelors in the country?
Posing next to each other for portraits and photos, hands secretly interlinked from behind.
Disappearing at a garden party for an hour together and coming back with a limp and leaves in his fur and bite marks on your neck, you both lie and say you fell into a ditch while admiring the spring bloom.

wrapped with your personal handkerchief
Coming back an hour later with a limp and bite marks

Good heavens... scandalous...!

They called him the direwolf for his humorless, vicious, almost clinical leadership of the anthro imperialist camp of the house of lords
Those at parliament and in the wealthy parts of London would joke that he was instead the dourwolf, for his icy countenance or scarcity of his smile.
And not least for his consistent refusal to accept any courtship from the noblewomen.
But lately, the wolf had much more to smile about than usual
Of course, he couldn't tell a soul why
That in the wretched, unfeeling, rigid society of the empire, he had somehow, finally found a kindred spirit
And that they felt every bit the same way about him as he did to they
Sure, some of the gossipy hags that clung to the arms of the other lords could spread wild rumors all they like, but they would always remain just rumors so long as he remained vigilant
He couldn't even imagine the scandal if it got out onto the streets, of course...
That his newfound muse was not only not a wolf, but human, and a man, and last but not least, the second in command of their rival faction in the house of lords
Whereas most unions would fall apart with such a rift, the young wolf welcomed it
Finally, someone who could keep up with him! Who he could REALLY talk to, debate with, who wouldn't hold back their opinions and judgments, wouldn't compromise and wouldn't just nod and give him a vapid 'yes' without even a HINT of higher thought!
It was as if one who had never breathed before was suddenly given air
He was consumed with desire. Every moment he didn't consciously force his mind back into his routine it would instantly return to the human's smile, his voice, his touch, the handkerchief that he kept in his pocket, above his heart, as his greatest treasure

