Gingaza Chapter 1 Episode 6: Gingaza's Cinderella (Part 2)

Ramona: A full house on the first day of the performance-that's Gingaza for you.

Hikari: ......Don't move around too much, give a sense of a calm prince. Be careful with your speech. Don't use your accent. Stretch your voice.......

Ramona: (Hikari, you're quite's probably because your chance has come around.)

Hikari: ......Move with a big swing in your movements, with a relaxed and spacious manner. Don't fidget, concentrate, concentrate, concentrate, concentrate.......

Ramona: Hikari.

Hikari: Agh! Sorry! Was that too loud?

Ramona: 'Practice makes the virtuoso', a German proverb. Your hard work is definitely paying off. Don't worry.

Hikari: Ah, yes. Thank you. I'm going to get some air.

Ramona: Yeah, take your time.

Xue: You were trying to relax her, weren't you? You're still wasting your time, you know.

Ramona: I did what I had to do. What's the matter with you?

Koyomi: It's a problem. You have disturbed Hikari-san’s concentration.

Ramona: Are you serious?

Koyomi: Hikari-san will get the job done whether you talk to her or not.

Koyomi: Why can't you trust in her ability?

Ramona: It’s natural to want to support her, isn’t it? Even you should at least want to support someone.

Koyomi: Don't lump me together with you! Generally speaking, you have to be cautious when interacting with your oshi, otherwise...

Koyomi: Ahem, anyhow. Don't underestimate Gingaza. We are actors who can make it on our own.

Ramona: No, a stage is not something you can build alone-

Narration: Gingaza will now present "Cinderella".

Koyomi: Come on, the curtain is about to rise.

Ramona: .......

Koyomi: Well done on your first performance at Gingaza. Your eyes...... no. How did it look to your Sense?

Ramona: ...... Everyone was perfect. Including Hikari. With things being like this, I didn’t even need to support her.

Koyomi: Thank you for the quick analysis. I'll tell you one thing.

Koyomi: This is Gingaza. It's different from the theatre company you used to be in. We don't have the kind of bonds you develop playing friendship games.

Koyomi: What binds us together is not the bonds of lukewarm friendship. It is the trust and respect that comes from our past achievements.

Ramona: ......I see.

Koyomi: You may not be happy about it right now. But as you continue to perform, you will understand.

Ramona: So if I want to get along with you, I have to build up a track record?

Koyomi: If you want to put on a good show, you have to build up your achievements. Because performance is the bond that connects us all. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Ramona: ......We're going to create such a stage. I guess there is such a bond. I hate to admit it, but.......

Pub: 23 Sep 2023 19:23 UTC
Edit: 28 Sep 2023 18:07 UTC
Views: 361