The opening of her vagina, her inner lips, her clit, even her asshole were being assailed by the tightly braided thongs and the tiny knots at the ends. The blows were worse because each time her labia were struck, they were jerked against the clamps spreading them wide.

The pain was like nothing she had ever experienced or could ever have imagined.

In a haze of pain she heard herself screaming freely. Screaming and thrashing in her restraints was all that she could do. It seemed like the pain just went on and on. She found herself drifting away.

Finally, as she was off in some ethereal, endorphin induced stupor, she realized that the whipping had stopped. Her eyes were closed, She was trying to discern what was real and what was not.

She felt the clips removed from her labia – more pain as the blood rushed back into the abused skin – drifting away again, then the feel of a tongue, so warm and soft, gently laving the tortured folds of her pussy while fingers gently stroked her breasts and teased her ever so sensitive nipples.

She felt the tongue nudge its way between her bruised pussy lips, first teasing her clit, then sliding down, pushing its way inside her opening.

That did it.

The incredible pain had taken her to places she had never been, and all it took to trigger her gut wrenching orgasm was that hot, firm tongue probing her. Never had she experienced such a combination of intense sensations and emotions.

She found herself crying freely. The pain. The incredibly heightened emotional state she had been in. The sexual rush coursing through her. It was just too much.

In a distant dimension she felt her restraints being removed and allowed June to help her off the table. She stumbled more than walked, allowing June to lead her to the couch where they both collapsed. June produced a blanket which she draped over her lover and held her. Cynthia just found herself sobbing and hoping more than anything else in the world that June would never stop holding her.

Later, much later it seemed, she opened her eyes to find June staring intently at her as she gently stroked her face. Cynthia found herself rubbing her cheek against the soft fingers, it just felt so right. June broke the silence.

"You screamed for me love – you screamed from your soul, and now you’re mine". Cynthia just nodded, feeling incredibly warm and possessed.

She did not resist and in fact tilted her head back to make it easier when June fastened, and then locked the collar around her neck. Without being told, she slipped from the couch to sit at the floor next to June – it just felt as if that is where she belonged. She just leaned back and enjoyed being with June.

She was startled out of her reverie as the door opened and one of the servers from the restaurant brought in a tray. She started to cover herself, but June put out a hand to stop her.

"You’re mine today love and I’ll tell you when and what to wear". Blushing at having someone else see her naked and collared she knelt quietly as the woman set the ray down and uncovered it to reveal bottled water and sandwiches.

As June instructed the woman to make sure that Eric was fed and watered before she left, Cynthia realized that these scenes must by now be quite familiar to the staff. She suddenly realized how hungry and thirsty she was and attacked her sandwich.

After they had finished and the same woman hard returned to collect the tray, June turned to her, cupping her chin in her hand gently as she spoke.

"I promised you a whipping today and I think you would agree that I’ve delivered.

I didn’t tell you, and you did not agree for anything else to happen to you today. So from here, it’s up to you. I told you that if you promised to be mine I would make you my slut and I’m prepared to do that.

But as I did when we started, I’m offering you one more chance to stop. You can go put your clothes on and relax. I know the others will be down in a bit and we can all play as the mood strikes.

Or, if you meant what you said about being mine, you can turn around and offer your hands to be cuffed. If you do that, you’re mine, no limits for the rest of the night. Remember – it’s the red pill or the blue pill!!

Wordlessly and without even a second’s hesitation Cynthia found herself turning so that her back was to June, and offering her hands, fingers interwoven to be cuffed. Once again she felt the sexual trill course through her as she felt the cool steel and heard the ratcheting of the cuffs as they closed on her wrists.

"Poor lovely girl" June spoke as she stroked her lover’s hair. "You have opened Pandora’s box and you will never, ever be able to close it again.

But for now make sure that you’ve eaten plenty and had plenty of water because I promise to treat you very badly tonight!" Cynthia just shivered as her pussy pulsed, and replied "yes Mistress – please do what you said you would – make me your slut and use me."

June clipped a leash to the collar and with a slight tug, let Cynthia know to follow her.

Wildly conflicting thoughts and emotions raced through her mind as she was led, naked, collared and cuffed out to the breeding room. No words were spoken. Cynthia knew what was expected of her as June pointed to the ominous breeding rack.

Cynthia managed, with June’s help to work her way up onto the kneeling pads and remained still as she felt June’s fingers fastening and tightening the straps at ankle, calf and thigh. With June pushing her forward she was bent over the padded bar, with the bar pushing at the tops of her thighs.

