When I pull out, I want you tell Prince Mathew exactly what you are."
Furia pulled her cock out, and the words flowed from me in a sob, "I’m a baby sissy slut!" I cried to Prince Mathew. It was who I was; there was no use fighting it. I saw his perception of me change, and in the place of shame, I felt an arousal so great that I nearly came. I pleaded with Furia, "Please let me suck your cock, Mommy!"
"Good girl," Furia beamed, and pet my head, "now open wide."
I grinned adoringly up at her as I relaxed my jaw, and took her meat all the way in once more.
"Is this what you are, Prince Mathew?" Furia asked, turning to look at the man, "There are many shades of sexuality, but in Alkandra, it all boils down to if you’re dominant or submissive. Alexa has yet to find someone to be submissive for her. She tried to take advantage of your inexperience. It was a very naughty thing for her to do." Furia scratched behind my pointed ear, and crinkled her nose, "Bad girl, Alexa."
"I’m sorry, Mommy." I said around her cock.
Furia turned back to the prince. "Well?" She queried, "Will you share her with me, or kneel beside her?"
Prince Mathew took a cautious step forward, and Furia reached to the side, and pulled the cock out of his pants. She grinned when she saw the size of it, and caressed him with her thumb as she gently guided him to her. She tilted her head to receive his kiss, and he bowed to give it to her, surer of himself than he’d been with me. When they parted, Furia was grinning knowingly up at him, her fingers drawing along his underside, then flicking the tip. "On your knees, little boy." She whispered.
Prince Mathew smiled coyly at me as he dropped to his beside me. I took his hand in mine, happy to have a male partner like me.
"Now," Furia said, pulling her cock out of my mouth, and pressing the tip to Mathew’s, "let’s discuss that trade deal, shall we?"
I let the smoke of my lungs, and fell backwards. I was in a secluded arboretum, the birds chirping, the insects droning lazily. My muscles felt like liquid, my skin felt like the petals of a flower, and my belly radiated with a drowsy heat. The colors of the world were vibrant and glowing, and my mind was an empty hall of bliss. I was lying in the grass, enjoying every gentle blade against my flesh. I was naked. I’d shed my clothes the moment the drugs took effect, and savored the caress of the wind.
"This is how I used to see the world." Came a whisper from somewhere, the sweetest little voice I’d ever heard. I turned to see a woman of blonde hair, her girlish face set with big emerald eyes, pupils dilated with intoxication, freckles smattering her pale complexion, two goat horns curving back from her mane. Oh, it was Rose. I’d forgotten for a moment who and where I was.
"Used to?"
She turned her face to the sky, and closed her eyes. "The trees used to tell me stories, and flowers used to smile at me. I could dance with the forest like a vine in the river, and see it in all its true brilliance. No longer."
"Why not?"
She casually pulled off her foliage top, and rested beside me to bathe in the sun. "I think it started when I first saw Elena. I was inexplicably drawn to her. I saw her penis, and it stirred something..." she rested her hand on her belly, then slid her bottom off, "…here. Then after I attacked the castle and killed those rangers, I felt myself drifting away."
"We call that ‘battle fatigue’ in the military."
"I don’t think that’s what it is. When Mother came back to the castle with a host of brothers for us to enjoy, it was like someone had cast a lifeline into the void. I was drawn to them like I’d been drawn to Elena. I was shy at first, but after I felt a man inside me for the first time, all that shyness melted away."
I chuckled. "I remember the feeling."
She turned on her side, her head propped on her hand. "One by one, my sisters all tasted the pleasures of the flesh, and it satisfied them. But not I. I was never satisfied. I tried taking two brothers at once. Then three, then four, then five at a time."
"Damn!" I gave her an appraisingly look, "Good for you."
She smiled guiltily. "I got all the way up to eight, but still, I needed more."
Her delicate fingers traversed the nubile rises of her body, then slid into the grass, and gently caressed me from hip to crotch. My cock engorged immediately, the drugs in my system causing it to ache with fullness, precum bubbling from the tip to run in viscous rivulets down the shaft. Rose watched it with rapt eyes, her bosom heaving with anticipatory breaths.
