Fight on the border of Aphros

20:00] Throwing itself into battle once more, the demon brings down it's fury on the magi before it. Caring not for the age of the combatant, this demon was of the mindset that anyone of any age could be a great warrior. It never once fought with anything but it's full power.

And it's full intent to kill.

Raging through the battlefield, the demon tears apart the ground in it's furious assault. Ready to destroy any and everything between it and it's opponent. Moments of traded blows between the two, as the demon grabs the child even when impaled on his sword. Vicious grip breaking bones beneath his muscled form.

Though in the end, the true and most severe repercussion of this battle, would be the effect upon his psyche. For the Lord of War had spread his corrupt influence through the area, and this child had been far too absorbed in a pitched battle to ignore it.

Even as he is tossed into a nearby tree, the only thing he would find on his mind. Was the mantra of the War Demon before him. 'Glory in battle, rest in death.'

A singular balled fist comes crashing down into his temple. Knocking him unconscious, before tossing his body to a farmer nearby.

"If the child dies, you die." It says with a cold laugh.

It once again turns to the crowd.

"Who else challenges war? WHO ELSE WILL WISH FOR GROWTH ON THIS DAY?"

[20:00] Phoenix Altan says, "Uhuh..."
[20:07] It was a hard fought battle. The young squire doing his best to strike down the foes of Athelios. Was it perhaps reckless for a child to challenge such a hulking beast? Maybe. But Lorian was not the average child.

Evil could not be allowed to trespass on the doorstep of the Bastion of Athelios. Lorian would act as his blade at every turn.

This time it didn't pan out, overwhelmed by brutish strength and demonic power, the boy was hurled into a tree, the wind falling from him, and all he could think about was the next blow he'd launch at his foe.

Until his foe launched their final blow, a punch that rendered him inert. Unconscious and being carted off quickly by a farmer who wanted to preserve their own life, Lorian found himself soon to be back in Aphros.

One thing for sure though

War would come to his foes
(Lorian Vargo)

[20:20] Upon entering the border's of Aphros the priestess came upon a sight. A demon doing battle with a young boy. With Lorain a native to the city of Aphros. With the boy seeming to be dragged off by a bystander that would be a bit of relief for the kitsune. Sapphire hues came to rest upon the demon as an icy glare was given.

"Not once but twice, you ones of the fel arts think you can trespass onto the lands graced to us by Athelios."

Her left hand moved to reach up to her back where her rapier was sheathed, the metal chiming quietly as it was pulled from its sheath. Small petal's of ice floated about the woman. Illuminated by the golden light lighten ablaze around her.

"This can not come to pass, your kind grows to bold in times of late. Perhaps it is time to bring about the inquisition after all."

The grip around the hilt of her sword tightened, her form lowering low to the ground as her eyes would glare at the demon. A deep breath thus taken in as the priestess would begin to recite a prayer.

"Athelios, son of Ymir."

"Grant me thy strength to fell this creature of the night."

"May they feel the pain of thy blade as I move to pierce their heart."

"May the wallow in the pits of hel for the rest of eternity and be purged from these lands."

"For by your will the scourge that is demon kind shall come to be erased, for I am your voice... And the one who delivers thy swift judgment."

A storm of ice and snow circling around her before she lunged forward as fast as her feet would take her as they beat against the ground her weapon drawn at the ready to drive it into the flesh of the demon before her.

(Phoenix Altan)


[20:25] Once again, the raucous laughter of the demon echoes across the battlefield. A hysterical fit of joy overcomes the muscled form.

"Bolder!? Come now, you know the true answer! You and yours are complacent and complicit in our rise! You sit idly by while war is waged across the continent. Hoping that it will reach you last, that by some miracle you will be spared."

The laughter dies down, and is replaced by a dry chuckle.

"I am here to remind Aphros of war. To show you that it will not go away just by waiting it out. You must needs bring your all to bare, or you will never grow past the weak insignificant gnats you have become."

The chest of the demon is beat against by it's own fist. Raising it's war cry to the very heavens above.


With that, the third battle begins. Would the landscape survive at this rate?

[20:27] Tristinia had been on a journey. Her recent spars had revealed the errors in her form, her abilities. She'd been, eagerly, on her way back home after testing out some theories relating to her magic.

Of course... Those theories hadn't been put to the real test. Having come so far away from her home, to Aphros in order to find the goods she required, she had been traveling through the night when a light through the trees had caught her attention. It had seemed like nothing... An innocent enough things. For who would do more than spar so close to the city?

Who indeed?

