Its what you did
Guarding some big warehouse on the outskirts of a big city
What was in the warehouse?
You didn't care much
The sun paraded itself in a cloudless sky, whilst birds chirped and the slight noise of traffic could be heard in the distance
You usually didn't mind the sun
But goddamn was it hot today
The uniform didn't help either
You were sweating like a stuffed pig
A new labour law concerning 'the use of humans in the workplace' demanded that protective equipment be issued to humans in 'high risk' areas
Because you were a guard-human, your protective equipment consisted of slash proof body armour
Just incase a predator decided to get a little too vicious with you
Stab Vest, Shin pads, elbow pads, you name it
You had to wear it
You felt like one of those SWAT guys, except your stab vest had an integrated harness, so a lead could be attached

Your handler, who towered a few feet over you even when you were fully standing, huffed in boredom
"We've already done 5 laps of the perimeter, checked with the other patrols and swept for blind-spots" he declared with a hint of pain in his voice
"I don't think there's much left to do, boy" he added whilst twirling the lead that connected your harness to his wrist
It was ironic you thought that your handler, a husky, was calling you 'boy'
But hey, there were worse jobs, even if this one was criminally boring from time to time

About an hour had passed since your brief, one sided conversation
The handler's radio began to blare out some incomprehensible noise
"Say again?" he asked, grabbing the radio
Whoever was on the other end of the radio began to howl back, a little clearer this time "Get around to the southeast corner, some idiot is trying to climb the fence"
Your felt a tug on your harness
Show time
You scrambled around to the southeast end of the warehouse, in hopes of being the first to get your hands on whoever decided to make your day
No such luck however, in the distance you could see that two other guard humans had already beat you to it, grappling the legs of a tall figure
Your Handler unhooked you from your lead
"Go git em'" he bellowed with great enthusiasm
Running towards your target, you quickly began to notice they were a Tiger, roughly about 9 feet tall
Didn't matter
You knew exactly where you'd get him
You lept at the Tiger's chest, and quickly started going for his face
Had to quell that pent up anger and boredom somehow
If you ever get the chance to see a predator get jumped by guard humans
Don't miss it
Its hilarious
Well, your handler got a laugh out of it at least

Eventually, you and the two other humans were pulled off the idiot
You'd been wailing on him for a good five minutes
Some guards 'helped' the tiger to his feet
And promptly cuffed him
You felt a paw rustle through your hair
"Good boy, we did good this time didn't we?"
You didn't answer that, it was a rhetorical question
You were always a good boy
Still, you reckoned you'd get extra treats with your kibble tonight for this
Returning to your post underneath the hot sun, you wondered if tomorrow would be this interesting

Pub: 02 Sep 2024 07:58 UTC
Views: 187