I pulled her hand away. "Rose, you can’t."
"Just a taste," she whispered, her eyes not leaving my organ, "just let me lick it a little. That’s all I want."
"Just a taste is all it takes for your kind."
"Can you not tell that the corruption is already in me?" She lowered her face to my lap, and gazed worshipfully at the thing standing between my legs, "It calls to me, Kiera. Like the forest used to call to me, but this voice speaks with such terrible seduction. I am anxious all the time, scratching and rubbing, aching with a hunger between my legs, never comfortable, but this voice whispers of peace."
"You’re not too far gone. You just need to hold out a little longer."
"I can’t stand it anymore!" She hissed.
I held her up by the chest. "Rose, your mother will kill me if you do this."
"Mother is a pragmatist, and she knows no vengeance. If the change has already happened, she will see no need to defend me." She brought my hand to her breast, and made me squeeze it, "Like a doe who walks away from her fallen fawn, Mother will let me go, and I will call you, ‘Master.’"
"Rose." Came a voice from above. I glanced up to see Arbor watching us from the treetop. She’d probably been there the whole time.
I held up my hands, "I wasn’t doing anything."
Arbor swooped down and landed on my other side. "Rose," she said across from me, "if you cannot control yourself, then I will not let Kiera cross the river."
"Maybe I’ll cross the river then." She hissed, "Maybe I’ll splay myself out in the street for the orcs to have me! Anything but the seedless sap my brothers stuff me with!"
"Do you think your condition will be improved? You will not be freed from the craving, you will be enslaved by it!"
"Slavery is better than this torture!"
"You need to wait until—"
"You don’t get to tell me what to do, you old bitch!" Rose snarled.
Arbor blinked, then cleared her throat. "That was painful, Rose."
"Maybe I wanted to hurt you."
"Do you blame me for what is happening to you?"
"Yes." She hissed, "When I am at my lowest, I curse your name."
Rose laughed. "Why? Why?! If a simple desire can awake such hell in me because of your design, why would I not? You were so arrogant that you thought you could play god, and it is I who must suffer that arrogance! Then you dote on me and love me and say I am your favorite daughter, but so was Tulip! Where has your favoritism gotten me, Mother? You walk around in this shell of a body, but you don’t really understand! I can’t just leave this! If you won’t let me succumb, then death is my only escape!"
"Do not say such things!"
"You’re like a child." Rose hissed, "You have lived for ten-thousand years, but you’ve never grown up. And why would you? What force compels your growth? While the world ages my flesh and weakens my bones, you stay the same, and like a child, you hold onto everything, demanding that it too stay the same, fearing that it will grow up and leave you behind."
Arbor blinked, then cleared her throat, but she could not clear it well enough. Her breath caught within it, and a tear welled in her eye. "Kiera," she said, thumbing away that tear, "you must leave us now."
I didn’t need any more encouragement. I picked up Rose’s sack of drugs, and made a beeline for the bridge.
We were in Eva’s office, the sound of the evening revelers outside dulled by the consistent moans of the revelers within. I sighed ruefully. There were times that I wished I still had a penis. Not because I missed mine, but because I felt like I hadn’t used it to the fullest. I hadn’t experienced all the great things a penis had to offer. As I finalized the text for the new trade deal, I glanced at Prince Mathew Dreus, and let out another sigh. He looked like he was in heaven.
Despite Adrianna’s attempts to stop her, Eva eventually got her claws on Prince Mathew, and what Furia hadn’t yet corrupted, Eva did. She’d got his nether regions waxed and his anus bleached, and now his hairless testicles were bound in a golden coil that held them firmly together. There were three rings around his cock, and fresh piercings in his nipples. Those nipples were now swollen and taut as Eva pulled on the chain that linked them, standing atop a box so that her crotch was at mouth-level with poor Prince Mathew. She chuckled in that low sultry manner that made me drip between the thighs, and wrapped the chain around her leather-gloved hand, raising the pitch of Mathew’s muffled moan. He didn’t have her cock all the way down his throat, but he was doing an admirable job for a first-timer. I daresay the distractions certainly made it easier for him.
