Man, reading furry was hard
It was like someone had taken Russian, merged it with moonrunes, and then shredded what came out
It was literally chicken scratch
Anon was honestly surprised he'd managed to learn any at all
Though, he had pretty good reason for doing so
Hoisting the next book off a progressively messier bookshelf, Anon carried it through the room and towards his large, fluffy owner
She was sitting comfortably in the, to Anon, super sized chair, a warm blanket drawn up around her, as well as a mug of dog-safe Cocoa
He was getting better at speaking the language too, though sometimes it was simpler to just nuzzle up against her
He felt her fur rise for a moment, the unknown force pressing against her, but she soon settled, recognizing him
Smiling and reaching down, she picked him up and set him on her lap, shifting the blanket out of the way to let him in, before she sealed it around the two of them
Once he was secured, she reached over to the side table, digging her paws into the large bag of marshmallows
Using her claws, she stabbed four of them, pulling them free
Three she popped into that gallon mug of cocoa, while the fourth went to him, propped up on her claw for him to take bites out of
Considering the fact that these marshmallows were each around the size of baseballs, he was grateful to be able to eat it slowly
Anon settled back against her huge, soft body, warm fur helping her to cradle him
Her ear twitched as he opened the book up

"What book did you get, Anon?"
The Fur-less Man, a co..coll...

Of course he'd get stuck on the title


While he struggled with the word, he heard a light giggle coming from behind him, his owner smiling down at him
She popped the marshmallow into his mouth again, getting him to take a bite while she sipped some of her cocoa

"Take your time, Anon, sound it out~"

She said, Anon nodding and gulping down his latest bite

"There you go~ Keep trying, alright?"
Cuhlock-shion...Collection! The Fur-Less Man, a 'collection' of short stories!

He raised his fists up in celebration, blushing when a large pair of lips kissed the top of his head

"Good work, Anon~!"

She said cheerfully, giving him another squeeze
He took another celebratory bite of marshmallow, she sipped her cocoa, and then, as they both got comfortable, he began

Once upon a time...

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:42 UTC
Views: 228