Round Two Begins</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The man's face scowled in recognition as his eyes fell upon mine. Suddenly I felt as if I had a chance at winning the second round. This man hadn't been watching out for the simple spells yesterday, so why should he be today? Although I knew that he would be looking out for a few, it was just a question of what simple spells did he remember. I stood with the corner of my eyes watching the king. As soon as he dropped his hand I would shout the word that would send this man flying off this rock hard.</p>
<p>The hand waved and I yelled the spell the same exact time he yelled the counter spell. It was a single word, the same as the word that sent you flying backwards through the air. I felt my magic hurtle toward him to shove him off, but his feet held still to the ground, he didn't even budge! I knew I was in trouble then. I'd have to think of a counter spell quick before he shouted something else. For now though, I started off with a reflection spell that would repell any small spell he thought would take care of me quickly.</p>
<p>This man wasn't familiar with the words and scowled again. If he kept letting his emotions give him away, then finding out if a spell would work against him would be easy. My mind quickly thought of chipping the stone out from underneath him and throwing his feet attatched to the rock off the stone, but when I tried it the ground remained solid. Was the stone we stood on enchanted so that it wouldn't be damamged? I disgarded breaking the stone and tried thinking of another way to dispell him.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, the man was thinking of spells for me. He repeated my spell that was suppose to send him flying. I quickly countered with a spell that made me heavier so that I couldn't move anything but my mouth. I scooted a few inches, but other than that remained on the platform as I was. The crowd listened intently, waiting for my next words.</p>
<p>If he had used the same spell as me, he would've scooted back a few inches himself, so the spell that made you heavier was out of the question. I rethought my attack strategy. He couldn't be knocked off, but I wondered if he had warded himself against attacks that didn't knock him off the stone. The best way to test that was to start something simple. I said the word that would break one of his fingers. It worked. The man grunted in pain of his snapped bone.</p>
<p>Now that I knew that worked, I tried another set of words. The man shook his head, tryed to clear his vision with his eyes, but nothing worked. He must not know the counter spell to clear your vision up. Seeing double would deffinately confuse him for a while longer. I racked my brain for more spells, but I couldn't think of anything to stall him with. I needed to figure out what was gluing him to the rock, but I could only do that in time. The man had probably figured that out by now, because he shouted the same word I used to break his finger against me.</p>
<p>I wondered if he had only survived the first match by staying in the background like I had. His number had been fifty nine, but I wondered if that had only been by chance. Or maybe the people who ranked me had purposely set me high because they didn't think I had a chance because I was a field girl. The reflective spell that I had set up worked because now two fingers on the man's hands were broken. In preperation for the future, I scooted myself farther into the center of the circular stone with a spell so that I wouldn't be shoved off the edge.</p>
<p>My thoughts returned to the stone. About how I couldn't break it because it was enchanted. Then a idea began to form in my head. Just like I had found out that the man hadn't set spells against not throwing him off the edge of the rock, maybe the stone was only enchanted to keep people from breaking it and nothing else. That meant that there could be spells other than ones than that can break the rock that can effect it yet not effect the enchantment.</p>
<p>He had to be doing something with the rock that didn't break it. The man shouted the spell to throw me over the edge and only managed to scoot me back another three inches. He shouted something else, which only made his situation worse. In attempt to try and ruin my vision, he had tried to raise a cloud of dust. Now dust floated around him instead of me. The reflective spell was protecting me well enough, but it was also draining a lot of my energy. As was the spell that made me heavier and kept me attatched to the ground.</p> </div>

<div class="textbody" id="storyText" style="-webkit-user-select: none; opacity: 1;"><p>Attatched.....to the ground.....he must of attatched himself to the ground! I shouted words that would detatch him from the stone, but suddenly I felt as I was lifting a large weight. I dropped the magic completely. He must have added the weight spell into the mix of well. His two spells must be draining him as well. We could have a battle of who could last longer, which I might win with help from my enchanted armor that would slowly steal his energy, but we didn't have time for that. What else could make him move from the stone without lifting him or detaching him?</p>

