Day 8 : Charms

Feeling sick from bad sleep, Margaret was standing over the basin, staring emptily into space in the quiet room. She tossed and turned all night, and even though a few hours had passed, she didn't feel like she had even fallen asleep, her eyes were heavy but her body full of energy.
It was too early to go out and she wasn't in the mood to read. Sitting on her bed, lost in thought, she replayed yesterday's event in her head, staring at the floorboards illuminated by the moonlight. She remembered the excitement her father caused, she remembered the relief when she was finally alone, she remembered almost spinning in bed while her roommates discussed something; something that grabbed her attention: One of her roommate had been absent from today's classes because her dear pet had died.

Margaret stood up from her bed, bag in hand, and walked through the cold room on her bare feet, shivering slightly at the cool breeze. Sitting on the comfortable leather couch she reached deep in her bag, pulling out a sealed bag of furs; hearing a clinking deeper inside she also pulled out a bottle of bright yellow alcohol.
Working her wand diligently under the pale glow of the moon, Margaret crafted a very soft stuffed dog to the likeness of her roommate's departed friend, putting her heart into it, she tried her hardest to remember the conversation, trying to mimic to shape, smell, traits and even accessories the girl mentioned.
Made out of soft puffskein fur, the dog looked silly but cute nonetheless, reaching her pale hand into her bag, she pulled out a ribbon spool, adorning the animal with a cute accessory.
Struggling to not to trash her "shoddy" handiwork, the girl pulled out her watch: It was almost time. Smiling slightly, she carefully placed the bottle and the dog in a beautiful wooden box. Thinking for a second, she reached down her bag once again and placed a jar of homemade marmalade along with the other gift. The box sealed and adorned with a ribbon she quietly walked towards her roommate's corner and silently placed the box inside her wardrobe, careful not to disturb anything, especially not the girl.

With plenty of time to spare she went back to her corner to get herself ready for what she expected to be an especially exhausting day: light morning exercices, a change of clothes, daily care and a quick breakfast.
The room was very quiet, at least three beds were vacant: it seems Gryffindor wasn't a popular House these days, it was a little sad but at the same time she was glad she could escape the life she imagined the other houses having.
Still a little woozy from the lack of sleep, she made her way towards the lake, reading her Charms book at the same time to slow her pace.
Her thoughts distracted her from her reviewing, instead worrying more about whether her roommate could tell she was the one who made the gift.
Fighting back the urge to sneak back in to get rid of the box she kept walking through the cold halls of the castle, bowing a silent "Hello" to the rare ghost or painting.
She couldn't focus on her book at all, instead focusing on the what-ifs and eventual consequences of her gift, hoping the girl wouldn't search for her, hoping she would be happy, hoping she wouldn't be reminded of her loss, and as the cycle of negative and positive thoughts occupied her mind she found herself just outside of the castle's walls.

Giving up on her revision, she placed her book back in her bag as she started her morning routine with a jog, deciding to focus her mind on her breathing instead.
She was getting used to being greeted by the beautiful foggy landscape, the harsh cold wind and the lake's icy water, their comforting presence soothed her more than she realized. Repeating her well practiced morning ritual she stretched, jogged, swam and stretched again.

The girl was now basking in the sun, sitting on the edge of the pier, finally able to focus on her studies, her body fully satisfied. She breathed slowly, enjoying the warm feeling and the dull ache in her muscles. She didn't want to go but she had to... By now her roommate had probably found the box... She quickly cleared her mind and focused on Charms again as she walked towards the class, sighing.
The hallways were bustling despite the Great Hall still being full of happily eating students, the Gryffindor walked briskly, dodging groups and individuals, ignoring the rare call out, knowing full well it would be about her father again.

Early as usual, Margaret sighed in relief, slowly sliding against the wall to sit on the ground, her book in hand; no one else was here, she could enjoy a temporary respite.
Little by little, students arrived, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups, and slowly but surely, the noise increased and so did the quiet girl's discomfort.
This was another ritual of hers, one she'd love to get rid of. Finally, her favourite part: the teacher opened the door to the class and the students poured in.

The room looked similar to Professor Weasley's, it was made out of wood instead of stone, a difference she could smell right away, the comforting fragrance soothed her and reminded her how much she actually loved studying at Hogwarts.
Professor Ronen was a considerate man, he had been quickly briefed by Professor Weasley but his teaching style was invigorating. Of course, first class meant introductions, the playful man added his own flair to the tradition, allowing students to tell more about themselves, asking them personal questions like their favourite candy or their most disliked professor. The relaxed atmosphere made for an enjoyable morning as the students learned new things about each other.
Of course Margaret was no exception, her introduction was full of subtle humour and bad puns, the class erupted in laughter as Professor Ronen kept giving her ins for a quick retort, like a well rehearsed number. Her cold and inexpressive demeanor only made the whole thing even more funny to her classmates who didn't know this side of her at all, for the few that remembered her. She bowed gracefully, shaking and quickly forgetting everything that had just happened.

