Southern Comfort

"Slobbering on Anthro Virginias"

Your name is Anon, a southerner that's spent the last four years as a yankee getting his college degree.
After which, you've "decided" to move back to your parents' farm to work off some of your crippling debt.
Once you arrived, you were greeted by familiar faces and nostalgic places from your childhood.
However, one face is new...but not really. She seemed so familiar, yet you can't for the life of you remember where you've met an eight-foot she-wolf before.
She's wearing daisy dukes with a flannel shirt and, aside from a shit-eating grin, not much else.
And still, you can't place who she is until she traps you under her arm and gives you the most aggressive hair-ruffling of your lifetime.
Ah. You remember this loving headlock now: It's got to be none other than your childhood frenemy Nancy. Equal parts your partner in crime and source of at least two scars and several bruises over the years.
You're released from your merciless noogie to the chorus of cackles from your cocky childhood canine conspirator.
But, as you look up her absolute size, something seems much different. She's fucking HUGE!
When you ask her about how fucking huge she is, she says simply "I'm a wolf, you dweeb."
Oh. You aren't all that observant, it seems.
The rest of your day is spent with Nancy, catching up and finding out about life past high-school.
You tell her about your BS and your plans on working as a professional pill pusher, and she tells you about her years working for your parents as a farmhand.
Though she shows more than tells, flexing and showing off as she walks you through her daily tasks.
Suddenly an axe is shoved into your hand and she tells you to go chop some wood for her while she goes to get the two of you some refreshments.
You're used to her shoving her chores onto you, so you figure it's less effort to argue than to have a reason to bug her about free soda for a year. You were NOT cut out for this, it seems.
A few logs in and your arms had been replaced with lead duplicates.
You could just barely hear the rustling over your own panting.
Oh. Rustling!
This was also a familiar game between you two, and you wanted to kick yourself for not realizing her scheme earlier.
You, all alone in the forest, and a mischievous do -wolf in an unknown location nearby.
You dropped the axe to listen and figure what direction she'd be coming from this time.
Was it the left? Maybe the right?
Was she right behind you, about to suplex you again?
Turned out your answers were all wrong: the attack came from above.
You looked up just in time to spot hundreds of pounds of fur and muscle barrelling down own you with a maniac smile.
The impact sent the two of you rolling, and you got a second to watch as one of your shoes was knocked loose and sent flying along with the rest of you.
The two of you rolled, wrestling until you finally pinned her underneath you.
Only for her to roll the both you you around and reverse the pin with ease.'re stuck. There was basically no way she's getting off until you call uncle.
Which you were about to do, right until you noticed a couple of things.
First, is that she didn't have a single drink on her!
Second is that she also didn't have a single scrap of clothes on her!!
While you tried to figure which one was worse, your mouth spoke for you.
You told her that she's naked.
She nodded.
You asked her if she's gonna do the thing.
She nodded again, smile growing wider.
Memories flash back to where your wrestling always inevitably went: dry humping in the woods.
But something tells you it wouldn't be that dry.
You could all but feel her soaking through your jeans.
"Hey...Anon." Nancy asked, still grinding herself against you, "I wanna try something new."
The grinding intensified, until your groin was just as hot and soaked as hers was.
You weren't sure when your hands started to unbuckle your jeans, but she was already one step ahead of you.
You learned something about those claws that was both terrifying and exciting: denim didn't mean shit to them!
Your jeans were replaced by tatters and promptly tossed past the trees.
Your shirt's buttons went flying as it got torn open.
"Been waiting years for this." she panted, "Was gonna go hunt you down in the city!"
Your boxers went next, but not before they were brought up to her snoot and aggressively sniffed.
She got a full-body shudder from that act, juicing herself even more.
"When you left, I was devastated you know?"
A rough paw began stroking your half-hard shaft...
"My favorite chew toy just up and left to become a doctor."
It was rigid in seconds, and she returned to grinding against your length.
"Years I was alone here; Nobody wanted to play with the 'Big Bad Wolf', without Anon to protect them."
Your ankles were hoisted up, and your entire lower half brought up with them.
She sat on your lap like that, careful not to rest her full weight on you.
Her arousal ran down your chest in two steady streams.
"But now you're back! Back where you belong!"
She took your manhood in her hand, guiding it up against her heat.
It was practically on fire!
"Now I ain't gonna let you get away again!"
She raised her hips, before lowering them back down with your shaft embedded in her.
She shuddered again, and you could feel her already wringing you for your seed.
You wanted to ask if she really just came, but were too distracted by the hot wet embrace swallowing up your most precious tool.
The two of you lingered there for a second, basking in the feeling of each other, before her hips began to move.
"Gonna give me a pup, Anon!"
And got more intense...
"Gonnna make me a mmom tonight, Aannoonn!"
Her voice was almost feral, practically slobbering as she got lost in her own fantasies and the sensations you were inflicting on her.
"You'll make..."
Another shuddering release as she willed her eyes to meet yours again.
Gaze both filled with absolute love, and terrifyingly strong lust.
All capped off with a predatory grin.
"Such a perfect father!"
And she resumed, with double the effort.
Your brain was frazzled. The position, her intensity, and adrenaline combined into a mind-frying mixture that had you say one thing again and again.
Hell yes!
You weren't sure where you planned to go in the future, but one thing was certain: she was coming with you!
Your heart and head had made that choice before your mind could catch up properly.
You gripped the grass beneath you as your body finally surrendered to her frantic assault!
You howled!
She actually howled!
And the two of you raced each other to the peak.
This time, her legs did give out, the two of you collapsing into a tangled mess of limbs, flesh and fur.
Eventually your mind caught up to the last few minutes.
To the blissed-out wolf who had likely just fucked herself pregnant on you.
Part of you hoped she was joking.
Part of you hoped she wasn't...
The idea of her carrying your child gave your member new life, and Nancy was quick to respond.
She rolled you onto your back and mounted you, guiding your back to where you rightfully belonged.
"I need more, Anon..."
Her hips began to move again and your higher thinking turned off.
The rest of the afternoon was a bit of a blur, with the most prominent memory you stumbling back to your bed feeling like you were mauled.
But, as you passed out, you didn't feel any regret.
Which was good, since a month later your suspicions were confirmed by a remarkably ecstatic Nancy kicking your door in at 2am.
After the two of you made love again, the following morning you let your parents know about your upcoming union.
They were wondering if you were still going to work.
It was at that point, a month after knocking up your childhood friend, that you finally learned that "working as a farmhand" was more "gaining ownership of the whole estate".
The idea of Nancy as anything other than a meathead unnerves you to this day.
But you still wanted to work!
Because you'd hate to disappoint your soon-to-be wife.
Because you'd hate to make a liar out of her after all this time.
Because you knew what she saw in you: a perfect father.
You never did get that soda...

I'm bad at endings.

Pub: 25 Jun 2022 17:08 UTC
Views: 1011