Thick lubricant squelched from his pink anus as Furia slowly guided him up and down in her lap, her magnificent tattooed organ revealed, then consumed by the prince’s virgin ass. She had tenderly broken him in, and now I feared the lad was absolutely ruined, for his eyes were rolled back in his head, and spit was leaking down his chin. No cock would do but Furia’s for him now, or at least, none smaller. Fortunately for him, there were plenty bigger here in Alkandra, and more than enough orcs who would be glad to service a pretty young thing like him. Alexa knelt between his legs, and treated him like royalty with her mouth. Her hands were bound behind her back, and her anus was stretched to a grotesque circle around all the candlesticks Furia and Eva had put in there. Apparently, Alexa had overstepped the hermaphroditic hierarchy, and was being punished. I watched the way her pussy juices ran down her quivering thighs, and felt a pang of jealousy. With everyone busy, would I have to go out to a BDSM club to have my needs fulfilled?
Faltia marched through the tent flap, and stopped. "Whoa," she said, "what the fuck is going on here?"
"Trade negotiations, Captain." I said dryly, "The Lowlands has just agreed to buy our silver for cost, and has forgiven the debt we owed. We will trade freely between each other, and will discuss bilateral trade with the dwarves once their emissary arrives. Since Alkandra and Ardeni are so far away from Vachter Dormus, it is likely that we’ll have to build trade outposts along our southern highways. In order to fund that, we’ll have to start taxing our citizens."
"They won’t like that."
"It won’t happen immediately. We’re still using Lowland currency here, and King Dreus is more than happy to throw us some extra cash to incentivize that use. Eventually, we’ll have to build a treasury of our own, and a mint of our own, and that means distribution of wealth, and tax collection."
"And who better than you?"
"Prestira Rasloraca was said to be a genius with money, but in her absence, I guess it is me who will take on that mantle, yes." I scribbled the last few lines of the trade agreement, then added my signature. "I will personally take on the role of tax collector."
"So that everyone can vent on you?"
"Precisely. If they’re going to call me a filthy money-grubbing whore for taking their money, I might as well earn the title, hmm?" I reached beneath the desk, and with a grunt, I hoisted a massive anal cone onto the tabletop. "Now," I said, turning to Faltia, "you are going to help me make this disappear."
She looked from me, to the cone. I dawned my masochistic persona, and wiggled excitedly in the chair with a wide smile. "Hurt me?" I giggled, "Please, Captain?"
Alkandra at night was something to see. Fires of a hundred different colors burned from the lampposts, warm hearths shown through windows, and the streets were filled with life. If the daytime was raucous, the nighttime was manic. The laughs were louder, the calls were more jovial, the moans and yips of lust were accentuated by the primal excitement of darkness. Every street corner was a party, every alleyway was an orgy, and the street itself was alive with the movement of people going from one thing to the next, their eyes wide and bright.
"Foot traffic tomorrow is going to be hell." Brianna sighed, scratching her head as she pondered the map of Alkandra, "I’ll have to be up three hours before dawn just to coordinate things with Faltia."
"You don’t need my help?"
"What I need is a good night’s sleep." Brianna smiled crookedly at me, "And frankly, Adrianna, you aren’t conducive to a good night’s sleep."
"Careful throwing stones in whore houses, Brianna." I smirked back.
Brianna laughed, then turned toward the bridge. "There she is. What the hell took her so long?"
Kiera came walking across the bridge as naked as the day she was born, her white robe in her hands, a bewildered expression on her face.
"Oh, she’s fucked up." Brianna laughed, and ran to her paramour. They embraced, and walked hand-in-hand to the castle.
I looked up at the east castle tower, where the windows were alight. Furia had returned to her students before dusk fell, and would be ensconced for the night in her indoctrination process. Alexa was working the night hours with Tim to get the arena ready for tomorrow’s inaugural games, and Eva, Soraya, and Faltia was already asleep, getting ready to rise early for their duties. It was strange. I’d done such a good job delegating tasks, that I suddenly found myself with little to do, and for the first night since Castle Thorum, I was alone. And that was OK.