She felt the cuffs removed from her wrists. June then pushed her head lower so that he neck was in the bottom of the headpiece. Wrists were placed in the respective indentations and finally the top bar was lowered.

Her mind wandered back to the day she had been in this position with Robert behind her.

Once again as she rested in the restraints she was aware of the obscenity of the position.

With her head and wrists forced down low, the padded bar forced her hips high in the air.

The splay of her legs in their restraints guaranteed that every part of her was open and on display. June gently caressed her face, letting her fingers slip between her lover’s lips. Cynthia eagerly licked the offered fingers, sucking it as June pushed it into her mouth.

"Yes love" June purred. "Your mouth and your cunt and your ass are going to be busy tonight. I hope you enjoy this as much as I’m going to."

Cynthia shuddered as once again the now all too familiar sexual thrill coursed through her loins. A flood of thoughts overwhelmed her.

First she realized that Eric, behind her in his cell had a clear and unobstructed view of her charms. Her ass, her pussy and even her asshole were clearly on display.

Next it occurred to her that unlike with Robert before, and with June earlier, there would now be others present. She was fastened in an incredibly lewd position for any woman, and she would be on display for anyone who walked through the door.

Finally June’s words hit home. She would be used. She was open and available and her lover intended to allow her to be used.

The whole thing came rushing home in one overwhelming realization. She was a slut on a breeding rack, fastened there so that she could be bred – just like a slave or a beast. She had no say as to whether she was fucked or who by.

She had irrevocably surrendered her right to object - volition had been taken away from her. She was fastened in a device whose only purpose was to make her available to be fucked and used.

Just as she was coming to grips with what awaited her. June appeared in front of her again to add additional refinement to her torment.

She slipped a dental gag between her captive’s lips, making sure that it was properly seated behind her teeth, then tightened the strap.

Cynthia had never been gagged before and quickly realized that she could not dislodge it. She began to grunt and protest when June began to work the opening mechanism, the ratchet clicking as each one was reached. Cynthia felt her jaws being forced open, then finally just held there.

If she felt vulnerable before this was worse. Her mouth was held open – the intent obvious. Anything could be slipped into her mouth with no way for her to resist.

"This is just because I’m in a mood to be cruel love" June said as she once again stroked Cynthia face and hair.

"Not only can anyone use your mouth, when you’re called upon perform, you can only use your tongue – no lips and certainly no teeth. You’ll see how much harder it is to pleasure someone with only your tongue.

As I said love, it’s going to be a rough night. To make matters worse Cynthia realized that with her mouth forced open and her head down, she could not swallow her saliva – it simply ran out of her mouth and pooled on the floor.

Busy contemplating her fate and how she would be able to deal with the challenges June was presenting her with, she almost did not hear the door open and Robert, Steve and Sharon enter.

Cynthia sensed them all gathering around her, then heard them begin to comment or her position and her body.

Sharon remarked at her whip marks still visible between her legs and asked June if her slut had screamed for her. Obviously she was no stranger to June’s penchants and preferences.

June smiled. "Of course she screamed my dear, just as one day, if your husband loans you to me, you will scream. But this one is special – she is my pet. I’ve whipped her quite thoroughly and now I want to make sure she understands that she is mine, I am going to breed her. So please feel free to enjoy – she is open for use for the rest of the evening."

The others needed no further encouragement.

Cynthia felt fingers stroking and teasing the backs of her legs and her ass. Someone’s fingers – she could not even tell if it was a man’s or a woman’s slipped between her pouting labia. She knew it had been Sharon when she heard her say to June congratulations –you’ve already trained her well. You’ve got her on display and fixed for breeding and she lubricating like a bitch in heat."

Cynthia notwithstanding everything that had transpired, felt herself blushing.

It was true.

She was fastened into a terribly lewd position, her gag was causing her to drool freely, but she felt her pussy swelling and throbbing as Sharon’s finger continued to stroke it before slipping inside.

She groaned around her gag – it felt so damned good. She didn’t care how obscene she looked. She had stopped caring about how slutty she appeared – all she craved was that delicious fullness that flows from being penetrated.

She silently begged for it never to stop. But of course it stopped. Everyone had played this game before. Everyone but Cynthia knew that the object was to use the pretty lady callously for their own pleasure but that she was not to be allowed release. That would come later.

