Urgent dispatch

A Post-boy trotted past the shoppers in the market. To get to the destination written on the dispatch in his hand, he had to squeeze through all the people of various kinds. Some with long, fluffy ears or short, scaly tails or entirely made out of mechanical parts. Telling of the sheer vibrancy of the city he lives in.

After a few minutes, running past all the clerks hurrying to their meeting and workers unloading crates from carts, he finally arrived. It's a district with many ostentatious buildings. Copper fences, tainted glass, gems, you name it. But this building is different. The plain, white paint of the walls contrasts with the gold-plated building not far from it. Its regular shape ironically stands out more than its peers, like the one that looks like a miniature castle.
The Post-boy gather up his courage and took a deep breath. Though it's not his first time coming to this district, it's his first time walking into one of its buildings.

He pulled up his hat, and read the plaque on the Blue iron fencing.

Republic of Owl Embassy, Hololive Global Empire

Established 508 VTE

The embassy

The ambassador's deputy quietly closed the door behind her.


"There's... a letter you should read."

The moustached man put down his steel pen and asked,

"Is it about that shipment of steel to /kfp/ again?"



"It's official, would've been meant for the secretary back home if it's the case."



"Beats me."

"It's the Risuners."

"Oh? Let us see what those devilish squirrels have for us!"
The ambassador adjusted his brooch, together with the owl feather pinned on his coat by it and gestured for the letter.

Seeing the smile on her superior, the senior diplomat forced out a smile.
"I'm sure you would find it... interesting."

Minutes passed. The deputy watched as her boss's expression changed as he moved down the document. Barely containing her laughter.

After reading the document, the ambassador put down the letter, hands shook a bit when he released it.

With a look of bewilderment, he spoke
"Golly... And what should we do now?"

"Letter was delayed due to a storm, and the ship that it rode on, unfortunately, had a couple of undeclared cargo. You know how much red tape there is in /hlg/..."
"If we send it to a ship leaving for the Homeland tomorrow, we can probably beat their fleet by... Half a week?"

Twirling his moustache, he spoke to himself softly
"And it's too far for messenger birds..."

"It's our only choice."
She shrugged.

The ambassador looked up at the engraved ceiling and took a deep sigh, face buried in his hands.
"I can't believe these people... 20 years in service, probably the most absurd thing I've seen."

"We've dealt with the Squirrel folk multiple times."

"But not with their officials, well we are not dealing with them directly but still. The merchants are at least somewhat competent. Most of them at least have the respect to hand in their documents on time. I know their relatives back home are... lax in work ethic but it's just..."

The ambassador buried his face again.

"And this remark. I just..."

The deputy recalled that note attached by a Deadbeat admiral.

...I must apologise again for the time sensitive nature of this request. But please do everything in your power to educate the squirrel folk of the disparity between us, as in all of Vitubia, and of the Alien visitors. We also humbly request you to deescalate and mediate in the event such an unfortunate circumstance would arise. Though we are most curious about what arms these strange people possess, I believe all of us are not willing to be on the receiving front of it. I have to stress that the hope to avoid a conflict is not the least due to the prospect that our esteemed navy might be dragged into it. Lastly, I also want to thank Dr Voltaire and his colleague for their work on our Visitor from outer space. Although I wager it is less comprehensive than a report of your RID, it has nevertheless proved invaluable in our Admrialty's study regarding the Sanalites. Guess you wouldn't mind lending one of your intelligence reports when we meet again? Ha ha! I jest...

"On that, I do agree. Not even penning their own notice is one thing but only notifying just anyone of it is pushing it a little."

"Argh! I'd wager they didn't even think of sending us an advanced notice before they set sail! If our skeleton friends didn't have the initiative and inform us... Arrrrrgh! The letter to the capital is most likely going to be late anyways. Why even...."

"Protocols. Well, we can send two copies, one to Eulhaven and one to the capital, to make sure the city would at least be prepared for our guests."

The ambassador, still agonised by the revelation, took a sip from his cup.

"Let's just hope they would take their time in Atlantis then... The shark people there should uhh... Serve as a distraction."

The deputy smiled and adjusted her glasses.
"Let's hope."

The ambassador looked at a Risuner cart driver drove past and muttered to himself
"I hate squirrels..."

Pub: 11 Jun 2022 17:01 UTC
Edit: 11 Jun 2022 17:04 UTC
Views: 566