I got off the bench, and moved into the crowd. Where would I go? Where would the river of people take me? I let myself be swept into it, following the ebbs and flows of bodies until I was in a tavern. The revelry was at a fever-pitch, the laughter nearing a scream, the jubilance bordering on mania. I moved like liquid through the bodies, almost all of them orcs that stood at least a foot taller than I, yet I did not feel closed in. They parted for me when they saw me, and smiled with wide, welcoming tusked grins, delighted that I was there.
"Here, Governess!" shouted an orc. He was a fat old Terdini man, his bald head covered in tattoos. I sat beside him, and he produced a pitcher of ale. "You need to catch up!" He laughed, and there was laughter all around. I looked over my shoulder to see that I’d become the center of attention, all eyes watching me. I hoisted the massive pitcher, tipped it back, and downed the whole thing in three seconds. Granted, more than half of it ended up on my robe, but the feat still drew cheers from the surrounding beasts, and those cheers only grew louder when I stood on the bar, and spiked the pitcher onto the floor with a crash.
"Get me another!" I roared, and emptied my pockets onto bar, "Get the whole fuckin’ house another! Don’t stop pouring drinks until you’ve run dry!"
That certainly made me some new friends. There was a roar of approval, and the percussive music kicked in, and the fever-pitch revelry resumed at a higher octave. I downed pitcher after pitcher, the front of my robe becoming so wet that it was translucent. A bold she-orc decided to suck the ale from my fabric, and the crowd cheered her on as I arched my back, tipping back my head so that more ale could be poured into my open mouth. Then I grabbed that woman hard by back of her head, and pulled her into a sloppy kiss. She wilted in the heat of my passion, allowing me to loom over her and devour her mouth, and when I was done, I yanked her head back, and shoved her face between my legs.
"Another round!" I called, and my call was answered with a hail of approval. The she-orc made me come after my fifth glass, and I was so surprised by it that I threw my head back and shrieked, dousing her face in my sudden expulsion.
The tavern ran dry, and the crowd moved onto the street. I was hoisted onto an orc’s shoulders and carried above everyone.
"Where do you want to go?" My steed asked me. I looked around, realizing that I was drawing quite the following. Scores of eyes were staring up at me, wondering where the fun would go next. My gaze rested upon a torchlit sign depicting a woman on a pole. That would do.
I was in a strip club, pounding my hand against the stage, cackling at a joke the man beside me had said. I couldn’t even remember what the punchline was, but it was the most hilarious fucking thing I’d ever heard. He was an Ardeni orc, one of Faltia’s boy by the tattoo on his arm. The stripper was a goblin girl, hardly over four feet, but bodacious despite her frame. She moved with sinuous grace that reminded of me of an amphibian, then collected her coins into the pouch at her hip, and leapt into the arms of the customer who had paid the most.
"Get up there!" One the men beside me jeered.
"Governess! Governess! Governess!" They started to call, and I was compelled onto the stage. I’d never danced a day in my life, and certainly not as a woman, but the moment the deep tribal drums kicked in, my body moved with instinct. I drew my hands along my side, displaying the curves beneath my wet robes, craning my neck and rolling my head languidly like the music was lolling me into a trance. My hips swayed, my belly flexed, my breasts jutted from my chest, the nipples pointing through the fabric. I grabbed the pole, wrapped my legs around it, and spun. The pole rotated with me, and the room became a blur of circular motion, but I was not dizzy. I undulated against the pole, sliding it between my robed buttocks, feeling the warm metal against my anus through the fabric. I climbed the brass column, then spun upside-down and locked my legs. My robe cascaded from me, and stretched my arms to let it fall to the stage. There were cheers, I was sure, but the only think I heard was the music, the bass drum beating in my chest, thrumming with the primal instincts that guided me. I slid down the pole and crouched onto the stage, then drew my hands out before me, and stretched until my ass was high in the air, and my face was down.
