8 Steps to Miku
- Make a directory on your hard drive.
- Download koboldcpp.exe from here to that folder/directory.
- Download this (https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/Utopia-13B-GGUF/resolve/main/utopia-13b.Q5_K_M.gguf?download=true) and put it in the same folder.
- Download this, (https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern/archive/refs/heads/release.zip) unzip it, and drag that folder into the one you've made.
- Double click on Start.bat in the SillyTavern-release folder.
- Make a new text file in the same folder koboldcpp.exe is in, copy the above into that text file, and then rename it to kobold-start.bat. You might need to lower the threads and blasthreads settings a bit for your individual machine, if you don't have as many cores as I do, and possibly also raise/lower your gpulayers.
- Double click kobold-start.bat in Explorer.
- Go to Chub.AI, get whatever characters you want, and import them into SillyTavern.