<p>I would have to think of a spell that would allow him to remain on the rock, yet detatch him so I could move him. The situation seemed impossible. I couldn't keep him on the rock yet keep him off the rock. I would have to think of a spell that would either cancel out his or turn his own spell against him. The man was also at a stalemate now that he realized that his spells were being reflected back at him, but he had no idea what range of the words he knew would be effected by this. Both of us were busy trying to out think each other.</p>
<p>Now I realized that's probably how we both made it here. Our opponets might know more words and are capable of stronger spells, but they don't think about how their moves effect their enemy dirrectly. They just spout off something they know will solve their problem.</p>
<p>I refocused my thoughts on my situation. I didn't want to be caught off guard by a spell like the guy from the first round. However, the man across from me had become warry of what he said against me. For all he knew a stronger spell would just end up hurting him instead of me. While I was free to use whatever spell I wanted as long as it didn't break the rock or remove him from it. Then my mind thought of something. Maybe I could alter his spell so that I could slide him across the rock and over the edge. The only thing he would be able to do is increase his weight to make it harder for me. Unlike the spell before where I had tried to throw him off and his feet held fast, they wouldn't since I wasn't trying to toss him off this time.</p>
<p>I thought the words carefully before I put them to the test. My goal would be to slide him as fast off the stone circle as I could. I shouted them out and he begun to slide backwards just like I had intended them. Seeing as my plan was working, I put more energy into the spell making him slide faster. He realized this, and just as I had thought, tried to make himself heavier. I shouted a spell that would effect him without removing him from the stone. It would cause whatever spell he used on himself to do the exact opposite. The man found that instead of becoming heavier, he became lighter and slid right off the edge of the stone.</p>
<p>But the struggle wasn't over yet. Since his feet were still attatched to the stone, he remained standing upright on the side of the stone circle. I continued to pour more energy into the spell, making myself closer to blacking out from using over my limit. This was all or nothing and I was putting my all into it. His back hit the ground just as I was beginning to lose my own vision from the effort.</p>
<p>I was declared the winner and I removed all my spells and wards imediately. I felt better, but my head was still woozy. The guard handed me my number and I managed to take my seat in the winner's stands before I passed out. Somehow I was able to force myself to stay awake during the last ten matches of the day.</p>
<p>"Congradulations to those of you who have been lucky enough to win today's challenges. I look forward to watching you in the third round of the tournament tomorrow. Please return to your homes and rest up!" The King delcared and I hardly heard him from my nausia.</p>
<p>I had enough energy to call Canna with my mind to meet me outside the doorways of the arena. She was waiting for me as everyone was dismissed and carried me back to my house. I had to walk the small distance to the bed, but it was nothing compared to walking to the winner's stands. I wanted to refuse her, but Canna poured her energy into me, making me at the level I had been yesterday when I had returned home from the first round. She became drained herself, but she had more than a week to rest up.</p>
<p>Only twenty five people remained in the tournament, and the third round would declare the winners.</p>
<p>(notes: I forgot to mention that between each tournament day, you get one day of rest. So that Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are fighting days, Tuesday and Thursday are resting, and Saturday is for crowning the champions, and Sunday is a rest day between the tournaments. I skip the rest days since they aren't important.)</p></div>

<div class="textbody" id="storyText" style="-webkit-user-select: none; opacity: 1;"><p>When I had regained my strength for the last day fighting of the tournament, I walked on my own out of my temporary housing. I made sure to have the wooden token on me. I felt Canna pouring more of her energy into me to strengthen me more when I got an idea. There was no rule forbidding drawing energy from a partner from within the crowd or outside the stadium.</p>
<p><em>Do you think that you'll be okay if I draw on my strength and your's? </em>I asked her.</p>
