Hero Healer by anonymous
4 years ago, you were accidentally exposed to a confluence of 5g rays
And you developed... superpowers!
And testicular cancer, too... b-but that's been treated!
Your ability?!
You can...
... heal people
You can't even heal ordinary people, too
It ONLY works on people who have been exposed to the same mutagenic process
In other words, only on Superheroes
As lame as it is that you didn't get super strength or x-ray vision or the ability to shoot fireballs out of your nipples or something...
At least you can use your powers to help out heroes in need!
And so, you were recruited the UN's hero agency to be the first full time professional "Hero Healer"
You were so excited at first!
But a year in, and some of the magic is starting to wear off
For one, you've learned that to use your ability, you have to make physical contact
If they're still alive by the time they can get them to you, you can save them, but...
Sometimes healing them requires you to be so close to them for such a prolonged period of time that you are basically feeling them up and or spooning with them
In the most severe cases, for up to 12 hours at a time
Getting to meet your favorite heroes is one thing, but then immediately having to start therapeutically groping them?
And for that matter, you've learned the hard way that sometimes it's best to never meet your heroes...
Some of them aren't all that pleasant to deal with
The worst of them treat you like a nuisance and like a pervert for having to get handsy to heal them up, never mind that you can't help it at all
Most of them are professional but curt, and don't stick around long enough after you've healed them back up for you to make much of a connection
But worst of all, there's one particular hero who seemed cold at first, but seems to have started to feel almost entitled to your powers, and you
And get VERY angry when you have to do your job and use it on someone else, or has to wait to see you...
His hero persona was "Whiteout"
And sadly, before you had met the guy, you had actually been a big fan...
He's young and modern, and has kind of an edge to him that the older, more mature heroes don't
It made him seem kind of relatable, and it brought a small smile of schadenfreude when he would give the stuffy, bureaucratic hero's union a headache with his attitude or antics
That he's undeniably attractive with his confidence, pure white fur and 0% body fat physique in his skin tight costume certainly helps, too...
You figured he was probably more low key in person, and you held a secret candle in your heart eagerly awaiting the day it would be his turn to get healed by none other than (you)rs truly
But oh god, you were not ready for it
It was like that stupid copypasta with the rapper trying to steal 15 milky ways, but even WORSE somehow
Granted, he was in pretty rough shape when he limped into HQ, but he first completely ignored the director introducing you and then, on finally noticing you, whispered to him "what's with the kid? I thought I told you to warn me ahead of time about these Make-A-Wish photo ops..."
Flabbergasted, you and the director shared a bewildered expression before he cleared his throat and responded "Whiteout... this is Anonymous. Our new healer, who I was just telling you about?"
The hero leaned in, scrutinizing you with squinted eyes, and for a second you were worried he was about to turn on his laser vision
"... he's too young to be a doctor. This some kind of joke, or...?"
"Whiteout! This is no joke, and while he isn't a doctor, his ability to heal is quite extraordinary! We are lucky to have him under our employ, please show some respect!"
"Well you're paying him too damn much, then! If he's THAT good, why in blazes am I still bleeding?!"
"His powers work via physical contact, Whiteout! And you would have known that, too, if you had actually been listening to me! Now enough with your damned attitude! There are other heroes waiting to be healed after you, and the longer you waste all of our time the worse they may get!"
The director then stormed out, closing the door to the healing office with a slam, leaving you alone with the canine
Whiteout responded to his scolding by rolling his eyes, and then directing those eyes back towards you, causing you to gulp involuntarily
For a while he just kept sizing you up while glowering, until finally his signature cocky grin slowly erupted across his muzzle
"... so, you touch me where it hurts? That all?"
You take a second before realizing he's actually waiting for you to reply this time, and unable to muster words, you instantly meekly nod
His grin widens into a huge smirk
"Well well well, aren't you lucky? You SURE this isn't actually a Make-A-Wish event?"
Before you could even formulate a response, he began stripping down, all the way, until only his underwear was left (and of course, it has his symbol on it...)
But, f-fuck, he's hot...
Your heartbeat picked up, and so did his ears
You forgot, he has super hearing...!
And super speed! He closed the gap between the two of you in a literal instant, and based on how he somehow looked even smugger, it seemed he knew what kind of effect he was having on you, and that you knew he knew
"Cmon then, don't be shy, show me what you've got, kid!", he said, guiding your hand to his bare left pec
Your hand made contact, thin soft fur like velvet covers thick muscle, corded like a mixture of sinew and steel wire, and you shiver at the sensation
But your mind was yanked from the gutter when you took a second to truly look over the damage
He was putting on a cocky front, but he was in rough shape
Patches of his perfect white fur singed or even burned off, and much of the rest stained with blood from multiple deep gashes
You had never seen him that hurt on TV before... just who was he fighting...?
"Hey? Uh, human? You gonna, like, DO SOMETHING or just keep copping a feel? You can, for the record, but i'm gonna have to charge you for false advertising if you don't-"
Ah, right
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you focus inward and turn on the healing
You hear a surprised gasp as a familiar green glow erupts from your hands and envelops him
"A-Ah... fffffffff-"
Now it was your turn to break into a cocky grin
You could feel the muscle under your fingers losing their tension as he let out a big, contented exhale, and in only seconds, his cuts were closing back up
He leaned forward as if desiring to get closer to the source
And slowly, even your less acute human senses could pick up that his heart was beating faster, and his breathing getting heavier
"Hahhh... gotta admit, you're pretty good at this, human..."
He was damn right!
"Missed a spot right here, though!"
And before you could react, his free paw started guiding your hand from his pec...
... to his crotch!
And then the cherry on top, that was the exact moment that the director decided to step back into the office
He got an internal demerit and a severe censuring for sexually harassing an employee, you got a desperate apology from the director. (And a very, VERY weird boner)
But even so, you still have to heal the damn guy if you want to keep your job
And unfortunately, you're worried he's been nursing quite the grudge since then...