First encounter with Lord Anon was during a debate in the house of lords, everyone was expecting the young lord to either try to curry favor with the wolf by agreeing with him or to present some lukewarm argument only to be beaten down effortlessly.
Anon instead makes some seriously good arguments on the new policies being discussed. The wolf narrows his eyes before pressing on with the attack.
Verbal jabs are traded, tempers rise, and soon the two are snarling back and fourth, every trick in the book being thrown out, neither is able to get one over the other as they viscously picked each other's arguments apart
Eventually the exhausted upper members called a recess, the tension was killing everyone else. Anyone who tried to intervene was thoroughly shredded by the duo
The wolf stomped off to his private office, face flushed and fur disheveled as he slammed the door.
Everyone assumed that the wolf was furious, that Lord Anon had just made a powerful enemy.
In reality he was leaning against his door, hand over his pounding heart as he was overwhelmed by what had just happened.
That was the most alive he had felt in years.
That damned human had gotten under his skin...
He wanted to slam the fool into a wall, tear open that poorly tailored coat of his and kis-KILL he wanted to KILL him.
Desperately, he tried to ignore the stirring in his loins as he tried to calm himself down with some brandy
His ears went red as he remembered stuttering at the end there. God...
their debates usually made headlines and they were the talk of the city's political scene
what shocked everyone was that after long sessions of heated debate, sly insults and headbutting was once they found the same note
suddenly their bickering turned into concreate suggestions and soon after the motion was voted upon.
from outside it seemed that they were constantly trying to stab each other in the back
then something major happened
Lord Anon was sent to improve one of her majesty's colonies overseas
everyone thought the wolf lord was going to dominate the politics
but soon his previous fervor changed into apathy
no one was there to challenge him
there was no passion in the debates anymore
the wolf knew that he is a lone wolf even in his imperial faction
this didn't bother him before but after exchanging genuine ideas with Anon he felt truly alone
after torturously long session he arrives at his estate in sour mood
but his interest peaked when his butler gave him a letter
it was from Anon
Anon was pacing anxiously on the veranda of his new governor's office.
It had taken months to finally reign in the government officials and company heads along with local shamans and chieftains and get them all inside one room.
The human proceeded to employ all of the skills he had learned from butting heads with old dourwolf. Looking as lordly as he possibly could. He locked the door to the room and proceeded to swallow the key.
The human simply stated that nobody would leave until everyone was given a fair deal.
It had taken a full grueling 24 hours. But the human had done it, decades of bickering and espionage and infractions were presented as the human meticulously sorted every possible detail out.
Democracy had been established, the CEO's who exploited cheap labor fell in line, and the chieftains felt a new respect for the imperial human who had personally guaranteed their rights to sacred land and rituals.
Producing a second key (the first was simply custom ordered chocolate). The human let the exhausted and somewhat terrified leaders go home with the good news.
Before he collapsed on to his bed, Anon wrote a letter, personally sealed, express posted to the dire-wolf himself.
To "Come and see how MY way of doing things has brought nothing but peace and prosperity!" Was the general idea, but the tone was playful, and he kept things polite.
The human's delirious mind had made a fatal mistake however, signing off the letter "with love" and adding a pressed blue rose from his own garden.
He clutched his head in his hands in embarrassment, a blue rose would symbolize "love at first sight" in this context! He meant for it to read as "I have attained the impossible!"
He entertained the idea that the wolf would reciprocate his poorly hidden affections, but he knew that was a pipe-dream.
At least until a red-sealed letter arrived, signed by the wolf, with a single line reading:
"I will verify these lofty claims myself"
It had been a rough week in the tropical sea, but the wolf was rougher, refusing to squat under the deck as a typhoon rocked the ship.
He was like a man possessed, within minutes of reading the human's letter he had requested time off for the first time in years.
The other members saw no issue, breathing a sigh of relief at the idea of an extended period of time without the dour canine mercilessly picking their ideas apart.
An express boat was charted to the island nation that was under Anon's governance. To any outsider it looked like a brutal audit fueled by a bitter rivalry.
In reality, the wolf skimmed the letter every night, tracing his thumb over "with love".
Anon's scent had long since faded from the paper, and the pressed rose sat framed on his personal desk.
The storm was a perfect excuse to stop himself from obsessing with the human, work always brought him back to balance.
The men didn't really need him too badly, but there was a novelty in seeing the upper crust tie a cleat hitch and stay on his own two feet as he was blasted by a spray of salt water.
The captain patted him on the back as he secured the last of the cargo and the rain died down. The island faded in on the horizon,
His usually meticulously combed fur was a bit messier with all of the salt in it, and he felt a pang of self consciousness at what the human would th-
A part of him hoped another typhoon would hit before his thoughts of the soft human became too sinful
His wish was not granted as the ship peacefully pulled into a new port, still bustling with construction. He slipped on a fresh suit and his finest jewelry, he wanted to ensure that the locals knew where all of their new prosperity was coming from.
His notions of superiority were dashed as he saw the human greeting him at the end of the pier.
Soft skin now more tanned, no coat, and his shirt's top two buttons popped.
The hint of some pectorals in a plunging neckline made the wolf salivate.>"Governor Anon, I see the sun has done wonders for you, you look well."
The wolf sounded level headed, but as the two men strode through the manor's private gardens, he couldn't bring himself to tear his lustful eyes away from the human.
He had never considered himself someone destined for romance, but now, looking at how the human's eyes looked so bright and how they seemed to shimmer as he proudly presented his work, the wolf reconsidered.
"I was quite the mess at the start, but you get used to it, this shirt is made from local silk weavers, and it breathes wonderfully, I'll-"
As the human spoke, he casually tugged at the front of the garment, the wolf caught the slightest glance at the human's midriff, and saw a treasure trail that beckoned his eyes downward.
"Are you feeling alright?" The human looked concerned, damn, he was staring like some lecherous old man!
He snapped his eyes up, "Th-the heat really is quite intense, I believe I require a break"
The human smiled apologetically, "My apologies, you must be boiling under all of that fur, there's a spot just ahead that's wonderfully shady at this time of day, I'll have the maids bring us some iced beverages."
The heat didn't go away under the shade of the tree, his beverage was wonderfully refreshing, but the sight of a bead of sweat running down the human's slender throat, before disappearing between his smooth pectorals, had the canine's loins flushed with a lustful heat.
He looked like a Greek god before him, tanned and smiling warmly as he lazily picked at a local fruit, a "pom a granite"?
He couldn't take it anymore
He interrupted the human's casual discussion of the local pottery businesses with two words that brought a heavy tension to the air,
"The flower"
The human's casual smile fell immediately
"The one you attached in your letter to me"
Those shimmering eyes refused to meet his now
"Why a blue rose?"
The human paused, before finally responding, voice small "Ah, I...forgot myself, it shan't happen again sir, it was a mere lapse in-"
He gritted his teeth, "I love you!" He stated it simply, games and beating around the bush was for fools.
"When you first challenged me to a debate, and bested me, I fell in love with you!"
"You're the only person who I have ever felt such a kinship with, and when you left, I felt hollow!"
"You're a foolish little upstart who can't seem to keep his mouth shut, but I love that!"
"If that rose carried the meaning I believe it did, then please never leave me again, I need you!"
There, it was over, the human would express his disgust at the confession and he could be on his way back by tomorrow.
Except there were no hurtful words, just a hand clasping his as he opened his misty eyes to find the human smiling at him.
"You're a stubborn old hound who doesn't seem to understand how to admit defeat, or how to confess his love"
"But I wouldn't change that for the world" there was a warmth surge of warmth in his chest as the human leaned towards him suddenly
The sweet taste of foreign fruit on anon's lips, and his warm embrace under the pacific sun told him all he needed to know
He was glad they finally found something they could agree on.

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Pub: 14 Nov 2021 07:47 UTC
Edit: 14 Nov 2021 07:48 UTC
Views: 1731