June watched the goings on with amusement. She even took the time to walk over to Eric, still fastened to the cell bars, avidly watching the display and the using of the restrained woman.

The sight of Cynthia splayed wide open, tightly restrained was having its effect on him. His cock was swelling around the cuff, causing him a lot of pain. The spikes were digging deep into the helpless cock. He was just beginning to moan when his wife approached.

"Poor Eric" she purred as she stroked his captive cock through the bars. It looks good enough to eat doesn’t it" Well of course it is – you’ve seen me eat it. But poor Eric, you don’t get any of that.

Robert and Steve get to sample that delicious cunt, but none of that for you – you just stand here and watch." She enjoyed the obvious signs of his arousal and frustration as she walked away, to rejoin the others around Cynthia.

The others were enjoying tormenting the young woman. Sharon had moved around to Cynthia’s head and getting a thick cushion, had positioned herself so that her crotch was level with Cynthia’s gagged mouth.

Pulling her skirt up and sliding her panties to the side she looked at the restrained woman and simply said "lick". Cynthia wasted no time. Aside from the fact that Robert had replaced Sharon behind her and was driving her crazy by sliding the head of his cock up and down her steaming pussy, the very concept of being sexually used in this manner was making her crazy with lust.

She cried out around her gag when she felt Roberts cock slide into her. She was so incredibly wet that there was no resistance whatsoever.

She tilted her face a much as her severe bondage would allow and extending her tongue through the metal of the gag began to try as hard as she could to pleasure Sharon. She realized that with the gag in her mouth it was incredibly difficult.

With her lips held captive by the gag, she could not suck or nibble – all she could do was probe with her tongue. Sharon admonished her to do a better job of eating pussy, or perhaps she would like to revisit the whipping bench.

Cynthia renewed her efforts, flicking her tongue up and the Sharon’s slit – insinuating it between the lips and enjoying the moans of pleasure she was able to elicit.

In the meantime, Robert’s cock driving into her gaping pussy was sending her to new highs. As tightly fastened as she was, she tried to rock her hips with each stroke, hoping to get some more pressure on her clit. She needed to cum so badly. She was long past being embarrassed or humiliated. She had had it driven home to her that she was June’s slut. That she was being bred at June’s whim. She was here to be used – she just needed to cum!!

But once again, the cock slipped out and she cried out in frustration.

An impatient Sharon ordered her to get her tongue back to work and she quickly obeyed – licking frantically up and down the gaping pussy in front of her mouth, twirling her tongue over the tiny clit barely protruding from its hood, then moving back down, forming her tongue into a roll and trying ever so hard to penetrate Sharon with it.

Finally she felt Sharon begin to shudder and jerk her hips in front of her, moaning freely as her orgasm over took her.

Cynthia was left hanging in her restraints – pussy aroused and gaping, so frustrated she could cry. She saw Robert walk in front of her just as she felt another cock slide into her gaping pussy. She realized that Steve was availing himself of her offered charms. She was indeed a slut to be used. Again, she savored the fullness in her pussy, the growing intensity, the rising sexual rush, only once again to cry out in frustration when the wonderful cock left her. Left her empty and wanting.

Was she crazy. Here she was tightly restrained, every intimate part of her body on full display, drooling around a gag. She should be mortified – embarrassed and humiliated, but instead she realized she was rocking her hips back and forth as much as the straps would allow, trying to get something – anything - to touch her cunt and hopefully fill it. She truly had been turned into a slut.

June walked up next to her and removed the gag. Cynthia gasped and thanked her – working her cramped jaws and savoring the ability to close her own mouth. As she loved to do, June stroked her slave gently, providing a vivid contrast in what was happening to her.

"I know love it literally hurts doesn’t it? Your pussy is so swollen and engorged – I wish you could see it – that I’ll bet it actually aches. Tell me love how badly do you need to cum?" Cynthia almost cried out – "please Mistress I need to cum more badly that I ever have – and yes, my pussy does ache – I can’t stand it".

June smiled and let her hands slip around her captive, lightly playing with the hanging breasts and their swollen nipples.

She let her other hand slide down Cynthia’s back, down over her ass until she found the engorged vulva that had been the topic of their conversation.

Lightly stroking and teasing it she continued… "This pretty pussy love? Is this the pussy that is aching?" Cynthia found herself trembling at the touch, not caring at all that others were watching her in a state of heat having her sex teased. "Yes Mistress, please don’t stop – I need to come so badly". She could not believe that she was hearing her own words, in front of the others, begging to b fondled and teased and brought to orgasm.

