Warkop Climate/Geology Report

Note that I have never done this and probably will not give perfect information. Climeat is far better.


Image description
Most of Eastern Warkop sits on extended crust, with portions of its south being of the NijiJP shield. Western Warkop largely sits on extended crust, with some orogeny in its southwest.

Climate and Biomes

Warkop is extremely unique in that all of its territory is a Tropical Rainforest climate, owing to the Equator running directly through it and the great amount of rainfall that comes from the Heavenly Sea. The East sucks up a lot of the rain, but this has little impact on the West, which will also be pelted with it all year. This is further increased by the warm ocean currents of the east's east coast and ENSO, which means that this side in particular will be hit hard by storms, and extreme weather every so often. This will make this region in particular extremely hard for its inhabitants to live in.

I would suspect that nearly all the land is tropical moist broadleaf forest like that of Indo-Malayan Archipelago, the Amazon Basin, and the African Congo Basin in real life. The wildlife of /warkop/ could easily be some of the most diverse and unique in the whole world where these forests are untouched, and where it is cleared, very fertile soil that is ideal for growing tropical crops will be found. But these lands, while fertile, as also cesspools for disease and all sorts of things that humans don't particular take well too. Take this information as you wish.


As you would expect, Rice is going to be the main food crop grown here and this is ideal for it. But in general, Warkop is practically ideal for tropical crops of all varieties. It's forests will contain rare lumber not found in many places, and there is no doubt to me that more enterprising people will try to set up plantations for the many profitable cash crops that can be produced here. As for what in particular could be here, it would be wise to look into the economy of nations that have the same climate IRL like Indonesia, the Congo, etc.


For the East

Climeat sort of did this part so I will copy what he said in this:

"The majority of soil in northern Niji continent will be laterite with occasional patches of red soil due to significant weathering. While they can pose difficulties in agriculture, their high iron and aluminium content can be potentially valuable. Laterite ore and bog iron in the wetland can be a significant source of iron, especially before the development of more advanced mining technique.

Geologically, cratons are mostly made of igneous and metamorphic rocks formed in the distant past - shields refer to the relatively exposed baserock, while platform also include the sedimentary layer that covers it. For the shields, igneous rocks like granite and metamorphic rocks like greenschist, amphibolite, and some granulite, as well as greenstone belts can be found. For the platforms and passive margins, an additional layer of sedimentary rocks will be present, especially in the passive margin. The presence of shields means the region will have a decent supply of metal ores like gold, iron, lead-silver, and copper, although their concentration might not be as high as in orogens. The flatter terrain and presence of sedimentary strata might also require more advanced mining techniques to access the minerals."

For the West

I have very little knowledge on how this works, but I do know that much of what is said above is partially applicable here in the extended crust area. I would run it by someone else who understands this better since I couldn't tell you very much other than Orogens tend to be mineral rich.

Pub: 19 Dec 2022 14:38 UTC
Edit: 19 Dec 2022 14:42 UTC
Views: 206