The sight of Kure being tended to by a farmer strikes shock in the Drakanite woman, who had so recently measured herself against his skills. But it is the figure that stands nearby that commands her entire attention.

A demon.

At first, fear grips her heart. This creature... This entity... It was dangerous. It radiated the presence of war and bloodshed. But her eyes land upon Kure once more... And on the strange woman that is also clearly here.

The Drakanite grits her teeth. She prepares herself. For she can tell, from the speech alone, this demon will not stop unless it is stopped. And whilst she has the ability to simply flee... Even if just briefly, even just one fight, one meeting, she had a friend who's life was potentially on the line.

[20:30] {Won Dangerous RPB against Teleiotita}
[20:30] Phoenix Altan has inflicted an injury upon Teleiotita. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)")
[20:51] The battle was one that caught the kitsune off guard to say the least, having seen a demon so close to aphrosian border's meant it had to be strong. Even more so that it had already fought at least one magi prior to her showing up. This was a blessing for the priestess and the downfall of the demon. Had she fought the demon at full strength in her current state things may have ended differently.

Her blade clashed with the spires of earth, sharp hail of ice and snow beating down onto the demon. Causing the icy chill of winter to set in, letting the slash's of her blade sting all the more. Bit by bit it was evident she was gaining ground upon Teleiotita, her causing for the demon to be pushed back. A flick of her wrist as small particles of ice and snow began to gather in her hand.

Holy magic imbedded into the very shards of ice she was forming. In her right hand a lance had manifested itself, her sapphire hues narrowed as her target was in sight. Her animal instincts acting to further her along as she was on the verge of passing out. The lance in question thrown it soaring through the air as it would connect with its target.

The spear impaling the beast and lodging itself firmly into its flesh, the tip prodruding out its backside. Though the woman had missed the heart she still was close by her judgment, it was never certain with demons as they were all different. A lesson for next time perhaps. A small huff given, as the current distance between her and the beast allowed them ample time to flee, the woman not wanting to pursue into the depths of the wood any more knowing that plenty more already were out there in waiting.

"Run while you can, for the will of Aschea runs in my veins... The words of Athelios in my heart the day of demons roaming these lands with such carelessness is coming to an end."

Her hand moving to sheath the weapon back onto her back, her gaze resting on the horizon as the creature fled.
(Phoenix Altan)

[20:57] Indeed. Had this been the full might of Teleiotita, this battle could have gone very differently. Fortunately for her, his carapace already had many cracks. Already impaled and gored by so many bladed weapons.

But he relished every moment of the battle.

A true display of gusto and willpower from the little beastkin. Something he could finally, truly sink his teeth into with this city.

The blood of the past battles invigorates him, sending him into a blood frenzy. Filled with ire and disdain for the mortal city. So content with resting on it's laurels while the rest of the world burned.

For every slice, every blast of ice. The lord of War returned it blow for blow. Knuckles cracking bones beneath his weight. Spikes from the earth countering those of ice.

"Never place this feeling to the side. That is why your people are weak and helpless.

A single demon, not even a kaor. And I defeated so many of you, before one could come to match me in this weakened state."

The holy ice pierces his abdomen as he speaks "-!" But his smile only grows.


The demon laughs as a horde of underling demons. Megas and Lessers, charge forth from the shadows. Stopping any attempt at pursuit. Lest the knights of Aphros wish to surrender the lives of the civilians they targeted.

Powerful wings take the demon into the sky, retreating for the moment. His fighting spirit quenched, finally.

[21:02] Ready in the wings, prepared to fight, to protect what she saw as innocents, Tristinia's mana surged within her body. Despite that, however, despite her prepared state, the scene of conflict and devastation was something she wasn't quite prepared for.

A powerful demon, indeed. The ground quaked and shook, even as ice pelted the surroundings. The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, Tristinia felt she might retch from the scent. A hand came up to cover her nose, to try and get the worst of it away, but she forced herself to keep watching. To study the demon's tactics in case she was called upon...

But, luckily, just as she began to realize just how overmatched she would have been, had it been her on the line, the chunk of ice impaled the creature. It fled, even as other demons came forwards. The knights of Aphros surged forwards, but so too did Tristinia. She refused to stand idly by, and these, at least, she could fight... She could help with.

When the dust cleared, though, the magi finally allowed herself a moment to relax, turning her gaze to the kitsune who had fought the creature.

"Um..." She pauses, looking at the tiny figure, not realizing she was older than Tristinia was.

"Thank you... I'm glad you were there to put a stop to its rampage."

Pub: 20 Jun 2023 07:29 UTC
Views: 148