I felt hands on my hips. I didn’t protest. I was hoisted into the air, and pressed between two orc bodies. I still danced, undulating between them, rocking my hips as I slowly penetrated both my holes with their cocks. I cried out, but still I moved down them, taking every delicious inch, their girths too big, and yet, I stretched for them, loving the pain of it, hissing through it until my hiss was a purr, and my cheeks pillowed against their crotches. They began to fuck me, lifting my small body up and dropping it, impaling me relentlessly to the rhythm of the bass. The drummer changed the timing, accelerating, and they fucked me harder, moving as one, making me feel the fullness of their hot rods stabbing into my soft innards again and again, rubbing against the division of my holes, ruining me. I screamed in pleasure, wrapping my hands around the neck of the man behind me, arching my back, touching navels with the man before me. Their fingers molded into the fat of my ass and the pliant meat of my breasts, and they drove, drove, drove into me, breaking through my resistances until I was conformed just for them, my body violated to custom-fit their cocks. I screamed in fluctuation, my hair flailing, my hips rocking desperately, and when they roared out their orgasm, I roared out mine, sounding a harmony over the cheers of the crowd. The pulled out, and my yawning holes expelled their fluid onto the stage, dripping in sticking strings. They bent me over in front of everyone and showed the whole building what they’d done to me. They were applauded appropriately for their performance.
But I hadn’t even gotten started with my night. I downed more drinks, exchanged spit with strangers, laughed and shouted to the sky. I was in the street once more, and I was naked as could be. I was on the back of a centaur woman, and I was groping her breasts as she led my army of revelers down the thoroughfare.
"There!" I yelled, pointing at a sign I couldn’t even read. But boy, it sure was shiny. Ten minutes later, I was in the corner of a fighting ring, my hands wrapped, the crowd worked into a frenzy by the announcer. How the hell had I gotten here? How the hell was I still standing upright? I was seeing double, swaying on my feet in my corner of the ring. My night was about to end very violently, and very embarrassingly. Oh well. I wouldn’t remember it, even if I would be heckled about it for the rest of my life. The challenger appeared. She had a robust body, pale skin, girlish features, and bright red hair. And when I saw the succubus horns and tail, I nearly cried in relief.
She moved like a serpent, seductive and slow, every motion a languorous invitation to touch her. I guessed she hadn’t gotten the memo about us dark-elves. When she reached out to grasp my hand, I took it. Her eyes went wide, and my grin became evil. It was, after all, impossible to rape a succubus.
I had her on her belly, wrapping her hands together behind her back with her own tail, hearing her sweet calls for mercy. They were disingenuous pleas. Before the cheers of the masses, I spread her fat pale cheeks, and planted my face between them. She moaned beautifully as my tongue traversed her folds, tasting her sweet nectar, sliding into her heat. Her petals brushed along my lips, her most walls fluttered, and when my searching tip found the spot within her, her entire channel contracted in glee. I tortured that spot for a while, sloppily sucking upon her outer-lips as my tongue did its damage. When I was sure she was near the edge, I pulled out, my muzzle wet with her lust, and I spit onto her winking anus, and feasted upon it. She panted heavily against the mat, squirming and begging, and I smiled with my tongue in her ass, swirling her vile entrance until it was swollen with pleasure. I retreated to admire my handy work, marveling at the ruined state of the begging whore before me. Then I pinched the fingers of my hands together, and I penetrated both her holes.
"Oh fuck!" She blubbered before the raucous spectators. My hands were enveloped to the wrist, and then my forearms were consumed halfway, her fleshy cuffs pulsating with her accelerating heart, her insides flooding with hormones that wafted into my nose. I thrusted in and out, and her cries became louder and higher, and the crowd reached its boiling point, and flooded into the ring. We were taken. The hands that grasped me were shaking with desire, the cocks that were presented to me looked near to bursting. Oh, the poor things had been so pent up! It would be my responsibility to relieve them then.