<p>Canna seemed almost delighted at the idea that she would be helping me win against unknown opponets. Sometimes she got too competitive. <em>Anyway I can, I'll help you. </em>She said, rising to her feet and causing those of my kind who were walking the streets to back away from her.</p>
<p>That was all for nothing because she had to lay back down so I could get on her back. The more strength I preserved the better, so if she could carry me to the arena instead of me wasting my own energy, that energy might be enough to win. She laid back on her stomach so that I could get off when we arrived at the stone colleseum.</p>
<p>Wait outside the arena. <em>I don't think they'll allow you in. When I start to use my energy, that will cue you that my challenge has started. </em>I told her. Then added. <em>Try to find the closest point to me so that I can absorb your energy quicker and don't forget to warn me when your strength is almost depleted.</em></p>
<p>Canna nodded her massive wolf head in a downward dip and looked me in the eyes. She understood what would happen if she didn't alert me.</p>
<p><em>What about wards? Am I allowed to place some on you if I think you've overlooked something? </em>Canna asked as I went to leave.</p>
<p><em>As long as it doesn't violate the rules, I think you can. </em>I replied.</p>
<p><em>Good luck, Lumina. </em>my direwolf said as I walked away.</p>
<p>I had to show the woman my wooden token again to prove that I was indeed one of the winners from the last round's victors. Once she approved it, I was led to the same stands I had sat in yesterday.</p>
<p>There I waited until further notice.</p></div>

The Results of Round Three</p>
<p> </p>
<p>When my number was called after the seventh challenge had finished, I knew that I must have made some impression on the judges yesterday. I strode up to the stone circle to the guard who once again stood at the bottom of the stairs. He took my token and I went up. This time my opponet had been the one to reach the top.</p>
<p>His number was twenty two. I didn't know what my level was now, but I did know that he outmatched me. I had watched him fight in one of the early matches. He only used fire spells and wards to protect himself from his opponets. I had watched as the magician he faced was hopeless in front of him. It had seemed that no matter what spell he used against his opponet, it was thrown off. At least he didn't know the reflective spell, or I'd be helpless.</p>
<p>While I waited for the King's hand to drop, I thought of ways to defeat my opponet. I reached out with my mind to my direwolf while I still could.</p>
<p><em>Canna, my opponet uses fire spells and has a ward on him that prevents any spells from striking him. Help me think of a way to bypass them, I'll need to concintrate on dodging mostly this round. </em>I threw out to her.</p>
<p>She acknowledged the contact and began spinning ideas and checked with me to see if they would work.</p>
<p>The king dropped his hand and a collum of fire blasted towards me. I dodged to the side, rolling on the ground and coming back up in a crouch, ready to spring from the next attack. Last round had been a battle of wits. This one would be of physical skills. When I was little, and Canna had been the size of a pony, we had practiced fighting with each other. She had pranced like a pup, back and forth towards me to try and get a good read on my skills. I learned how to dodge when she pranced forward, and spring towards her when she backed up to re-evaluate me, just to catch her off guard.</p>
<p>I dodged the fire man's next attack, this time flinging to my back to the left, and rolling under the heat of the flames with my arms tucked to my body. After the danger passed, I rolled to my stomach and used my hands to push myself off the ground and into another crouch. I waited for his next attack and used the precious moments to think of a way to defeat him.</p>
<p>By this time the man had made his way to the center of the ring. I could feel him gather up his magic for a collum of fire that would reach even the outer edges of the stone circle we were on and cause me to either run from the fire or jump off the platform. I had no intention of giving up so early, just when I'd found out that I could dodge his attacks efficiently.</p>
<p>He started the wall of fire off to my right, and I began sprinting around the the stone circle. I knew that he could only keep this up for one turn of the circle, so I kept running until I was back at the same spot I was before. So far, I'd been only using my own energy. I wouldn't use Canna's until I had a sure way to defeat him. He gathered up his magic again to do another fire wall attack. I dashed to the right this time as it formed on my left. This one was faster, and I had just been able to avoid the flames.</p>
<p><em>You need to stop moving around, you'll just tire yourself out. </em>Canna advised.</p>
<p><em>What do you think I should do? Wait for him to scorch me alive!? </em>I snapped back.</p>
<p><em>Maybe you should fight fire with fire. He couldn't have put wards on himself to protect against fire or he wouldn't be able to use the magic right now. </em>She pointed out.
You know I don't know any fire spells. I countered.
No, but HE does, and you can use his own flames to attack him. Use one of your re-dirrecting protective spells to do it. She says.
Then prepare yourself, those kind of spells are very draining and I'll be using both of our pools of energy to do it. I warned her.
I stood in the same spot I'd been before just moments ago. The man was preparing a third fire wall and I knew that this time I would fight. Just as he released it, I spun into it's path and got out of its way in time. However, a portion of me was still in the way as it had reached me. I had placed a ward on myself to reflect the fire away from my skin by muttering under my breath as I had spun, so he had no idea that I had placed magic on myself. It looked as if I had narrowly dodged the fire, but I wasn't done there.
Now I was going to use my secret weapon that I'd been saving for a tougher fight. I had hoped that I wouldn't need it in the first and second rounds. The only spells that I knew out loud were the simple ones, the ones I'd been using so far. I had prepared myself in the gap between the second and third fire wall after I had contacted Canna.
I dropped all my present thoughts in my mind, about the arena, the crowd, the nobles, and the king. His friend, the guards that surrounded us, then the other challengers. I pushed everything away from my mind exept for Canna's presence, the stone that I stood on that I knew I must not leave for some reason, the other challenger, and the movement and feel of the flames at my left side.
I brought my hands up, and without words, dirrected the flames with them towards the challenger. I had spun around, using the force of the flames against him by U-turning the collum back at him. The man was unable to stop them and had to dodge his own flames. A roar of some noise was all around me then, but I ignored them and focused on my current task.
The fire man gathered flames into his hands and then released a quick jet towards me. I faced my hands towards it and made the jet go upwards and around me as I spun again and threw the fire back at him. This time instead of dodging, he took the fire and copied my motion while shouting words that would allow the fire to follow the path he wanted. His eyes were creased with anger that I was countering his attacks.
As I had come back around to face him and threw the flames, I waited in a crouch as they came back to me. I threw my hands upwards while standing up and the flames spiked up. Then, I shoved my hands towards him and the fire curved and headed back to the man. He took them back eagerly and attempted to thwart me by making them larger and stronger, so that it would be harder for me to redirrect them.
He made the flames U-turn around himself and then threw the new collum at me. I placed a single hand in front of me and a single behind, and sliced the fire in half. The fire went around me as intended and eventually the man had to give up the spell or risk wearing himself out. He tried a new one, this time only throwing spheres of fire at me. I straightened my hands and formed the magic in them into platters to disolve the fire as they hit them. I got every fireball and once again we were standing in the open stone circle again.
The man began to start a new fire spell and as he finished it, I stole the fire from right out of his hands and spun around, being the first to throw the fire at him. He held his ground though, and shielded himself from the magic. The fire spit off on either side of the magic barrier he had put in front of himself. He almost forgot that the magic was from his own making and didn't turn it off. The fire man ended the spell quickly once he realized that the strength for the spell was his own.
Now that I had the feel and movement of the flames, I could copy his magic. His flames had been a distinct bloodish red color that flicked with red orange. The flames that I conjured towards him, my flames, were white and flickered with the same golden color as my hair. Elemental magic always reflects the user's style, so of coarse my fire would be different than his. We clashed with a single collum of flame.
The man's eyes showed disbelief, astonishment, anger, and a satisfied grin. He had found an opponet that was at his level, but he didn't want to lose any time soon. My face was emotionless, as I was completely focused on the shape of my flames and his. Slowly, he had to take staggering steps back. My fire was overtaking his not in quantity, but in strength and accuracy. He had thrown out a large collum of flames to protect himself, but I had created a pin point collum that disrupted his at the center. It caused his flames to flail around in the air as mine pierced right through the heart of them.
I gathered a bulk of my energy, and just like he had done to create the fire wall, I released it into my flames but kept it a needle fine point. The man hadn't been expecting this and was pitched off the edge that I had forced him to. I was momentarily confused and stopped my flames as he disappeared into the blackness beyond the stone circle.</p>
Lumina....Lumina! You won! Canna's voice shouted in my mind.
I instantly snapped back into focus. All the things that I had shoved out of my mind came rushing back. I was glad that she had waited for me to end my magic before alerting me, or something could have gone completely wrong. My ears suddenly picked up the sound of cheering and the king congradulating me on my match. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, trying to get back to seeing everything. Then I went back down the stairs. Since I was a victor, I didn't need the token back.
I took my seat in the winner's circle in a trance-like state. I couldn't believe that I had been one of the few lucky ones to win this year. I wonder how my grandfather would react. I hadn't told him that I had entered the magic tournament, but I wonder what his reaction would be when I told him I won! It wouldn't be hidden from him for long in my city back home of the results of this year's games were always talked about in the streets for months afterwards.
I cut my energy from Canna only to reach back for it when I almost stumbled.
Careful Champ, you aren't ready to stand on your own feet just yet. Canna said in amusement, already aware of my weakness.
Thanks I replied, thanking for both the energy she provided and the advice during the match.
I sat down in the ninth winner's chair. Only four more would be sitting next to me.
Among the winners in the circle, there was only the one woman that I'd seen yesterday in the group. Only two females had won this year, and the rest male. That was adverage for any games that the women didn't have many victors in the magic tournament. Males were usually trained better, but I had been raised up with a magic using creature, a direwolf, so I was as good as them.
When the last match was decided, the victor took his place in the last chair. The king stood up to address the crowd.
"Congradulations, thirteen victors on your preformance in the arena. You have been lucky and skilled enough to win this year's sorcery tournament! I hope to see you all rested up and well tomorrow for the awards cerimony!" The King announced.
Although the crowds from the arena were filing out, we had been instructed to stay within the winner's stands. We would recieve additional instructions on where to show up for tomorrow because it would be a different entrance in the arena. Once the judges were done with us, we were allowed to leave. I was able to cross the arena to the doorway where Canna was waiting for me on the other side when I was ambushed by some of the judges who were all wearing cloaks. They had been waiting for me to seperate myself from the rest of the group. Their sharp tones forced me to spin around to face them.
"Do you know what you did, girl?" a woman said, holding out the word girl in distaste.
I shook my head back and forth, not trusting my words. Even then, it only looked as if I had shivered. My eyes planted on whoever talked to me.
"One mistake and you could have charred the whole lot of us!" She continued.
"But it's not against the rules..." I began, but was inturrupted by a man.
"Because we thought it was common sense to not use magic with thoughts alone!" He errupted, waving his hands.
"How did you do it?" A third judge asked, a woman who was slightly calmer than her peers.
"Yes, how did you pull it off? Even our trained spellcasters have to take years to preform what you just did!" The man pressed.
"How did you do it?!" The first woman snapped.
"I....I...." my words were lost in my mouth. I wasn't very good with communicating with others.
The judges must of had enough of my silence, because they simutaneously attacked my mind for an answer. I managed out a cry to my mount before I was consumed.
Canna, please! I begged, asking her to remove them from my mind.
I felt her mind connect to mind instantly and shoved out all others with her firey anger. The judges backed up in fright when she also entered through the doorway and stood in front of me, snarling at them. I touched the side of her neck, telling her to calm down. She stopped baring her fangs, but kept a grumble in her throat. The judges fled from her, losing their surperior demeanor and running like the cowards they were.
Canna turned her head to me and stopped her grumbling. Are you okay, Lumina? They didn't hurt you? She asked.
I'm fine, just a little shaken up. I tell her, rubbing the side of my head.
Let's leave here Canna says, lowering herself to her belly.
I climb up on her back and grab some of her neck fur to keep me on. She pads away, her claws clicking down the street as she takes

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Pub: 08 May 2024 20:43 UTC
Views: 755