After a quirky demonstration of this year's spells, Professor Ronen invited the class to follow him outside for a surprise, the loud group walked slowly, with Margaret trailing far behind, alone, as they traversed the school on their way to the courtyard.
With a wave of his wand, the jolly teacher created a game of Summoner's Court before happily declaring "We will be having a Summoner's Court...Tournament!" the students clapped happily, he quickly glanced at Margaret, within earshot but reading her Charms book, sitting in the grass.
The teenagers enthusiastically filled out the match-up charts on the blackboard, chatting about the exciting mystery prize and teasing each other, suddenly, a look of horror appeared on the old professor's face: not only Margaret's name wasn't on the blackboard but there wasn't any space left.
He briskly half-jogged towards her, holding his hat. She was sitting in the grass, back against the wall, her beautiful green eyes focused on the text, her eyes quickly identified him before returning to the book, she looked again, this time wandering around the teacher's general direction.
"Miss Megamelons!" said professor Ronen, the girl quickly stood up, dusting herself off, but not looking at him "Professor?" she replied in her trademark monotone voice. "I'm sorry, it seems I made a mistake with the tournament and..." the man interrupted himself, turning around to look where his pupil was watching.

A well-built man was walking towards them, wearing a beautiful suit and sporting a charming demeanor, Margaret nodded at him and he smiled widely, waving at her. His sudden return obviously interrupted the tournament and disappointment filled the girl as she noticed girls she wouldn't expect to flocking around her father.
Leonard dismissed them with his hand before joining his daughter. Giving a quick nod to professor Ronen he embraced Margaret, greeting and teasing her in French as she nodded quietly, not returning the embrace.
"Sir! Unhand my student!" said the revolted man, realizing his blunder Leonard quickly stood up "Oh where are my manners, my apologies Professor." he bowed gracefully before adding "I just can't resist my adorable daughter, we miss her so much." he said, a longing look in his eyes as he ruffled her hair.
"You're her father? Well it's my turn to apologize, I had assumed the worst!" replied the shocked man. "Yes...It's a long story, anyway, Summoner's Court tournament, huh? I wish I had teachers like you back in the day!" said Leonard, holding out his hand for a handshake.
The flattered man shook his hand, smiling "But without them you wouldn't have teachers like me!" Ronen laughed and Leonard nodded "Anyway, I know parent's aren't allowed to visit whenever they want, I'm actually here to see Professor Weasley." said the father, quickly kissing his daughter on the cheek. "Take care of my little girl!" he added, waving at the professor and gawking girls behind him.

Chuckling, Professor Ronen thought out loud "Now what was I saying..." the girl quickly interrupted him "The tournament."
"Oh right! I'll leave you to study for now, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, but when it's over I want you to come play a few matches with us, alright?" he smiled at her as she nodded and opened her book again.
She was far enough that the cheers didn't break her focus but she could still see the crowd and the players, the tournament would've probably been a fond memory later in her life but she was used to being forgotten or discarded, she was past longing. Pulling out her wand she practiced the spells in her book diligently, she was excited, she had been at Hogwarts for one week already but she still couldn't believe her nightmare was over, the thought of being a squib had tortured her for many years and she intended to make up for the wasted time.

Professor Ronen walked towards her, inviting her over silently when she looked at him. She joined him, but not before stretching her limbs, much to the man's admiration, he quietly applauded her diligence as she approached, which she thanked with yet another nod.
He quickly explained the rules with a swift demonstration and made her face a quiet Ravenclaw girl, they played fair but Margaret's earlier training paid off and she won the round. Next, Ronen made her face young miss Onai, a fellow Gryffindor she didn't like, she was noisy, her exotic smell was overwhelming and she blabbered just as much as Amit.
Margaret played first, carefully pulling the ball right in the bonus area, earning herself a round of applause from her teacher.
Natsai played next, pulling violently towards her rival's ball, bumping it off the zone with a wide grin.
Utterly disgusted, Margaret abandoned all ideas of fairness and focused her subsequent turns on pushing Natsai's balls off the board, winning 50-0 with a hint of disgust on her face.
The bitter rival conceded, holding her hand towards Margaret, who was already leaving, disappointed in her housemate. Ronen looked sad as he cleared the area, telling Miss Onai to apologize when she gets the chance.

Sullen, she walked towards the lake, her white hair flowing along the strong wind as she blamed herself for how badly she had just treated her classmate. She wanted to take her mind off things, to stop thinking about how much of a mess she was. Quickly disrobing, she jumped in the lake, now much warmer than this morning and she pushed herself, speeding across the familiar waters...

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Pub: 15 Apr 2023 16:51 UTC
Views: 276