Laundry day
Your hoodie

"Where did my hoodie go?"
It's laundry day and you're pretty sure you're missing one hoodie
"Maybe you didn't pick it up"
Kronii's looking at her phone "helping" you
It's been a little while since you two started to live together
You tried to divide the house chores but it's not really working out
She's been using whatever excuse to not do what she doesn't want to do in the house, so you're basically the househusband now
"...Lemme go check"
You go to your room and look for it to no avail
"Maybe you just used one hoodie"
Kronii was following you around, still using her phone
"I guess I did?"
I think I'm also missing a shirt...
You try to shrug it off and continue as normal
From then on, something keeps happening
Every time you wash your hoodies or your dress shirts, you feel like they're different when you're about to put them in the washing machine
"What the hell..."
You feel like you've used them way before, but you're just not sure anymore
"No, Anon you definitely used those recently"
Kronii keeps dismissing you when you try to ask her
Am I losing it?
You keep trying to shrug it off but it gets harder each time
One day, Kronii's specially focused on a game, she asks you to fold her clothes for her
"Don't you dare touch my panties though"
...It's not like I haven't taken them off of you...
You decide it's better to avoid death so you obey
"Kronii where do these go?"
You try to ask her but she's still playing
You start checking the drawers
She turns to look at you right as you open one of them
You only got to see what was inside for an instant
You could've sworn you saw one of your hoodies
But just as you blink, the drawer is empty
You turn to look at Kronii
"Was that...?"
"I-I-i-i don't know what you're talking about, Anon haha"
"Also you should go check how the washing machine's doing I think I heard it"
"Oh! Yeah, I'll go do that, thanks"
You walk out of her room
When did I put more clothes???
You're probably actually losing it
You try to continue as normal but you can't
The image of your hoodie in her drawer never leaves your mind
A few weeks later, when you think Kronii forgot about what happened, you prepare yourself
She had to leave for a council meeting
The switches keep happening and you're already calling yourself insane for taking something so unimportant so seriously
You go and check her drawers again
In one of them, you find some of your hoodies and dress shirts
"Holy shit I'm not crazy"
You grab them to make sure they're real
They smell like Kronii
You finally put 2 and 2 together
Of course you'd never realize it when she just stops time to take them with her
You start imagining her with your clothes on, you're on cloud 9
...But wouldn't it be better if you actually saw her with them?
You make a decision
Kronii comes back home while you're cooking
"Hi, Anon"
"Welcome back, I'm almost done"
She walks to you to see what's for dinner
Then she recognizes the hoodie you're wearing
She turns beet red
"...I-I'm sorry I just didn't want you to think I'm weird I just feel safe and calm when I smell your scent I'll stop doing that please don't hate me I didn't mean t--"
You grab her shoulders
"Kronii, it's okay. I don't mind it"
She starts to calm down
"I just... would like it if you'd ask"
"You know how I've been losing it recently?"
She nods
"Could you at least ask for my sake?"
She slowly nods
"Then... could you lend me your hoodie?"
You take it off and hand it to her
She puts it on and immediately covers her face with it, still blushing
You're glad you did this
From then on you stopped having mental breakdowns while doing the laundry
She does as you told her and asks for your clothes every now and then
You sometimes catch her covering her nose and sniffing
When you sleep together, she'd wear your shirts in the morning
One time she tried buttoning one up all the way, but the shirt wasn't strong enough
So she gave up with that idea and you got to see her with your shirts half buttoned-up
Even more time later she stops directly asking
Sometimes when you take off your jacket or hoodie she picks it up and puts it on
Other times she'd tug on your sleeve to make you take it off and give it to her
You don't mind at all
Watching her cover her nose and closing her eyes when she thinks you're not looking makes it completely worth it
Though you'd prefer it if she just hugged you more frequently
That'll be another thing you work on with her

t. Nameronii
Source for the art used

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Pub: 25 Nov 2021 06:21 UTC
Views: 885