"Here’s the deal love" June spoke. "I’m going to give you one hand free. The only way you get relief is if you do it. I’m not going to do it for you.

No one else will do anything except keep teasing you. If you want relief you have to show us what a slut you really are". As she spoke she continued to stroke and tease the presented vulva, stopping every time she felt her captive’s sexual tension mount.

She opened the frame holding Cynthia’s head and hands just enough to allow her to withdraw her right hand, then refastened it and stepped back.

Cynthia was overwhelmed. She had never admitted to anyone that she masturbated – had never in her former life done it in front of a lover. It was supposed to be a private, personal intimate thing.

Yet she needed to come so badly. She felt the juices of her arousal seeping down the inside of her thigh. Her odor permeated the room.

There was no delicate way to put it she knew she was a slut in heat!

As these things were going through her mind a finger again began to stroke her. Her flesh was so aroused, so flush and swollen that she couldn’t tell if it belonged to a man or a woman, and the frame in which her neck was locked kept her from seeing who was behind her.

Maddeningly slow and gentle it teased and caressed her. First the outer lips, then lightly pinching her protruding inner labia, then lightly brushing her clit, then slipping back up to tease her asshole – God it never stopped.

Again she found herself involuntarily trying to rock her hips – to increase the pressure just enough to get over the top. It was not to be. Just as she felt herself getting close – so very close – the finger left her – alone and desperate.

She finally gave in. She couldn’t stand it any longer. She didn’t care if she was a slut. She didn’t care how or even if she could look any of these people in the face tomorrow. She didn’t care what they thought of her. She just had to cum!!!

Having made her decision, having shed the last of her dignity and inhibitions, she reached her freed hand back between her legs until she found her pussy. God it felt good!! She stroked and teased herself, moved to her clit – dancing around it just as she liked so much, feeling the sensations growing and growing. Finally when she knew there was no holding back, when she knew it would happen, she plunged two fingers deep inside herself, frantically rubbing that special spot.

Her orgasm when it came was something she had never experienced before. It came in waves of contractions deep inside her, waves of pleasure rolling over her. She found herself gasping and panting for air, straining in her restraints.

Finally it began to wind down – slowly ebbing from her body, replaced by an incredible sense of well being and an ebbing of all tension. Her breathing finally slowed and she found herself simply hanging there in her restraints.

In a hazy fog she realized that June and Robert were loosening the straps holding her there, while the Steve and Sharon crowded in close. "That was truly awesome and wonderful" Sharon whispered to her, then kissed her deeply. Steve joined in, telling her how sexy she looked. Robert had moved around to help her get up. Unable to stand on rubbery legs she was grateful for Robert’s arms around her, holding her. He looked her in the eyes, then kissed her deeply, telling her how incredibly sexy and erotic she had been.

June had gone into the other room and was waiting for her on the couch. Robert helped her sit back next to June. June held her close, wrapping the blanket around her, and they just relaxed a while as Cynthia rejoined the living.

Finally, returning from wherever she had been Cynthia regained herself and moved to get back on the floor at June’s feet. June smiled at her and said – "since I let you have such an incredible orgasm – I think some payback is in order.

What do you think of spending the rest of the night in the cell next to Eric?" June could not help but chuckle at the look of panic that overcame Cynthia.

Cynthia wanted to be held. She wanted to be loved. She wanted to tend to her Mistress in every way, but the last thing she wanted – she actually dreaded the thought of it –was to be locked away in a cell all night, away from June.

"Just teasing you love. I may be a sadistic bitch, but I’m not that cruel. But I do want you to get used to being my slut, because I definitely want us to do this again. Soooo"

Producing a pair of leather wrist cuffs and a short strap, she proceeded to put her lover in relaxed but effective restraint. The short strap was run through a ring at the back of Cynthia’s collar – the end came down to mid back. The leather cuffs were fastened on her wrists, then hands behind her back, the cuffs and strap end were joined with a padlock. Cynthia now was naked, hands cuffed behind her and pulled slightly, though not severely up into her back.

"Since I’m not making you spend the night in a cell, your slut mode continues the rest of the night". You will remain naked. You will make sure that your legs are always open, giving access to your cunt, whether you’re sitting, kneeling or standing. You are available to anyone for any purpose tonight.

Expect them to continue to use you – your show on the breeding rack has left everyone kind of horny. If anyone summons you, you are to stand in front of them spread your legs and arch your hips forward and ask them whether they would like to use your mouth, your cunt or your ass. Now have fun!"

Not knowing exactly what was expected of her, Cynthia contented herself to remain kneeling at June’s feet. The others relaxed and chatted. Within a few minutes, Steve called her. The thought of spending the night in the cell, alone, restrained, away from June scared her more than the whip.

She quickly struggled to her feet and made her way over to where Steve relaxed on a couch. Remembering her instruction she spread her legs, then arched her hips forward – lewdly presenting her sex. "How may I serve you Sir?" she asked, "Would you prefer my mouth, my cunt or my ass?"

She felt the thrill go through her as she found herself debasing herself in front of these people. Never, in a million years before coming here would she ever have imagined that she would be standing naked in front of a casual acquaintance offering her body to be used.

Steve leaned back, freeing his cock from his pants and told her to start sucking. Cynthia got down on her knees, leaning over his crotch and managed to take his hardening cock into her mouth. She began sucking and licking it.

At first it felt strange to be giving head to a man as his wife sat and watched. But the submissive side of her trumped that.

Here she was naked with her hands cuffed behind her, servicing a man because failing to do so would surely result in punishment.

She again began to get hot. At the same time she was doing this for her Mistress and she wanted to do well. She tried to get as much of the hot, salty cock into her mouth and throat as she could, realizing all the while that people were enjoying how this sexy young woman looked with her mouth full of cock!

June had been right. She had gotten everyone hot. It wasn’t long before she felt the cock in her mouth start to twitch and jerk. She felt the gush of his semen hit the back of her throat. She tried to swallow, gagged and felt it running out the side of her mouth, onto her chin.

Without her hands she had no way to clean herself. She stood shakily, hoping that perhaps June or even Sharon would help her.

Then she realized that this was part of her humiliation – to remain naked and cuffed in front of everyone as the semen dried on her face. She should have been mortified – dying of shame and embarrassment. Instead she felt her pussy betraying her again, beginning to become engorged and aroused.

Not being summoned immediately she made her way back to June’s feet, kneeling patiently.

June suddenly announced that she was still in a sadistic mood so she was going to offer her confined husband a deal.

Everyone looked at her expectantly as she continued. "He’s locked away for the night no matter what" she began. "But there’s locked up and there’s locked up.

I think I’ll offer him the choice of being locked in the fiddle all night, or, taking a thorough cock whipping and being allowed to spend the night just locked in the cell with no restraints. Anyone care to wager which he’ll take? Ask June, smiling.

Sharon piped in. "I won’t bet, but for me, I hope he chooses the cock whipping. I am still so damned horny and one thing that always lights my fire is watching a man having his cock worked over. When Steve and I switch, I can spend hours and hours teasing and torturing his cock and balls. The more I do it the hotter I get, and the hotter I get, the more I want to keep doing it!"

June asked Robert to go and demand Eric make his choice – obviously feeling that it would be more humiliating for her husband to have to answer the question to another man.

She told Robert to take some restraints with him and if Eric opted for the cock whipping, to bring him back with him.

Cynthia was torn – she felt so submissive and so close to June, yet she really got hot thinking about June’s submissive husband being abused. It was as though June read her mind. "Yes pet – you can go with him to watch"

Cynthia struggled to her feet and followed Robert to the other room, walking behind him, still naked, over to where Eric was still fastened to the cell bars, his cock restrained and presented. Despite the fact that she herself was both naked and restrained, seeing Eric like that was just hot!!! She was obviously a hopeless mess!

For Eric it had to be embarrassing as Robert, fully clothed stood in front of him, freely staring at the other man’s restrained nakedness – fastened to the bars by his cock.

Robert conveyed to Eric June’s message – he was to decide on accepting a cock whipping or being confined for the rest of the night in the fiddle.

The indecision in Eric’s eyes was obvious. Both choices were awful. He knew from experience what a thorough cock whipping from June involved. At the same time he knew how terrible it would be to be locked in the fiddle with hands cuffed together and legs drawn up. The first hour was just uncomfortable. The second hour became painful as muscles cramped. After that it was sheer torture and all night was a lot of hours…

Waiting for an answer Robert reminded Eric that June had stated that if he did not decide, he would get both.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 16 Aug 2024 12:55 UTC
Views: 29