One was in my ass, two were in my pussy, one was between my breasts, and two were in my mouth. Those that occupied the same holes took their turns, but that hardly made it bearable. I was writhing between them, my nethers stuffed so tight that I could no longer distinguished between my ass and cunt, for the flesh that separated was molded to their driving cocks. As one man in my womanhood grinded alongside the man in my filthy hole, the other man in my womanhood pressed against my ceiling, hitting that wonderful spot as he stretched me. I could not sound my thankful ecstasy, for I was gurgling on orc shaft, each stinking piece of meat being shoved impatiently down my throat one at a time. My mind was blank, my instincts long taken over. My body jerked in reaction to every violent pleasure, shifting up and down. The cock running between my breasts pulsed and burst, splattering my chest with load after load of his stinking milk. Another took his place, using the nectar left to lubricate his motions, spreading that wonderful butter into my flesh. I didn’t know how long I was there, or how many men I’d taken. All I knew was that the succubus had to drag me out, for I’d continued to fuck even after she’d had her fill.
I was at a casino. I didn’t have any money to bet, so I shamelessly prostituted myself in front of the roulette table, then took the man’s chips, and put them all on red. He spun the wheel, and before the ball even found its bearing, I’d vomited all over the table, and collapsed.
"Adrianna?" Came a voice, "Adrianna?"
I blinked. "Certiok?" I slurred.
"Holy shit, are you trying to die?!"
"Actually, I was trying to live." I groaned, and managed to get myself upright off the table. I looked at the wheel. "Twenty-four, black. Just my fucking luck." I slurred, then eyed the goblin gawking at me. "Hey mister, how many chips you got there?"
"I think you’re done." Certiok said, and hoisted me into her arms. I always forgot how strong orcs were, even the women. She carried me out onto the street. It had become noticeably less busy, and the depressing twilight of approaching dawn was on the horizon.
"Adrianna, while you’re carrying my daughter in your belly, I’d prefer it if you didn’t fucking drink!" Certiok growled.
"It’s safe to drink during the first trimester, don’t get your thong in a bunch." I slurred back.
"Is that a fact?"
"It’s science, bitch." I belched, "Besides, dark-elves heal fast. Our baby can take a few hits while in the oven."
"And I always thought you were the responsible one."
"What? I can’t let loose every once in a while? Do I always gotta be a straight-laced cunt?"
Certiok wrinkled her nose. "When did you get the tattoo?"
"On your back. It’s of a she-orc."
"Shit, I must’a got it between the succubus fight and the casino."
"You got it tonight? You guys really do heal fast. Who is it?"
"Sherok Terdini."
She stopped. "Why, Adrianna?"
"She’s the namesake of our daughter." I snuggled against Certiok’s breasts. "I got the tattoo from a Terdini artist who knew her well, which is ironic, because I killed Sherok when Elena was getting her first tattoo. I guess letting that arrow fly was the start of everything."
"Adrianna, you don’t need to—"
"Lemme say this. I gotta get it off my chest while I’m drunk and have the balls to tell you. We weren’t going to attack that day. Brock and Trenok were gone, so I’d called off the raid to do surveillance. Then Sherok looked up, and she saw me, and I had to do it. I didn’t want to, but my men were all over the place, and if we’d tried to retreat, it would’ve been a slaughter. I didn’t want to do it, Certiok, that’s all I’m trying to say. It wasn’t meant to happen. If I could go back in time… I don’t know… then I wouldn’t’ve become… I’m grateful, you know, but the regrets… that’s what ghosts are… I didn’t know Prestira… I’d heard she was a great woman… I killed her badly… and that vampire girl… just following orders… cull the herd… it’s for their own good… I’m a good man, right April? April…? Why are you crying?"
Wake up, sleepy-head.
I woke up in my chambers. The dawn sun had just crested the hilltops to the west, and bathed my room in warm light. I groaned, my body aching, my head feeling like I’d spent all of last night beating it against a wall. The three beds pushed adjacent to mine were all empty, everyone off doing their morning work in preparation for the day’s festivities. I rolled over to find Yavara resting next to me, grinning below a pair of burning orange eyes.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: