You'd been living with your new owner Max for a few months now.
He'd rescued you from the human rescue shelter after you were taken away from your previous owner due to "unlawful conduct" and "crimes against nature". You still weren't quite sure what all that meant, all you did was fuck her like she commanded you to.
You still missed her, but Max seemed like a cool enough guy. He laughed when the shelter owner told him about what had happened.
"Little man just needed to get his nut, I guess." The giant wolf had grinned at you from behind the glass, gently tapping on it with a large claw.
He was a wolf nearly 9 feet tall, jet black fur, a massive, fluffy tail, and an almost perpetual grin and easygoing 'bro' attitude that made you warm up to him almost immediately.
It also didn't hurt that he spoiled the ever-loving fuck out of you.
You could never figure out exactly where he got the money, (you half suspected he was a trust-fund leeching NEET) but he lavished you with toys, treats, food, pretty much whatever you wanted.
All he ever asked in return was your company. Curling up with him on the couch while he watched tv or played videogames (all you ever saw on the tv was a scrambled signal, but it was still mesmerizing to watch) sleeping next to him in bed, all the while with his massive arm curled around you and his nose resting against the nape of your neck or breathing hotly against one of your ears.
It was a pretty comfy, cozy life, but you wondered where his friends or family were. No one ever came over, aside from the occasional pizza delivery guy.
He took you for walks now and then, but he always seemed so quiet and avoided all the other animal folks as much as possible, even stuttering uncontrollably whenever a female cashier tried to make small talk and handed him back his change.
It was all pretty painful to watch.
You tried to help him out once, gently tugging at the skirt of a passing wolf lady, hoping to maby cause a bit of conversation between your master and her
She leaned down at you, grinning brightly and ruffling your hair as she leaned down "OOoh!! He's soo cute!" she looked up at Max "Whats his name?"
Max was fucking petrified.
" too.." he stammered, smiling awkwardly before yanking on your leash and walking quickly in the other direction

"Dude, what the fuck." you looked up at him, your hands spreading out in a helpless gesture "She was cute, man! You should've talked to her!"
He rubbed the back of his neck, wincing a bit and looking down at you with a sheepish grin
"Nah man. A girl like that is waaaay outta my league."
"Bullshit. You're handsome as fuck, you could get any of these bitches you wanted." you waved behind you at the park where all the animal folks were letting their humans run about and play. A fair amount of the owners were female, and fairly good looking as far as animal people were concerned.
"Its... its just not that easy, man. You know I have trouble talking to people." he cupped one of his paws, pouring some water into it from his water bottle and lowering it down to you.
Your hands grasped either side of his paw, drinking from it in relief. It was a pretty hot day outside.
He gently rubbed a couple claws under your chin when you were done. You couldn't help but grin, but still felt a little sad for him.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:40 UTC
Views: 136